1. It annoys you when people over exaggerate their horse accomplishments and riding to make you feel like you aren't a good rider next to them.
*** Some people really do love bragging about their horses. If the person is doing this to simply just well, brag about their horse than whatever, I listen and nod. If they are intentionally trying to put you, your horse, or your riding ability down then I WOULD mind. ***
2. You feel that the closing of slaughter houses (in the US) has had a bad affect in the horse world.
*** I disagree. I don't see how anyone would think that it has had a negative affect. ***
3. You see that some people tend to care too much about a horse's conformation and gaits and forget about the horse's personality or will to work.
*** Conformation does play a huge role in a show horse. Especially in hunters, eq... if the horse is a good mover and has a nice jump then that's what you are looking for. But, a lot of the show horse world see the horses more as money then anything else. ***
4. Non-horsey people are close minded and ignorant.
*** No. I have good friends that are non-horsey people. They are lovely people. Of course, I might like them even more if they were die-hard equestrians like myself! Haha. ****
5. Parelli is a gateway into bad behavioral problems and an empty wallet.
*** The whole idea of "natural horsemanship" never appealed to me. My horse is content with the way I do things, natural or not, and if that works for her and I, why should I try to change? ***
6. Any bit stronger than a snaffle is a bad bit to use and the horse just needs retraining.
*** I think that every horse should ride-able in a snaffle. Retraining isn't always the issue though. ****
7. As long as someone can afford a horse, they are fine.
*** What do you mean by 'fine?' Fine financially? Not quite. If you can afford a $500,000 I'd say you're pretty well off but if you are buying a horse for like $100...you see what I mean? ***
8. Falling off 10 times makes you a good rider.
*** If that is true, then I should be a professional by now! ***
9. There is really no such thing as knowing EVERYTHING about horses.
*** Not for me. I learn something new everyday. There is a certain arrogance that comes with thinking you have the answers to everything, and it annoys people when you are smug about it. ***
10. Chestnuts aren't good horses to have because they are wild.
*** Chestnuts? Wtf? A good handful of Olympic horses are chestnuts... you can't discriminate against a red-head! ***
11. Using whips and spurs are too often misunderstood as abuse.
*** Spurs on a beginner's leg would potentially be a bad thing, same with a whip. I was always taught that spurs are an "extension of your lower leg" and obviously, not used as some form of punishment only motivation.
12. Backyard breeding is a problem.
*** Meh. Depends. ***
13. Ponies are best suited for children and lower level events.
*** Not necessarily. Maybe for height purposes but some horses are much better behaved than a pony. ***
14. People who own expensive push-button horses aren't going to be as good as a rider than someone who has to ride a less expensive and more difficult horse.
*** I think an expensive push-button horse is not a horse you learn to ride from. Most of the people that have the push-button horses usually didn't start off that way. Push-button horses are usually not very forgiving of amateur mistakes. Having a push-button horse does not make you a bad rider. If you are any kind of decent rider you should be able to get on any well schooled horse and ride well. The logistics of riding do not change whenever you get on a new mount.
15. Tools such as side reins and draw reins shouldn't be used.
*** Disagree. They are training tools, which are very useful and not in any way abuse to the animal. ***
16. People who give instruction to you uninvited are highly annoying and think they know everything.
*** I don't mind constructive criticism and recommendations. I don't think people should be so defensive when someone tries to give advice but if they are going out of their way to be an *** about it then I would say that IS annoying.
17. Western riding is easier than English simply because they have a horn to hold onto.
*** I've never ridden Western so maybe I am a bit biased but... really, the horn is the place to go if anything goes wrong. Western riders don't really have to depend on their legs as much as English riders do. I think English and Western are two different concepts of riding and should be treated as such. ***
This was fun! I like these. :)