Survey about horse falls?
Horselover Wrestlinglover
2011-09-29 17:58:13 UTC
1.)first fall?
2.)most serious/worse fall
3.)any injuries ?
4.)do you still ride if so why?

1. My first fall was on a trail ride when my saddle slid to the side.
2. Thank god I haven't had any serious falls. My worst injury so far was my skinned up elbow. Ohh the pain lol
3. Nope just skinned up elbow and sore the next couple days
4. Of course I still ride. I ride because I love it
29 answers:
2011-09-29 18:49:27 UTC
1.)first fall?

2.)most serious/worse fall

3.)any injuries ?

4.)do you still ride if so why?

1/ Well to be honest I can't remember my first fall, my mum had me on horses before I could remember.

The first one I remember is riding a palomino pony at a fast canter and cracking a stock whip (we were rounding up 100 brood mares) and I cantered across a flooded crossing.

There was a brick under the water and the pony tripped on it. I flew over her head and landed in the water. We had people from the city sitting on the fence watching and I was so embarrassed. I must have been about 9 or 10yo. That is what I get for showing off!! LOL

2/ My first spinal fracture came from riding a TB in track work. I was galloping the horse on the grass track and he spooked at the sand crossing and stopped. I flew over his head and landed flat on my head. They tell me I looked like super man (lol). I got a concussion and my boss made me get back up and ride another horse. I was in pain, but I had no idea that I had a compression fracture.

My second spinal fracture came from a TB at home. I decided to ride my horse the day before my wedding, he spooked just after I mounted and took off bucking. I fell and landed badly on very hard ground. This time I went immediately to hospital and they wanted to put me in traction. When they learned about my wedding the next day they gave me some very good pain killers indeed ;-)

3/ Well beside the above injuries, I have had both of my ankles caught in the tractor mud guards over the big back wheel while I was feeding out horses on the TB stud. Both legs still have scar tissue and swelling on my calves.

I was bitten by a stallion and thrown up a fence, then he came down to pummel me. Lucky mum got there quickly. I still have the bite hole in my upper arm.

I broke my nose jumping when I landed into a fence.

I sprained my leg when a horse reared up on a hill and went over backwards. I was lucky to get over to the side and not be completely pinned.

Another concussion while riding cross country as a teen. The grass was damp and my mare slipped over while coming around to a water jump. My head hit the ground because of how fast she went down.

I won't list all of the bites, kicks and scrapes that I got while working on the TB stud or in the racing stables, it's just apart of horses, especially when weaning and doing yearling preparation ;-)

4/ Yes. I have always had an involvement in horses and owned horses my whole life. However I am much more careful about what I do these days, I don't just jump on strange horses and take unnecessary risks.

I would much rather just ride my trusted horses than have another serous fall and never be able to ride again. As you get older your confidence can get seriously dented at times. I was bucked off a horse last year because I put myself in a dangerous situation.

Also my daughters now ride and compete, I love nothing more than being able to ride with them or be able to help educate their ponies.

~ Many people ride their whole lives and never have serious injuries or accidents. My story is not an indicator of what will happen to everyone. It just happens that I was exposed to many horses, in many situations. I also did not always have the maturity to know when to step aside as a teenager.
Cigano Cowgirl
2011-09-30 01:13:19 UTC
1. My first fall was in my neighbors small arena when I first started riding. My horse slid to the side fast when my dad was locking the gate and it made a loud creaking noise. It hurt very bad because my neighbor had a stone turf. My butt and somehow my fingers stung.

2. I didn't really have any serious falls. The most serious I'd say was in the trails behind my house. The horse I rode I actually hadn't rode since that day I had my first fall:p it was the same horse and he started acting up, bucking, trying to turn back home. Well, it didn't last long because I jumped off. I was lucky I didn't hit a tree.

3. Nope just soreness

4. Of course or I wouldn't be in the section. There's something about horseback riding that makes it the best thing in the world.
2011-09-30 02:17:11 UTC
1.) First fall when i was trotting in two point and my horse abrubtly stopped, and threw his neck down to eat grass i flew over and somehow managed to land on my feet.

2.) I have had a couple bad falls, My worst was probably I was about to go over a jump and my horse refused then bucked and i flew into the jump and landed on my arm...i had a huge scratch from my wrist almost all the way up to my shoulder. My elbow was killing me for a couple days after that so i went to the doctor and turns out i cracked my elbow. I was in a sling for 8 weeks and the only reason it sucked was because I couldnt ride.

The other time I fell off I was barrel racing at the fair I show at. Now right by the horse ring was the poultry barn. A chicken got lose and ran right into the middle of the arena while I was running the barrels. My horse reared, i fell off onto my back. hard!. I had a huge bruise, like as big as 2 hands. I still got back on and rode in 4 more events. but my back hurt sooo bad for weeks. hahah. my luck, i guess.

3.) besides my cracked elbow and bruised back, i have had a concussion and of course a lot of bruises and scrapes

4.) Of course! i couldnt imagine not riding! I wont give riding up for anything!
2011-09-30 03:24:10 UTC
1. I was riding a mare that was really hyped up for some reason (she was usually really cdalm) and she kept bolting randomly. Well one time she bolts and goes straight into the corner of the arena, and stops instantly since she can't go any farther. I basically flipped over her head, and when I look up she is just staring at me like "Aren't you supposed to be on my back? You were there a second ago!"

2. Was in a lesson jumping a different mare, and she kept turning to avoid the jump at the last minute. She kept going out one way, so I was prepared for her to go that way again. So we go up to the jump and I keep my leg on her to keep her straight, and she turns a sharp turn the other way. Throws me off balance and I fall, hitting the side of my leg on the jump standard as I go down. I didn't break anything, but that was the biggest and worst bruise I've gotten from riding.

3. Just scrapes and bruises. Nothing serious from falling. I did break my finger while lunging, though.

4. Of course! Horses can't scare me away that easily!
2011-09-30 20:00:42 UTC
1.)first fall? I would not know, that was years ago.

2.)most serious/worse fall? My horse refused a cross country jump, I fell hard.

3.)any injuries ? Broke my right arm.

4.)do you still ride if so why? Because I fall all the time and I love riding so falling will not stop me!
2011-09-30 03:15:02 UTC
I've been lucky enough to only have one fall (almost fell again the other day but managed to stay on)

1) Accidently took a fresh horse into the arena instead of the roundpen, he got to excited and I lost my balance.

2) I guess that would be my most serious fall. I do have a scar from it, but have not broken any bones.

3) I bruised my entire right side and could not walk for the next two days. I also have a small scar where my pants rubbed my leg really bad.

4) yup that was nearly a year ago, maybe more, and I understand that was my fault and now know how to handle it correctly.
2011-09-30 01:19:29 UTC
1.) 6 yo, wiped off pony under a tree branch while trail riding. It was New Years, and I was digging for left-over christmas cookies while my pony detoured.

2.) 2 years ago, riding trainer's horse. Bolted while I was mounting, never got my leg over and landed on my head. Shattered my helmet, and sent to the hospital with a concussion.

3.) I'll be in glasses for the rest of my life (unable to wear contacts, as problem is neurological, not optic) or suffer severe migraines. It took a year before I could be up an entire day without getting neck pain so severe I couldn't hold my head up.

4.) Oh yeah. And I'll always be in a helmet.
2011-09-30 01:55:36 UTC
First Fall: My first fall was when I went trail riding with four adults (three ladies and one guy). Two of the ladies rode down the gravel road on their two horses and came to my place to pick me up. It took us a while to leave because the lady's horses were scared of the neighbor's llama. We then rode our three horses down the gravel road back down to their place from when they first came from. We rode around on the trails, had a great time. We also switched horses. One lady rode my Thoroughbred gelding, I rode the guy's Quarter Horse gelding and then the others switched horses. I actually got to canter for the first time on the trail! It was a blast and truly amazing. It was about a couple hours later and they decided to ride back to my place. We all got on our horses and took off down the road. When we got to this corner where we could see my neighbor's horses which live just 100 ft across from my hour, the two ladies waited there and I had one lady and the guy come with me. I went in front because they said it would have been better since my gelding didn't spook from the llama so they wanted me to lead. So I led them down a bit. My horse had his ears pricked and he was walking quickly with the two others behind us. In a blink of an eye, my horse somehow turned around by jumping in the air and bolted the other way, also having the lady fly in the ditch when her horse spooked. I fell down into the ditch right beside the lady. My horse has spooked from the llama! He didn't recognize the darn thing! I fell and hurt the top of my left leg just a little bit whenever I walked on it. It was a great thing that either of the lady or I got seriously injured. We then caught our horses by the others at the corner and led them over to my place and the left after about fifteen minutes.

Most Serious/Worse Fall: I haven't had a bad fall yet as I've only fallen off a horse once which was the story above. Other wise whenever else I have fallen off, I did it on purpose, especially in winter. :) It's very fun!

Any Injuries: Nope, just when I hurt my left leg whenever I walked on it but it was fine after a night!

Do you still ride? If so, why?: Of course I still ride! I won't stop riding EVER! I love horses, riding and horses. ;P
horse addict
2011-09-30 08:54:29 UTC
1.)first fall?

It was my second time riding and I was pressured into a canter and fell off and broke my arm.

2.)most serious/worse fall

My horse freaked out and I fell off down the road. My horse then proceeded to run down the middle of a very busy road with lots of traffic about. Luckily the drivers were sensible and stopped their cars and made a human chain across the road to stop my horse. I am so thankful to them. it was a scary situation that could have turned ugly.

3.)any injuries ?

broken arm, and just the usual bruises and cuts

4.)do you still ride if so why?

Of course I do. I train and break-in horses for show-jumping. They are my life :)
Big Red Appaloosa
2011-09-30 03:35:15 UTC
1) First fall: In a riding lesson. I was learning to canter and I was on this foul evil horse. He had this habit of throwing his head down and pulling us weak thighed beginners right out of the saddle. He did it in the corner on the eft lead and yanked my loose from my english saddle which then rolled to the left flipped me off and I landed on my hip. He was just an evil horse. He's also the only horse ever I've never gotten back on after falling off of.

2) It's a toss up between the stupidest one and the most surprising one.

Stupidest (this was 3 or 4 years ago): I was WALKING on my horse in the arena and a car drove past the barn in the drive way (really slowly I might add) and my Haflinger did this huge spook jump/hop thing. I don't even know what it was. I landed on my back and made a human imprint of where my heels, hips, shoulders and helmet hit the ground. I had a really nasty concussion, dizzy blurry vision, nauseated. I went to school the next day and got sent home by like 4th period because I was so out of it.

Most Surprising: Last winter I was trail riding on my Haflinger (bareback because it was cold), and he's really not a spooky horse. I'm sitting on him and we're walking through the snow having a lovely ride and there's an area of trail that is visible to people driving by. Some a$$hole honks at us from behind (I didn't even hear the car and I don't think he did either) and he rears up, jumps forward, and does some weird spin thing. I ended up hanging on his neck with my right leg hooked over it and his mane in my left hand just hanging there. He stops and I let go and land on my head and neck. Awesome. I dented my helmet. I finished my ride though.

3) Injuries (pretty minor considering what could have happened) Several concussions, lots of whiplash, cuts, bruises, ripped up my hand once so bad I couldn't even ride home. I had to call my sister to ride him home. My only complaint about falling is I'm allergic to anti-inflammatory drugs, so I get to deal with it the old fashioned "walk it off" way. hahaha

4) Of course I still ride. As long as you ride, you will hit the ground. It happens. My horses are my happy place. I love them and they love me. I'm usually happiest when I'm riding or working with them.
Michaela S
2011-09-30 01:05:24 UTC
1) it was my first time sitting in an english saddle and the person who saddled up for me (since I was still new to English riding) put it too lose and the saddle slid to the side and I landed on my back. I got right back on though.

2) my worst fall so far (I've only had 3) was when I was going over trotting poles and chevy took off cantering (at the time I was using confidence issues because he always rushed off and I gabbed the horn) so he took off cantering, made a sharp turn and then when I was off he went to eat grass... Thank you chevy... Anyway I landed in my tailbone and I had to take 2 weeks off riding (super hard for me since I ride everyday) and I bruised my tailbone. I know it was not super serious but man did it hurt, I still can't Sit down properly almost 4 months later.

4) of coarse!! I got right back on (you know how sometimes youcant feel the pain until later?) and finished my lesson. Then took 2 weeks off now I am back to normal with riding, sitting on chairs still hurts though!
2011-09-30 01:01:19 UTC
My first fall was when I was like 5 and my horse laid down while i was riding and started rolling with the saddle on and rolled me into a fence

My worst fall was when I was riding my pony in 2008 and she got spooked and bucked and I held on the first time, but while trying to catch my balance she bucked again and I fell on my hip.

I could barley walk on my hip for about a week.

I still ride, because I have been riding since I was like 3 so Im not going to give it up from a horse thats acting up.
2011-09-30 01:24:04 UTC
First fall: It was in a horse lesson, it was a quiet and very sane horse, it just got scared and bolted. I was wearing a helmet and was physically unharmed, not even any bruises. I cried because I was just little at the time, and was scared.

Most serious fall: I'm lucky so far, my worst fall, despite still having physical effects on me, is not a "bad" fall. I fell off my mare at a show when she spooked at the judge's paper while I was on her back and galloped. I had her on a loose rein (very silly of me) and couldn't get my reins up in time to stop her. I fell onto a wood pole and cement cinderblock on my back and hip somehow subsequently.

Injuries: I have a big scar on my back from it, and hip pain pops up every now and again.

Do I still ride: Yes of course. Why? My life goals all revolve around horses, and horses are what keep my sanity in check. I love them.
2011-09-30 02:08:43 UTC
1.)first fall? At a show on my lease horse Buddy. I came out of the alleyway and my girth snapped. I BUSTED it, but I was fine.

2.)most serious/worse fall I have two. One, my mare spooked with me on her tackless in an open field. She spun twice and bolted. I stayed on about 6 seconds. As soon as I fell, she stopped. Then I was running the barrels with Buddy, he lost his footing and slipped. We fell but both were fine!

3.)any injuries ? Yup

4.)do you still ride if so why? I do still ride! Here's the thing about horseback riding. Most people don't do it just to say they do it. You need to have a passion and will to practice and do everything needed to care for a horse. People who quit riding because of a bad fall, really aren't in love with the sport or dedicated.
2011-09-30 01:59:42 UTC
First fall was on a lesson pony when I was 8 jumping.

Ummm... Just a bruise on my arm !

No, never. I've ridden dirt bikes less and broke my wrist & sprained ankle from that.

Yes I still ride... There was once that I was a little scared to get back on (I was 10 or

something) after my horse bolted but I eventually started riding again (maybe 2 months

later) and have been fine ever since. I bet if I fell and got hurt real bad I would be more

afraid to ride again... It just hasn't happened to me *yet*. (Touches wood.)
2011-09-30 01:21:27 UTC
1) the earliest one I can think of is when I was eight and, I got bucked off a very naughty lesson horse

2) I have not had any serious falls but, my worst was when the horse when half way over the jump( it was tiny) then half-reared, spun around and bolted. I fell off. I was only 10 but, I suppose it was my worst

3) nope luckily

4) Of course riding is my passion in life!
Josiie Brnz
2011-09-30 04:58:20 UTC
1) I actually dont remember!!! LOL

2a) Ummm my WORST fall would've been when I was riding a pony in an arena who kept trying to race the other horses, and would 'shy' away from the fence and break into a canter a few strides before we were meant to and try to race.

I was only a reletively new rider at this point (i was 10 years old and had been riding for about a year and a half) and took to litterally 'hanging' on the reins. I just pulled those reins back as hard as I could, and eventually I was half an arena behind the horse infront of me. When it was time to canter, I just released the reins, and the pony lept forward and just took off! I bounced onto its neck, then it bucked and I did a backflip and landed about 3 meters away.

3a)My wind got knocked out and I saw stars, and I was pretty darn sore! But nothing broken :)

2b) My most SERIOUS fall was when I was breaking in an 11.2hh pony with an experinced breaker, as he was too tall to ride the pony (named Spike). I had got him used to alot of things, and was at the time lying on his back to get him used to the weird weight distribustion. He was fine, half asleep, when suddenly he saw someone walking down the isle, and bolted! I fell off, pretty epically.

3b) I broke my arm!!! falling off a 11.2hh pony!!! God, I could've died!!! Sooooo embarrassing! What was even worse was when the guy went to sell the pony at an auction place, and everyone kept asking if Spike had thrown me. I said no, well he hadnt! xD

4a) After the canter fall, I got back on the riding schools schoolmaster and walked and trotted around. I'm still nervous about cantering, though!!

4b) It amost killed me, I couldnt ride for over 5 months!! But I still went to the breakers every day, and brushed and handled anything I could get my hands on!! When I got my arm out of the sling (and the doctors okay) I jumped on a fat fat FAT 12hh pony who had been out of work for well over 2 years, and rode him around bareback in the wind with a halter and lead. So no, my confidence wasnt hurt that time!!!!

And same as you; I ride because I love it... Althoough I actually just prefer being around horses than riding, unless I ride little ponies... I dont know why, I just find it fun riding ponies, but dont enjoy riding horses as much.... Imma bit strange!!
2011-09-30 02:37:23 UTC
1) First fall was on a school pony that refused a jump (totally my fault)

2) Worst fall was at a schooling show, trying out a new horse. He dumped me into a fence, broke my arm in 6 places, and cracked my helmet open

3) Broken arm, nerve damage, cracked disk - 4 surgeries

4) Nothing will make me stop riding. It is so good for my mental and physical health, especially considering my physical dissabilities
2011-09-30 13:17:51 UTC
1/ it was winter and I had probably only been riding a few months. There is a gate that that leads out to the barn, and just as I rode by it, my barn owner drove his golf cart down the isle way. Pony spooked and I hit the dirt. Was just fine, though.

2/ my worst fall was in april when I was riding my horse in a small pasture after my jumping lesson. He got excited, bolted, and threw in a few bucks. I came off, my horse continued running and bucking, and my ankle felt really hot. We took off my boot and it was swollen to literally the size of a baseball. My barn owner had to carry me back to the barn, and when we went to the ER, the decided that I had fractured my growth plate and had a hemotoma. I was stuck in an aircast boot for 2 months!

3/ fractured growthplate/soreness

4/ yes, I love it with all my heart and its my passion!
2011-09-30 01:10:26 UTC
1.)first fall? When i was eight i was riding my sisters horse down the dirt road to get back home, my dad was riding my horse, the horse took off, and started bucking and i slipped off.

2.)most serious/worse fall? At a horse show i was riding my OTTB, it was his first show and i took him to a schooling show, we were doing our hunter hack,after the first jump he took off and at the second jump he bucked HARD and i fell, face first sliding and slightly bending the rim of my helmet (my poor gpa) I blacked out for a minute, and took a break then got back on and won the champion class :)

3.)any injuries ? Broken wrist, lots of bruises, concussion.

4.)do you still ride if so why? Of course! Riding is my life, you gotta get back on the horse! :)
2011-09-30 03:03:37 UTC
1.) When I was eleven (it took a while) and was training my instructors new horse one morning when I decided to canter in two point for the fun of it. She decided she wanted to go over a jump when I wasn't ready to yet so I turned her sharply, causing me to fall onto the jump and breaking it to pieces. I'm proud to say I landed in a standing position and then fell onto my side.

2.) My first was my worst surprisingly...

3.) Dislocated ankle (1x but still pops out regularly when I ride to this day), severely bruised hip (3x), severely bruised knee (1x) and ankle (4x), severely bruised shoulder (2x), smashed hands/fingers (1x), fractured foot (1x thankfully), and a very soar bottom (1x) :)

4.) I was always told that it took two falls to be a real rider... I took that seriously. So yeah, my falls gave me pride, and only more reason to hop back on the horse and complete the task :)
2011-09-30 01:07:30 UTC
1) 1st time i rode english- fell off cause i lost both stirrups around the corner lol flat on my back into the sand. i was perfectly fine after

2) Got bucked off hard in the barrels pattern and i was bruise for 2+weeks

3) worst injury i bruised my lung/ cracked my ribs cause my fat *** horse hit me into the wall while i was brushing him, but im alive ;)

4) i do ride still, western and english.mostly jumping, and i ride because it's a second nature to me- if im not walking or running im riding (: i cant imagine my life without my boy <3
2011-09-30 01:21:22 UTC
1. When I was eight and cantering for the first time. I just lost my balance and tumbled down :P

2. About a month ago I fell off after a jump and sprained my wrist trying to catch myself

3. Sprained my wrist once, but that's mostly it.

4. Of course I still ride!
2011-09-30 01:18:50 UTC
1. I was like... 7. And I was riding my Paint mare up the gravel driveway to the grooming area, and I was bareback. My big, fluffy dog was laying down in the creek and Sierra didn't really notice him. Until he stood up :) Water was dripping off his fluff and it freaked her out and she jumped to the side. And I did backflip off and landed in the gravel haha. I was fine.

2. I haven't really had any. I've fallen on solid cross country jumps a few times if that counts.

3. None really. But like I said above, i fell on solid cross country jumps and they hurt. The most painful was probably onto a big bench and I landed on my hip (I always land on my hip) and I had a big bruise. So not to bad, just sore.

4. Um, yes! I could never stop riding. Falling off isn't going to make me stop.
2011-09-30 01:04:16 UTC
1. first time cantering... that trainer didn't believe in lunge lines (ridiculous, i know) so i lost control steering and i did a belly slide.

2. fell on a road (concrete) and bruised my hip. no serious falls (fingers crossed)! but i have a friend that got into an awful accident and broke her collar bone, 3 ribs, and her back. her 17.1hh jumper flipped on her after jumping a 4'6" oxer. it was really bad. (horse was okay!)

3. just a bruise!

4. yes... because it is my passion!
2011-09-30 05:07:39 UTC
1) wen to canter and sort of just slipped off to the side no idea how i did it.... i was young

2) my pony over jumped a jump on the trail i was half off he took off at a full gallop and as i was hanging off the side, i sacked my face on a tree ow!

3) just a pretty gross looking cheek for a while!

4) would never stop riding could never stop
2011-09-30 01:06:50 UTC
1) i was a beginer and the horse spooked and started galloping and i fell off.

2) the only other time i fell off, i was bronced off, not really bad at all

3) just some bruises and a hoof shaped mark on my back.

4) of course i still ride, no reason i just love it
2011-09-30 01:02:28 UTC
A week ago i was with my barn friend looking for our horses in 80 acres of woods.. We found her horse so we both got on and rode him with nothing on not even a halter he wanted to trot through the thigh shrubs and trees.... Guess who ended up on the ground

I was being stupid and grabbed my horses halter and she yanked her head straight into the air and my fingers got caught and I got my shoulder yanked

Nothing serious has happened yet and I imaging if it does id go back to riding
2014-02-09 23:55:54 UTC
My first real fall was off of a large horse named Francis and we were jumping an outside line.

My worst fall was off of an ex-racehorse. He started galloping away and I slipped. I rebounded off the fence and then he trampled my ribs and stomach and I got kicked into the middle of the ring. I'm glad he wasn't fat.

I have had injuries, but luckily no broken bones. I almost broke a few ribs after I flew

off that ex-racehorse, I've hurt both of my shoulders falling off multiple times.

I still ride because I'm tough and I love it. My coach was the only thing stopping me from getting back on, trampled.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.