Whats your "perfect" or "dream" horse? Explain if its your horse that you already own ?
h♥rses are p☮etry in m☼tion ツ
2009-01-01 19:43:04 UTC
Other +'s about him/her:
23 answers:
2009-01-03 12:42:39 UTC
Breed: halter bred quarter horse

Age: 2 1/2

Color: bright sorrel

Markings: star and small blaze

Disciplines: whatever we feel like

Height: 15.3 hands (so far)

Temperement: easy going

Gender: filly

Other +'s about him/her:

i already own her! she is a rescue. she was bred for halter but they wanted her to grow to much to soone so the supplements ruined her knees. the recscue i work at got her 2 days before they were going to put her down when she was just a yearling. her name is annie. the only thing her knees keep her from doing well is jumping if you live in AZ and want help finding your dream horse, check out
2009-01-01 20:07:41 UTC
I love all horses, so the three I've got are pretty special! I have 2 Thoroughbreds and an American Standard Pony. I'd love to have a Palomino one day too.

Any age is good, though if I ever get another horse, I'd like to do the gentling myself, so I'd want one fairly young.

The pony is white with black patches, mane, tail, and legs, one thoroughbred is a really deep brown that is close to black with a black mane and tail, and the other is white but specked with gray so that he looks gray close up. A palomino is a gorgeous light golden yellow with a white mane and tale (those of you who have seen Xena: Warrior Princess know what I'm talking about).

Markings aren't important to me.

Height isn't really important, though I guess I'm more used to riding horses that are about 14 or 15 hands high. My thoroughbreds are 17 and 18 hands respectively, so it's hard to get onto their backs to ride because I'm not really all that tall.

My horses have to be free spirits. I've always owned horses, ever since I was little, that weren't afraid of me and trusted me, but they had a closer connection to me than anyone else. I inherited the three I have right now from my aunt, so we're working on trust issues, but it's nice to watch them run and play. I've seen a lot of horses that were "broken" and I don't like using fear or intimidation to break their spirits. horses are pretty spoiled at times, but they are almost always well behaved with me.

I have geldings (neutered males). A mare might be nice, but not if I had a stallion at the same time. I think their temperament and personalities are more important than their gender.

I love all horses, so any quality they display is a plus to me! :)
2009-01-01 20:07:11 UTC
Breed: Thoroughbred.

Age: 12 is preferred, but 2-15 i ok, but I really don't care.

Color: Bay- a medium bay, like not a blood bay but not almost black either.

Markings: Star, 2 front coronets and one hind sock.

Disciplines: Hunter Jumper, 3 Day Eventing, Also rides western, barrel races and trail rides!

Temperament: 4 or 5 (If 1 is dead head and 10 is psycho) Very forward and eager, but easily controlled. Excitable, but not spooky. And a steady eddy towards fences ;)

Gender: Gelding

Other +'s about him/her: A gentleman on the ground, beautiful hunter jumper and super awesome eventer. The horse to take me far in both disciplines. Great on the trails, and awesome barrel racer. His name is Tommy! Registered name is Kaliva! He is a 12 year old OTTB and I am going to look at him on Saturday! Hopefully I can buy him!
2009-01-01 20:14:10 UTC
Appearance-wise, I've always been a softie for the big breeds, although there's also a Paint-QH gelding at our current barn who has a nearly-perfect personality (just needs work getting possessive against other horses with his food).

However, our current gelding, who was also the first horse we bought (our second mare unfortunately passed away), is as perfect as perfect can get, at least for us. He actually wasn't what I'd pictured for us at all, but he "chose us" early on and worked perfectly.




Connected star, strip, snip (not wide enough to be a blaze), one white front coronet and one half-pastern

Now-retired English (ex-racer, was used for eventing)

Male (gelding)

He's been polite and considerate since day one, he's been particularly attached to me since day one, and he's been worked with enough in the past to have good manners and tolerate all the "first time owner" mistakes we made when we first got him. We were told beforehand to never get a thoroughbred until we were ready for them, but he's been wonderful proof that you can't label an animal strictly by its breed. He doesn't crib Any "kicking" he's done has been minor protesting with a specific foot he's always finicky with. It's never aimed to hurt us and was easily corrected. He occasionally gets a little bite-y with his halter (if he thinks we're not moving fast enough), but he listens to corrections and stops when told. He stands for the farrier, vet, and grooming, trailer loads well, and tolerates all the hugs and kisses we plaster all over his face and neck. My mom worries about horses that don't have blankets or refuse to come in in bad weather. Foxy needs blankets due to increasing age and short fur, and he rarely wants out for more than a few hours.

He takes medicine and wormers well, and he (knock on wood) has never had problems with weight or colic. While a bad leg means he can no longer be ridden, he's still a gentleman and tends to be loved by anyone no matter where he goes. At place where we bought him from, the stable hand stopped and talked to me about how good of a horse he was. At one of the barns where we boarded him, we had complete strangers come up and ask if he was for sale (heck no!). Our current barn's owner thinks he's great, too, and he's always easy for her to move.
volleyball setter! #40
2009-01-04 08:23:02 UTC
Oh jeez. MY dream horse...?

Hanoverian (or Hano X TB)

5 or 6 years old

Already Trained in English

Full Jet Black Body

One white star

English - jumping, pleasure, fox hunter

16-17.3 hh

Calm and lovable, but spirited and energetic when I ride(about a 5 from 1-10 scale)


Doesn't have any vices (doesn't kick, rear, buck, crib, etc..)

Nice Conformation

Strong, tall, and sturdy

That's my dream horse!
Mark C
2009-01-01 21:12:11 UTC
My dream horse is mine. An eight year old bay gelding whose mother is a palomino and whose father is a black stallion. He wears a star and a snip and two white socks with ermines on his hind feet.

He moves where I look, with just a touch of my legs, as if he reads my thought. He's curious and likes people and waits for me at his gate when I come to pick him up for work. He nickers to me because he wants me to come closer.

He's slim, light and narrow. His gaits are smooth and forward but controlled. He can run a reining pattern - gallop hard, spin imposing like a dragon, stop sliding with his head low, and rollback quick and more than complete right into his tracks.

He walks the trails beyond the arena and keeps me safe. He's brave, mostly, but when his bravery fails, he listens to me and trusts me to get him home. He'll climb a rocky hill and carve a beautiful slow circle in the soft arena dirt - just because I ask.

He's silly sometimes. He loves to roll and make horse angels in the arena dirt. He lies down to sleep in his coat, with his lips slightly back to show a bit of teeth as he dreams of patterns and grain. He has to smell everything and everyone, and wants to know every horse in the barn or field. He follows me too close and bumps into my back when I stop, and then looks sheepish "How did I do that?"

If he's sick or hurt, he tries not to complain. And when he's released and well, he races around the arena at a gallop, kicks up his heels, and finally stops in front of me, tall and proud as if to say "Hey, boss, time to work!"

That's Lensman...
Laura F
2009-01-01 19:51:15 UTC
Breed: QH or stock horse

Age: 6-8

Color: Don't mind

Markings: Stockings :]

Disciplines: Western & a bit of English

Height: 14.3-15.3

Temperement: Loving, a bit spaztic when i ride :]

Gender: gelding
2009-01-01 20:02:56 UTC
A horse that pays for his dentist, farrier, board, and vet. Worms himself and mucks his stall. Pays for his own food that he feeds himself.

Well since that's never gonna happen...

Breed: Thoroughbred

Age: 15

Color: Black

Markings: None

Disciplines: Hunter/Jumper

Height: 16 hh

Temperement: Sweet little guy

Gender: Gelding
2009-01-01 22:30:54 UTC
Breed: Appaloosa

Age: 6

Color: Dun

Markings: Snowflake blanket, star on forehead, 4 white socks

Disciplines: reining, barrel racing, and jumping

Height: 15 hh

Temperement: Adorable, funny, and sweet

Gender: Gelding

Other +'s about him/her: I would love him to run up to me so i wouldnt have to find him in the pasture! And I would want him to come when called and stop the second you say "whoa".
2009-01-01 19:50:10 UTC
Breed: Quarter Horse

Age: 8

Color: chestnut

Markings: Blaze , one back sock on the right.

Disciplines: hunter/jumper, dressage

Height:16 hands

Temperament: 1

Gender: gelding

Other +'s about him/her : talented, smart, not spooky, quick learner.

I already own my dream horse, and i just described him up above :)

only one problem , he has arthritis at his young age due to being over worked as a 2 year old in western reining and pleasure. :(

my poor boy is so talented and so quick at learning but all his potential, age, height and good nature is only a good for as long as hes sound. id give up something of mine to fix him, but i cant. :(

but we press on, with are heads held high :)
2009-01-01 19:57:17 UTC
My dream horse would be a big stocky Quarter Horse in his/her prime.. I don't care about gender, color or markings, but i prefer no front socks... It would be a barrel horse for sure <3 and good on the trails for the most part (not to the point that its boring though) Temperment... just a sweet horse but not an entire pushover that the other ponies beat him/her up.
2009-01-01 19:59:47 UTC
This is a horse i ride at my stables - don't know age or breed

Breed: dont know

Age:7 - 10

Colour: either black or chestnut

Markings: star

Height: 14.1 or 14. 2

Temperament: energetic and loves to jump

Gender: Boy (gelding)

Name: Max
2009-01-01 20:04:27 UTC
Breed: Dutch warm blood

Age: 5-7

Color: Chestnut

Markings: white socks, star on head

Disciplines: X-country, dressage, hunter/jumper (eventing)

Height: 16.3 hands

Temperament: calm and energetic, willing to learn

Gender: boy

Other: sweet and friendly!
2009-01-02 13:54:07 UTC
Breed: Shire Horse

Age: 6 or 7

Color: Not really picky about this one, just dark in nature.

Markings: Must have the feathers on the hooves.

Don't really want to pull with him, either. Believe it or not, I want to ride him. I had heard that Shires are very gentile.

Gender: male
sea of bitterness
2009-01-01 20:27:11 UTC
breed would be andalusian of course. age, hmmm, 3. just getting started competing. color- glossy black (not common in andalusians. only 5% are black.) he would have a very small star in the shape of a star hidden under his forelock. he would be a cross-country superstar and a speed demon jumper. we would brush up pretty well in dressage too. trail riding and occasional barrels would be lovely pastimes. also, level 4 graduate of parelli of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes HUGE! about 18 hands. about a 4. calm and not super spooky, but spunky enough to always keep me on my toes. gelding of course. NO STALLIONS ALLOWED. not until i get my broodmare bunch that is.

i do have a pretty spectacular horse though. shes about to turn 5. he names Isabella's Eclipse, or bella for short. shes an black appaloosa with very few snowflake speckles. she gets really brown in the summer though. she has 2 hind socks and a white stripe down her face. she used to be an english pleasure horse, but now i have taught her to jump and cross country. we do a little barrels and others. we are about to start parelli level 2 stuff. she is soooo calm, and hardly ever spooks. i love her to death!!! its good to see some people still love their horses too
2009-01-02 08:53:16 UTC


Color:Jet black


Disciplines:First racing,retire and become an eventer


Temperement:Fiery,hot blooded,gental to me


Other +'s about him/her:I want him to be a champion in both racing and eventing but I dont really care champion or not
♥ A real Cowgirl
2009-01-01 19:55:06 UTC
Breed: QH!!!!( one of the only exeptable breeds)

Age: younger then 8

Color: Any exept white & gray

Markings: blaze and maybe paint

Disciplines: Barrel racing!!!!

Height:BIG like almost 16 hands

Temperement: Nice but challenging and LOVES to run

Gender: Gelding
2009-01-01 20:17:23 UTC
My horse of course!

breed: QH/Arab


color: flea-bitten grey

markings: flea-bitten, few scars on nose from head fighting

disciplines: eventing, anything that involves running and jumping, dressage

Height: 14.2

Tempermant: 7 (1-10)

Gender: Gelding


name- Aspen

highest eventing level- Training

2009-01-01 19:52:01 UTC
the one I already have is my dream horse!

Breed: Bashkir Curly

Age: 8

color: Dark bay pinto

Markings: Star, three stockings, one sock

disciplines: um... english

height: 14.1hh

temperament: Hes got some personality but he's a good boy ;)

Gender: Gelding

Others +'s: Wayy mellow, usually. just a sweetie :)
cla ro
2009-01-02 04:43:46 UTC
i like big horses, always have, or ponies. i was never one for the 15-16.2 range.

colour doesn't matter, i've had all colours. but i like a horse with nice paces, who will do a good dressage test, and one with manners. there's nothin gi hate worse than a bad mannered horse.

i do prefer geldings though.

my tb i've had since he was a foal, and i broke him at 2, he's now 8. but our pony came to us when he was 36
2009-01-01 21:21:26 UTC
Breed: PaintXTB

Age: 7

Color: Dark Bay Overo

Markings: Bald face, pinto marks

Diciplines: Dressage, english pleasure, halter

Height: 15.2HH

Temperement: 3

Gender: mare


Movement: Elastic, flowy, smooth....

Pecking order: Mid high

This is the description of my mare, MOONBEAM! :D I wuff her!
2009-01-01 19:47:45 UTC
A very tall horse.


Wont throw me off

A young and healthy horse

With a long mane that i can brush
2009-01-01 19:48:25 UTC
I want a gray Andalusian to do dressage. :)

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