The non-horse people just don't get it. It is something that we have to accept in life.
With the rich stereotype, the non-horse people obviously haven't been around to see the "so true" reaction of horse people when we hear the saying, "In the horse business, if you want to end up with a small fortune, you have to start out with a large one." Most of us laugh and nod.
The sports one is what gets me. In riding, especially with our legs, we are using our muscles [different muscles, but in the same way] how body builders do. By holding our legs still, we are getting resistance of muscle against muscle, instead of stretching and flexing the muscles like runners. Our arms are stretching and flexing so that we can steer, and not post/trot/canter/lope with our hands.
We have the analytical skill of boxers, the reaction time of sprinters at the start gun, the balance of gymnasts [as in on a balance beam], the crazyness of those skiers [sp?] and snow boarders who jump off of those insane ramps, the strength of a figure skater [though not fully in the thighs], and to really stay in shape we have workouts outside of our sport just like anyone. Basketball and football players, and figure skaters all go to the gym, but are they told their sport isnt' a sport because they have to suppliment their sports with extra workouts? Barn chores for horse people are almost like going to the gym for others, if you have enough chores to do. But lack of chores never seems to be a problem.
Stating that eventing is in the olympics doesn't seem to impress people. They just turn around and say some other activity that no one else considers a sport either is in the olympics as well.
But the fact is, it takes skill for a person to control a 1250 lb animal who could probably break most of the bones in your body if they so much as felt like sitting on you. They don't steer themselves around a jump course, and set themselves up to take jumps. I have only heard of two horses that were able to take themselves around a barrel pattern by themselves. In flat classes, horses can't do transitions by themselves - they can't understand the judges! If a horse gets spooked, he doesn't stop himself from running away.
The riders do all of that.
We're the ones panting just as hard as the horses after a good fight over getting the correct lead, or going over a spooky jump, or running a five minute XC course.
Not the people "watching" who really aren't paying attention to all the work we do.
And there are a lot of bad stereotypes within just the english world as well. Eventers are insane and ride undisciplined horses [we're really just jacks-of-all-trades, thats all ^^], Hunter/Jumpers are stuck up, don't know how to ride, and don't ride real horses, Western riders aren't real riders, Dressage riders are rich snobs, etc, etc, etc.
I'm an Eventer, but I love taking my horse up to my pastor's place and riding with him and the other lady who keeps her horse there - they're western. They respect my skill, I respect theirs. Heck, I couldn't rope anything to save my life! I still haven't gotten down cantering with my western saddle - my feet always slip out, I guess the stirrups move with the saddle a bit more than English stirrups do, I dunno. But the bottom line is, within the broad sport of horseback riding, we need to respect everything everyone else does, and make peace with the fact that we can't do what they do, and they can't do what we do. The different disciplines are like us all having art degrees, but one person likes to sculpt, while the other paints.
Stereotypes are just bad all around. My horse is an OTTB... But he's so lazy, I have to use a whip on him. When we first got him, he wouldn't pick up the left lead, but the right one was perfect. He also never spooks. He likes hitting plastic bags with his nose to make them make noise... He likes walking over tarps just to hear them. I can actually count the number of times he's run our on a jump. Does that sound like an OTTB to you? I think not. = )
My trainer actually tried to get me to trade him with the school horse who was my first love... While Teddy will always be my first love, Dakota - my OTTB - is my current baby and second love!