horse stereotypes?
2007-11-15 06:42:30 UTC
what are the stereotypes that you are faced with? is it just that you own a horse, or is it that you do a specific discipline? i always get told how ritch i must be because i own a horse. what anoys you the most, who does this stereotype come from, and how do you deal with it?
39 answers:
2007-11-16 10:34:57 UTC
Usually when people learn that I have a horse, they follow it up with the obligatory "I rode a horse once... then it started galloping and threw me!" story. I swear, everyone who is not a horse person has a story like this.

Generally, I interpret them to mean that they went on a nose-to-butt trail ride on vacation somewhere, and their horse trotted a few steps and then they lost their balance and plopped off, but they always dramatize it.

Or, they ask me "do you race your horse?" No.....

Or, "do you jump over those fences?" Yep. "wow..."

Or, they do that obnoxious thing people do where they whip their butt and pretend to be riding and shout "giddyup" then laugh like they're very clever.

Only occasionally get the "you must be rich" or "you must live on a farm" stereotypes.
2007-11-15 07:40:01 UTC
I grew up dealing with the flighty, spacy Arab stereotype. I was one of the few people that showed an Arabian in 4-H and open shows where I lived. Most people had Quarter Horses. They would hear Arabian and automatically assume the horse was a basket-case. My first Arabian was the sweetest horse and did it all: western, huntseat, and gaming events like barrels and poles. She always went into the arena calmly unlike many QH's that were ring sour from just running barrels. I don't think a horse should ever be judged by what breed they are. I also believe many of the "psycho" horses out there are just the product of bad riders and trainers.

The other stereotype I've run into is that riding is not exercise. People will say, "Well, all you have to do is sit there. The horse does all the work." I've always found that hilarious. I would love for them to try running a barrel pattern, doing a jumping course, or post an english (saddleseat) horse's trot and then say that it's not exercise.
2007-11-15 19:29:25 UTC
I've been called poor because I ride western. I think we all know that which way you ride does not say how much money you have. Well, even having a horse doesn't say how much money you have. Most people I know with horses are not rich, they're just regular people who make sacrifices to keep a horse. The people at my school who ride mostly ride english so I get this from them a lot. I just nod and go along with it, usually going on a huge, long, boring story about how I have to live in an alleyway. Usually they either believe me and feel really bad or they just shut-up.

People autmatically assume that i'm a country hick and that I live in a tiny cabin in the woods. As I live in the city I find this one to be pretty funny. Again, I always go on a long story about how I have to wrestle bears and hunt with a knife to get food.

I'm not sure if this would exactly be a stereotype, but I've been told several times that my horse isn't a "girl's" horse, that a strong, firm man should be riding her. Of course, only men have ever told me this. I thought that we got along fine, but apparently I'm just mistaken. I just thank them for their advice and completely ignore it.
Stripey Cat
2007-11-15 12:00:33 UTC
People think I'm rich because I own five horses but I'm not. I don't have kids and I don't smoke. I'm not really into material possessions and fashion, I like comfort. I also breed, so selling a foal helps pay for the keep of the others (although this year, it paid for a colt and a dog!).

The stereotype I hate the most is probably just here in the UK. Chestnut mares - everyone thinks they are loopy, crazy or dangerous. Now, in dogs, there is a genetic link to colour of coat and behaviour but not in horses. In horses, it is a complete myth but if you treat a horse like a lunatic, then it will behave like one. Anyway, I have had six chestnut mares, I own two now, and a chestnut and white filly. They are wonderful animals and it upsets me that people call them because of the colour of their coat.

I just train mine and love them so they feel secure and happy. My best moment was taking the lead when a group of riding school horses were scared by workmen digging up the road with a pneumatic drill. Their lead horse was really frightened, so I made my way to the front on my CHESTNUT Thoroughbred mare and she calmly led the whole ride out from the bridle path and onto the road. I rode that mare everywhere and she was like a rock in the heaviest of traffic and even when we were riding in the woods and could hear a pheasant shoot, she trusted me.

She had the heart of a lion!
2007-11-15 08:27:47 UTC
I think the big one is that i am automaticly rich. Then they find out i have 3 and wow its all over!!!

The people that know that i not rich and that i work hard to keep my horses think that my house must smell like a stable or a kennel for my dogs. When i am not a work i must be knee deep in mudd and muck and poo! No No NO

Horse people often think i am crazy the QH is the only horse and i happen to ride paints and i have an old arab. I alway hear paints are stupid and crazy they will never make the horse that a quarter is. I always go back to a good horse is never a bad color.And paints and quarters go hand in hand all that a paint is any more is a QH that has something to make him stand out from all the rest. Solid paints well i dare someone to tell the differnce with out looking at the papers !!!!!
2007-11-15 18:27:41 UTC
I live in an area were horse people are naturally assumed as rich no matter what click you are from. People are just born into money when you have horses around here and so I naturally fall into that category even though my family really has to work hard to get by.

Another stereotype I have fallen into is the "crazy arab" nitch. I have a 13.2 hand Arab pony who has through every test passed with flying colors no matter what, but when I tell someone she is an arab I automatically get a turned head. Judges won't look at her at the hunter shows because she has a slight dish to her nose, she jumps like a charm and moves great with flying changes, but she still doesn't get noticed. This is a click that really gets on my nerves.
2007-11-15 07:23:56 UTC
Some of these have been applied to me and others my friends. I will agree the stereotypes had to come from somewhere. Eventing riders are crazy; dressage riders are snobs; trail riders cannot do anything else or are lazy; hunter jumpers cannot ride properly; western pleasure is a joke; barrel racers are arrogant about their event; Arabians are too high strung; QHs are the perfect first horse; horse people have a lot of $; you automatically are considered a better rider if you have a better trained horse; if you are new to a barn, you must know nothing; horseback riding is not a sport, and if you do not show on a regular basis, you must not ride very well. If all of the above apply to me on a normal day, I am a non-athlete, crazy, lazy, snob, with a lot of money, who likes high strung horses, and depending on the horse I am riding; I automatically am a better rider. Too much fun sorry.

Honestly, the better trained horses automatically makes you a better rider stereotype. It tends to irritate me more when the people who ride or own them actually believe themselves to be others betters than they are. As I am gotten older, I realize to let things go unless you can actually do something about it.
2007-11-15 08:08:11 UTC
Oh mostly that I'm rich (or rather broke from using $$ for horse), or that because I have no children, I can afford the horse (VERY true!!), or that I must not be seriously handicapped if I can ride (grrr) (oh yeah and my giant truck gets tickets in the handicapped spaces since disabled people couldn't have a truck... even if hubby is driving and it has Two handicapped placards!!), or from other adults.... no interest at all. No kids, disabled, and a horse... must be a freak! LOL! Another assumes I'm dirt and must stink and have horse poo in my car, house, and on my shoes. weird!!

Non-horse people don't understand...

OOH the "horse riding is not a sport " comment reminded me of a good fix to this issue that now has horseback riding included as a physical activity and sport in the Air Force fitness manual. We had mandatory PT every Wednesday and I wanted to ride at this time. Back then, "exercise" was all about the heart rate, how high and how long. I argued with the commander and doc until they let me wear a heart rate monitor for my two hour trail ride.... just a trail ride!! Granted, I had an OTTB and we liked to go fast... I stopped about every 2 minutes and wrote down what I was doing (WTCG) how long, the exact time, and what my heart rate was. I then took this very long list to the doctor and my commander. It was easily proven my heart rate was above my heart rate for exercise level for more than half of my work out. LOL!!! I was then allowed to ride every Wednesday while everyone else had to play basketball or run. haha! (never mind driving in traffic to work had similar effect on the HR monitor. :-)))
2007-11-15 18:22:21 UTC
Yep quite a few sterotypes in riding. Like if you have horses you are rich, escically english people, makes no sense. All english people are snobby and all western people are nice with "southern hospitality", sure NOT ( not saying all english people are nice or all western people are mean!). You can't get dirty if you are an english rider , umm we have to take care of our horses too! Those are only a few of the sterotypes I have encountered. This isn't really a sterotype but my friend, who rides wesetern and i'm a hunter/jumper, says and I quote " Alls you have ot do is stick your butt up in the air!" ha ha ha she she thinks she is so funny and frankly I am tired of it! How do I deal with it, ignore it, well I try, well sometimes I yell, okay a little for than sometimes, just about 99% of the time I yell. lol It justs gets annoying after a while doesn't it? Well good question. Best wishes!

Oh and may I add that my western freind barrel races so if you don't gallop at top speed you can't ride, well I'n h/j you don't have to gallop at top speed!!!. ( No offense to barrel racers )

EDIT: Yep I have heard the whole Arabs are stupid and flighty thing too because of my Arab cross that bothers me ALOT, and everone thinks I am weird freak who spends too much time witth horses because I like to read about them for school, I draw them, I try to incorperate horses in everything I do and appaerntly thats "weird", but don't other people do that just with differrent things? BUT I think the thing that bothers me the most is that riding isn't a sport, the horse does ALL the wor kand we just sit their.

I would like them to try to do a million things at once and still be able to think clearly, that would be hilarious.
Captain Commando
2007-11-15 15:31:05 UTC
I have gaited horses.

The stereotype I get constantly is that gaited horses can't do anything but trail ride.

Yes, they trail ride wonderfully


Fox Hunt

Hunter Pace



Run Barrels

Team Pen


Horse Camp

Mountain Trek

Goat Tie


Baby Sit.

They are the quintessential all around horse. Easy to keep and a joy to own and ride.
2007-11-15 11:01:13 UTC
I don't own a horse but I do attend a Pony Club. People sometimes assume I must be really posh going to Pony Club.

I think this idea came about because years ago, only the rich could afford to keep horses. Horses need food, water and shelter and keeping horses was a sign that you are rich.

I just laugh off the idea of me being really posh.
2007-11-15 06:54:27 UTC
I think it's because people see all the money that goes into horses and thinks that means that you must be rich. Most horse people that I know spend all there money on their horses and don't have much left over. But you must admit to do horses in a big way you do have to be rich. Land is expensive, big barns are expensive, show horses of any breed are expensive.

There are other stereotypes such as ponies are mean and Arabs are flighty and QHs are steady, dressage riders are snotty.

I just ignore people who insist on stereotyping me and my animals or else, if they seem open to the discussion, I explain why I believe they are wrong.
2007-11-16 16:03:19 UTC
People always tell me riding is not a sport, and that I never do anything, because I don't any "real" sports. Boy, I'd love to stick them on a horse and see how they do. They also think that riding is pointless because "all you do is sit on a horse and kick it to go faster" I HATE it! People also assume that I am poor, because I don't actually own a horse. That is because I don't have the right property for a horse, and I can't afford board in my area, which is 800-1000 dollars a month! (I know, that's insanely overpriced).
2007-11-15 06:49:26 UTC
Hmm i own a horse and people constantly assume that i am also rich and that i have nothing else in the world to do. This is bull because I work hard in my life in order to keep and see my horse. Another thing, is my friends ask me if jeans and boots are the only thing i wear. they arent, most of these stereotypes come from people who have never even seen a horse before and people who obviously dont understand the joy of having one. I deal with it by telling them, if you owned a horse you would think differently.
2007-11-15 15:59:17 UTC
Oh man, I know how that goes. People think you have to be loaded to have a horse. But horses aren't just for rich people. If you can work off so much of the payments and save money while still owning your own horse, then it is so much more rewarding than having parents pay for everything! Also, people think girls with horses are spoiled. Haha, yea right. I do know some girls that fit that stereotype, but many work their butts off. Parents don't want to be stuck with all of the bills any more than we do! And the prissy popular girls think that girls who have horses are tom boys and never get 'prettied up'. I must say, I do wear a lot of jeans when I go down to the barn, but I don't go to walk around dirty and I do wear skirts :P. Also, because so many little girls get ponies, and they grow up telling their daddy what to do, this also feeds into the spoiled brat stereotype. I know plenty of girls who would rather muck stalls than clean their room! Some English riders do stick their noses up at other disciplines, so people think that anyone who rides English is a snob. Until they can go around barrels and poles at top speed, I wouldn't want to see them turn their nose up at Western riders! And the people who say that horseback riding shouldn't be considered a sport because the horse does all of the work.... ugh.... Obviously they can't see our crazy leg muscles from riding! And arm muscles from dumping water buckets! :P That is when you stick them up on a horse and tell them to hang on over a jump at even a trot! Then they won't bring that up again! As for dealing with the stereotyping, just ignore them. You know who you are and who you are not. I am sure you are as hard a worker as the rest of us. Have fun with your horse and good luck in the future!
2007-11-15 11:29:41 UTC
There are many sterotypes and horse people are quick to judge from their opinion and not from facts or someone with experience.

I ride a retired race horse. Thoroughbreds here are thought to be flighty and nervous and unable to do anything but run fast.

We trail ride and do some light dressage and train in amny areas. I want a versital horse who can go out on the trail and work cows if I need to and one who is light and responsive to my leg aids and well mannered.
2007-11-15 08:27:51 UTC
It probably comes from all the wealthy people who flaunt their ownership of horses.

That means the rest of us "poorer folk" who own a horse or two, have to endure the remarks that non-horsie people say to us.

I have barely made it sometimes owning a horse. They ARE a lot of work and it takes a lot of money to own one.

The stereotype will endure so all you can do is just ignore it and when people insinuate that you are rich because you own a horse just say "yes I am. I am rich in happiness". ;)
2007-11-15 10:47:53 UTC
One thing I have always hated is when people assume draft horses are only for work.

"Oh, you have a shire! She must pull so much weight! Does she plow?"

Hate that!

The owner of the stables I go to wanted to hook her up to a plow for her main page. That only continues that stereotype...

Just because I live in Tennessee and don't have a TWH does not mean my horse is unsuitable to ride and can only be used as a work horse. -grumbles-
Eventing Star
2007-11-16 19:56:37 UTC
Let's start counting! JK

I have no social life(generally comes from people who I don't know very well...)

I'm lazy(all you do is sit there... YEah right!)

I'm a rich b****

I ride western or jump or work cattle

And the biggest problem I have is that people bug me about it. A lot of people assume I'm some kind of weirdo who is obsessed with horses. I mean, it's not all I do!
2007-11-15 09:33:38 UTC
I am also faced with many stero-types because I own three horses. Many people say "oh well you must be ritch because you own not only one, but three horses" and thats not entirely true. I just think people don't understand what horse owners are faced with.
2007-11-15 10:00:32 UTC a way. I mean I live in a ranching community and if you don't do the cattle ranch or rodeo...a lot of people wonder why I have horses. I just ignore them as I have my horses for my pleasure. And I haven't bought anything for myself in the last 6 months...all my money goes into making sure my horses are happy and healthy.
2007-11-15 06:57:52 UTC
I think the biggest stereotypes are in the breeds themselves, people assume if you own an arab that your horse is high strung and flighty, or a Qh that its a rough ride and a bronc, mustang crazy and wild. That drives me crazy, when we moved to Michigan with our Qh people kept asking me how can you ride a Qh? they are so roug an unpredictable... I was taken back by the ignorance of some people. ALot of people up here ride arabs and do dressage which i think is pretty neat to watch.
Jumper ♥
2007-11-15 12:26:46 UTC
alot of people think I too, am rich, becuase I have a horse, but i am just average. I dont mind when people say this, I just tell them its not true. Other people think Im a snob because I am a horseback rider. Which is far from true. I think owing a horse (uf you truley take care of it) gives you responsibility and makes you thankful for all you have!

good luck <3
2007-11-15 08:38:12 UTC
I have two horses, and everyone thinks my family is rich too. It does get VERY annoying. They don't realize ALL the money I get goes towards my horses. My parent's put in a lot of work to keep the horses, because they love them too. ( dad has never actually seen one of our

As for discipline...I ride in Western Pleasure/English Pleasure with one horse and Barrel racing and other speed events with the other. In WP, I get a lot of looks when I'm tacking up my horses in a show. He was bred to be a racehorse, and looks like it. But once we get in the arena, they regret looking at us funny. =] The stereotype for WP horses is calm horses with their head touching the ground the whole time (not literally).

My barrel horse fits the stereotype for gaming horses. Prancy and hyper when they are approaching the gate. But he's not as bad as some of them you see.

I think the most annoying thing about horseback riding is when people who don't ride want to ask you a bunch of questions. Of course I'd be happy to answer a couple, but it can get to be too much.

And I deal with all of this by simply shrugging it off and ignoring everyone who says my horse will loose.

EDIT: And to Eventer4life : Your horse is beautiful! There is a lot of "prejudice" amoung breeds and colors, especially appaloosa's. My cousin rode an Appy for horse camp, and at the show many people laughed at her. A short conversation with a YOUNGER boy ended by him saying "That horse can't do anything, she's ugly."

She isn't ugly and is a VERY good horse. =]
Loves the Ponies
2007-11-15 07:59:06 UTC
The biggest stereotype I run into with my horses is because of their breed. I have Tennessee Walking horses and people automatically think I sore them and put heavy shoes on them, break their tails and abuse them. My horses are trail horses who are very well taken care of and never abused in any way. We use a steel shoe because we ride down the road and through a lot of rocky creek beds and such. I get so sick of people thinking they know what I do with my horses because of what breed they are! I mean, can you be more STUPID!?

When people look at me in that ASSuming way, I sometimes say, "Is there a problem?" or "My horses aren't show horses.", but it really gets on my nerves!

This stereotype comes from the way some people used to train their show walkers. Some people used hot mustard and such, but it's just as wrong to assume someone is abusing their horse as it is to actually abuse a horse.
2007-11-15 08:00:07 UTC
My friends don't really talk about the "rich" stereotype that much, but some kids in my class are always talking about how riding isn't a sport. I do eventing, which is in the OLYMPICS, so it ANNOYS the heck out of me.
2007-11-15 07:29:56 UTC
they see professional riders on TV and assume that is the norm - they don't see the mud and shite.

We are all rich because we have horses - sorry to disillusion people but I will never be rich - because I have horses.

They also read stuff like Jilly Cooper and imagine we are all sex mad and "always at it" in the hayshed - please I get enough of that stuff in my underwear just feeding the neds !

That we are "stuck up" -how someone who shovels **** on a regular basis can be called stuck up beats me.

People who think they know me are usually stunned when they see me out socially ( probably because I'm not wearing boots and reflectives and don't have some form of dirt on my face !)

I have had people come up and say - "do I know you?" - I think that's really funny.
2007-11-15 17:37:36 UTC
I own five and I'm one broke sumbuck,but still people think you are doing ok.I reckon it comes from the old days when the peasants had to leg it every where and knights and such like had horses to carry them.let them think what they like I say they dont pay my feed bills.or control my'll go crazy arguing with fools.
2007-11-15 10:58:27 UTC
One is i have a thoroughbred and people say they are to hot tempered to do anything and i have the same steryotype with my arabian. I have an Appaloosa and people say they are "crazy" due to the sclara showing on there eye witch makes them appear "wild eyed"
2007-11-15 09:37:28 UTC
My family owns horses and they think i'm snobby because of my dad and two sisters work (they are singers and they act.) and how they make money and whatever. But I hate when people think that because I am a nice person..
2007-11-16 10:43:57 UTC
people think i must be rich or really posh which truthfully is a loadda bull lol. youll find me knee deep in mud with my furry mare, hacking out cos our riding field closely resembles a swimming pool! nevertheless money couldnt buy the joy riding gives me!
2007-11-15 16:41:50 UTC
The one that bugs me is... You must be dumb when you dress western style, break horses or work on a ranch.
2007-11-15 11:29:49 UTC
I have mules so.....

Mules are stubborn

Mules are stupid

Mules can't lope

Mules don't have speed

Mules can't compete with horses


Stubborn- they just naturally assume I'm more stubborn and ehem, I AM :)

As far as competing against horses, I just let the mules speak for themselves as we whomp them in an open show. No need to open my mouth :)

As far as speed- I just let my friend whomp with her racing mule :)
2007-11-15 07:16:01 UTC
People tell me also that horsebackriding is not s sport. I just tell them that they have never ridden my horse so how would they know?
2007-11-15 06:51:50 UTC
Because I am always travelling one of my horses I guess I am assumed to be unrefined and a country bumpkin....well I guess I am.

Because I live on a farm and keep my horses here with me I am assumed to be out in the barn a good part of my life....well I guess I am.

Because I have always have had horses since I was a kid, I may be assumed to have hay down my drawers, in my hair and down my neck...well I guess I do.

Because I have only trucks for my main mode of transportation, and I haul feed, tack and sweaty saddle pads and horse slobbered on clothes it may be assumed that my truck smells like a barn...well I guess it does...

So I go on with life, looking and acting and smelling like a horse lover...that is how I deal with it. It works for me.
2007-11-15 08:29:28 UTC
I've been called prissy because i ride english, I've also been told that riding isn't physical and i've been told that its not a sport. I've also had people tell me that my old horse was ugly/ ill-behaved/ stupid because he was an appaloosa. And he is NOT UGLY!! look at him!!
2007-11-15 09:22:58 UTC
The non-horse people just don't get it. It is something that we have to accept in life.

With the rich stereotype, the non-horse people obviously haven't been around to see the "so true" reaction of horse people when we hear the saying, "In the horse business, if you want to end up with a small fortune, you have to start out with a large one." Most of us laugh and nod.

The sports one is what gets me. In riding, especially with our legs, we are using our muscles [different muscles, but in the same way] how body builders do. By holding our legs still, we are getting resistance of muscle against muscle, instead of stretching and flexing the muscles like runners. Our arms are stretching and flexing so that we can steer, and not post/trot/canter/lope with our hands.

We have the analytical skill of boxers, the reaction time of sprinters at the start gun, the balance of gymnasts [as in on a balance beam], the crazyness of those skiers [sp?] and snow boarders who jump off of those insane ramps, the strength of a figure skater [though not fully in the thighs], and to really stay in shape we have workouts outside of our sport just like anyone. Basketball and football players, and figure skaters all go to the gym, but are they told their sport isnt' a sport because they have to suppliment their sports with extra workouts? Barn chores for horse people are almost like going to the gym for others, if you have enough chores to do. But lack of chores never seems to be a problem.

Stating that eventing is in the olympics doesn't seem to impress people. They just turn around and say some other activity that no one else considers a sport either is in the olympics as well.

But the fact is, it takes skill for a person to control a 1250 lb animal who could probably break most of the bones in your body if they so much as felt like sitting on you. They don't steer themselves around a jump course, and set themselves up to take jumps. I have only heard of two horses that were able to take themselves around a barrel pattern by themselves. In flat classes, horses can't do transitions by themselves - they can't understand the judges! If a horse gets spooked, he doesn't stop himself from running away.

The riders do all of that.

We're the ones panting just as hard as the horses after a good fight over getting the correct lead, or going over a spooky jump, or running a five minute XC course.

Not the people "watching" who really aren't paying attention to all the work we do.

And there are a lot of bad stereotypes within just the english world as well. Eventers are insane and ride undisciplined horses [we're really just jacks-of-all-trades, thats all ^^], Hunter/Jumpers are stuck up, don't know how to ride, and don't ride real horses, Western riders aren't real riders, Dressage riders are rich snobs, etc, etc, etc.

I'm an Eventer, but I love taking my horse up to my pastor's place and riding with him and the other lady who keeps her horse there - they're western. They respect my skill, I respect theirs. Heck, I couldn't rope anything to save my life! I still haven't gotten down cantering with my western saddle - my feet always slip out, I guess the stirrups move with the saddle a bit more than English stirrups do, I dunno. But the bottom line is, within the broad sport of horseback riding, we need to respect everything everyone else does, and make peace with the fact that we can't do what they do, and they can't do what we do. The different disciplines are like us all having art degrees, but one person likes to sculpt, while the other paints.

Stereotypes are just bad all around. My horse is an OTTB... But he's so lazy, I have to use a whip on him. When we first got him, he wouldn't pick up the left lead, but the right one was perfect. He also never spooks. He likes hitting plastic bags with his nose to make them make noise... He likes walking over tarps just to hear them. I can actually count the number of times he's run our on a jump. Does that sound like an OTTB to you? I think not. = )

My trainer actually tried to get me to trade him with the school horse who was my first love... While Teddy will always be my first love, Dakota - my OTTB - is my current baby and second love!
2007-11-15 16:24:39 UTC
mine is that people always say, hunter jumpers should be short and light and dressage riders should be tall. i always hear that and it drives me nuts! lol :P
2007-11-15 09:00:48 UTC
well i own 7 of them and people have said "you ust be rich" or whatever they may say.. Just tell them im not rich im just well off.. LOL

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.