Poll, for those of you take lessons?
Kaitlyn Sheets
2011-12-29 07:56:22 UTC
Well since I woke up at 3 this morning to find out I have the stomach flu and I can't go back to sleep, here we go!

1) How long have you been taking lessons?
2) How often do have a lesson?
3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite?
4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping)
5) What discipline do you ride?
6) Do you/will you show?
7) What is your ultimate goal?
33 answers:
2011-12-29 10:08:30 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons? On and off for 26 years. I started lessons when I was a very young child with an Arabian horse trainer/shower, moved onto western and english lessons throughout my teens, cutting horse lessons in my teens and early twenties.

2) How often do have a lesson? I haven't had a lesson in quite a while because of my work and school schedule. When I was last taking lessons (actually, I was apprenticing under a cutting horse trainer), it was 5-6 days a week.

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite? I own two horses, and of course they are my favorite ;-) Flower and Koda

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping) I would consider myself advanced - I have ridden every type of horse, every age of horse, started horses from the ground up, ect. I can ride all gaits, ride youngsters, start colts, ect.

5) What discipline do you ride? Western

6) Do you/will you show? Used to, but got burned out. I've shown western (local and regional and state shows), English (local only, I never really enjoyed English), Cutting.

7) What is your ultimate goal? Learn something new every day. I don't consider myself a know-it-all - I search for more variety, watch tons of shows and clinics, talk with other horse people and trainers. My ultimate goal would be to get back into cutting - I absolutely LOVED doing it, but time and money is against me right now... maybe one day!

2011-12-30 15:17:30 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons? almost 2 years! :)

2) How often do have a lesson? starting again every week or so

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite? riding prince as of now :)

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping) well i would say jumping but im completley starting over right so trotting. haha

5) What discipline do you ride? english

6) Do you/will you show? maybe in the future

7) What is your ultimate goal? to know as much about horses as i can :)

sorry bout your flu :( i had it once. sucked!

feel better <3
2011-12-29 08:45:03 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons? About 2 years.

2) How often do have a lesson? Once a week.

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite? Opal

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping) I'm not sure how to answer that, haha.

5) What discipline do you ride? Dressage

6) Do you/will you show? I will show in about a week.

7) What is your ultimate goal? To become a better rider, and hopefully do well at my show. :)
2011-12-29 11:29:26 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons?

Almost two years now.

2) How often do have a lesson?

Once a week, sometimes an extra thrown in there every now and again.

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite?

Maddy; she's a 19 y/o Hanoverian mare. Don't let the age fool you, she's quite the hand full!

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping)

I'm working on headset, pace in each gait. Getting rid of my hunter seat that randomly appeared, ha. I do some jumping every now and then, and in that I'm working on not falling behind over verticals. It's sad, I can take a cross rail nicely, but verticals screw me up unless I'm going over with no hands.

5) What discipline do you ride?

Dressage mosty.

6) Do you/will you show?

Showing next summer likely. (: Super excited.

7) What is your ultimate goal?

High level dressage, get into eventing. Train horses and people. Get my own barn.

Yeah, we can all hope, yes?
2011-12-29 12:16:23 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons?

I started when I was eight (I'll be 18 in two months) as a birthday gift, and never stopped.

2) How often do have a lesson?

We shoot for once a week, but as I'm my trainers only student we're pretty flexible.

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite?

My mare is called Misty, but other horses I've ridden in lessons were named:

















I'm sure there were others. . .

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping)

I've done most of the work on my mare myself, when I started with her when I was fourteen I couldn't even catch her, let alone ride. We did our first beginner novice level event in October and I'm hoping to ride IHSA, IDA in college in the fall.

5) What discipline do you ride?

Eventing, and dressage

6) Do you/will you show?

Yes. It's a lot of fun, especially Pony Club rallies.

7) What is your ultimate goal?

I would like to take my mare training level at some point, hopefully in the next four years as she'll be 12 in January.
2011-12-29 09:01:35 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons?

On and off for the past 6 years or so. The past three years have been pretty regular.

2) How often do have a lesson? Now it's twice a month, and two times a week a ride with a trainer and exercise her horses, and she critiques me, so it's almost like a lesson.

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite? Cowboy, KC, and Jet. (and then my mare that I ride 3x + a week, Ruby)

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping) I'm past the cantering, I know all the basics along with starting horses. Now I'm working on asking for a better sliding stop, spins, lead changes. I can do all these things well I'm just working on perfecting them all.

5) What discipline do you ride? I do all around western/english, but now I'm really focusing on reining/reined cow horse.

6) Do you/will you show? Yes I show, I have for the past three years. This coming year I'll being showing some of my trainer's horses.

7) What is your ultimate goal? At the moment, I've been working on my mare for her spins/lead changes/headset, right now my biggest goal is to successfully accomplish all three things and then successfully complete a reining pattern at one of the larger regional shows in my area.
2011-12-29 08:25:16 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons?

--- 5 years

2) How often do have a lesson?

--- twice a week, but I have my own horse so I ride alone 3 other days as well

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite?

--- I take lessons on my own horse

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping)

--- Jumping and training my green-ish pony

5) What discipline do you ride?


6) Do you/will you show?

---Once my horse has enough training yes

7) What is your ultimate goal?

--- To be on an advanced equestrian team in college someday
2011-12-29 08:09:14 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons? I started when I was eight and stopped at 18 because with college I didn't have the extra time or money. I haven't had a lesson in four years. My horse is old and made, so we really don't benefit from regular lessons anymore (other than the occasional tune-up.) His age limits what we can do, so I can't progress more with him.

2) How often do have a lesson? Once a week.

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite? I don't ride lesson horses. I ride my own horse Skip.

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping) I'm past the "omg I learned to canter! Omg I learned to jump!" phase. I did a lot of eq. courses with rollbacks, etc. back when I took lessons. When I ride now, I do w/t/c both ways with a LOT of flexion work to keep my horse supple in his old age. He's stiffer to the left, so we do a lot of lateral work especially in that direction to keep him nice and soft.

5) What discipline do you ride? Hunters.

6) Do you/will you show? I haven't shown in a good 10 years. I might pick up showing with my next horse once he's ready (that's a long way off, I can't afford a second horse yet.)

7) What is your ultimate goal? I don't have one. My next goal is to get a youngster and get him started. I'm waiting until graduation when I can work full-time and possibly afford two horses at the same time.
swing low
2011-12-29 09:49:53 UTC
1) With this instructor only 2 years but overall almost 10.

2) Over the winter I don't take lessons (my trainer is a ski instructor as well, so she doesn't teach over the winter). The rest of the year I try to get a lesson every other week but usually end up with monthly lessons.

3) I ride my lease. His name was Napoleon. Come spring I will ride a loan named Skyla.

4) I don't know what this means. Yes I can canter and jump although I haven't jumped in years.

5) dressage

6) maybe at college but I'm not really interested in that.

7) Not sure. I just enjoy learning new things. Right now I'm working on getting Skyla to stretch and loosen up in her back.
2011-12-29 11:04:16 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons?About 7 years

2) How often do have a lesson?Once to twice a week

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite?Millie which i have just bought so she is at my riding school stables so i can have lessons on her and get used to her before taking her home

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping)walk,trot,canter and jumping but i don't really enjoy jumping

5) What discipline do you ride?english pleasure

6) Do you/will you show?no but maybe in little pony club show types but ill never do anything major

7) What is your ultimate goal?Just to ride to the best of my ability really
2011-12-29 08:18:08 UTC
1) 10 years (when i was 6 i started riding arabian horses and training the smaller greener ponies that my instructor couldn't ride, I lived in the middle east so they were what was available to me. they were a bit fresh for a 6 year old but i loved them)

2) 2-3 times a week (depends if i have holiday) ride around 5-7 days a week.

3) Last Minute (have a long term lease on her already had her for a 1.5 years [I call her miny whiny tho <3]) she's a beautiful 16 hand bay with black socks and a white stripe and snip and a very graceful slightly dished face with big beautiful eyes.

4) all paces Show Jumping, cross country (even a little vaulting) you name it.

5) Show jumping and dressage (haven't done cross in a while, would like to tho) Miny is a belgian warmblood so she adores jumping and so do i (i think i have gotten to around a meter 50 cm). Our dressage is improving and we're working on getting a steady outline.

6) I have done a few local dressage and show jumping competitions. I will start again in the spring.

7) International Show jumping.
2011-12-29 08:09:29 UTC
1. A month or so.

2. We try for once a week.

3. Jaeger, my personal horse.

4. These aren't like riding lessons, I'm starting Parelli lessons is what I guess you could call then.

5. I ride Western, barrel racing and trail riding.

6. Yes I already show.

7. To learn as much as I can from this trainer.

I'm not new to horses, I've been working with horses for 14 years now, 7 years seriously now. Just branching out and being open minded with the opportunities I have locally.
2012-01-02 07:58:34 UTC
1. 13 years

2. Once a week

3. Well, I usually ride my horse Freddie unless he's out of commission for some reason

4. Jumping/ we're learning dressage

5. Hunter Jumper, Western, Dressage

6. Yeppers

7. I want to be the very best. The best there ever was.
2011-12-29 18:52:32 UTC
1. A bit over a year.

2. Two, sometimes three or four, times a week. I used to ride 5-6.

3. I ride many different horses, but I guess my favourite, or at least the one I ride the most often, is Zippy.

4. Um, I'm not really sure how to answer this, haha. I would say I am an advanced beginner. My loping still needs a bit of work, but I can do turning on the haunches/forehand, sidepassing and two-tracking pretty well.

5. Western, no specific discipline yet. I'm also really into dressage.

6. I haven't shown yet, but I really want to. Trying to whip myself into shape for the upcoming season.

7. Get into reining.
Professor Kitty
2011-12-29 09:05:23 UTC
1) How long have you been taking lessons? 2 years.

2) How often do have a lesson? once a week.

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite?

Echo (dressage horse)

Magic (beginner horse)

Victory (eventing horse)

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping) level 3 dressage

5) What discipline do you ride? dressage

6) Do you/will you show? yes

7) What is your ultimate goal? FEI level dressage
2011-12-29 08:44:10 UTC
1) For almost 9 years.

2) It used to be once or twice a week for the first 3 years. But since then I only take lessons in an outdoor ring, and so winter is for sure a no go (I live in Manitoba). During spring, summer and fall I usually take one or two a month, depending.

3) I own my own horse, Cheyenne.

4) I do stadium jumping (up to 3 ft) and cross country (up to 3 ft too). I'm schooling anywhere between 2 ft 3 and 3 ft, depending on what I'm working on.

5) English, jumping

6) Yes I show

7) To be the best rider I can be. I really want to ride in grand prix when I'm older, like when I'm in my early 20's or so
2011-12-29 08:09:05 UTC
1) Around 10-12 years despite being fifteen years old

2) Once every Saturday formally, but during the week off the record when the resident instructor has time

3) I ride my own horses plus the young guys I'm training, my favorite of mine would have to be Briggs, my beast of a half Belgian four year old

4)I can do all the paces, and I've jumped up to 4'6"...I'm not the greatest at dressage since my boy has hooves the size of dinner plates and graceful is not in his dictionary but we try our best and it's pretty good fun!

5) Hunter Jumper/Western Games

6) I've shown and I plan to show some more but it isn't really a top priority

7) My ultimate goal is to just have the best bond possible I can with Briggs and to help him acheive his maximum potential. He was abused and neglected before but he's so trusting and he's a wonderful horse
2011-12-29 10:23:29 UTC
About 10 years.

Usually once a week.

I usually ride one of my loans or the pony I'm schooling called Daisy.

All the paces and jumping up to 2"6, might be going higher soon.

English, pleasure, showing and show jumping.

Yes, hopefully more often next year.

To become the best rider I can possibly be, to have the best relationship I can achieve with horses I ride and to get as far as I can with an equine related job.
BarrelChick 1848
2011-12-29 10:15:03 UTC
1) Since I was 8.

2) Once a week.

3) I have my own horses. Cherokee and Benz.

4) Well, I have been riding since I was 2, lessons since 8. I have set 5 arena records this year alone, and get top 3 at almost every rodeo.

5) Western.

6) Yes I do.

7) To make it to the NFR. *National Finals Rodeo*
2011-12-29 08:13:27 UTC
I don't take lessons for me, I take lessons to teach me how to train my horse new/different things that I don't know how to teach myself. My instructor isn't a lesson instructor, he is a horse trainer, he teaches me how to teach my horse, I already know how to ride & teach the basics, he's teaching me more advanced skills.

1) How long have you been taking lessons?

-a few months. Started in July- September. (I'm not currently going because it's winter & I don't get to ride enough to work on what I'm teaching my horse)

2) How often do have a lesson?

-I was going once a week, twice the week of a show.

3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite?

- My horses: Festus & Libby

4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping)

-I've been riding 26 years. I've been there done that. Working on getting my horses to collect. Lessons aren't for me, they are for my horses.

5) What discipline do you ride?

-English & Western (mainly English). I lesson in Western though... I find it easier to teach new leg cues in Western.

6) Do you/will you show?

-I showed in CTRs of the past 13 years. Now I'm "ring" showing, this coming year will be my 3rd season; 1st season where I actually know what I'm doing.

7) What is your ultimate goal?

-To have both my horses to the highest & best level of training I can get them (for what I use them for: trail & pleasure shows.). I want good, solid, consistent, collected horses, that are light on the bit & to the leg as possible! & have them where I can put anybody on them; beginner to advanced.
2011-12-29 09:57:03 UTC
1. 9 years.

2. Twice a month.

3. Ra.

4. The basics, jumping, cross country and dressage. Also working on some natural horsemanship and party tricks!

5. Mainly English hunter and dressage.

6. I show on my horse Jaz, and will soon be eventing with my new horse Ash.

7. Eventing champ, and like most equestrians, THE OLYMPICS! :P

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Good luck and happy trails! <3
2011-12-29 08:09:32 UTC
I don't know if I am the person you want to take your poll, but here you go:

1. Three Camps and One Year.

2. Three separate years and then once a month.

3. I ride a new one almost every time and I love them all! But Trooper is my favorite!

4.Well I can walk, trot, and lope. I don't really get "lessons" on stuff. I go to a camp, but we learn. I can do barrels, poles, and jumping. Not high and not fast. I haven't been trained we just have fun with it!

5. I ride western, but we jump western saddles. It's soo much fun! I want to learn real jumping!

6. I want to show and I am trying to find a barn closer to me. I live 1 hour and 15 minutes away.

7. My ultimate goal with riding is take real western lessons and then take real english lessons and learn jumping. I hope to compete in either pole bending or barrels. I also want to compete in jumping.

My ultimate goal with life is to get into Texas A&M with at least a part time scholarship. Into the horse major of course! I also want to be a part time photographer and writer! Just for fun, but my dream is to get a book published:) I also want to compete all through highschool. but that starts with lessons!
2011-12-30 05:18:47 UTC
1) 3 months

2)private lesson once a week

3) Riot

4) Walk, trot, canter, beginner jump

5)Um i think english

6) well at my RC i did a off lead rein showing and came 3rd(got beaten by people who had there own horses and did large jumps etc.)

7)my goal is to have my own horse or at least loan a horse by the time i am sixteen. oh and to do a bit of dressage :D
2011-12-29 11:29:53 UTC
1. About 4-5 years.

2. two times a week.

3. Brock... I half-lease him.

4. Jumping small courses just under 2ft.

5. Hunter jumper.

6. No, never.

7. Just to continue to bond and train with my lease. So far, working out pretty well.
2011-12-29 10:55:27 UTC
1. 2 years

2. Every Saturday

3. Charisma

4. Cantering/ Jumping

5. English/ Dressage/ Hunter

6. Yes (1st place at my first show!)

7. I want to become a more experienced rider and be scared of nothing
2011-12-29 08:45:11 UTC
1) will have been seven years here in a couple of days

2) once a week

3) in use my own horse and i ride her every day, but once a week for a lesson, her name is Nike

4) Jumping. working on getting her to slow down and not rush. then raise them a bit and move onto courses

5) English, hunter jumper equitation, soon to do cross country and jumpers

6) have showed at smaller levels but want to try for state this year

7) Maclay finals
2011-12-29 14:35:41 UTC
1: 9 months

2: once a week

3: I know you said favourite, but...

Doodle: Piebald cob who looks like a teddy bear. 14.3hh. Lively temperment.

Hobnob: I not quite sure what he is but he's brown and has a black mane and tail. 15hh. Also lovely, doesn't likes whips near his bum.

4: Cantering w/o stirrups jumping now and again... (Fell off today! But landed on my feet :))

5: English

6: don't now and probably won't :(

7: to possibly own my own horse in the future and do abut if show jumping, once I've built up the proper muscles, ofcoarse. :)
2011-12-29 08:28:24 UTC
1. I have been riding for 11 years and I still take lessons to improve

2. 2x a week on my trainers horse, I don't use my 3 other horses for my lessons, I already jump them 2-3x a week and I don't want to wear out their legs

3. He is a stallion named Luther

4. Well I can jump 1.60 on my horses, on Luther we have walk,trot,canter, and we jump 1.50, working.on going higher

5. English and western

6. I show jump a far bit, yes

7. Jump 2 metres on Luther
Big Nasty Boomer
2011-12-29 08:38:26 UTC
1. 4 months.

2. It was once a week, but now that I am leasing one of her horses I take them about once a month.

3. Gracie, BB, Kansas, Lady...I like BB the most. He has the tightest turns, most speed, & is who I am leasing.

4. I can run a 22 second barrel, I'd like to get down about 4 seconds.

5. Barrel racing / fuull speed division

6. I show locally yes.

7. Make it to the NBHA shows next year!
Huntr Jumpr
2011-12-29 08:49:52 UTC
5 years.

3 times a week

I have a my own horse. First boy Dustin, second Empire.

Jumping, my Coach is trying to get me comfortable at 3'9". Sorry but it is somewhat scary.


Yes, I have been for 5 years.

I think any jumpers Dream is to be in the Olympics. Sure, I'd like to do that one day. But for now, I'm happy, and relaxed riding my babay!
2011-12-29 08:05:34 UTC
1. 7 years

2. Every week

3. Donnie

4. 2'6 courses

5. English

6. Yes

7. Cross country on my own horse.
2011-12-29 09:13:26 UTC
1) 11 years

2) twice a week

3) my horse Gavin

4) we are schooling 3'6

5) English: jumpers hunters and equitation

6) yes

7) I would love to do grand prix when I am older!
there can only be one!
2011-12-29 09:25:37 UTC
Owning my own horses is a constant lesson.. i run trails on my mountain usually on starfire my tenn walker

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.