I don't take lessons for me, I take lessons to teach me how to train my horse new/different things that I don't know how to teach myself. My instructor isn't a lesson instructor, he is a horse trainer, he teaches me how to teach my horse, I already know how to ride & teach the basics, he's teaching me more advanced skills.
1) How long have you been taking lessons?
-a few months. Started in July- September. (I'm not currently going because it's winter & I don't get to ride enough to work on what I'm teaching my horse)
2) How often do have a lesson?
-I was going once a week, twice the week of a show.
3) What's the name of your lesson horse? If you ride multiple horses what's the name of your favorite?
- My horses: Festus & Libby
4) How far are you? (Example: cantering, jumping)
-I've been riding 26 years. I've been there done that. Working on getting my horses to collect. Lessons aren't for me, they are for my horses.
5) What discipline do you ride?
-English & Western (mainly English). I lesson in Western though... I find it easier to teach new leg cues in Western.
6) Do you/will you show?
-I showed in CTRs of the past 13 years. Now I'm "ring" showing, this coming year will be my 3rd season; 1st season where I actually know what I'm doing.
7) What is your ultimate goal?
-To have both my horses to the highest & best level of training I can get them (for what I use them for: trail & pleasure shows.). I want good, solid, consistent, collected horses, that are light on the bit & to the leg as possible! & have them where I can put anybody on them; beginner to advanced.