am i being too obsessive or is this normal horse lover behavior?
2009-11-20 18:58:18 UTC
so im on Y!A alot in the horse section. ussually because im bored and Y!A never gets boring lol. im currently searching for a horse and just about every other day (sometimes more often)i spend about 30 mins looking for horses, maybe 45 mins depending on the computers slowness. lol. i have horse posters on my wall and on our computer we each(each of my siblings and parents) have our own user acounts and my desktop picture is of a horse. my brother always say(ussually in these exact words) "you obsess too much, i like skateboarding but im not always talking about it". i think its jsut a horse thing. horses are far different from skateboarding. but what do you think? am i too horsey or am i just a regular horse lover?

thanks and please no rude answers!
Sixteen answers:
☼Lyla is wiggidy wack?
2009-11-20 19:26:38 UTC
being into horses is a passion, not a hobby like skateboarding. when you're into horses, you're into everything. you love the riding, the grooming, the bonding, every part of it. its more than getting on and riding like skateboarding. there's a living creature on the other end, not an inanimate object. you're not alone. pretty much everyone who has horses is like this, or at least they should be. being into horses takes a ton of dedication and if you don't have the passion for it, it isn't right. we're all that way. i have pictures of my horse everywhere i turn. my facebook is full of me talking about my horse. my car is full of all my horse crap. i spend every moment i can at the farm and when i'm not there i'm on Y!A in the horse section. i love it. you're not alone, there's no such thing as being too horsey :)

edit: i know you asked cassie, but i found this

yeah, forgot to add, my horse is my desktop pic on my lap top, my background on my phone and my profile picture on FB is always of me and my horse :) oh and my avatar on here is me & my horse. i'm suprised i didn't die taking that picture hahaha.
2009-11-20 19:37:50 UTC
Here are some problems you have:

1. You do not own enough horses. With more horses, you can talk to them about horses instead of trying to annoy your friends.

2. There is still some space on your wall that is missing its horse pictures.

3. You are only thinking about horses maybe 24 hours a day. If you look at a globe, with the international date line and all, you can see that it just might be possible to squeeze in extra hours for thinking about horses, if you run (or ride) fast enough.

Some people seem to be born loving horses. I did a pony ride for a one-year-old boy recently. Now I'd expect a kid that age to be held above the saddle for a photo, but not much more. Well, this young gentleman rode his horse for an hour while his dad led it about. His attention span at his age, according to the book, is supposed to be two or three minutes. He'd not read the book! instead I think he's secretly been writing a horse book, in between whatever else a toddler does for his job.
2009-11-20 19:09:26 UTC
When I was looking to buy a horse I would sit in front of the computer/in front of the tack store's bulletin board/calling trainers for hours a day. I wouldn't sleep because I was emailing people about horses at night and calling them during the day. I have photos of my horse all around my room. Plus other miscellaneous horsey items like some old irons and these really squishy little rubber/gelly horses. My desktop is a horse, and same for my phone, and my little login avatar on my computer. I have horse stickers on my car. I decorated all my homework with horses, and also the backs of test if I finished early. Now that I am at (an equestrian) college, the horse doodles are reserved for the side margins of my notes. Every calendar I have ever owned featured horses.

I think it is obsessive, but it is normal. For horse people at least.
2009-11-21 00:42:19 UTC
Oh you are obsessed. (: But we all are. lol

I've been riding for 10 years, and I'm not only a horse lover, but I proudly consider myself horse obsessed.

I have posters and pictures of horses all over my room, horses on my pillow and comforter, horse pajamas, my desktop background on my laptop is my horse, my login icon is a horse... I'm on Y!A all the time, always in the horse section. I spend my free time on looking at horses for sale even though I can't afford to get one more (maybe if I find the perfect horse I'll magically win the lottery and be able to buy it... xD lol) and I talk about horses all the time. Everything I ever do is always somehow related to horses... lol.

There is no such thing as 'too horsey'! (: You are just like all the rest of us horse lovers/owners.

I'm 17 years old, and my 13 year old brother constantly makes fun of me for wearing horse pajama pants, etc. Even my dad doesn't see the point and feels the need to tease me. (:


Forgot to add that my closet is overflowing with stuffed horses and my shelves are crammed full of Breyers. (: My bookshelves in my room are literally full of horse books. There's no room for anything else anymore!
2009-11-20 19:29:48 UTC
Your a normal horse lover!

I grew up trying to get every horse thing I could. I got a pair of jod's each christmas because that is what I wanted/needed. My sister still laughs at how horse mad I was as a kid and how it has not changed. Out of 3 kids I was the only horse mad one, so I understand the weird looks you get. haha

I still can spend hours in my saddlery store and love to see what is new. I spend way too much on horse gear and my horses have way too much. But I love it and them, I could not afford much when I was younger, so I make up for it now. ;-)

I have passed this onto my girls and they will pick horse things over non horsey things.

Have fun and use this time to learn as much as you can about horses, as we never stop learning.
2009-11-21 09:05:46 UTC
You sound like a normal horse lover,

i have posters etc in my room, and lots of pics of my horse in frames, and on pin board!

I even have a few horse t shirts and jumpers!

Though i hav learnt not to talk about them all the time around some of my friends as they do get bored and are just not interested lol!

but i do talk about them to my horsey friends lol!
2009-11-20 19:59:12 UTC
lol. As horses go, you're perfectly normal! lol. I'm the same way. I talk about it all the time. I can usually tie just about everything back to horses in one way or another. My sister says the same thing about me. I think the reason people obsess more over horses and horseback riding is because it involves animals that have personalities and are part of your team. Its not simply technique and skill. Its having a bond with your horse, which requires care and attention, which typically leads to loving them like a member of the family. So you're always ready to talk about them. lol.
s d
2009-11-20 19:16:26 UTC
I think you are a natural horse lover! I am the exact same way and could talk all day long about my horse. Everyone tells me that my horse is spoiled because I am constantly giving him tons of attention, and when I am out in his pasture he follows me around like a puppy. I love to go online and look at horse pictures and try to learn all I can abou them.
2009-11-21 04:58:42 UTC
This is totally normal for a horse lover.

Most of my answers on YA are in the horse section. Horses are soooo much more interesting than skateboarding. I so totally agree with you. LOL :D
2009-11-20 19:03:46 UTC
Haha! All the things you've mentioned are usual horse lover behaviours.

We're all the same.

I struggle to talk or think about anything other than horses.

You're a regular horse lover :)

Try not to bore your non horsey friends though!

Haha :) xo
2009-11-20 19:05:11 UTC
Nah, you're just a horse lover. It's normal, even my doctor has pictures of her horses on her computer and around the office!

If you feel like your family and friends are getting annoyed with it though, just don't talk about horses around them.
2009-11-20 19:45:38 UTC
It's normal horse lover behavior. But, you will have to learn to take it down a notch around non-horse people. They get sick of hearing about horses all the time.
horseeyz ♥
2009-11-20 19:57:15 UTC
no way!!

This is completely normal, if your brother spent more time around horses hed do it too. All of us horse crazy peeps are lyk that and i dont understand how people could think otherwise.

Dont ever change, we all love you the way you are!!

P.S tell your brother hes weird, skateboarding sucks!!!
2009-11-20 19:21:06 UTC
Too horsey? Such a thing does not exist. You can't love horses too much! Just ignore people that tell you you're too obsessed, I am completely obsessed, and proud :) and everyone knows it.
2009-11-20 19:15:39 UTC

this is so normal...

i have 4 of my own and i too struggle to talk about them.

since none of my friends are really horse people and call me a freak.

and i know im not;they're just my favorite animal.
2009-11-20 23:04:01 UTC
im the same dont worry, my rooms covered in horsey stuff. and my house and my backyard

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