2011-06-21 16:57:42 UTC
His teeth were done last month
His saddle fits
Bit fits, too.
He doesn't crow hop at any other point in the ride except canter transitions.
He's overweight (his food intake is being limited now, and his exercise is being increased)
He doesn't crow-hop if you ask him to canter when out on trail rides (maybe he feels confined? My arena is an outdoor 20x40 ring)
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong with my position that's making him feel restricted- my instructor will be giving me a lesson next week so she can go over this with me.
This isn't a new habit for him, either. He did this last year, too. He was overweight last year too and he was fine cantering on trails last year, also.
What should I do to help him into his canter more? I use leg and seat into the transition, and if he ignores my leg and seat, I tap him with the whip (not to be confused with hitting him)
He canters fine on the lunge line.