I get exactly what you mean! On here and at barns in my area.
- There are the young/beginner girls (8-11) that want to help 'finish' the 3 1/2 year old green ponies that is no where near finishing. But they want to help because they are ponies and grey/black.
- There are also the slightly above beginner (riding wise) but still lacking basic horse knowledge that want to buy 'projects'. They may not be able to thoroughly groom a horse without help from a groom or lunge or wrap a polo wrap but they still want to start their own horse from the ground up.
- No one (who is reputable) that breeds in my area because there isnt enough space at barn to keep mares and foals and there is not market for really young horses. But you still get the morons who dont know the first thing about foal health breeding their TWH to an Arabian. I am not joking, there is one at my barn. It is the funkyiest (yeah I just made that spelling up) mover I think I have ever seen. She also doesnt fit into any disipline in the area (or anywhere) because her conformation keeps her from being able to jump with any style and her movement is messed up. But someone still produced her just because they could.
- Then we have the people that BUY horses like the above because they are pretty. They come in all sort of fancy colors like pinto and roan every other color out there. They are buying the funkyly (if you know how to spell these words right send me an email please) conformed horses (cause their purdy) and plan to learn along with the horse. I knew a woman for a short period of time that had all sorts of cute (not to badly conformed) paints/pintos. I asked where she got them and she told me that she knew a woman with registered paints that bred her mare and stud every year so she could have a foal on the property. Once the foal outgrew its cute stages she gave it away. And of course never registered it. Every single year she pops out a foal. EVERY YEAR!
Sorry about the rant. But I needed to get it out. There is a lot more I could say but I would probably get reported.
I agree with you though. It is scary seeing green people buying green horses. I have never seen a situation of green horse, green rider working out without major ER bills or rider gets smart and hires a trainer. And I feel for the horses. They dont know whats going on when you break the saddle out for the first time. Training by 'trail and error' is not fair for the horse.
To all y'all saying you have to start somewhere, ect, ect.
You start on a solid lesson horse with a good trainer and figure out what in the world you are doing. After that buy an old school master (or just your average trail horse) and get out of the ring and RIDE. Learn how to handle situations in the ring and out in the open on a horse that has a 'been there, done that' attitude. Dont just ride in the ring and dont abandon all training. Balancing the two is the key. Once you can handle that, you should have at least an idea of basic knowledge. Then get with a trainer and see what they think of you skills (riding and knowledge). Make sure they are good trainers. Then if you are still interested in starting your own horse then discusse it with the trainer and work WITH them to accomplish common goals. Not just comming up with your own training plan from the ideas of people on the internet. Watching videos and reading articals is not a substitute for hands on horse knowledge.