Which do you like better english or western?
2012-07-23 22:31:11 UTC
i like english way way way better. Western people are all old lazy cowboys who tear there horses faces off with stupid curb bits. then they know NOTHING about riding probably because they've fallen off there horses so much with no helmets they have like serious brain damage. Im not trying to be mean Im REALLY not but its just my opinion and we're all entitled to one. Us english riders really care about our horses and our heads and ride in snaffles and helmets. All horses should be able to ride in a snaffle! and like really I've seen those western riders at shows they don't even care about how they look! They dont even care to dress up or anything it's like they're at there uncle Timmys (who's also their brother) barbecue! So what do you think??
Seventeen answers:
Cute Girlxoxo
2012-07-23 22:45:45 UTC
I ride and compete english and therefore prefer it< 3 But I have ridden western, it just wasn't my thing cause I loved to jump :D

But I certainly do not feel the same way about western riders, Some of them might be like that but by me the western riders are just as fashionable and care for their horses sometimes more than some of the english riders. They'll be riding their horse loose reins cantering around, while meanwhile some english rider will be tugging a horses mouth trying to get it over a jump or slowing it down using a curb chain. It all depends on the horse and rider.

Therefore I do not think this is a better of the two, western or english, I just prefer to ride english :)
2012-07-24 08:36:53 UTC
so where do you see all of these 'old lazy cowboys' at? seriously? Do you know how some of the curb bits work that they use? for the barrel racers out there...some may look really harsh, but they're not. again where do you see these western riders that don't care about how they look? what shows do you go to? have you seen the world show before? it sure does look like they care. some research.

The barrel racers that you see that are 'tearing there horses mouth out' are not doing that. they are lifting they're horses shoulder up. I'm sure that you didn't know that. honestly i don't see very many barrel racers that use curb bits. they're either snaffles or gag bits which work totally differently.

Your 16? you act like your 12.... answer your question I prefer western since that's what i've always rode. And i love it
2012-07-23 23:00:16 UTC
What do I think, I look good in boots, jeans a western shirt and my western hat, and at 66 can out ride you in either an English or Western Saddle. I do not have to look like a stuffed prune to ride my horse which is a 15.1 hand Sorrel Quarter Horse Mare who rides both English and Western and at 22 can still out do you in the Dressage arena, my horse is way older than you and is from what I can tell much more intelligent. I started riding almost 67 years ago long before they had helmets for riding, they just came along about 30 years ago, but you would not know that because you are still just 11 or 12 now and show your immaturity well.
2012-07-24 08:22:26 UTC
Honestly, what kind of person are you to be judging people you don't know! And what does it matter if you ride English and western. There are people in both disciplines that treat their horses badly. But a true horse person would never mistreat a horse, and it doesn't matter which way they ride.

I do pretty much everything with my horse, hunt, jumping, WP, contesting. And even though I like western better I would never use a harsh bit or yank on my horses mouth in either discipline. My horse is trained completely by leg pressure. I have ridden without the reins before. And if I pull on his face he gets mad and will rear. So obviously, I'm very light with pressure on his face. That offends me you think I abuse my horse because I ride western? My horse means everything to me and I wouldn't do ANYTHING to ever hurt him.

Also, you must not know much about bits because some of the bits English people use are extremely harsh too. And im nOt saying western people don't use harsh bits. I don't believe in using harsh bits. That's why I use the softest curb bit. But again, if they show western pleasure and even contesting. For WP the looser the rein the better. And your horse won't run if you are out there yanking on his face. So shut your mouth until you know more about riding. Because obviously you know nothing about western riding.

Btw you are probably one of those English brats that you don't clean stalls, groom your horse, or tack him up. You just sit on the dang horse. Do you even know what bit you use on your horse? Probably not.

So shut your mouth! Us "trashy" western riders would very much appreciate it!
2012-07-23 23:28:11 UTC
I do think too that there are alot of idiots out there and most happen to be western rider. I'm really insulted because I'm a western rider but not all use a curb. I use a single jointed lose ring snaffle.And im not lazy. Im also a english rider and we do not pull on the horses mouth. We have contact, following the horses movements with our elbows and hands. This question tells me You know nothing about riding.
2012-07-24 09:17:51 UTC
um, obviously you are looking for a similar answer to your opinion. and what you just said is complete bull.

I ride hunt AND western pleasure.

Western is just as difficult as english. You obviously have never watched a western pleasure class. People use curbs because their horses were already trained in a snaffle, the curb just adds more leverage to achieve tucking the nose in perfectly without yanking. Get it right. Western pleasure riders achieve the slow jog and lope by getting their horses collected and making sure they don't fall on the forehand while asking for the horse to slow at the same time.We ask with a half halt, not a yank. Any horse can move that slow with correct methods of training, hard work and dedication. Western pleasure is NOT a piece of cake. It takes years of training and patience. It takes perfection. Don't diss western when CLEARLY you know absolutely nothing about it.

Western pleasure riders DO wear helmets. The reason some don't wear them is because oh, maybe if you actually knew about showing horses, you would know that years ago, it was proper attire in the western pleasure ring to wear a cowboy hat instead of a helmet. The other reason some don't wear helmets is just because they trust their horse. Some horses are trained in a versatile way and can ride english and western. In english, it's proper attire. It has become proper in western too now, but if it's not required, a lot of riders have trust in their well trained horse that they won't fall off. Don't judge.

btw, gymkhana is not anything close to western pleasure. at all. don't group the two together. That's like saying flat hunters are the same as eventers because they both use english saddles. No.

Oh, actually my western show shirt covered in glitter and jewels costed $300...that's not nice? oh okay.

I'm not going to talk about dressage because I don't know anything about bits used in dressage. I do know even in advanced dressage riding, forcing your horse to touch his chest with his nose is unnatural and way too much to ask a horse for, but that's as far as I will go.

Hunt seat riders can use just as severe of bits as western riders. Anyone can yank on their horse's mouth no matter what bit you have, frankly. Hunt takes a lot of hard work from both the rider and the horse. I enjoy riding english just as much as western. At shows I tend to favor riding hunt simply because my horse places higher in english pleasure than western pleasure. But eq & horsemanship? exactly the same, honey. Scored on exactly the same ideas.

So my point is, english and western are both just as enjoyable as the other. Riding is my passion and it doesn't really matter what saddle you ride in. Don't diss other riders because they ride a different discipline than you. They work just as hard as you do and although some riders are abusive, its not the discipline they ride. It's them as an individual.
2016-10-13 11:30:20 UTC
that's all a remember of private determination. I even have ridden the two English and Western. English is extra perfect, and actual choosy approximately many stuff. And sorry all you English riders yet I even have stumbled on that they are plenty snobbier than Western riders. I rode English for 12 years and have shown and placed for 10. I now holiday Western and have for approximately 6 years. Western is extra of a thrill i might say. Its extra laid lower back, your no longer as uptight approximately each and every thing. maximum issues with Western are the two in line with being sluggish or somewhat rapid. wish i Helped stable success!
2012-07-24 06:31:31 UTC
Good lord. You must either be: horribly biased, or a bit of an idiot. Sure, SOME people are unkind to their horse. This happens in both English AND Western. Curb bits are meant to be ridden on a loose rein, and I'M a barrel racer so I know that we DO NOT rip up our horse's mouth. For me, I ride my horse on a loose rein the whole time, mostly using neckreining. And English riders didn't always wear helmets, either. I'm sure that if someone made a cowboy hat that had a helmet hidden inside, much more people would wear it. You also assume that we are all inbred rednecks who never look their best. Well, then you are a snobby b*tch.

Let me switch it around on you...

I like western people way way better. English people are all tight *** prima donnas who never worked a day in their life. They tear up the horse's neck muscles and mouth by always making their chin touch their chest by pulling the bit. They know NOTHING about horses because they sit in their multi-million dollar mansion reading gossip magazines as The Guy I Married So I Don't Have To Work For What I Have, a.k.a. 'Hubby' works all day and the grooms do everything but sit on the horses for you. I'm not trying to be mean by defacing something I have no idea about, it's just my opinion and we are all entitled to one. Us western riders really care about our horses, as we praise them for the hard work they've done for us and marvel at the beautiful and loving bond we hold, and we know that when we donit put helmets on our heads it's a risk, but we are willing to take it. I have seen to English riders and they ALWAYS have to look their best. Sometimes, western riders might not always look perfect, but honestly, who gives a sh*t? At least we don't dress like we are ready for a funeral. (Which they are always ticking off in their head so they can inherit the estate.) So what do you think?

You see what I mean? I don't know too too much about English besides the basics and jumping, but I know that is incorrect. You obviously know nothing about western riding. There are bad people in English AND Western. I personally prefer Western because I have a western horse, but I'm teaching her to jump. I don't own any English tack, so I'm doing it bareback and with the halter and leadrope. So sorry for that rant, but I think you should try western, it's truly relaxing and fun!
horse addict
2012-07-23 23:01:00 UTC
I love the English dicipline but I have to strongly disagree with you about your view of the Western dicipline. Firstly they are not all lazy cowboys, where thehell did you get that from? and they don't rip their horses faces off with their bits. If any dicipline was going to do that it would be the English dicipline more than than the Western one.

Not all English horse are ridden in a snaffle either. You are seriously disillusioned in your views of the diciplines and you seem to think you have some right to put Western riders down just becasue you don't ride the way they do.
2012-07-25 07:28:47 UTC
I ride both and I have no idea what you're talking about...

There are good and bad riders in every discipline; English AND Western

You don't sound like you're 16 at all.

Grow up and get off your high horse.
2012-07-23 22:57:39 UTC
Uh, upper level dressage uses a combination of a curb and snaffle bit in their full or double bridles.

I ride both Hunt and Western Pleasure ( both in an o ring snaffle, mind you). But I prefer hunt because of the increased contact with the horse. You really have to have good balance in the saddle and there is very little security in the saddle. I also prefer the pace and movement.

I'm not discounting WP, it definitely is hard and much fun in its own ways!

Careful with your generalizations, none of them are true. I find that people who make ugly generalizations are typically self righteous and close minded, but that's just my opinion. Oh, wait a second...
2012-07-24 20:56:59 UTC
You are a stupid idiot! I ride western and I'm not an old cowboy and I don't use a curb bit, I use a rope hakamoore and I know way more then you ever will. And I were a helmet every time I ride. I would love to strangle you and in my ipinion English is crueler then western!
2012-07-23 22:37:27 UTC
I wouldn't say all Western riders are completely like that. I used to be a Western rider and I absolutely loved it. Not to mention, I still cared for my horse and I used the right bit for my horses. When riding Western, I don't wear a helmet. I'm not saying I'm not trying to be careful, I just feel better with it off for Western. When I'm riding English, I feel all precise and looking very good and neat. I always wear a helmet when riding English but I jump so I feel much more comfortable with it on. I'm getting back into Western riding and getting into barrel racing and pole bending. I still love English riding though! (:

ETA-- that's just the way I am.. I don't ride with helmets for Western but I do with English.. I just feel the need for it for English
2012-07-24 14:39:52 UTC
Interesting opinion, I am sure glad that you’re entitled to it. Just like I am to mine, AND here it is...

I prefer English. I have been showing in the AAA circuit Hunter/Jumpers since I was 6. My family bought a show farm because after a while it was cheaper than paying board for all of my horses. We had 2 top level trainers and went to shows almost every weekend. I was taken out of school in the winters to travel to Florida for 3 months at a time to compete in West Palm Beach. I was an extremely fortunate child to have a family who could afford and were willing to support me and my horses. I am not a fan of western for myself personally but I do not discriminate against those who love it just like I love English. I (think) can kind of see what you are talking about. I have been to western shows and some Rodeos where I have been shocked at some of the things I have seen that were what I could call abusive. I don't get your rant about how they look though. Obviously there is an ascetic difference between WP and H/J I think that is not for us to judge but that is what their discipline mandates. So it is not hurting me or any horse if they choose not to wear a helmet, (i have on many occasions not worn mine, both over fences and under saddle) and yes I have a brain. It is a risk I take for myself, I don’t hurt you in the process so NULL point.

Now I know nothing about you so I am not going to make generalizations about your age, (16 from your earlier post) or about your discipline, (jumper, from your Answers Profile) or your social status (I mean how much money your family has) not even your breeding (not inbred i hope like all of those, "Uncle Timmy’s" out there) or even your fashion sense, or mental capabilities (although it would be fun). I am only going to tell you truths from my experience in the horse world, (P.S. i have been doing this a lot longer than you, NO i am not 66 I am in my 20's)

I have been to many places and seen many things. I have seen horses bleed to death at AAA Hunter Jumper shows because they were ridden to hard and have had blood vessels burst. I watched that pony bleed to death as the little girl who owned it screamed. I have seen professional riders drug horses for performance in high level hunter classes. I have seen vets hit horses and cause more issues than they fix. I have seen riders hit their jumpers in the legs with wire brushes before a high stakes jumper class trying to make the horse jump clean. I have seen western riders ride without helmets, pull on horses mouths, and use harsh curb bits, run into walls, hit their horses and the list goes on. Harsh bits you say, what about a knife edge, or a Waterford, or a double twisted wire SNAFFLE. Those are much harsher bits than your standard curb bit. Not to mention primarily used in the English discipline not so much in western.

Oh and let me remind you, "AMERICA" this country was built by that lazy, good for nothing cowboy you’re talking about. Not by some uncouth sixteen year old girl whose helmet must be on to tight if she thinks that freedom of speech and having an opinion allows you to go around saying untruths about a group of people that you have most likely not ever met or do not understand. So what if they wear jeans and boots, OH wait, when I am at my home farm riding, preparing for a horse show I also wear jeans and paddock boots, so I guess I am not seeing the difference. So throughout your, "question" you have insulted a group of people, a discipline you don’t understand, and individuals who for some reason or another thought that this was a forum where people expressed their thought and helped others by asking and answering questions.

Let me finish this out by telling everybody a little more about me... While I had a family who supported me and my riding I did not repay them by sitting on my *** and watching my grooms take care of my horses. I was up every morning got my butt to the barn and I mucked stalls, I got my horses ready, I taught lessons to the younger kids, I fed, medicated, loved, and cared for every single one of those horses lit it was my own. There are English and Western riders out there who take for granted their horses and the bond they can have with them. Some people abuse animals, but it is not limited to riding disciplines and it is most certainly not limited to the horse world. Honestly AMERICA, I am a little ashamed to say I share a love of yours. But then again anybody who is in it for the horses and the love of their sport would not castigate the others for the same thing. My suggestion to you is to learn some manners; you really do not understand what it is you’re talking about. You have made that abundantly clear. Hopefully one day you will grow up and think differently about Western Riders.
2012-07-24 08:53:50 UTC
Is this a fake question? There is good and bad riding in every discipline. The western world is where natural horsemanship came from. By definition natural horsemanship is all about horsemanship. It's about treating a horse with respect and building trust and training the horse correctly.
2012-07-24 18:44:11 UTC
English,only because I don't know how to ride western,although I'd love to learn!!! XD
2012-07-23 22:36:24 UTC

well being one myself I should be the most certified to say

that americans are idiots

Though some of them do treat their horses very well

but mainly the ones that aren't in show

and we americans do seem to lack a great deal of fashion

or modesty for that matter

I have always preferred english over american

and always will

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.