Ok horse lovers..time for the ultimate question!?
Mother nature
2010-06-21 22:08:24 UTC
Would you take in and tend to a horse with two working legs,the other two are keeping the horse up by a walker device.The horse has one ear and is blind,has no mane and cropped tail.This horse has skin problems and diseases that are non life threatening.
If your a true horse lover,you would take in this horse.This is not a actuall horse,just one i made up.
So how many of you loving people would take this horse in and tend to its care for the rest of its life? Assuming the horse will live to be 35 yrs old.
21 answers:
Shadow's watching me
2010-06-21 22:15:10 UTC
Of course I would! It could have a few hours of life left in him/her and i'd still take them in. Horses are my world,besides my fiance. It doesn't matter to me if I'd go into debt keeping the horse up,It would be worth it in the long run knowing I saved a life.And I do know how to save a life.
2010-06-21 23:09:00 UTC
Well that completely depends on several factors. First of all, as many people pointed out, the technology to do that just isn't there so that horse probably wouldn't live for more than a week, at the most. So in that scenario, no,well, if I had the money, I would buy the horse to have it humanely euthanized because it's quality of life would be nonexistent and that would be the kindest thing to do for the animal. However, if the technology is available, I once again had enough money and several different vets and farriers agreed that the horse could live with a good quality of life, then yes I would. If the horse could get along fine in the field and wouldn't be hindered by the walking devices and could enjoy life even with skin conditions and diseases, I would do what I could to ensure the horse would survive. As an animal, it deserves that. If you were to offer a horse like that to me right now, I'd have to refuse. I don't have the money and there is no way the horse could have an acceptable quality of life. I'd inform vets of it and animal control if I felt they needed to be involved, to ensure that this animal was not being kept alive when it would be kinder to humanely euthanize it.
2010-06-21 23:59:10 UTC
Assuming this horse was dumped on my door step and the vet said it could live a healthy long life.

If I had the time and money to care for the horse 110%, then yes I would keep the horse. At this point in time I don't have that luxury, so I would probably have the horse humanely put down, although I might keep it for a month or two, try to fatten it up, clear up the problems, put it in with a few other horses if it's not contagious, so it can enjoy some kind of normal horsey life.

But in retrospect, that just wouldn't be the right kind of a life. It wouldn't be fair on the horse to be sentanced to a life like that. Horses are meant to run around, and buck and play. Not be disabled. Then again, maybe surgery can fix the problem and if I had the money, I would do it, but we don't live in a pefect world.
Love to Josie and Cocoa!
2010-06-21 22:57:08 UTC
First off, the horse wouldn't live two weeks, let alone 35 years. There are no walker devices for horses, and as the old saying goes, " No leg/hoof, no horse.". If it has one ear and is blind, it is most likely too scared of everything to have a good life. No mane and cropped tail would be fine, as long as it either lived it a pest-free stable, because there is no such pasture, no matter how hard humans try, or it had ultimate pest protection. The skin problems and diseases could probably be cured and/or controlled. But would it be worth it to the horse? Why should he have to live a horrible life? If it would be worth it to the horse, then fine, I'd keep it. He'd never be able to go outside, would not be able to move, would probably have to be force fed, and would panic at the slightest sound.

So, as a true horse lover, I would only take in this fictional horse to euthanize it. Nothing should have to live such a life. And being a horse lover, I know that you have to let go. Not stand by and watch a helpless creature suffer. I would be a traitor to my beloved horses if I let that animal live. And I know that if it was me, I'd beg to be killed.
Peanut Palomino
2010-06-21 23:08:57 UTC
I would love to be able to provide the horse with the most comfort it could have. Which would mean he would be euthanized. A horse with issues like that will never live a full, happy, or comfortable life. If I had the money to make him normal and comfortable again, I'd do it, but I don't think vets have that technology yet. So I would do what would be best for him, put him down.

It's about quality of life, not quantity. In other words, it's not about how long a horse lives, it's about how well he lives. A horse like that would have an extremely poor quality of life. Euthanizing would be the best thing for him.

You say this means that I'm not a true horse lover. In my opinion, this just means that I'm a smart, realistic horse lover.
2010-06-22 05:53:45 UTC
I cant even think about such a horse!!! He must be scared to death and be so miserable he just cannot have a happy life :( The best thing to do for him is put him down so he can't feel miserable anymore. Its just fair to the poor horse... And not all horse lovers would take him in because the might already have other horses so you can't just say if you were a true horse lover you would take him in!!! If I had to take such a horse in I would hurt everytime I see him as it would be to sad to see a horse with that many problems.
Iona <3 Alvin
2010-06-22 03:31:41 UTC
as much as i love horses, keeping such a horse would be cruel. even if you looked after his every need his quality of life would be extremely poor. He also wouldn't be able to do all the things horses enjoy doing - simple things like rolling or playing, and so he would be miserable and could easily become depressed. Also, keeping a horse in such an environment is very unnatural for a horse to live in, and not fair to keep 'stringing' him along when there's no way he'd be happy or capable of enjoying a peaceful life.
2010-06-22 00:05:21 UTC
In my opinion if that poor horse had that many problems I would put him down. I mean he won't be able to run with his buddies, he would be on medication for the rest of his life, he wouldn't be happy, and he would be in a stall for the rest of his life. I would take him make his last hours as best as possible. Because if your a real horse lover you wouldn't want the horse to suffer not be able to run or be happy. I just wouldn't be comfortable knowing how bad his life would be.
2010-06-21 22:46:37 UTC
I am a horse lover. But I already have two horses, and I have exactly enough money to properly care for two horses. Therefore I would NOT take this horse because taking in a third would mean sub-standard care for all three. Now how would that be fair to any of them?

Perhaps I would take it and pay to have it humanely euthanized... but that's the extent I would do. If I had all of the time and the money in the world, then I would buy all of the horses in the world. However my time and resources are limited, therefore I MUST limit the number of horses I have. Your question makes a lot of hasty assumptions.

((and if it's only got 2 good legs, those 2 good legs aren't going to be good for very long... sounds like laminitis waiting to happen... remember what happened to Barbaro?))
2010-06-22 04:58:09 UTC
Hell no I wouldn't take it.

A horse such as that would be living such a poor life that the right thing to do would be to put it down. I would have put the horse down as soon as it's only other option was to be put in a "walking device". Sorry, it just isn't fair to the horse to force it to be in something like that. The best I could do, or anyone could do, is pay to have it euthanized.
2010-06-21 22:17:18 UTC
hypothetically i have never seen or heard of a half paralysed horse kept alive in any such a walking device, so until such a device is actually invented and proven to work, i would have to say quality of life based on real life and what is available now, would dictate the horse be put down. keeping an animal like this alive in misery, would be to pacify the emotions of the human, not the reality of the animal suffering.
2010-06-21 22:47:34 UTC
Sorry but a horse with 2 legs that have to be held up is beyond me. The other problems you made up I could deal with. My brother in law just put down their 35 year old Arabian mare.
2010-06-21 22:16:16 UTC
I might take the horse in, but only to euth it. I would not keep it. I am assuming I am getting the horse when it is young? 30-35 years of never being able to run or go outside without worsening skin conditions is no way to live. Not to mention extremely unhealthy, especially for a horse. He would probably colic from inactivity way before he got to 35.
2010-06-21 22:41:39 UTC
In a perfect world, if I had enough money and time then yes I would definitely take that horse in and have him euthanized for his sake, but realistically speaking, its hard enough to take care of one horse when you use them for competing (In my opinion) so Im not sure if I would take in a horse like that (even to euthanize its expensive)... lol, but this question doesn't really say if you are a 'true' horse lover or not.. but anyways, to answer your question, if I could, yes I would take him in and euthanize him.
2010-06-21 22:13:33 UTC
Euthanize the horse. That is the humane thing to do. The skin problems and diseases might not be life threatening, but they probably make the animal uncomfortable. As for any of the problems, those would not effect the general comfort of it, so I would not recommend euthanizing it if you could afford it and take proper care. In my opinion, it is all about the horse's quality of life, which would not be very good.
2010-06-21 22:51:43 UTC
That it in pain? Or will it be able to be comfortable for the rest of it's life? If it were in a great deal of pain and there would be nothing I could do to make it comfortable, then I would euthanize it. If not, it would have a place in both my heart and my barn for the rest of it's living days.
Simple Little Ways
2010-06-21 23:17:15 UTC
i would! God intended for this creature to live- I don't care if the horse would die in 2 hours, I would still take it in and give it the best 2 hours of its life. All horses deserve to have love in their lives... this one would be no exception!
2010-06-21 22:15:21 UTC
I would! I would take any horse if I had to! If I fell in love with this make-believe horse, I would take it, no matter how bad the condition is!
2010-06-22 02:49:16 UTC
i would really like to say i would enjoy taking it on but really? it will only live i life of pain and would cost so much money to take care of.
2010-06-21 23:50:34 UTC
If I was a horse lover I would have it shot.
2010-06-21 22:57:35 UTC
I would. :] couldn't turn it away knowing that someone else might not take it in...

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