what do you think of my stallion?
2009-03-04 12:17:50 UTC
he is 8 yrs old got him for christmas how much do you think the breeding fee should be he has a very nice background Raise A native Go Man Go and King and lots more
do you think he has good conformation?
and he is in training to be a barrel horse doe you think he has what it takes?
22 answers:
2009-03-04 12:24:05 UTC
that is a nice stallion mate...

i love the pic of him with the foresty bit in the background...:P

yes i do think he has what it takes...and more

yes, yes and YES


look after him

good luck

2009-03-04 13:20:36 UTC
Well, you asked what people thought, you do not post that if you dont want honest answers. I think the others are right, he should be gelded. Personality means a lot but there is a lot better looking stallions out there with fabulous personalities. I personally think he has too thick of a throatlatch, hes very heavy on his forehand, he has no muscle, hes too skinny, his topline does not match up to his underline, he has awful looking legs and personally, I would look elsewhere if I was planning on breeding. You should geld him, he does not have what it takes to be a barrel horse either, the power comes from the hind end and it looks like he has no muscle back there. His head is boxy with no definition and hes not really spectacular like you claim him to be. His head is also too big for his body. And looks mean a heck of a lot more to me than breeding and hes just not a good looking horse. Im sure if you gelded him and worked a lot on getting him muscular, he would be ok as a barrel horse.
2009-03-04 14:51:53 UTC
His basic conformation seems okay, however I do have a few questions/concerns. Some of the other posts say he appear underweight. I don't agree with this, but his weight is all in the wrong places and his stomach is distended like he has worms. If he is in barrel racing training I would expect to see much more muscle definition (even after 1-2 weeks of training) in his butt and chest--yet he has none. If you want to keep him a stud, that's fine however, I don't think he is one worth breeding all these mares you speak of to. Also, would these mares happen to be enclosed in barbed wire fences? Who would bring their mares to a breeding facility with such dangerous enclosures? His pen is questionable as it is, the wire fencing is notorious for getting feet caught in it and cutting into the leg. (some have even lost all circulation and had to be put down as a result of those wire fences). I know you are trying to make money, but nobody who really loves horses should be even breeding right now with so many other horses in need.

However, you don't really want to hear "what people think of " your stallion. Regardless of what anyone says you will acquire as many mares as you can, breed them all to him and then attempt to sell the offspring. This will help you "get back" at all those who said he should be gelded. But then sadly the offspring won't sell or will go to mediocre owners for pennies and will most likely end up at auction lots. This will happen because I doubt (due to the current care of the horses and facilities in your pictures) that you have the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to properly promote offspring in order to sell it for substantial prices. I know this because I have a family member who is exactly the same way. It is sad, but it continues to go on. So go ahead and live your fantasy that your horse will make you tons of money at the suffering of the offspring's expense. Because that's what horse lovers do.

I'm sure he could be a barrel horse
2009-03-04 12:48:10 UTC
As said before, he is definitely NOT breeding quality, and to be honest, you'd be doing the horse world (and yourself) a favor by gelding him. There are too many horses without homes- good horses, with better pedigrees and far better conformations and training that are ending up in kill pens. His is also underweight, looks scrubby, and he has little to no good muscle definition.

If I were looking at potential stallions, I wouldn't even give him a second glance, pedigrees are nice but if he doesn't show it, and hasn't performed, then I'm not interested.

Look at these barrel stallions compared to yours

there's no contest

Please reconsider keeping him a stallion.


Do you mean Phenomenal? If that is what you mean, then his background does not include Go Man Go, King or Raise a Native
2009-03-04 12:26:34 UTC
Honestly, I think he needs to be gelded. He should not be breeding, especially with the horse overpopulation problem.

Here's what I think of his conformation...

-Good back and hip

-Short neck and legs

-A little over at the knee, this will cause stress on his tendons and could cause lameness

-Boxy head

-Good hooves

-Very thick neck, might be just because he's a stallion but I still don't like it too much, too thick for even a stallion

-He is underweight (you can see his ribs) and lacks muscle definition

Honestly, if you got him gelded it would improve his chances at becoming a barrel horse. Geldings are easier to manage and train. This horse is definitely NOT stallion quality so he should be gelded asap, the world does not need any more horses without show records and with mediocre conformation.

What's his registered name, do you have a link to his pedigree?

EDIT- OK, fine, you keep your mediocre stallion in tact, but don't come crying to me when half of his babies wind up on a Frenchman's sandwich you spoiled little brat. Maybe you should learn a thing or two about conformation... you asked, I told you without being rude and the language in the message you send me was out of line. Your horse's babies WILL DIE. They will be shipped to slaughter in Canada where they will die horrible painful deaths because the horse market is terrible right now and nobody wants a horse with shoddy conformation. Remember, half of his foals will be worse than him and he's not that great to begin with.

37 reining points is NOT A LOT. 500 pleasure points is decent but nothing worth breeding to.

There are too many horses in the world already. I hope you're happy... not all of those babies will have good homes for the rest of their lives. That horse should not be bred, why why why do you feel he needs to be kept a stud?
2009-03-04 13:17:30 UTC
Don't ask what people think of your horse if you do not want to hear the truth, and then get all pissy when they give you honest answers. Seriously. He is not stallion material. He is a very average horse, nothing worth breeding. Have you looked out there and seen what a top quality show stallion looks like and compared the photos to yours?

P.S. Thank you for putting more inferior horses out there just because you can't get past your own's just what the horse world needs right now.
2009-03-04 12:36:53 UTC
There are too many horses in this economy already. He is 8 and has no major accomplishments...

His conformation is not awful but it is not amazing either.

He has a clean throatlatch, but he possess a nest(chest to neck tie in), he has a nice shoulder, but a long back(not good for barrel racing), he has short, and slightly upright pasterns and tiny feet(navicular potential) His hind end is weak, and he looks slightly cow hocked. There's something about his hind end that I don't like.

I would personally keep him in training, and geld him. There is no reason for people to be breeding horses these days unless they are top tens in their perspective fields. The world has an overpopulation problem with no one having the money to buy or take care of a horse these days.

He's a nice gelding, not a nice stallion.
Greg B
2009-03-04 13:17:13 UTC
I don't see anything that says 'stallion prospect' to me.

Attitude is only one aspect of deciding if a horse is a stallion prospect. Show success is one aspect. Conformation is another.

By the way - if you want to showcase you stallion and show people how great he is, clean him up and take some decent photographs with decent lighting and backgrounds that don't distract, with the horse posed. Having a nylon halter on while in the pasture on a horse whose ribs are showing does not speak well for your horse management.

Jeff Sadler
2009-03-04 13:39:20 UTC
Just Google it is correct. His conformation leaves far too much to be desired. Show records are not the end all and be all of determining whether a horse is stallion material. However I seriously doubt he has enough show points to sneeze at in anything more than local shows. In fact I suspect the only shows he has won in are shows in which the judges knew the owners and or trainers.
sharon f
2009-03-04 14:34:49 UTC
First you need to go back to school and learn how to spell and it seems like you are asking tons of questions and all the horses you show photo's of are in poor health wich leads me to believe they aren't yours.Where is the barn that these 17 mares are in for mare care. All I see is woods and garbage around and barbed wire.
2009-03-04 13:51:47 UTC
I think he is a nice horse, and people are looking at him thin. He would look alot different with a shinny summer coat and conditioned.

Just a word of wisdom, you should NEVER show off pictures of a breeding stallion unless they look there BEST. It will ruin his reputation.

If you ask people to critic your horse you will hear all of it. Just take into consideration what I said above.
2009-03-04 13:17:14 UTC
Um, i can harldy tell hes a stallion, except from the obvious. He would be a nice backyard gelding, but look at him, he sort of insults the stallion population. he looks like a puppy dog, sure, cute for a gelding, but not a stallion. My mare, who i bought for 3k, has better conformation. I would have to say, these ppl are right, the best thing to do would be geld him. Idk who wants to breed to him, youd have to pay me to. i dont mean to sound rude, he is adorable, but just not stallion quality.
2009-03-04 12:34:29 UTC
Sorry, I don't think he's stallion material. His conformation isn't hideous but it's not great, either. These photos aren't too good for judging conformation but just based upon what I can see, I don't think this fellow has any traits he needs to be passing on to future generations, especially considering his knees which look a bit scary to me. He would make a very nice gelding.

Why do you want to keep him intact, anyway?

EDIT: Ohhhhh no, little girl, you don't get to send me nasty e-mails and swear at me when I have gone out of my way to answer your question in a polite manner. Maybe you'll understand me more if I speak to you in your own language (minus the swearing, of course). Here goes:

Your stud, as a stud, sucks. His shoulder sucks, his knees most definetely suck, his big honkin' neck sucks, his coarse head and throatlatch suck, the fact that he looks super heavy on the forehand sucks, and you, my dear, suck for not loving him enough to do the best thing for him (i.e. geld him).

As a gelding, he'd be cute and nice. But as a stud, he sucks.
2009-03-04 16:04:18 UTC
Someone needs to be calling the ASPCA on you, kid. That horse, along with all of the other horses you've posted pictures of, look horrible...They are malnourished & underfed, dull & scraggly coats, poor foot care, and their conformation is absolutely atrocious.

Just this stallion's conformation alone there are so many things wrong with him one has to wonder where to even start. His backend is HORRIBLE...he's severely sickle hocked, cow-hocked, and splay footed behind. In front, he is over at the knee and looks as if he stands slightly underneath himself. His shoulder angle has a bit to be desired there, and overall he is very heavy on the forehand. His neck does not tie in nicely with his body, at all, and his throatlatch could be cleaner cut. His head is, as I believe was stated above, a "block." Hard to tell with the angles of the pictures that you took, but it also looks as if he is both base-narrow in front and bench-kneed. And whoever has been trimming his feet needs to lay off on the heel a bit and let them grow looks as though he hardly has much of a heel to even speak of.

~Frankly, that stallion hardly makes for decent GELDING material, let alone stallion material. I'm quite appalled that people such as yourself are even allowed to own horses, let alone breed them...horrible, horrible conditioned horses, the lot of them and all quite underfed & malnourished...judging by the care they've been receiving, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they were all wormy too and not kept UTD on shots either. Terrible.
Rosi M
2009-03-04 13:35:59 UTC
JOS Little Warrior: #4152213, Sorrel, Stallion, 4/21/2001.

When asked for his show record AQHA said: "The horse does not have the record selected."

The bottom line kid is according to AQHA "Jos Little Warrior has not Sired Foals.

Additional Information for Jos Little Warrior: Genotype on file with AQHA as a result of either being blood-typed or DNA tested. This horse's sire and dam have been DNA tested and Jos Little Warrior has been confirmed to qualify as an offspring of that particular mating."

The horse has NOT done anything according to AQHA and has NOT been bred to any AQHA horses.

Time to castrate? YES!

It just cost me $14.00 AQHA bucks to look up a horse who's done NOTHING. IF you are really, really curious as to WHAT your horse has done, email me and I'll send you what AQHA says about him.

Edit: Thanks Greg! It was worth it just to let everybody know about the horse.
2009-03-04 14:16:21 UTC
you seem to have a lot of questions on this site about various horses of yours...and you have photos with your questions of them all....and to be honest...all the horses you own look very poor to me...underfed and kept in horrible conditions......i feel sorry for them.....and this stallion has awful legs especially hind legs.......definately not stallion material...GELD !!!
2009-03-04 12:31:00 UTC
He looks like a decent horse. A little ribby maybe.

Those photos are hard to get a REALLY good idea of his conformation but from what I saw he looks like he would be a good barrel horse

He has:

Strong Hindquarters

Built a little uphill

Stong thick legs

Strong chest

He could stand to gain a little weight and I would love to see him once he is shed out and shinny!
*Horses Are My Life*
2009-03-04 12:29:15 UTC
He is skinny and looks lethargic for a stallion.
2009-03-04 15:22:14 UTC
I can't believe you are posting these horses on the internet..they are all in horrible condition! My goodness. I went and looked at your other horses. They are starving. In desperate need of being wormed and having their feet done. I bet you kids need help too. Horrible conditions. You are no breeding farm. You are a kid who is crying out for attention. Your Parents need their BUTTS SPANKED!!!!

I took screen shots of your horses...they are in horrible conditions...this is really sad...
Horseperson H
2009-03-04 13:03:42 UTC
his head and neck are a bit messed up his neck is U necked and his head looks kind of round, his legs look great from what i can tell and he has a nice butt and shoulder line, so i think hes pretty nice looking.
2009-03-04 12:26:33 UTC
He's lovelly if you wait for him to finnish malting you should get a good price for him breeding wise.

I have a barrel horse and im not sure if its just him but generally they seem to need to be a bit more muscular, maybe put some weight on him and tone him up and im sure he will be great.
2009-03-04 13:23:18 UTC
hes beautiful,

i would charge anywhere from 350-500 and if you do start showing raise your prices!!!!! he looks like he could be a barrel horse, he might be a tadd to tall but im sure he could do it! also i would work on his muscle, people want to breed with a horse who is extremely fit and has visible muscle just doing normal things. this shows hes healthy and theyve made the right decision. al this involves is maybe free lounging him every day in a round ring. walk 5 minutes jog 10 minutes walk 5 minutes lope 8 minutes and reverse and do the same thing. good luck!!! he looks like a winner!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.