Ok for the facts
1. Horse slaughter in Texas was against the law based back in 1949 but was ignored. This foreign business started out with cattle for one year then secretly switched over to hide from the public.
2.These were foreigners that did NOT pay gross income tax or tariffs tax on exports which All Americans are subject too.
3.These foreigners had many illegals working there that did NOT pay tax if they were Non Residents.
4.Horse slaughter before 2007 did NOT even make up 1% of the 9 million horses in the US.
5.Horse slaughter is merely a reward for irresponsible people. (AQHA) American Quarter Horse Association, other Associations that promote for papers.
6. Since stopping horse slaughter in the US has saved the American tax payer $5 Million dollars a year totaling over $25 Million to date. This money went to USDA inspectors.
7. Horse Auctioneers, Killers, Over Breeders, Breeder Association all need each other to make money.
8. Do your research on a guy name Leroy Baker an Ohio Auctioneer who owns and operates sugar creek auction. Leroy has been fined over $162,000 and to date has NOT paid one dime. He is protected by AG and other pro slaughter goons.
9. Research the (FOIA) Freedom of information's Acts on horse slaughter which you will see how irresponsible people were paid for bringing abused and neglect horses to slaughter and then some that were stolen.
10. Pro slaughter folks say stopping horse slaughter has caused the horse market to drop. NOT we might as well say stopping horse slaughter has caused the economy and home sales and car sales to drop also. Lets not forget traveling and vacations are down too.
11. Pro slaughter associations have NO HISTORY of promoting or donating to ANY horse rescues in the US. Their only wording is their over loaded and underfunded.
12. Slaughter is NOT Humane do NOT believe Pro slaughter lies.. Its all about the Money.
13. Stopping US horse slaughter did NOT moved to Mexico and Canada they were slaughtering horses long before the US took their funding away.
14. Allowing horse slaughter in the US will NOT make people responsible. Its time to punish these criminals NOT reward them.
15. If a horse must be put down euthanize it NOT slaughter it.
16. Pro slaughter do NOT care about the drugs in horses such as Brute , Steriods, Wormers etc.
17. The pro slaughter say we need horse slaughter in the US. Yet the same amount of horses are going to mexico and canada. WHY because they want the market. Canada now sets the pay rate and with fuel cost killers are hauling more horses than ever. They are advertizing like crazy for unwanted horses or cheap horses and lying saying they will have a nice family home. LIES...
18. The Majority of Americans OPPOSES horse slaughter.
19 Pro slaughter are using AG, Farm Bureau, Cargil , Poultry, Beef industrys saying if we stop horse slaughter they will be next.
20 Call your elected officials tell them to pass S1176 and a recent bill Hr 2966 ASAP.