Boxer Lover
2008-01-19 15:43:36 UTC

I know of dropping off dogs and cats but now HORSES?? WTF!!!! Is this the result of closed slaughter houses in the US you think? WTF is wrong with this world?
23 answers:
2008-01-20 00:52:39 UTC
SAD!!! So now all you people who are ANTI- Slaughter Go pat yourself on the back for the wounderful job you all have done!


I don't see how the closeing of the slaughter houses has nothing to do with it.....???


Yea I know they have increased their horse intake! I think we ALL know that!!!! What does that have to do with them dupimg the horses off?? & The one that is working here is just working for dog food. & SO WHAT they use horse for dog food!!!!! The question is if they were open here you don't think they would rather have dumped the horse off & get some $$$$ rather than getting nothing!?? & So you are OK with the horses being shipped to Mexico & haveing to suffer on the way there & when they get there??? You still can say you are ANTI-Slaughter??? KNOWING what YOU know?????????
2008-01-20 11:55:33 UTC
I don't understand how you people can say it is not because the slaughter houses are closed...????!!!!!! Do you really think the people would turn it loose rather than get some money for the horse??? Everyone thank the very smart people who think they know everything & closed the slaughter houses because it is much more humane for the horses....... LOL I hope they are happy that they dammed these horses to a ending like this/that!!!!! I agree with can76 Pat yourselves on the back!!!! What a good job.... Heck NO!!!!!! Are all of you proud????
2008-01-19 17:10:34 UTC
That is so sad, the only good thing is that she was found and put out of her misery.

I think I agree that the sort of people who did this are the sort who would have packed her off to an auction knowing she'd be sold for meat, so yes I do think that the fact she was dumped is due to the slaughter houses being closed.

As to the patrol horse story posted by another answerer - wtf ? what kind of person would do that ? I hope they find them and return the favour but we all know that won't happen.
2008-01-20 07:17:02 UTC
More that likely. No matter what the reason or the story is behind this particular mare more and more of this is coming, I have heard that people have let some loose in Kentucky. If you can't afford to feed them and can't sell them... well????? Turn 'em loose and let them try to fend for themselves, atleast your not watching it starve to death in your paddock!

I'm certainly not for turning horses loose but I am facing reality. There are people who love their animals and don't want to see it shot or put down and don't want to see them starve either. People come to all sorts of conclusions on things and for some, the best answer to the problem at hand is open the gate.

What would you do? Your parents just lost their jobs, there are no groceries in the fridge/cubbords, no hay or grain in the barn. Your credit has been used up and there is no way for you to feed your beloved horse standing out in the pasture. Its winter, there is no grass around. No one is buying horses at sale. What would you do? Shoot it? Turn it loose? Remember your family is in hardship. You can't afford a $20.00 meal let alone a few hundred bucks for vet and rendering truck to haul the horse away to the landfill.

What would you do?
2008-01-21 00:42:18 UTC
its just sick what people are willing to do these days.. i am absolutely sick to my stomach that people have the guts to do this stuff, to innocent animals.. NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE! just because animals don't have a voice people think that they have permission to take advantage of them :(

sadly though i think that closing the slaughter house was a mistake.. but hear me out- i am not saying that all those backyard bred horses shouldn't have a chance! they are so unfortunate and i really have pity on them, but i think we need it for horses like this one with jack a$$ owners that don't have anything better to do.. i'd rather have the horse be put out of its misery than to try to endure a life in hell with people like this... but i do believe that slaughter houses are such dic*s for not giving the well deserving horses good homes and just putting em on a dogs food plate :(
2008-01-20 15:08:48 UTC
I have seen where people have dropped off horses like they do cats & dogs before they started closing all the slaughter houses in the US. So, it might have something to do w/ it, but I don't think it is the soul reason.
2008-01-19 18:20:37 UTC
All I can say is how sad and thank God they did what was best for her considering the condition she was in. It's a sad sad world that we live in and it seems ot just get worse on a daily basis. The only thing I can add is that she's not in pain anymore and not to cry for the horses life has set free. She's over the rainbow bridge now in far greener pastures than she has seen during her life. Rip little horse

here is the rainbow bridge essay (i guess thats what you would call it)

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or

maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times

gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special

to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the

distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group,

flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in

joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again

caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from

your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
2008-01-19 19:00:43 UTC
Just disgusting. Honestly, I dont care about slaughter houses or unwanted horses being killed of meat. It is just the thought of the pain and suffering they go through. The people that do that shoudl die!! It is just disgusting what people do to animals....
2008-01-19 15:51:30 UTC
I hate it when ppl dont take responsiblity for there pets.. if u dont want it sell i and in the horses case fix then sell..

hate ppl that abuse or abandon animals.,.. i had a fight with my ex best friend because her parent where going 2 dump 9 kttens and a mother cat.,..
2008-01-20 18:30:11 UTC
This isn't the aftermath of closed slaughterhouses. This is the aftermath of abuse and neglect at the hands of an uncaring selfish SOB. I hope they find this person, tie them out in a field, break one or both knee caps and then starve them half to death. Maybe then they'll realize what that poor horse had to go through. And as for slaughterhouses, what would have been so f'ing humane about taking this poor, sick and already traumatized horse to one? Thank God that vet had the compassion to put the animal out of its misery. Why should one of God's most beautiful creatures, having spent the majority of it's life serving man un-kind, probably neglected and abused, spend it's final hours on earth lined up and scared out of its wits on death row? That's not a substitute for euthanasia and I hope ALL the freaking slaughterhouses are closed.
2008-01-20 11:03:00 UTC
this is NOT just because the slaughterhouses closed people! This has been going on for years now. People don't want to be the ones to make the decision to euthanize & feel guilty or they don't have the $ to care for their pets & so they dump them. It's just harder to do with a horse than a dog or cat. If you look on you'll find found horses who've just appeared in peoples pastures.....same as all the kids having kids & leaving them in bathrooms or dumpsters when most states have policies about being able to give the child to a safe place no questions asked & there are millions of adoption agency's that could help!

I have worked in the vet field for over 10 years, we had a humane society 2 miles down the road from the hospital & people would still tie their pets to OUR railing or leave them in a box by the door, assuming we'd take them. This way they wouldn't have to face the person they were giving up their pet to w/some bogus reason for abondoning them! Vet's do not have the room or $ to care for people's abandoned pets & will euthanize them if they can't be placed.

It's a problem with society-we think we can just throw away what we don't want anymore regardless of what it is & are so uneducated as to our choices & any sense of what's right & wrong....

FYI FOR THOSE WHO SAY IT'S DUE TO SLAUGHTERHOUSE CLOSINGS: DO YOU NOT REALIZE OR KNOW THAT THE SLAUGHTERHOUSES IN MEXICO HAVE SEEN OVER A 300% INCREASE IN THEIR BUSINESS (SINCE US PLANTS CLOSED) DUE TO U.S. HORSES NOW CROSSING COUNTRY BORDERS FOR SLAUGHTER?!?! THEY ARE GOING TO CANADA AS WELL-LEST WE FORGET THAT ONE OF THE PLANTS IN THE U.S. WAS OWNED BY THEM-NOW THEY JUST DOUBLED THE BUSINESS AT THE HOME PLANT! horsemeat is a HUMAN delicacy in France & most of Europe & that's what the majority of the plants were there for.....only a portion of the horsemeat went for use in dog food & the like. the killer buyers & auctions are still out there & people are still able to sell to them if they want too, don't allow them to shirk their duties as owners & say "it's because they had no choice since the slaughterhouse closed; they had to abondon them" That's a bs excuse & you all know it!
2008-01-19 15:55:44 UTC
This is definitely the result for closing slaughterhouses in the U.S. Also, people are turning horses loose in the Arizona desert because they can't sell them to slaughter houses.

I'm not saying that I like slaughter houses, but they are the only way this will stop.
2008-01-19 17:06:44 UTC
Hi Boxer: It's no joke...around here people tie them to trees, deep in the forest, and leave them to starve to death....either that or dumping them on a rancher's property....some properties around here are huge, 50,000 acres or so and you'd never see them or find them.

Nasty business!!
2008-01-19 15:51:31 UTC
the world can be a horrible place

there are horse rescue places and a person could put a free horse advertisement

I run a boarding stable so I know that there there are alternatives
2008-01-20 07:01:49 UTC
People are sick! I really don't know what to think...Other than the fact that it makes me naseus just thinking about it.
2008-01-19 16:54:48 UTC
Wow, that's so sad.

Have you heard about this one?

Even worse.;jsessionid=DBFA18E2A44FF4BFDB8BEA066D32E662?contentId=3789425&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
Captain Oblivious
2008-01-19 16:43:32 UTC
To be honest, yeah....the only thing (I feel REALLY guilty saying this as a horselover/horseman) that might help the situation is to stop closing slaughterhouses...I know it sounds horrible, but it's true. Now, instead of being killed, horses are being subject to abuse and neglect...I don't like the idea of slaughterhouses, but I accept that they do serve a purpose...

POOR PONY/PONIES!!!! I wish people would actually take CARE of the things that they OWN!!! It's like people who only want dogs as puppies and then give them away when they get older...or kids who just want horses to have them, and don't want to take responsibility...sad...

It makes me want to cry...

(Mary runs out of the room for the FOURTH time this week yelling, "I'm coming to rescue you PONY!!!!!! And all your mistreated friends!!!!!!")....This sort of stuff is why I want to open an abused/neglected horse retirement/rehab ranch when I'm older, one of my biggest, I wanna be an Equine Vet, so then I could take good care of them!!! It's probably unrealistic, but who knows?
2008-01-19 16:41:53 UTC
The people that owned this poor horse finally did something right by her believe it or not. At least someone found her and she was humanely put out of her misery. I sure hope they find the barbarians that abused her so. If you read the story it describes multiple abuses over a long period of time. Poor thing. There needs to be much stiffer penalties for the abuse of an animal. Some people should never be allowed to own any kind of animal.
2008-01-19 20:23:06 UTC
I agree with PRS it would happen even if the plants were open ..And im not against slaughter houses just against the way its done ..
2008-01-19 15:53:11 UTC
Yup its from closed slaughter houses.
2008-01-19 16:04:12 UTC
Idk. I think the horses from slaughter houses should be humaly put down if not found homes.
2008-01-19 15:53:34 UTC
poor baby! what kind of monster would do that?? anyways, i think the reason for this is not the lack of operational slaughterhouses, but the high prices for hay, grain, and bedding.
2008-01-19 15:51:11 UTC
Yup welcome to the fallout from closed slaughter houses.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.