1.)first fall?
2.)most serious/worse fall
3.)any injuries ?
4.)do you still ride if so why?
1/ Well to be honest I can't remember my first fall, my mum had me on horses before I could remember.
The first one I remember is riding a palomino pony at a fast canter and cracking a stock whip (we were rounding up 100 brood mares) and I cantered across a flooded crossing.
There was a brick under the water and the pony tripped on it. I flew over her head and landed in the water. We had people from the city sitting on the fence watching and I was so embarrassed. I must have been about 9 or 10yo. That is what I get for showing off!! LOL
2/ My first spinal fracture came from riding a TB in track work. I was galloping the horse on the grass track and he spooked at the sand crossing and stopped. I flew over his head and landed flat on my head. They tell me I looked like super man (lol). I got a concussion and my boss made me get back up and ride another horse. I was in pain, but I had no idea that I had a compression fracture.
My second spinal fracture came from a TB at home. I decided to ride my horse the day before my wedding, he spooked just after I mounted and took off bucking. I fell and landed badly on very hard ground. This time I went immediately to hospital and they wanted to put me in traction. When they learned about my wedding the next day they gave me some very good pain killers indeed ;-)
3/ Well beside the above injuries, I have had both of my ankles caught in the tractor mud guards over the big back wheel while I was feeding out horses on the TB stud. Both legs still have scar tissue and swelling on my calves.
I was bitten by a stallion and thrown up a fence, then he came down to pummel me. Lucky mum got there quickly. I still have the bite hole in my upper arm.
I broke my nose jumping when I landed into a fence.
I sprained my leg when a horse reared up on a hill and went over backwards. I was lucky to get over to the side and not be completely pinned.
Another concussion while riding cross country as a teen. The grass was damp and my mare slipped over while coming around to a water jump. My head hit the ground because of how fast she went down.
I won't list all of the bites, kicks and scrapes that I got while working on the TB stud or in the racing stables, it's just apart of horses, especially when weaning and doing yearling preparation ;-)
4/ Yes. I have always had an involvement in horses and owned horses my whole life. However I am much more careful about what I do these days, I don't just jump on strange horses and take unnecessary risks.
I would much rather just ride my trusted horses than have another serous fall and never be able to ride again. As you get older your confidence can get seriously dented at times. I was bucked off a horse last year because I put myself in a dangerous situation.
Also my daughters now ride and compete, I love nothing more than being able to ride with them or be able to help educate their ponies.
~ Many people ride their whole lives and never have serious injuries or accidents. My story is not an indicator of what will happen to everyone. It just happens that I was exposed to many horses, in many situations. I also did not always have the maturity to know when to step aside as a teenager.