It seems like every saddle pad gets both good and bad reviews. All horses are different plus the whole saddle fit scenario (which is difficult enough) and then you through in a saddle pad and things really get complicated.
Here are some of the brands I would consider for my next saddle pad.
I've heard great things about Wade pads. Plus, they're cute to boot.
I've seen this pad in action and it really holds up well and keeps the horses happy and comfortable.
I've heard this pad to be excellent as well.
Then... you have your slightly more controversial pads
Some people swear by these. Some people say they are crap.
Same thing with these pads. Some people say the inside is like bubble wrap. Well, it is an air pad.
Unless you are top of the line competitive or riding your horse hard all day every day, a quality wool saddle pad isn't a whole lot different than another quality wool saddle pad.