Showing attire?
2007-05-10 07:07:30 UTC
Hi guys - I'm going to start doing some in hand showing with my veteran mare - I'm 21 myself - what is the standard clothing I should be wearing?
25 answers:
2007-05-10 10:58:34 UTC
im in the uk and have eventers i show my new forest pony in hand a lot,you need to be dressed in cream or white jodphurs,leather long boots prefrably,if not rubber ill do,you should wear a white shirt,stock and tie pin.a hair net if you have long hair and a riding hat.
2007-05-12 09:56:10 UTC
i would wear cream jods, white shirt, a stock or tie, long leather riding boots and a show jacket prob tweed, wear a riding hat with a hair net. i would also carry a showing cane and wear some leather gloves

your bridle should be as basic as poss, snaffle with leather reins.

i have taken a coulple of horses into veteran classes and the judges always love old horses that had a hop in their step, so practice getting your horses to trot when you ask so that it doesn't look asthough you are dragging her round, and always keep your reins loose so that they can see the horse is balanced, and how she moves. when you run around with her stay on the opposite side to the judges, they want to see your mare not you.

hope i have been of some use
skip a heartbeat
2007-05-10 08:29:07 UTC
Small shows generally allow you to wear anything you like, as long as it is safe/practical. (not a great idea to go in a evening gown and heels!) Just wear some cream jods, nice shiny black/brown short boots (I find it to hard to run around in my long boots), a sparkley white shirt and some sort of black/blue jacket. Depending on the show you may not need to wear a hat, but if you do make sure it matches your outfit and looks clean. The judges should really only award you on the presentation of your horse, not yourself, however for some reason judges seem to turn their noses up at me when I crawl into the ring covered it hay, feed, grass and god knows what else. Good Luck and have fun
2007-05-10 07:56:59 UTC
Are you doing an English or Western style? I don't know about English, but for Western you always want to have a nice hat. Depending on your horses color, choose a material that compliments her (ie~black felt, straw, etc...) I almost always wore very clean, black Rockies jeans when I was showing, with black shiny cowboy boots. A few silver or gold embellishments on the jeans can look nice in the show ring. On top, I love those slinkies shirts! They look really sharp, especially when paired with a matching vest. Be minimal on jewelry, although if it matched the outfit and doesn't bounce around a lot, it can look good. I don't know what your hair looks like, but I always wore mine in one of those bows with the net underneath, so you have it all gathered and out of the way. It doesn't look good to have hair all over the place! Be sure to use those big bobby pins to get your hat to stay put, and a nice belt with a pretty, but not gaudy, buckle can really top off the outfit nicely. Oh, and if you wear spurs, make sure they are shiny and clean and the straps match the outfit! And always coordinate the outfit to the horse, not to you. Good luck!
2007-05-13 22:47:17 UTC
In hand showing attire is generally the older style, e.g. for a welsh or english breeds, new england etc, they often wear a nice outifit consisting or show pants, a nice hsirt and a med brim hat, lace and runnign shows, (not joggers) but i think your meaning the english attire, as in jod purs and shirt and tie

For starters, i would get a nice pair of beige jodpurs, and a light shirt, the shirts come in two styles.

1. Collar- which you wear with a matching tie

2. Rat-cathcer- which you wear with a stock pin

both are nice, rat-cathcers are generally more expensive.

Next, the jacket, many shows insist on jackets, but they are usually not compolsary, match with your shirt, but usually a darb blue, a black or a grey, maroon is not suitable.

Boots: Short boots are recommended for pony classes, but for adult classes, long boots are best. you should look like an adult, where as children shouldn't look grown up.

If you attend the first show and your not wearing teh right attire, tahts ok, compete and take not. They may be wearing anice show out fit, consisting of a pair of show pants, and a nice tucked in shirt. And a lacey wide brim hat.

hope this helps
2007-05-10 17:11:59 UTC
Hi. I'm a horse woman from Canada, so I obviously cannot answer the specifics of what to wear in the UK. But I have a piece of advice that is true where ever you live and show.

First and most important of all, go as a spectator to a show similiar to the type of show you wish to attend, and observe what the successful handlers are currently wearing. People can give you all sorts of advice on what to where, but I've found that clothing varies from location to location (even within the same country), on what breed you're showing, the type of show you're attending (breed or Open shows) on your age even (Youth can get away with brighter and wilder clothing!) your horse's color, etc. Styles tend to slowly change, so what was current five years ago now looks dated, so its important to research what's being worn in your area now.

If you aren't able to attend a show similiar to yours before you're due to show, then I would contact a local breeder or exhibitor and ask their advice. Also, looking at local horse magazines will give you a good idea of popular colors, styles, etc and make shopping a bit easier.

Good luck
2007-05-10 13:36:00 UTC
Well I usually see in the UK the short paddock boots. But here we use the tall boots. Honestly, I think the tall boots look better. And if everyone else is wearing paddock boots and your wearing tall, it is just another thing to help you stand out! But also get black leather gloves, a show jacket in navy, black, or green, and a white shirt with a collar. Also, if you are doing jumpers, wear white pants. If you are doing hunters, wear a beige color.
2007-05-10 08:05:34 UTC
In hand showing is a western class in the U.S. You can show it in english attire, but only at very small open shows. If you are in the U.S. SLACKS, not jeans, a blazer or showmanship coat and a quality hat is what you need to wear. A felt hat is more proper as this is a formal class and roper boots that are clean .
2007-05-11 12:24:12 UTC
For in hand showing you do not need to wear riding attire,as long as you look smart and tidy. The only things to go with your smart clothes is some kind of head dress and a pair of comfortable shoes because you will need to run. The main thing to remember is that your mare is turned out correctly for the class that you are entering.
Becky T
2007-05-10 07:17:38 UTC
In our area we wear slacks...usually tan or black and a nice blouse. Now that is for ponies but I would think it would be the same. Just contact your show ours is area two pony club. You should be able to contact some one from there and they can tell you. If you are not in a club call your local 4-h and maybe they can help you. Usually county Ag-extension offices can give you numbers for 4-h or look it up ion the web. Like go to a search engine and type in "your town space 4-h" and it should give some sites. Hope this made sense and helped.
t j
2007-05-10 08:29:55 UTC
as you are not a junior long boots,not short cream jodphurs, and either a riding jacket or waist coat, always a hat and would be wise to invest in a nice showing Caine, my daughter in law was best horse woman in wales some years ago, and showed a in hand Arab, so best of luck.
2007-05-11 02:55:52 UTC
For in hand showing the usual attire is:

Either white or beige jodphers

Short clean jodpher boots

A tweed or black jacket

A bowler hat or a riding hat - preferably with a hair net

You can also carry a stick or crop to encourage your mare to wake when trotting in hand if need be

Good luck

2007-05-10 13:35:58 UTC
you need cream jodphurs,white shirt ,stock or tie, hacking jacket, jodphur or long boots long one always look best, your hair tied up. Showing jackets are used for jumping
2007-05-10 07:12:37 UTC
Anything you like for showing in-hand. I always carried a crop in case a little tap was needed. Big county shows have a dress code, but they usually explain it in their schedules. I have 30 yr old which I show now and again. Good luck
2007-05-12 13:31:59 UTC

-riding breeches

-tall boots (or some paddock boots with half chaps in the same color)

-riding jacket

-helmet (if you don't have a nice one, just get a velvet cover)

-riding shirt (or a polo usually works)


-sturdy jeans

-any boots

-helmet in wild color like pink or green to match your shirt (troxel has them) (NOT A COWBOY HAT!!!)

-western shirt that matches your tack (halter, breast collar, martingale, etc.)
2007-05-12 14:45:48 UTC
Read the rule book that will tell you the appropiate attaire for you r class and then go and watch a show and see what others are wearing
2007-05-10 09:43:46 UTC
You'll probably need a show jacket and show shirt, as well as a pair of tan breeches and tall boots. Check with your show administration to be sure.
2007-05-12 12:47:36 UTC
in hand wear comfy smart shoes or joddy boots, blouse jacket and trousers, as long as it is smart and easy to run in, most in handers carry a short stick/cane . dont worry too much as long as you are presentable they are loooking at the horse and its movement not so much you good luck
2016-11-27 05:01:29 UTC
extremely you could placed on something you desire in a education teach. i could propose wearing your brown breeches with your white shirt or a polo and no coat. Black gloves are often favored at decrease stages.
2007-05-10 07:12:18 UTC
Joddies, shirt and tie, with jacket and nice shiny boots!

good luck - i used to love showing!!
2007-05-10 07:11:05 UTC
Proably those funny tight trouser things horsey women wear and maybe some of those welly boot things. Nice white blouse should top it all off.

Better get a coat it's bound to be pissing down


2007-05-10 07:58:18 UTC
Suitable footwear must be worn.

That's the only thing I can find. Who runs the show? They would be able to assist you with those rules.
2007-05-10 08:07:01 UTC
Depends if you are showing western or english.
2007-05-11 16:15:35 UTC
long leather
Dressage Girl
2007-05-11 19:05:46 UTC
Show coat


Tall boots

Helmet (DUH you should always wear one)

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