Do you agree or disagree with these?
Forward is Your Friend
2009-12-01 13:54:37 UTC
I thought this would be an interesting question and would interest horse people. Answer whether you agree or disagree to the following statements (you don't have to do all of them, do as much as you want) and feel free to add anything extra to them if you want. I just thought it would be cool to see how everyone feels on these topics. (If you could include the statement when you are answering that would make it easier for people to read.) I may add more later.

1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.
26 answers:
Bree J
2009-12-01 15:10:53 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

YES! This has happened to me many times. Yay for you and doing well, but seriously stop making other people feel like crap about their riding!!

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

I live in Australia so I don't really know about all this stuff in America. I can see why it would be bad with over population since people want to breed their mare with that stallion because the foal would be cute but then the foal is useless or gets abandoned by the new owner.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

Well the conformation and gaits have a lot to do with their willingness to work. You can't have a horse with terrible conformation want to work as a show jumper.

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

Close minded, no. Ignorant, yes. But that's only because they're not a horse person and they don't actually know better until they're told.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

Not sure about behavioral problems since I don't do Parelli nor know anyone who does, but I do agree he's a gateway to an empty wallet!! I've had a go at the "Trouble free loading" DVD with my old horse and it didn't work AT. ALL.

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

I do and don't agree. I agree because as soon as someone has a problem, it's automatically the bit and the horse not responding. It's never the rider's fault and they don't need to back up in their training at all *rolls eyes*

I don't agree because my old horse wouldn't respond in a snaffle. Ever. Dressage was really hard, but we eventually started getting somewhere towards the end of my lease. The reason he wouldn't respond was because he was an abused horse. His old owners beat the crap out of him when he wouldn't be caught, when he wouldn't stop, when he wouldn't take the bit but mostly coz it was a day ending in "Y". They took a broom handle and shoved it through his mouth where the bit sits and he bit down on it and it splintered everywhere and got stuck in his mouth. They of course being the lovely people they are, didn't do anything about it. When he was rescued he had to have surgery to have it all removed and after that his mouth was just all scar tissue. He hardly knew a snaffle was in his mouth. I rode him in a kimblewick for a while working on other aids so I could control him like that so I could eventually change back to a snaffle. We finally started getting somewhere in dressage but it took a long time.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

HA! Me and my friends have rescued so many horses because people could afford the horse but then ran out of money. So instead of selling it or leasing it, hey! Let's starve it instead. That way the horse isn't alone and we still have our pet!!


8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

Really? 10 times? I was told it was 7......

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

I agree 100% with this.

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

What? Really? Oops to both the chestnuts I've owned... Both sweet angelic baby sitter mares. I mean, rowdy,uncontrollable steads of hell!!!

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

There's a fine line between asking your horse for more speed with your whip in a speed event and abusing it so it runs out of fear. Spurs are meant to refine the aids of the rider and should only be used for that. Not so that when you kick them they run lots. Too often are uneducated riders given spurs and make the horse bleed.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.

I think it is. As I said before, most people just think "my mare's nice. I might find a pretty stallion so I can reproduce the niceness of my mare". FAIL. Your new foal is badly conformed, nones going to want it.

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.

I think that small children should ride nice schoolmaster ponies, not giant moron TB's that will ditch your child in a heartbeat.

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

Not true. I've had ready made push buttons and you could put me on a hot headed green horse and I'd do fine.

It's the kids that beg their rich daddy for a pony that are the problem. Those horses are the ones that make a bad rider look good.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

Those training aids should be used in moderation by experienced hands.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly
2009-12-01 18:53:52 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them: AGREE

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world: I think it DOES and DOESN'T. It has some positives but also a lot of negatives.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work: Agree

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant: Disagree. Some are, some aren't. Doesn't have to do with not being horsey.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet: I honestly don't know anything about him, but I don't have a good impression.

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining: Somewhat yes, somewhat no. It alll depends.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine: No, they need knowledge.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider: Nah, just means you've ridden alot xD

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.: Agree

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild: DISagree ahahah!

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse: Yes. I don't use them, but my horse doesn't need them. They don't HAVE to be used badly, but they can.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem: Yes.

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events: No, they are awesome for short people haha :D

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse: Eh, they COULD be a great rider, you never know.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used: I don't really know what draw reins are, but i've seen side reins for lunging and saw no problem with them.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything: Depends. Most of the time I appreciate it :)
2009-12-01 18:10:05 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

Agree! I don't need to know how good you and your horse are :P

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

uhh not really sure...

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

Agree! To me, a horse's personality is more important than its conformation.

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.


5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

no experience with it so i can't say..

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

it really depends on the horse and its training...

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

Disagree! Just because you can afford it, doesn't mean you know how to take care of it!

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

Disagree. If you consistently fall, that might mean you're a bad rider not a good one ;]

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.


10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

Disagree! my mare's a chestnut <3

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

Agree! I use a lungeing whip for training, and my horse isn't abused or mistreated!

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.

Agree/Disagree. It really depends...

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.

Agree, somewhat. i now people can do some pretty cool things with ponies, i just think they're better suited for lower level events and kids...

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

Agree!! You learn nothing from a horse that obeys you at the drop of a hat. A difficult, spirited horse really teaches you about the nature of horses and how to ride in conditions that aren't always great...

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

cant really say...

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

Disagree! I always welcome advice...

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

About half and half... Western riders SHOULDN'T hold onto the horn, so it really shouldn't make a difference... western saddles do seem easier to learn in though...
2009-12-01 15:39:18 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.


2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

Thats in the middle of agree and disagree. If all slaughter houses where closed horses would just suffer in back yards but since the slaughter houses in the US were closed the horses have to go to Mexico and Canada which don't have the animal crultey laws that we do. So it is an iffy. I hope that makes sense it does to me but lots of things make sense to me but not other people.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.


4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

A lot of them are. I find that the friends that I have met at lessons or shows are better friends that ones from school.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

I don't really know what Parelli is exactly. So I don't know.

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.


7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.


8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

It depends on the amount of time it takes you to fall off 10 times.

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.


10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.


11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.


12. Backyard breeding is a problem.


13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.


14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

Agree and Disagree. If you ride a easier horse you might look better doing it oppose to riding a hard horse that you look like crap on.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.


16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.


17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

It depends what you are doing when riding western, barrel racing, reining, etc.
2009-12-01 14:40:31 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

Only when it's obvious that they are exaggerating. Otherwise I don't really care, a rider should care more about their riding, not what others think about their riding.

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.


3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

I think it's really the opposite. People, at least around here, care way too much about the horses personality, and don't understand why a good conformation is important.

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

Some, and others just don't like horses and that's okay.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

Parelli is a gimmick.

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

Disagree. Snaffles are wonderful and all, but with a skilled quiet hand, any bit could be just as mild and effective.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

No, there is so much more then money needed.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.


9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

Agree, you can sure try though.

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

Well my chestnut is rather rebellious, but she sure is the best horse ever.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.


12. Backyard breeding is a problem.


This also goes hand in hand with the conformation not being thought about enough in todays world.

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.


14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

Agree. Although I guess the one who owns the expensive push-button horse may be able to ride more difficult horses, just doesn't want too.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

They need to be used correctly.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

Agree, that is the reason people have trainers.

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

I do eventing, but I sure as hell wouldn't be able to do barrel racing or pole bending in a Western Saddle.
2009-12-01 14:03:34 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

Agree. It's great that you ride really well and such, but quite honestly, I don't care. ;]

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

Agree, although I think there do need to be WAY more regulations if they're opened back up.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work

Agree! The horse may have the best conformation in the world, but if it's a total crab apple, then I'd rather take a horse with poor conformation with a great personality anyday.

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

Disagree. While some are, many aren't.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

Can't say, as I personally have never trained a horse (using this method or any other, for that matter. Still working on that. :])

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

Again, can't really say. It all depends on the horse.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

Disagree. Many horse people scrape by just so they can keep their horses.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

Disagree. You can fall off 1,000 times, but you still might be a terrible rider. :]

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

Agree. :]

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

Disagree! I've ridden plenty of mild-mannered chestnuts.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

Agree. AS LONG as they're not used in excess, and are used only when ABSOLUTELY needed, and in small amounts. (ie, no beating the poor horse)

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.

Agree. No explanation needed.

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.


14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.


15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

Haven't used them, don't know much about them, so I can't say.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

Agree. A few minor pointers are okay, I need them (toes in, head up a little more, etc). But when you start to critique everything I do, then I'm going to get p/o.

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

DISAGREE!! Both disciplines are complicated in their own ways; besides, I ride English, therefore I don't know how hard Western is. I'm sure if you plopped me in a Western saddle and told me to go do some reining or such, I would fail. Miserably. :]

Thanks for giving me something to do instead of homework. :D
2009-12-01 15:12:18 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

Agree. I know people that do that and it jsut makes me want to prove them wrong. They need to get off their pedestal, especially if I've accomplished more things than them.

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

Agree. Although, It has most certainly made me more aware of Back Yard Breeders.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.


4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

False. Many of my most open minded friends don't have horses.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

Agree. I think it works for Parelli himself, but I know a few horses that are total brats because of it.

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.


7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.


8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

Agree, I suppose. I think it can help take the edge off the fear of falling off.

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

Agree. Thre is always something new to learn about horses, and we're bound to forget something we learned a few years ago.

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

Disagree. The best behaved horse we ever had was a chesnut.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

Agree/Disagree. I think depending on the rider it can be.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.


13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.

Disagree. Ponies(and any horse too) can be brats and sometimes it just takes an adult to reach their highest potential.

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

Disagree. I think that if they grew up on push-buttons, they more than likely won't be a good rider unless they are on a good horse. However, if they grew up with the bratty pony that knew every trick in the book they will be. I grew up on a bratty horse and now even though I have a push button horse I can ride a misbehaving horse and get it to listen.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

Disagree. I think they help some but not enough to really do anything. Once you take them off they usually go back to before.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

Disagree. I do this because I can't help it and I really want to see my friends succeed. I welcome a bit of criticism too because I know I can use it.

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

Disagree. I think Western Equitation is much harder than Hunt Seat Equitation. I have to work much, much harder for me and my horse to look good in Horsemanship than we do in Hunt Seat.
2009-12-01 15:10:21 UTC
1. Disagree, I've never been around someone like that. If I were, I have a few horse stories about my horse I could use to bring them back down to Earth!(Lol! Not really but you get the idea.)

2. I don't know.

3. Agree.

4. Disagree! I have alot of non-horsey friends and they are wonderful!

5. Agree.

6. Agree. The only time I would give a horse a harsher bit is if I bought them with a hard mouth. I would slowly bring them back to a snaffle though.

7. Disagree. Experience is needed as well as time and alot of other stuff.

8. Agree. The more you fall, the more you learn. If you don't learn something from your fall, that is bad!

9. Agree. I would be very impressed if I met someone who did know everything.

10. Disagree. Chestnut is a color.

11. Agree. I'm personally against spurs but I hate how people freak out if you say you used a whip on your horse. Sometimes you need a little extract "oomf" to get your horse to listen if they have ignored your gentler cues.

12. Agree.

13. Disagree, ponies are wonderful creatures! They are cute and can be amazing eventers! Just take a look at Theodore O'Connor! That little pony shocked the world!

14. Agree. Having a horse that does everything means you don't learn how to handle a horse who doesn't. There is a big difference.

15. Disagree. Side-reins are miracles!

16. Disagree. Free instruction! Woo-hoo! It's only annoying when the person has no clue what they are doing.

17. Disagree. Western riding can be just as difficult as English riding. I do believe, however, when you first learn the basics of riding a horse English is more difficult. But once you get to cutting and barrel racing, those people have skill! I'm an English rider and I tried barrel racing once and I found out you need a lot of skill!
2009-12-01 14:46:26 UTC
1. Agree. People should help others, not brag. I don't care how good you are unless you're trying to help me without bossing me around.

2. Agree. Too many unwanted horses, and shipping overseas to slaughter is less humane than slaughtering here.

3. Agree, I think. I don't think that you should pay less attention to conformation, but more attention to attitude.

4. Disagree. Not everyone is going to be interested in what I am. Horses aren't the be all and end all in my life, and they don't matter to a lot of people.

5. Mixed. It can be, but you can use it with some good effect. It isn't right for all horses, but it may have its uses. I've never used it, and I think its overpriced, but I'm not going to say it's always bad.

6. Disagree. Not all shanked bits are bad, and not all snaffles are good. They have different uses, and in western riding, a curb is used on no rein contact. I think this is easier on a horse's mouth than a snaffle always on contact.

7. Disagree. There is a lot more to owning a horse than money. Time is much more important than money is, though money is necessary. Also, someone who doesn't know what he's doing could hurt himself or their horse.

8. Disagree. Falling off doesn't make you a good rider, learning from your falls does. You can fall off of a horse a thousand times and not be a good rider if you can't even stay on the horse.

9. Agree. They're living creatures, and each one is different. One can always teach you something.

10. Disagree. A color makes a horse wild?

11. Agree. Using whips and spurs can be useful for training. They can be used for abuse, but so can a snaffle in the wrong hands.

12. Agree. You shouldn't breed unless you have good stock and know what you're doing. If you think that well bred horses are expensive, there's a reason for that.

13. Disagree. Ponies aren't "horses for kids." Some pony breeds can carry adult riders, and some ponies are too dangerous for kids. Generalizations aren't a good thing.

14. Depends. If both are beginners, the rider on the less expensive horse may pick up bad habits. They also won't learn proper cues if their horse doesn't respond to them. However, they will learn how to act around a horse that isn't well trained.

15. Agree. Maybe they can be good in the hands of good trainers, but I'm not sure that they are. They seem like crutches to me, producing headset instead of carriage.

16. Disagree. Sometimes the advice can be good. If it's someone I know or I'm putting myself in danger, I'll value the advice. If I don't know the person, I'll take offense.

17. Disagree. The western saddle feels a bit more secure, but hanging onto the horn and having bad balance can make things dangerous. Also, a lot of what makes one easier or harder is the way the rider carries himself. Some are more naturally suited to one or the other.
2009-12-01 14:36:23 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them. I dont mind people telling me there accomplishments with their horse or pony that is something to be proud of and show. I have a lot of self esteam and others tring to put me down doesn't work.

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world. I think closing the slaughter houses is a great idea. We have to protect these animals, for a moment horses are a after image, no better than ghosts, hardly even there at all.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work. That bothers me, every horse has potentiol with bad conformation or great conformation.

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant. Disagree

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet. lol idk what that is =]

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining. Hmm.... I agree but disagree, there are bits that aren't horribly strong and aren't a snaffle but really stron bits are bad because horses moulths are delicate and using something harsh on them will do NO justice.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine. You need to have a lot of knowladge to own horse, not just money.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider. No, my instructor is a amazing rider and for the first 7 years she rode she never fell off, and in this time period she broke and trained green horses and stuff!

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses. No, what we know right now we don't really now that it is true.... before anyone freks out I think that you have to understand that no one really knows how horse feel or anything, we have never been a horse.

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild. 100% disagree, I own a wonderful eventing chesnut and know plenty of very calm chesnuts.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse. Yes, these animals have thick skin, but if these are used in a innapropriate manner that that is abuse.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem. I dont know a lot about horse breeding

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events. Not always

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse. Push button horses aren't good for people looking to really improve....

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used. Depends, try not to use artifical aids

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything. No they are helpful

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto. English in my perspective is harder but not because western has a horn....
2009-12-01 14:20:59 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

*** Some people really do love bragging about their horses. If the person is doing this to simply just well, brag about their horse than whatever, I listen and nod. If they are intentionally trying to put you, your horse, or your riding ability down then I WOULD mind. ***

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

*** I disagree. I don't see how anyone would think that it has had a negative affect. ***

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

*** Conformation does play a huge role in a show horse. Especially in hunters, eq... if the horse is a good mover and has a nice jump then that's what you are looking for. But, a lot of the show horse world see the horses more as money then anything else. ***

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

*** No. I have good friends that are non-horsey people. They are lovely people. Of course, I might like them even more if they were die-hard equestrians like myself! Haha. ****

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

*** The whole idea of "natural horsemanship" never appealed to me. My horse is content with the way I do things, natural or not, and if that works for her and I, why should I try to change? ***

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

*** I think that every horse should ride-able in a snaffle. Retraining isn't always the issue though. ****

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

*** What do you mean by 'fine?' Fine financially? Not quite. If you can afford a $500,000 I'd say you're pretty well off but if you are buying a horse for like $ see what I mean? ***

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

*** If that is true, then I should be a professional by now! ***

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

*** Not for me. I learn something new everyday. There is a certain arrogance that comes with thinking you have the answers to everything, and it annoys people when you are smug about it. ***

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

*** Chestnuts? Wtf? A good handful of Olympic horses are chestnuts... you can't discriminate against a red-head! ***

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

*** Spurs on a beginner's leg would potentially be a bad thing, same with a whip. I was always taught that spurs are an "extension of your lower leg" and obviously, not used as some form of punishment only motivation.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.

*** Meh. Depends. ***

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.

*** Not necessarily. Maybe for height purposes but some horses are much better behaved than a pony. ***

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

*** I think an expensive push-button horse is not a horse you learn to ride from. Most of the people that have the push-button horses usually didn't start off that way. Push-button horses are usually not very forgiving of amateur mistakes. Having a push-button horse does not make you a bad rider. If you are any kind of decent rider you should be able to get on any well schooled horse and ride well. The logistics of riding do not change whenever you get on a new mount.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

*** Disagree. They are training tools, which are very useful and not in any way abuse to the animal. ***

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

*** I don't mind constructive criticism and recommendations. I don't think people should be so defensive when someone tries to give advice but if they are going out of their way to be an *** about it then I would say that IS annoying.

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

*** I've never ridden Western so maybe I am a bit biased but... really, the horn is the place to go if anything goes wrong. Western riders don't really have to depend on their legs as much as English riders do. I think English and Western are two different concepts of riding and should be treated as such. ***

This was fun! I like these. :)
Katie Rose
2009-12-01 14:22:42 UTC
1. Agree!

2. I'm not sure, i'll go with agree.

3. Agree

4. Disagree, how can you say that anyone who has nothing to do with horses are close minded and ignorant? If you are referring to their attitude towards horse related activities I think that anyone could say that about others who have different hobbies.

5. Agree for the most part.

6. Disagree, it depends on the horse.

7. Disagree. The person also needs to have the skills, time and effort in order to have a horse.

8. Disagree. It doesn't matter how many times you fall or don't fall off.

9. Agree. Horses are animals with different personalities, there is always something new to learn.

10. Disagree, that's silly.

11. Agree. When people know how to use these properly it isn't abuse.

12. Agree for the most part.

13. Disagree.

14. Disagree. It isn't about the price of the horse that you own. You have challenges with every horse.

15. I don't know enough about them.

16. Disagree. Sometimes it is annoying and rude however sometimes there people who give advice with the right intentions.

17. Disagree! It drives me insane when people say that western is easier. Most of the time they are people who have never actually tried to do western riding seriously. As someone who has ridden both english and western they are both so different with equal challenges.
2009-12-01 14:14:02 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

---agree. riding is not about winning and losing. it is about working together as a team with your horse. the real accomplishment is forming and unseperable bond that nothing can be one with your horse

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

---disagree. i am in full favor of banning horse slaughter everywhere

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

---on the fence. some people care, but not to that extent...the conformation may prevent the horse from working as much as he is needed to at his home

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.


5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

---can't answer this. never experienced parelli

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

---disagree. i do not like super harsh bits, but some horses need a stronger bit just to keep them in check and under control. sure, they might be good for a while...but if they begin to act up, it is better to have a stronger bit on your side than a hospital trip if you get hurt

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.


8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

---disagree. falling only makes you a better rider if you learn from your mistakes and take action to fix that fault and not let it happen again

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.


10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

---disagree. completely disagree

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

---on the fence. it depends on which sense whips and spurs are used. i do not feel that spurring a horse doing gaming is necessary. simple verbal commands and encouragement will do just as well. but using humane spurs as a training tool, to perfect technique as a rider i think is good

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.

---on the fence. it is a problem when the horses are not cared for and result in cases of neglect...but otherwise i see no fault in it

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.


14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.


15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.


16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

---on the fence. when they constantly give instruction, and it gets you no where in your riding skills, it is very annoying. but if it helps you, it's a good thing

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

Meagan K [Old Account]
2009-12-01 14:13:51 UTC
Agree and Disagree are too broad... there are grey areas, in my opinion. So I'm going to do "Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree". Okay?

1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

- Agree. It's annoying, but I really just don't let it get to me. It's not something to waste my strength worrying about!

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

- Agree. I don't necessarily think that they need reopened, per se, but something needs to be done about all the **** that it has caused.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

- Agree. Work ethic and attitude are just as important when looking for a horse. A horse that is bitchy and won't listen isn't going to get you anywhere, no matter how good she looks!

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

- Disagree. People are people. There are all types of people everywhere you look.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

- Strongly agree!! LOL

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

- Disagree. It depends on the horse and his training, and the rider and his skills. Sometimes a stronger bit is merely a means of refinement, other times it can be something the horse isn't ready for, and just a band-aid on lack of training.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

- Fine what? That's sort of broad. You mean fine owning one? That, I strongly disagree with. The initial cost of a horse isn't even a dent on all the costs.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

- Strongly disagree. Does getting in 10 car accidents make you a good driver????

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

- Strongly agree.

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

- Pffft. Strongly disagree. That's ridiculous.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

- Agree. Both tools can be used as abuse, but can also be used as reinforcement/refinement of existing aids, like they are intended to be used for.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.

- Strongly Agree 100%.

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.

- Agree, but not strongly.... I mean look at Teddy O' Connor. But yeah, most are best suited for kids and lower levels.

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

- Agree, somewhat. Not everyone you find will fit the mold.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

- Agree, somewhat. There are better ways of training, but I'm not going to say that they should "never" be used.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

- Agree, somewhat. They can be annoying, but sometimes they are just trying to help. It wouldnt' hurt to keep an open mind and take what you hear with a grain of salt.

Additional Details

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

- Disagree. It's an advantage I suppose, but it doesn't make it "easier". Especially because of the different levels of riding. For an example, upper level barrel racing isn't going to be easier than the local 4-H english walk-trot class.
Lizzie M
2009-12-01 14:38:00 UTC
1. Agree

2. Agree

3. Strongly Agree

4. Disagree... too general of a statement. Many horse people are also close minded and ignorant

5. Agree

6. Disagree.

7. Disagree

8. It doesn't make you a good rider, but good riders are not ones that have never fallen of their horses.


10. Strongly Disagree. Wtf?

11. Strongly Agree

12. Not sure what id meant by this.

13. Agree

14. Strongly Agree

15. Disagree

16. Disagree, sometime people are just trying to help

17. Strongly Disagree. The horn is not meant to be held on to. Western Riders DO NOT hold on to the saddle horn.
2009-12-01 14:35:39 UTC
1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them. - Yes, but then who likes a bragger who puts other down?

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world. - Yes, I hate the thought of slaughter, but I also hate the thought of staved, abused & uncared for horses not to mention all those getting shipped to Mexico & Canada for slaughter (they simply have farther to go now). US equine slaughter needs better regulation & real enforcement of those regulations.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work. - LOL, yes, but if they want to shell out their money they can go for it! I'll keep my sweet, willing horses to myself...

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant. - Sometimes, but more likely just uneducated & inexperienced.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet. - No, although I don't use him I am quite impressed with the results & know people who love his methods. The products are pricey but companies are pretty much free to charge what they want (I like eBay, you just have to be careful who you buy from so your not buying pirated DVD's).

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining. - Yes and No. Using a stronger bit simply so you don't have do additional training is being lazy. But used on a properly trained horse & for the right reason (show rules, refining aids, etc.) I think it's totally fine.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine. - As long as they're willing to spend it & not too proud to get help when they need it.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider. - Well it certainly improves your groundwork!

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses. - LOL, nope!

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild. - Really? I just thought they were spunky :) Actaully I had never heard that but I love sorrels/chestnuts.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse. - Yes, I believe this is just another issue that non-horse people are uneducated about.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem. - Yes, most is done irresponsibly & results in low/medium quality horses. I've seen/handled a ton & although they're often sweet most can't be given away right now & hence many are being shipped to Mexico & Canada for slaughter...

13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events. - Children maybe simply because of size but they can be just as athletic as a full size horse. Obviously they can't jump as high or run as fast so that's going to keep them out of certain comps but if they can do it let them. I'm only 5' 1" so I still ride/own ponies, they're so cute!

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse. - Yes & No. They may obtain a higher level of refinement but if that's all they ride they probably won't be able to handle a rough horse nearly as well as one of us :)

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used. - I don't use them, don't think they do as good of job since the horse can just lean on the bit rather than giving to it. But I don't think they're abusive as long as not being made to tight.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything. - It depends on how they do it, "Can I tell you something I think would help you there?" VS. "You should do it this way."

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto. - Nah, but it's easier to stay in the saddle. Western is more relaxed though so probably easier for a beginner rider.
♥A Horsez love is natural ♥
2009-12-01 14:27:21 UTC
LOL! sounds like fun! here goes!

1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

-agree, we're all riders. just because you did something cool with your horse doesnt make you better than me.

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

-agree to a point. :\ killing of horses is awful to even think about; let alone allow it. But honestly now there are a lot of horses that people can't take care of and eventually overpopulation may occur.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

-agree. Conformation and gaits are all good while riding, but a horse with ill ground manners is more likely to cause injuries to himself or the person caring for him.

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

-HAHA! depends. people who refuse to see horse-back riding a sport are pretty ignorant. But i know some pretty nice non-horsey people. :p

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.

-not entirely educated on it. Don't wanna make an uneducated decision to try and sound like i know what I'm talking about :)

6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.


7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

-disagree. Owning a horse is not all about how much money u have. It deals MUCH more with the ability to safely care for one.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

- lol! agree! Being able to fall off so many times and get right back on shows the perseverance and determination needed to deal with a difficult horse. Let alone the mistakes we make. :)

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

-agree. Every horse is different and will react different ways. There is NO wy someone can know everything about them!

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

-Disagree. My horse is a chestnut and shes adorable!!! :) She is not wild, and she is defiantly my BEST FRIEND!!! It's all in the training.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse

-Agree. These are merely used to reinforce the aids. Spurs and crops can be misused though.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.


13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events

-Disagree. They may be smaller, but ponies are usually very tricky and have outstanding personalities. They tend to be spunkier. :p I'm not saying a child couldn't handle one however.

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

-Agree, sorta. Push-button horses allow a rider to refine their aids, while a difficult horse teaches the rider other things such as: staying on, controlling the horse, dealing with a difficult horse, and training. Different lessons, each beneficial.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

-Disagree, Draw reins can be used as a training device to teach a horse to collect more. However, overuse will cause a horse to be dependent on them and eventually become pushy. causing the handler to advance to a more severe device or re-training.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

-Not all the time, sometimes their advice is helpful and they are just looking to help out.

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

-Disagree. Barrels look really scary. Lots of skill go into BOTH disciplines!

This was fun thanx!! Lots to thinkabout in the horse world.


Wow people thumbs down?? how do you get thumbs down on an opinion question??
2009-12-01 18:13:07 UTC
1. It annoys you when people overexaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.

It would annoy me if someone was acting like they were better than me period.

2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.

No, I don't. Overbreeding has had a bad effect in the horse world. All closing the slaughterhouses did was make it more obvious to us.

3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.

Not always. A lot of people forget that conformation isn't just about looks - it's about health and longevity. It's extremely important.

4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.

Some are and some aren't.

5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.


6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.

Disagree. A curb in the right hands is MUCH more mild than a snaffle in the wrong hands.

7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.

Disagree. I know a lady with horses and tons of money and she doesn't have a clue. ALL she does for the horses is feed them and get their hooves trimmed. She doesn't groom them, bathe them, deworm them, get their teeth floated, exercise them... nothing. One of her horses had hives and was scratching them and bleeding and she didn't get him any medical attention for FOUR months. She gives her horses treats for EVERYTHING, and she considers a half a scoop of grain a treat.

8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.

Definitely not. Bad riders can fall off a lot. Good riders can get lucky and almost never fall off. It's unrelated to your skill.

9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.

Strongly agree.

10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.

Disagree. That's just stupid.

11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.

Sure. You can use them as an extension of your hand or heels... Or you can beat your horse with them. Almost anything can be used to abuse a horse, and almost anything considered 'abusive' can be fine in the right hands.

12. Backyard breeding is a problem.


13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.

The only reason people think that is because their size makes them suitable for children. Children don't usually compete at high levels until they're outgrown their ponies. That doesn't mean the ponies don't have the talent to go to higher levels.

14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.

If you ride expensive push-button horses all the time, you're not going to get any better. If you ride cheap push-button horses all the time, you're not going to get any better. If you ride cheap difficult horses all the time, you might get better and you might not. If you ride expensive difficult horses all the time, you might get better and you might not. Price is irrelevant.

15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.

They shouldn't be used by inexperienced people. There's nothing wrong with using them as a training AID. Cranking your horse's nose to its chest when it doesn't have the muscle for it is abuse. It's just like a person lifting weights. If you lift weights that are an appropriate weight for you, you'll get stronger without hurting yourself. If you lift weights that are too heavy, you'll hurt yourself.

16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.

It depends entirely on how they say it. If I'm standing at the wash rack trying to get burrs out of my mare's tail and somebody says "Have you tried using baby oil? It works really well"... I wouldn't be annoyed. If I'm standing at the wash rack trying to get burrs out of my mare's tail and somebody says "Oh my god! Why are you using WD-40 on your horse?!?! That's so bad for them!" .... I would be annoyed.

17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.

Maybe I'm weird, but I actually find English and bareback easier than Western. It's harder for me to stay balanced in a Western saddle because it's so wide and I have short legs... and it's harder for me to ride a horse with a wide barrel than a horse with a narrow barrel when I'm riding bareback. It's the same concept.

To say that it's easier because they have a horn to hold onto is just stupid. For one, nobody actually holds onto the horn except beginners. And two, being able to hold onto the horn when your horse spooks doesn't make it 'easier' at all. What about the actual work? Training your horse and preparing for shows?
Karin C
2009-12-01 14:39:15 UTC
1. Disagree. Getting annoyed is a choice. If people are behaving like jerks, why should I empower them to make me feel bad? If someone is being a blow-hard and bragging, I tune them out. If you choose to become annoyed, you empower the jerks. Is that what you want to do?

2. Agree. Horses are still being slaughtered, they're just trucked over the boarder and we've lost control over the conditions they encounter. Anyone who thinks a slaughter ban in the US saved horses and diminished misery is just not being realistic.

3. Disagree. When you select a young horse, you have to start with conformation. If a horse has defective conformation that renders it unsuitable for the purpose for which you intend to use it, or which will render it unsound, you're wasting your time with it. That said, there is no such thing as the perfectly-conformed horse, and you only have to look at horses that have become champions in performance disciplines to see that a good mind and will to win can make up for a lot of conformation defects.

4. Disagree. Horsey people who say "Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant." are revealing themselves to be close minded and ignorant. You cannot be critical of one group of people for a fault that your group exhibits by making that criticism. That's called HYPOCRISY.

5. No opinion. Don't know enough about it.

6. Disagree. There are situations where a bit with some leverage is necessary: when you're driving horses, you sometimes need a bit with more "whoa" to it. When you mount a child or a small adult on a big, strong, aggressive horse, you need a bit with more "whoa" to it to make up for the rider's lack of beef. And any bit can be used humanely or inhumanely. I've seen horses with mouths bloodied from a plain snaffle in the hands of a bad or abusive rider.

7. Somewhat agree. As long as they recognize that they may be ignorant and are willing to pay for and take expert advice to make up for lack of experience/knowledge, no problem. I'd rather see that than see someone trying to keep a horse on a shoestring budget.

8. Disagree. LEARNING from every fall makes you a better rider. Falling and not learning doesn't do anything (except make you sore).

9. Absolutely agree, and anyone who disagrees with this is insane. Horses can make fools out of people who think they know it all so fast it'll make your head spin.

10. Disagree. Man O' War was a chestnut. Secretariat was a chestnut. I could go on. "There never was a good horse of a bad color, or a bad horse of a good color."

11. Agree. Whips and spurs are just tools in the toolbox, and used correctly and by a knowlegeable horseman, are no way inhumane or abusive.

12. Agree. Ask any large animal vet what the most abused, neglected, and worst-cared-for segment of the horse population is, and he/she will tell you it's the backyard horse kept by someone who doesn't have adequate budget.

13. Disagree. Ponies can make very fine driving animals for adults. But small ponies, especially small Shetlands, are fiends in babyclothes, muggers in disguise. There ought to be a law against anyone who gushes "oh, aren't they CUTE!" owning a Shetland.

14. Disagree. People can learn from push-button horses. If you have ever ridden a push-button horse, it's awful nice to be able to concentrate on the fine points of horsemanship and not have to worry about an untrained, poorly-trained horse, or a horse that's willfully resistant to the correct aids.

15. Agree with reservations. Again, side reins and draw reins are just tools in the tool box, and if used correctly by someone who knows what they're doing, can be useful.

16. Disagree with reservations. I had a chance to ride with a friend at her stable in Southern California about 30 years ago. A woman I didn't know made some suggestions, unasked, about my position on the horse. The suggestions made sense, so I thanked the woman. Afterwards, the friend said, "do you know who that was?" "No," I said. Turns out the lady was Hilda Gurney. The point: if someone is giving you advice AND IT MAKES SENSE, don't let your pride get in the way of adopting the suggestions they're giving you!!!!!

17. Disagree. Doing anything well is never, ever easy.
2009-12-01 14:16:54 UTC
1. It annoys me when people over-exaggerate anything. It diminishes the faith I have that anything else they tell me is accurate.

2. The closing of the slaughter houses has had a negative effect on many horse's welfare, not because slaughter houses are needed but because humans haven't the ability to act responsibly - they do waht they think will earn them the quickest buck and the biggest name. slaughter houses are needed because there are too many people breeding low-quality horses and owning horses who are incapable of seeing to their humane euthanization when their usefulness is through.

3. Confirmation and personality go hand in hand. You can't ignore either one in making good decisions about any horse. Either one can destroy or build a horse's value and both can strengthen a weakness.

4. I don't consider them 'ignorant' in the sense that they are stupid. They truthfully ARE ignorant in terms of horse knowledge which isn't a crime. It simply means they lack that knowledge. I don't find them close-minded either - they simply don't have the same interests as I do. I haven't found too many non-horsey people who'd call me ignorant nor close minded about their interests either.

5. Parelli is nothing more than one person's sharing of their successful ways in a manner they hope will build other's knowledge while also making a few people a good living. It's no different than any other person would do if they'd have built a perfect mousetrap then tried to sell their technology to the highest price. I've had as much success with Parelli's methods as I have with all the other clinicans I've studied. For any single person to label the Parelli methods as totally without value is close minded and ignorant. A smart person takes it all in, picks out what they can use and discards the rest. Parelli's methods are truthfully about the same as many other clinicians who make as much or more money and those that make little to no money. I get really sick and tired of hearing people diss Parelli's teaching summarily simply because he's made a lot of money at it. A respectable person also doesn't diss the opinions of their audience - at least not one who wishes to gain the respect of that audience.

6. The use of a bit is as unique to each riders goals as anything else. One can only perform refined maneuvers to a certain extent with a snaffle bit because a snaffle is limited in the accuracy of the cues it can impart. If a rider's goal is to successfully complete advanced maneuvers with small cue movements, a bit different than a snaffle is required. Ever see a Vaquero Ride with a spade mouth bit? They don't use them because they have to, they use them because they can and they've got such a rapport with the horse, a movement of a hair's width can result in very quick and accurate responses from the horse - responses which are needed when working with bulls and rough stock. I certainly wouldn't want to be working around a bull with a dull horse in a snaffle bit.

7. affordance of a horse is unique to each situation. Your definition may be different from mine.

8. Falling off 10 times does NOT make you a good rider, it bruises you up and makes you look like an idiot. Learning to NOT fall off is success.

9. One can never know everything about anything. many think they can but it isn't so. Learning and growing means one learns knew things every day - a person who looks forward to increased learning is one who goes far and is successful - especially in the things they avoid

10. This is simply a stupid comment. It's like saying red heads are wild and blondes are dumb or brunettes are stuck up. Which one of those do you fit into?

11. Too often people use whips and spurs to abuse animals. They don't know how to use them more times than not.

12. Only backyard breeders who produce low-quality animals withou a plan are a problem. I know a few that might be termed 'backyard breeders' who turn out very high quality sought-after horses.

13. Disagree completely. Ponies are usually stubborn, crafty critters. Had more success with larger, more docile horses for youngsters.

14. Push button horses don't equate to expense any more than rider ability equates to price of horse. You show me a push button horse with a poor rider and I'll show you 10 cheap horses with ignorant riders and problem horses.

15. Artificial tools such as tie downs and draw reins have their place in the world. How they are used and why are what distinguishes the difference between a horseman or horsewoman and a person who just rides a horse.

16. People who instruct you when they see you have a problem are not always annoying nor do they think they know everything - this opinion only exists in people who think they already know it all and never need advice from anyone else.

17. Western/English riding is neither easier nor harder than the other when taught/learned properly.
2009-12-01 14:10:16 UTC
A lot of these aren't black and white answers, but here you go!

1- It's somewhat annoying but not something I think about too much.

2- I neither agree nor disagree. Horse slaughter is the garbage can... the slaughterhouses aren't the ones who put the horse in the trash in the first place! The people who have a bad effect are those who don't train their horses or breed low-quality animals.

3- Disagree. The VAST majority of horses have a fairly friendly personality. I don't care how sweet a horse is if it's not going to stay sound past the age of five!

4- completely disagree

5- Completely agree... ever see a Parelli trained horse in the Olympics... no? I wonder why not!

6- False. Almost any bit, used properly in the right hands, is humane and can benefit the horse

7- Disagree. There are PLENTY of people who can afford horses, but they're just too lazy to go feed them, so the horse starves to death.

8- Disagree... if you haven't fallen 10 times, that could just mean you know what you're doing! One of my trainers has never fallen off, ever, and she's won tons of huge A-rated shows

9- True, haha. All of the information about horses hasn't even been discovered yet, so how can you know something nobody's found out yet?

10- False, color is not related to personality

11- YES- crops and spurs aren't abusive when used by a good rider as a tool, but a lot of non-horse people think they're "mean"

12- Huge problem, bad breeding is the sole reason horse slaughter exists. If all breeders evaluated potential buyers to make sure they were good, educated, kind, and knew what they were doing, the horse wouldn't wind up in slaughter.

12= False... Teddy O'Connor basically proved that wrong, but to be fair he was a a large pony. Here's a small one that I LOVE!

14- I think that's true. You can learn to have very good equitation on a push button horse, and everyone should learn to ride on one, but you aren't going to learn to sit a buck, deal with an obstinate horse, etc, unless you actually ride one!

15- Side reins and draw reins are just that- tools. They can be used properly or improperly. Used properly, they're a good training tool. Improperly, they're abuse.

16- disagree... if I see someone who stands a good chance of getting hurt, hurting their horse, or ruining their horse's training, you bet I am going to correct them! I try to be nice/friendly about it though...

17- Yes, western riding is easier than English if you are just going on a trail ride, or just sitting there. That's why most public trail rides use western saddles. However, if you are actually doing a competition and riding properly, they're about equal. Most western riders don't even hold the horn.
2009-12-01 14:09:39 UTC
1. Agree

2. Sadly Agree


4. Disagree (often just misinformed)

5. Somewhat agree (depends)

6. Mostly Agree (at lot of times that is the case, but there are exceptions)


8.Agree and Disagree. (Falling off can make you a better rider especially if you get back on and learn from your mistakes. If you fall off and either a. dont get back on or B. Dont learn for your mistakes then you are falling for no reason. Falling off 10 times does NOT make you a good rider but it can help make you a better rider)

9. agree

10. Disagree

11. Mostly Agree (they can be used in abuse. If they are used in the way they are designed to be used, I.E. a training aid, then no. But if they are used INSTEAD of proper training then yes I believe that can be considered abuse)

12. In the middle (I think too many people are too worried about what others are doing)

13. Disagree (A pony is anything under 14.2hh. I currently work with Paso Fino's. In that breed 14.2 is tall. They can handle a 200lb rider no problem. Also look at Theodore O'Conner (Karen O'Conner's Horse) He was 14.1hh and was doing olympics)

14. Agree (In the long run things will start to slip and they wont learn some of the most important lessons that come from riding a more difficult horse)

15.Mostly Disagree (If used correctly they can be wonderful training aids. If they are used in correctly well then they shouldnt be used at all.)

16. Agree and Disagree (You have to be willing to take what they say with a grain of salt. Sometimes their advice can be useful, others annoying)

17. Disagree (western riding can be just as hard as English if you do it correctly. The horse needs to learn to move correctly so in turn YOU must ride correctly. In the same English can be easier then western if you dont do it correctly and ride lazily)
2016-04-07 06:44:35 UTC
1. eh, disagree. 2. agree. Paul McCartney had a few good lyrics, but he doesn't compare to Jim Morrison. 3. agree. 4. nothing against Pink Floyd, but i'm going to have to disagree 5. disagree. he's good, but overrated. 6. not sure if he'd be in the top five. definitly the top 10, though. oh well. agree.
2009-12-01 14:47:02 UTC
1) Yes, but I tend to feel bad for their horse.

2) NO

3) Yes, but conformation can play a big hand as far as ability to work goes.

4) no

5) Yes, but not always

6) Not necessarily.

7) no. Just because you can afford a horse doesn't mean you should have one!

8) no. especially if it happens all in the same day :p

9) yes

10) no

11) yes

12) yes

13) it depends

14) yes, but it's not always true

15) ... in the wrong hands

16) yes, unless it is helpful (ex: if you can't figure out what to do at a show, and someone lets you know what to do)

17) no

... by yes and no, I meant agree and disagree, respectively :)
Nick J.
2009-12-01 14:08:38 UTC
1. Agree like they're just the world's greatest rider and don't know the 1st thing about the horse.

2. Agree

3. Disagree

4. Disagree

5. Agree

6. Strongly disagree

7. Disagree

8. Agree

9. Strongly Agree

10.Strongly disagree

11.Strongly Agree

12.Strongly disagree

13.Strongly disagree

14. Agree

15.Strongly disagree

16. In some cases but not always

17. No not really because they both are easy/difficult in their own respects.
2009-12-01 14:15:29 UTC
1. Agree

2. Disagree

3. Agree... i have one person in my mind right now

4. Disagree

5. Disagree

6. Disagree

7. not understanding this question...

8. disagree

9. agree.

10. disagree

11. Agree

12. Disagree

13. Agree

14. Agree

15. Depends on how you use them

16. If theyre nice about it then its fine, but if they act like they know everything then its not fine.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.