my horse has problem urinating we notice this today what do think might have cause this. he drinks enough?
lulu s
2007-05-10 22:18:12 UTC
my horse has problem urinating we notice this today what do think might have cause this. he drinks enough?
Sixteen answers:
2007-05-10 22:30:00 UTC
it could be a number of things but horses have crystals in there urine and if excess amounts occur ( for alot of reasons) it can cause problems like this. i would advise you to collect a sample and take it to your vets to be tested. I am an equine nurse and i also had a horse with the same signs, we put him on a acid neutrilizer and it cleared up.
Starlight 1
2007-05-11 14:01:31 UTC
Your horse probably has a "bean " in his sheath or at the end of his penis. This is a collection of dead skin, mucus, and dirt that accumulates in the folds of the skin in that area, and if it gets large enough, it can block or obstruct the uretheral opening at the end of the penis. This will cause pain, swelling, colicky symptoms, and sometimes even a fever if it gets infected. This is why it is imperative that stallions and geldings have their sheaths cleaned at least once or twice each year. There is a wonderful product called Excalibur on the market that is just for sheath cleaning. I would recommend that you get some of this ( it is available at most feed and tack stores) and that you thoroughly clean your horse's sheath and penis, before you call your vet. Follow the label directions, and make sure that you use warm water, not cold, and plenty of clean sponges. You may also want to wear gloves when you do this, as the smegma ( which what the accumulated material that is causing your horse's problem is called) tends to have a smell that will linger on skin and clothing. Also, make sure that you rinse the area well after cleaning, and that you WASH the sponges or cloths afterwards. If your horse still has the same symptoms after he is clean, then you will want to call your vet out to look at him. Good luck, and I hope this helps.
2007-05-11 12:03:17 UTC
If your horse is a gelding and the problem he is having is...

When he drops his sheath and begins to urinate is it coming out in a stream or is it spraying, like when you put your thumb over the end of a hose? Is he swollen or enlarged on his sheath? Does he look "Normal" down there? If all these things apply your gelding has a "Bean" inside his ureatha tube. A collection of dead skin that rolls into his ureatha hole each time he finishes urinating and pulls penis up into his body. A "Bean" is usually the size of a jelly-bean but solid not soft. You need mineral oil, a warm towel, bucket of warm water with dish soap added.....clean around his outer area utill he relaxes and droppes, if you oil your hand (more oil the better) you can stick your finger into the ureatha opening and you should feel it, you might even feel it throught the skin if its really big, the trick is to hook it with your fingernail and pull it out. More than likely it will come out in 2 or more pieces. How old is your horse? Is he active or a barn dog? When you run your hand down his back does it seem soar towards his rump?
2007-05-11 16:17:33 UTC
He needs to see a vet. If he has a bean, like the other people said the vet can easily remove it for you. It also could be kidney stones. My friend's horse had them and he had problems urinating, so you might want to get him check out.
2007-05-13 14:36:19 UTC
He probably needs his sheath cleaned!You can try excaliber or another product, but make sure you rinse it out well, otherwise he can get a serious infection from it, or become very dry. Plain old Glycerine works too.Wear gloves because NOTHING gets the smell off your hands. Most horses don't like having this done by the way. If you can't do it yourself, then get your vet to give you some tranquilizer.
2007-05-12 01:08:45 UTC
Have you cleaned his sheath lately? He could have a bean stuck in there.

I also knew a horse once who had trouble urinating and it was because he had a neurological problem but thats really rare and we noticed other symptoms (i.e. falling on his knees during a trail ride) first.
2007-05-12 22:09:00 UTC
Clean his sheath and check for a bean as other people have said and if these don't help call the vet
2007-05-12 00:33:13 UTC
You should call your vet and ask them to clean his sheath (I think thats what it is called). It is very very very very grose so I have my vet do it. But it is the layer of skin around the penis. Sometimes it gets crusty and dirty and skin peels and it gets very very grose. Also they get beads around their pee hole that are just little clumps of dirt. They look like beads. Or sometimes their pee hole gets clogged from being dirty so the vet can take care of that too.
2007-05-11 05:24:22 UTC
Better get a Vet to check him. You shouldn't wait around on stuff like this, too important!! Be a diff. number of things,

bladder infection, kidney infection (or both) kidney failure, kidney stones. Call vet!!
2007-05-12 17:28:05 UTC
he may need his sheath and penis cleaning or he may have a urine infection plenty of liquids if this does not help call a vet for some antibiotics
2007-05-11 05:26:48 UTC
See how he's doing. You might want to call your vet and maybe they can help you over the phone, but they may want to come out to see him. Good luck....
2007-05-11 20:35:58 UTC
I would get a vet to check him because it could be serious. if there a problem than it's always best to catch it early. before it gets worse.

2007-05-11 17:39:36 UTC
If it is a gelding, he has a concretion of the urethra, a condition a vet only can fix. Call one-------as in soon!!!
2007-05-12 20:11:14 UTC
you might want to take him to your vet. he might have a kidney problem. i'm not for sure about it but you just might check.
2007-05-13 10:53:03 UTC
2007-05-11 05:26:53 UTC
maybe you just caught him peeing after he had sex

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