Funniest/Most Embarrassing/Biggest "whoops" moments while horseback riding?
2009-06-08 12:57:02 UTC

We were jumping without stirrups, and I somehow lost my balance. I fell off BEFORE the jump! We were 3 canter strides away! xD
Fifteen answers:
2009-06-08 13:29:43 UTC
I used to work at a boarding/riding lesson farm. Well one beautiful summer day we were saddling up the lesson horses for a girl scout party. the party started at 2:00 and by 2:20 no one had showed up. Well, not wanting to waste our time having saddled all the horses up, we each jump on a horse to ride around the arena for a bit. It was about 10 minutes later when the group of 15 ten year old girl scouts finally showed up. They stopped by the arena and watched us ride for about 5 more minutes. Then we all go to dismount. Well I was not planning on ridding that day so I was kind of wearing a baggy shirt. As I dismount, the bottom of my shirt catches on the horn of the saddle. Safe to say I flashed my "lovely lady humps" so to speak to a group of innocent girl scout eyes. I was so embarrassed!
2009-06-08 13:22:26 UTC
I have a few...hundred. I went to my friends stable and she has two horses. I was going to ride her younger one and she went out to get him, she grabbed the wrong horse.(they didnt even look alike LOL) When i was at one of my lessons when i was younger, I went and got mattie (the horse) with my trainer and got her groomed and everything. she let me put the saddle on her for the first time. I was really tired, i didnt get much sleep the night b4 and it was a long day at school so i wasnt really aware of anything that i was doing. Well i grabbed the saddle and put it on backwards. i even had the girth on and tight b4 i even noticed it. Thankfully my trainer wasnt watching. I thought it was all good then when i went to mount up i put the wrong foot in the stirrup and ended up backwards. I quickly turned around. Then we did some jumping. It was my first time ever jumping and again wasnt very aware and she was helping telling me when to ask for her to jump. She would just say jump and one time i thought she was telling my to jump OFF. i was rlly confused stopped the horse and looked at her like she was an idiot. It took a while but i figured it out and it got better from there :-)
2009-06-08 15:07:16 UTC
There's so many I could tell but I hate to lose dignity so I will share one "oops" moment. The first horse i trained was an appy mare. One day while I was ground training her I decided to get her ready for trail by having her follow my boyfriends 4 wheeler around in the field and yard, we decided we were thirsty so I tied her to the rack of the 4 wheeler and walked in for a quick glass of H2O. When we came back out she was gone and the 4 wheel was on one side with the handlebars bent. talk about a mad boyfriend! she was found standing behind the house grazing, i thought I had ruined her with my dumb use of the 4 wheeler but to this day she will stand perfectly still when anything comes up near to her with a motor. I really lucked out there.
2009-06-08 13:35:43 UTC
I have billions. xD

Once my friend and I were riding "side saddle" in our english saddles. My pony decides to take off and I flew right off. It was near a fence and I got a fat lip because I hit my head there. hahaha! She was okay too. c:

Then another time I was going to get on a biig percheron bareback. I was too lazy to get a mounting block so I used a chair. I swung my leg over and as I did, the chair's leg snapped and I fell. It actually hurt!

I also was riding my appy and I was walking back up to the stables. I decided to sit on the side and slide off like a slide. Well, I was in breeches and somehow I got caught on the buckle thing of my stirrup and my pants ripped. I was actually hanging there for a second. xD The worst part was that my change of clothes werent in my box because I used them the day before. Ill tell that story too. xD

I wasn't actually riding, but it involved a horse. At my barn we have this bridge and a shallow creek (the deepest part comes up to my mid- thigh, my waist when it rains a lot.) Anyway, my friends and I pretend to be trolls and sit on the dry part under the bridge and growl at people when they walk/ride their bikes over the bridge. The expressions are funny. xD Well one day I was hopping on rocks to get to the big dry spot and the biggest horse in that field comes galloping over at full speed right for me. It was one of those times when you KNOW they aren't going to stop. So stupidly I jumped out of the way into the water. xD The horse stopped when I fell!

I have so many stupid moments, my friends and I are clutzes when we aren't focused. c:
2009-06-08 13:09:51 UTC
When I was taking lessons, I picked out a pony to ride. This was when I was 12 or 13 and we were supposed to take whips along. I never did like whipping so I used it to tap very lightly. Little did I know that this pony absolutely despised whips of any kind, and my "light tapping" sent him into a frenzy. He was used as a barrel racing training pony (I'd never done barrels before) so when he started galloping away he went straight for the barrels. I finally got him to stop, very abruptly and fell forward over his head. It was pretty embarrassing, all the other riders were in the corral too, watching as I blundered along with Champion doing his own barrel race.
2016-04-07 06:56:06 UTC
Generally, you should hold your position as if you had stirrups. You should go through trial and error. If you had to show that way, what would look better to you? Dangling toes or heels down? Now on the other hand - I'm going to assume that you have a jumper trainer ...if you notice pictures of some famous riders the majority of them have very poor equitation. Now, if you have a dressage trainer, they may/may not use the term "dangle" in stretching your legs down, and not necessarily mean to say that it's alright if your toes dangle towards the ground.
Horse Crazy
2009-06-08 13:22:28 UTC
Whoops Moment Number 1

When I was about ten years old I was helping my friend onto my paint mare. My mom was holding the other side of the saddle to keep it from sliding since my mare is mutton withered. As I threw my friend up into the saddle she sailed all the way over my mare and landed on my mom, abruptly knocking both into the water trough. Needless to say, neither were very happy with that.

Whoops Moment Number 2

Another water trough oops moment. The newest addition to my horse family is a 17.1 American Paint Horse. He's taller than the average paint, but he is purebred. Well, our mounting block isn't quite tall enough for me to get on bareback without assistance, so I had to use the water trough. Well, that was a mistake. My mom was saddling up her project mare as I courageously became an idiot. I led him up to the water trough and climbed onto the edge, my hand on the wall and his mane for balance. As I went to get onto him my mom's mare nudged me from the side of the trough. I fell in, and became the laughing stock once again.

I guess water troughs really do hate me! =P

Horse Crazy =]
2009-06-08 14:27:21 UTC
okay, you will really laugh when you hear this

okay so i went to have a polo lesson (first one free). and i was sitting on the horse and took my feet out of the stirrups because my feet were hurting and then i put the mallet down (not realizing that it was so heavy) and in slow motion i slid off the side of the saddle because the mallet was so heavy and i did not realize it. when i feeel off the horse have gave me the funniest look like "you retard, i wan'nt even moving"

my friend also did they first free lesson and this is what happned

i was on this horse that was drugged, i guess, and the trainer said that the horse was REALLY lazy. so she put 1 inch spurs on me and said to use a crop. she told me to pick up my trot and i kicked him and smacked him and he CHARGED! and i just stayed in place while he took off and next thing i new i was on the ground. hehe

hope we helped and gave you a good laugh
2009-06-08 13:17:35 UTC
My horse an I was walking/trotting sideways and somehow the horse ran into a tree. And to just my luck my helmet caught on to the limb and the crackling noise freaked my horse out and it galloped away with my helmet still caught on the tree. I ended up laying on my stomach facing the ground. Ha ha I was 10 when this happened.
Karin C
2009-06-08 14:52:22 UTC
Most embarassing moment: when I was at Cal Poly Pomona, working with one of the Arab yearlings. I think this colt's name was Ka-Bomb or something like that. Anyway, he had a reputation for being a real flake-- a horse that would shy and freak out at sparrows flying by, at bushes waving in the wind, just about anything.

It was in May, and it gets hot in Pomona that time of the year. I was wearing jeans and a halter top, which was acceptable garb for a college student in Southern California in the mid-70's. I was waiting outside the barn at the new Kellogg Equestrian Center for someone to come and look at Ka-Bomb. I was holding onto his lead rope fairly close to his head, because he was definitely not a horse you wanted to hold on a long lead.

He was standing fairly quietly when suddenly the side door on the barn came sliding open (it was a big door that slid on a track). Ka-Bomb wasn't expecting that and neither was I. He freaked out and shied right into me, knocking me off my feet. Not wanting to have to go chasing off after him, I instinctively kept hold of the lead rope. Ka-Bomb started to take off and I scrambled to get up. And somehow, in the scramble and the dragging, my halter top got dragged out of place, shall we say.

I got up somehow or other, struggling with the horse with one hand and trying to get my halter top into place with the other, while the people who had opened the barn door-- Norman Dunn, head of the horse program at Cal Poly, and the school vet, whose name I forget, stood there about keeling over with laughter.

Embarassed was a pretty mild description of what I was feeling!
2009-06-08 13:06:39 UTC
I fell off while getting on...I was on the mounting block with one foot in the stirrup and I pushed off the block too hard. I went right over and rolled off. It was a 14 hand pony. Hehe...
2009-06-08 13:22:59 UTC
I fell onto the barrel we were jumping . I was jumping in a western saddle

I over folded and she over jumped , we met in the middle , her poll and my forehead , I woke up laying over the barrel . It only knocked me silly for a second , but I learned to look forward and never look down while jumping .
ღஜღEasy Riderღஜღ
2009-06-08 13:23:18 UTC
I took the lazy way of dismounting and slid off the horse. I got my bra caught on the horn and was hanging there with my feet off the ground hollering for help. When everyone reached me my bra just happens to break and let me fall on my butt at everyone feet.
lydz (:
2009-06-08 16:20:01 UTC
funnest/funniest thing ever:

i was practicing my sitting trot at a horse camp and my instructor told me i had chicken wings so later that day when i was riding bareback with all the girls at camp i decided to do a chicken wing dance on my horse so i was singing and dancing, "CHICKEN WITH MY CHICKEN WINGS and so on... i was getting really into it and really loud and my friends were like falling off their horses laughing and it was funny until.........i looked in the big viewing window and saw my instructor and all the counselors videotaping me and taking pictures. it was the most embarassing thing ever!!!
2009-06-08 13:02:10 UTC
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