First impression of the home page is really nice. The horses look happy, the facilities seem clean and safe, and the people seem approachable.
I personal prefer bullet points when you're listing amenities, especially if the alternative is just to list them without a sentence structure. To me it seems neater and I get the opportunity to appreciate every amenity (right now they sort of run together a bit). Spacing them out a bit also helps make it seem like you have more! Fun little marketing trick ;) I would also list the dimensions of the stalls and the arena. And if you have a special type of footing in the arena, talk it up. The stalls especially though....I'm assuming there's either a difference in quality of construction or size between the two barns, and it would be nice to know what that difference is. Or is it just that the main barn is more convenient?
I love that you post your my opinion it saves time for both you and potential boarders who don't actually have the required finances. In my experience a lot of people (especially serious competitors) want to know what type of grain and hay will be fed, so I would include that as well. And if retirement board is essentially a pasture board arrangement I would state that as well.
I would definitely state what your discipline is and what experience the trainers can bring to the table. And for parents looking for lessons for a kid, nothing sells better than happy kids having fun in a lesson or bringing home a ribbon in a show!
I agree with's great to hear that you personalize training, but if I'm looking to send my horse to a trainer I want to know that they'll have results. I want to know things like the trainer's credentials, any successful horses they've ridden, and what they'll do with my horse. And I want to see pictures. When I sent my mare to training I ended up spending a good $300 a month higher than I initially budgeted because I came across a guy who clearly had the respect of the horses, which was visible just by looking at the pictures. If I hadn't seen him "in action" I probably never even would have called. I want to see horses in work that look happy and relaxed, not takes a lot for someone to trust their horse to a trainer, and the more you can do to prove early on you're suitable the better off you'll be. It would also be nice to have a "ballpark" price range for training. Something like "packages starting at x".
I love the "photos" page...especially the one of the little pony eating the snow! Adorable!
All in all, it's a great website, and these are just my opinions. Good luck on your new farm!