“Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.”
Sun Tzu -- Chinese General and Author, b.500 BC.
So maybe something like 'Soldier Child' or 'Soldier Son'.
"O Captain! My Captain!" is a poem written by Walt Whitman to honor Abraham Lincoln. It was the main quote in the move Dead Poets Society.
So how about 'Soldier! My Soldier'
Here is the word "Soldier" in a few languages.
Esperanto = soldato. So you might call him 'Soldier Solldato"
French =
soldat, bidasse, militaire, or soldat
(** wouldn't be funny if the announcer said Bidasse as bad a**?!)
Militis = knight
Armatus, armati = armed man
Bellator, bellatoris = warrior, fighter; soldier. (remind you of any dark witches?)
Comes, comitis = comrade, partner; soldier/devotee/follower
mÃle and saighdiúir
soldier = senshi, buben, heitai, gunsotsu, gunjin, heishi
armed soldier = heijou, hyoujou
ex-soldier = furute, gougun
excellent soldier = keisotsu
foot soldier = hohei
great soldier = yuushou
mercenary (soldier) = youhei
mercenary soldier = yatoihei
old soldier = kohei, furutsuwamono
priest soldier = souhei
private (soldier) = heisotsu
soldier (common) = heisotsu
soldier at the front = husseigunjin
volunteer soldier = shiganhei
warrant soldier = heisou
I added a few references in the source section if you want more lists.