Free walk:
this is a loose, up-beat walk where you take your horse from being collected to letting the reins go loose (now both of your hands have to stay on them, even if you put them both on the buckle. No reaching up and getting rid of that itch on your nose!).
Your horse should drop her head low (but even to the withers is acceptable, lower to the ground is desirable) and walk 'freely', just like how should would in say the pasture, on on a trail ride/hack. You need to make sure she doesn't move slowly though (even if she DOES move slowly in the pasture or on the trail), what you want if for her to walk kind of 'briskly'. Not fast! Or like she's rushing, the desired effect is your horse will make her stride LONGER, not just take more steps.
All you do is nudge her (if she's a slow poke. If she likes to walk FAST, you can keep LOOSE contact with the reins but still make them much longer. This way you won't let her 'run' away from you) and what you should do (and this next part takes PRACTICE!), drop your hips with her movements.
Basically you'll be doing is making a figure eight with your hips; here is the trickier part: you don't consciously move your hips. Just let you hips be loooooose (but don't loose your upper body or leg posture or they will take points off!) and she will naturally move you that way. Why you do that is to:
1: drive her on with your seat.
2: give her the ability to move FREELY, which is what this particular move is all about.
This move is very important, the judges LOVE to make the free walk one of the 'big point scorers'. While this move is no more important over all then your trot work, it will help out your score big time if you have a good 'free walk'.
Also, make sure you have your reins gather up and horse collected by the time you get to the next letter. If you horse is good, like mine is, you can gather up your reins and have them collect like, five feet away from the letter. Practice the loose rein and collecting thing A LOT at home. You should NEVER leave that one out of your work out.
This is the brisk, up-beat trot that without realizing you probably actually do EVERY day. In Dressage it just has a fancy name. Now, what makes it different then the REGULAR trot, is the the WORKING trot is more up beat. It should be brisk (I can't think of a better word, as brisk pretty much sums it up), but NOT fast. Just up-beat.
The REGULAR trot (and this is what Dressage tests will call them, just to let you know) is a more pokey-dokey dort of trot. You know that kind of lackadaisical trot you do warming up on a long rein? The REGULAR trot is the saaaame thing as that warm-up trot. Only you have the horse collected and on the bit for the REGULAR trot.
Rising trot Lengthened:
This is the extended trot. Hard as blazes to sit, so they are little you rise with it ('rising' is also known as 'posting'). In this gate the horse will drastically lengthen (or it should be drastic, but don't worry if it isn't at first, it takes a lot of practice!) his stride. He'll go from the working trot (as described above) into a trot that's stride covers MUCH more ground. Its just like when people lengthen their stride. And remember, not more steps, but in stead you want MORE GROUND covered in one stride than before.
This can also be tricky because some horses (now I don't know your girl/boy) like to try and get away from you and they will start rushing if you don't keep them on the bit. My trainer has me do little half-halts to keep my horse on the bit and rounded still while I nudge him on with my legs.
And if you have a pokey-pony, feel free to give a little (a LITTLE) tap with the whip right before you go into this move. Even a half stride of cantering is REALLY bad for you, so TRY not to let that happen. Its better to have a less impressive extended trot than to have your horse break stride. They reaaaaally don't like that. (and I would know... trust me...)
As with the free walk before, MAKE SURE you have your horse back under control by the end letter. So if he goes into a working trot next, you want to make sure he's doing a working trot when you are going PAST that letter. Don't put him in a working trot BEFORE you get there. Remember you want to get the move as close to the letters as possible!
((But getting it before is better than after, should you have to do it one way or another . This is just from my experience))