i know i am not the biggest horse lover, but i am just going to say how i feel. i believe that horses are one of the most beautiful, smartest, wisest, humblest creatures in the world. they have this spirit and freedom that no one can destroy, take or tame. yet they do what we ask of them, even when we don't deserve it. i believe that horses don't need people to survive, they can take care of themselves in the wild.
i loved horses for as long as i can remember. all my sisters loved horses to. almost all girls do, but they grew out of it. i didn't. i knew i never would.
i tried to forget about having horses because my family couldn't afford one. i didn't want to cause my mom pain because she couldn't get me one. but i never let go of my love for horses. i would always read horse encyclopedias and books about them. then, on March 17th, my mom says to me that we are going to work to get horses. she said that if we keep pushing it off, we will never have one. since then i have been working on my land endlessly. and my mom was right, it happened!
i have two horses! one is a beautiful 4yr old bay mare named Star.
and one is a sorrel named Prancer, a gentle 17yr old gelding.
right now they are boarding at the former owners home until i finish my land, get riding lessons and learn more about keeping them at home.
i couldn't have asked for better horses!
aren't they gorgeous?!
Star is half Tennessee Walking Horse and Prancer is a Paso Fino.
they don't have any papers though.
i keep thinking i don't deserve these amazing creatures. but i know i will give them all the love i am capable of.
i think i am a horse lover, but not because of me. it was the horses that changed me. i want to spend my life with saving horses. i want to help mistreated horses and put them in good homes where they will get lots of love and care. i want to train them so people can see that all horses are capable of great things, not just those purebreds. even horse that nobody thought could be worth something.
oops! looks like i got off the topic. sorry for the log answer.
this is just my thoughts about horses.
P.S. i love horses!!