Horse riding survey!! (20 characters...)?
2009-11-23 21:05:55 UTC
Okay, I'm bored and I just thought I would make a survey for fun :) Here it is...please take a look and fill it out if you can find the time :)
1. Do you own/lease a horse?
2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect)
3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in?
4. Who is your favorite(s) rider?
5. How many times a week do you ride?
6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback?
7. Do you attend horse shows?
8. What is your favorite part of riding horses?
9. What is your 'dream job'?
10. Do you take lessons?
11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic?
12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn)

Thanks! Hope you enjoyed it! :D
44 answers:
2009-11-24 09:35:53 UTC
1) Lease one at the moment, otherwise take lessons once a week and have owned 3 previously.

2) Lots of trail riding; depends on which horse I'm riding. LOVE jumping, but I believe that dressage is the groundwork that has to be laid firmly before you can take your horse to the next level. Ride dressage once a week for an excellent trainer.

3) No equestrian olympics, but I've thought about competing in dressage and lower level jumping.

4) Geir Gulliksen, Andreas Helgstrand, John Whitaker (of course).

5) Anything from 1 to 6. A minimum of one.

6) Most comfortable in the canterin bareback, not too fond of trotting. CAN jump but I'm not that secure about it so I don't enjoy it much.

7) Only small ones

8) Really accomplishing dressage moves, or successfully getting a harness racer or monté trotter to do smooth gait transitions, but the thing I undoubtedly love the most is galloping FULL speed along a field and just letting the horse go. I ride a lot of race horses so this is extremely exhilarating : )

9) Something where I earn enough money to COMFORTABLY own a horse or two and not have to worry about the tack etc.

10) Yup, dressage every week for an EXCELLENT dressage instructor.

11) Yes, Natural Horsemanship with my first horse.

12) No barn, but I lease horses for an hour every week for my dressage lessons.

The horse that I lease is in a private stable with only two horses, he's GORGEOUS but he's going to be sent to the slaughterhouse really soon because he's got a tendon injury that'll take a long time to heal and the owner doesn't trust anyone but me to own him :( She offered him to me for free but I don't have the time or money at the moment, so I can't accept him. So once he's gone, I don't know what I'll do lease-wise.
2009-11-23 23:02:15 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse?

- I own 3 horses

2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect)

- Mainly western (trail, barrels, poles, patterns) but I dabble in English as well (jumping, flat work)

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in?

- I'm more into Western than English, I don't think I could ever make it that far

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider?

- Charmayne James, the O'Connors

5. How many times a week do you ride?

- right now I'm lucky if I get to ride once a week between my son, work, and other things.

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback?

- I've never tried to jump bareback. Where I board my horses you're not allowed to.

7. Do you attend horse shows?

- There are a grand total of 3 equestrian events that happen here a year. One is a 4-H show (limited to 4-H participants only. Second is the Labor Day rodeo, and there is one Open Horse Show a year. I like to participate in them if I can.

8. What is your favorite part of riding horses?

- The bond/relationship. And I love that moment when I'm warming up my older gelding when he's strug out, and then the second he collects himself feels so amazing =]

9. What is your 'dream job'?

- being a successful Barrel Racer. Or anything to do with horses really =]

10. Do you take lessons?

- No, but I give lessons.

11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic?

- Yes, on the off chance we get a clinician up here, I do any chance I can.

12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn)

- I ride at the Kodiak Island Fair grounds. It's where I board my horses. We have acess to the indoor arena, outdoor arena and roud pen whenever, for no extra cost.
2009-11-23 22:14:27 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse?

I have 2. Sis and Snoopy :)

2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect)

I jump, do dressage, HUS, Equitation, pleasure, and I really wanna get into barrels a little bit. :)

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in?

I wish. :) I think I'd want to do dressage, because those horses and riders look so perfect out there. :)

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider?

Kim Severson & Beezie Madden. <3

5. How many times a week do you ride?

Every day I can!

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback?

Yep! I haven't jumped bareback in a while though but I ride bareback all the time :)

7. Do you attend horse shows?

Every weekend I have the money for it during the summer.

8. What is your favorite part of riding horses?

Everything. :) I love how free I feel on horseback. :)

9. What is your 'dream job'?

Trainer/Vet/Breeder lol

10. Do you take lessons?


11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic?

A 4H one.

12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn)

I ride at 2 (the barn I board at and my lesson barn)
2009-11-23 22:08:43 UTC
1. Own one

2. Mostly dressage, but jumpers here and there; combined training...

3. Absolutely - it would probably be dressage, but I have a way to go!

4. I am liking Steffen Peters right now - watch some of his training videos if you can.

5. 4-5x a week.

6. Yes, I can walk/trot/canter/jump bareback, but there are some horses I wouldn't want to (for example, my mare is not a comfortable bareback mount)!

7. Yes, I attend horse shows. Mostly dressage, and some jumping or combined shows. I have tried to become less focused on competing and more focused on training lately, and that change in mindset has made me a better rider and trainer.

8. My favorite part of riding horses? Very hard question. The freedom, the outdoors, the communication and camaraderie between human and horse, how every day is different....I could keep going...

9. Dream job is similar to what I'm doing now - I ride/train/teach professionally, but I would love to take it to another level. I would love to have my own small private operation with a fabulous facility and a lot more opportunities to ride high quality mounts, coach a show team, and learn continually from a top rider in the industry.

10. Yes I do! Everybody needs lessons - even the top riders in the countries have coaches. Right now I'm doing once a week with my coach plus about once a month or every other month with a clinician, but I wish I could do more!!

11. Yes, and clinics are fabulous. Not only do you get individualized attention, but you can watch and learn from the clinician teaching other people. Definitely attend clinics, even if you plan to just watch.

12. I'm in the middle of moving out of town, so I can't claim allegiance at the moment.

Have fun - these things are definitely fun when you're bored :)
2009-11-23 21:48:25 UTC
1. I do! I own a 12 year old chestnut Quarter Horse gelding.

2. I ride western: Barrel racing is my specialty. I am also good with other speed events as well as working cattle.

3. I have thought about going to the equestrian olympics, when I was little! I rode english when I was little and always wanted to do 3-day eventing. But I no longer have that aspiration, I just love watching it!

4. My favorite rider is Charmayne James, the first million-dollar cowgirl and 11-time world champion barrel racer.

5. I ride about 2 times a week because I am in college.

6. I can walk/trot/canter bareback, but not jump.

7. I attend rodeos for barrel racing, but not "shows."

8. My favorite part of riding horses is being a partner with such a magnificent animal!

9. My dream job is an equine veterinarian.

10. I do not take lessons anymore - but I want to! you can never be too good for lessons :p

11. I have never taken part in a clinic, but it would be very fun and educational!

12. I ride at the barn where I keep my horse, but I am looking into switching barns soon.

Fun fun!
2009-11-23 21:42:35 UTC
1. Own 3 Horses

2. Dressage, Eventing, Showjumping, Games, Hacking.

3.Olympics for Dressage

4. Andreas Helgstrand and Shane Rose

5. I have been sick for the last year, so i haven't ridden that much. Normally I ride two horses 6-7 days a week.

6. I can walk, trot, canter and jump bareback.

7. I go to lots of horse shows

8.Best part of riding is working hard, having fun, and it paying off in the ring.

9. Psychologist.

10. I have 1-2 dressage lessons and a jumping lesson every week (when I'm well enough)

11. I've done several clinics.

12. We don't have barns, stables or riding schools where I live.
2009-11-24 04:18:21 UTC
1. Yes. I own a lovely Arabian mare.

2. I ride basic English right now but I'm training to be an eventer.

3. I have always dreamed about going to the Olympics on horse-back! I will probably do jumping if I went, maybe dressage.

4. I really don't have a favorite rider. My favorite trainer is Clinton Anderson if that counts.

5. 4 times. If it doesn't rain like it seems to be doing lately.

6. Yup. Still a bit shaky on the canter but we're working on it.

7. Not yet.

8. I really love having a best friend to talk to and connect to.

9. I want to be a trainer and horse-back rider. I would love to discover a new, effective training method and go to the Olympics! All while living on my dream farm in Ireland.

10. Not at the moment. I may have found a trainer though so I'm starting up soon.

11. No

12. Personal info. Sorry.
2009-11-23 21:19:22 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse? I own one :D

2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect) Hunter/Jumper - maybe Dressage soon :D

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in? YES! But I doubt i'd ever be good enough haha xD I would love to do eventing but XC scares me :)

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider? I've been liking Andreas Helgstrand

5. How many times a week do you ride? Depends, lately zero D= I had surgery bleh.

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback? I've only attempted walk and trot bareback, although my horse spooked once so I suppose I cantered without falling xD haha

7. Do you attend horse shows? I've only been in schooling shows when I took lessons, but i'd like to show one day :D

8. What is your favorite part of riding horses? Everything!

9. What is your 'dream job'? I would love to be a horse photographer/trainer :)

10. Do you take lessons? Not at the moment, I did for about 9 years, and i'm going to start them up again once my medical bill is payed off haha xD

11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic? No, but i'd love too :D

12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn) I ride at a private barn where I board :)
2009-11-23 21:17:56 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse? Yes, I own one Arabian Gelding

2. What disiplines do you ride? I ride jumpers, a little of dressage, and starting up in eventing soon!

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in? Going to watch or going to ride? I set my goals high, but riding in the Olympics would be a bit too high for me! I would love to watch one day though.

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider? Denny Emerson (eventer), William Steinkraus (Show Jumper), Beezie Madden (show jumper), Lendon Gray (dressage)

5. How many times a week do you ride? 8-12

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback? Yup. Jumping still needs work if I am riding my horse since he is green and tends to way overjump, though.

7. Do you attend horse shows? Kind of. I watch. I have never actually ridden in one. Next year I will.

8. What is your favorite part of riding horses? When you overcome an obstacle - not just teaching them something, but when you find out that you haven't really got a problem horse at all, just a horse who had a problem they needed to get over.

9. What is your 'dream job'? Trainer and 3DE rider

10. Do you take lessons? Definitely!

11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic? No :( I am poor. Hoping to be able to do a few next year

12. What barn do you ride at? I can't say - it's Top Secret!
2009-11-27 08:45:50 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse?

Yes I own a 16 hand Dutch Warmblood who I ADORE!!!!

2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect)

I ride everything! Mostly eventing and hunter

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in?

I would do eventing and no I don't want to go to the Olympics because that is to much pressure and I don't want the pressure to make everything to not fun.... LOL

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider?

Gina Miles

5. How many times a week do you ride?

I try to ride 5/7 days a week so on some days I can exercise my horse in a different way

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback?

Absoulutly! Cross country bareback is FUN!

7. Do you attend horse shows?

Yes all the time during show season

8. What is your favorite part of riding horses?

Hmmm EVERYTHING! But everyone is looking for a ceartin type of rush in life, jumping is where i get mine!

9. What is your 'dream job'?

To own a equestrian barn and teach lessons

10. Do you take lessons?

Yes 3 times a week

11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic?


12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn)

I don't feel comfortable saying where I ride....
2009-11-24 14:30:05 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse? I own a horse!

2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect)I do showjumping and showing and dressage

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in?Dressage.

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider?Sue Smallmen and william fox pitt

5. How many times a week do you ride?Usually about 5 times

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback?Yep. I think everyone should. Its great for the balance!

7. Do you attend horse shows? Yes I do shows at least once a week durning the show season

8. What is your favorite part of riding horses? The best would have to be when I improve a horse and teach it something new.

9. What is your 'dream job'? I havent decided yet!

10. Do you take lessons? Yes but not as often as I would like

11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic? Yes I used to do alot of showjumping clinics

12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn)
2009-11-24 21:46:50 UTC
1. I own a horse and it gets used in other peoples lessons, etc so i get free board.

2. I do a little bit of everything. Jumping and Barrel Racing mainly.

3. No, not my type of thing. If I did, jumping.

4. Not a clue..

5. At least once. Maximum about 3 probably.

6. Yes I can do all those.

7. Sometimes.

8. I love letting the horse canter fast and just flying free

9. Dream job isn't related to horses *blush*

10. Yess

11. Nope

12. I do, but wont post it here.
2009-11-27 03:00:53 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse?....Yes, I own 2 horses (well, 1 pony and 1 horse)

2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect)....Show jumping and a little dressage.

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in?....No.

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider?....Don't have one

5. How many times a week do you ride?....Every day most weeks but, at least 4 times a week.

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback?....I haven't jumped bareback for about 10 years but i suppose i could if i needed to.

7. Do you attend horse shows?....Yes, most weekends during the summer. Once or twice a month in the winter

8. What is your favorite part of riding horses?....The bond/unspoken communication I have with my horse.

9. What is your 'dream job'?....My horses are y job. I don't have to work, I look after the animals and the kids.

10. Do you take lessons?....I have a flatwork lesson twice a month and an occassional jumping lesson

11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic? No

12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn).....JK Atrej (equestrian centre close to where I live in Czech Republic).
2009-11-27 13:26:39 UTC
1. Yes, I lease Lily, a palomino paint quarter horse.

2. I jump, do english pleasure and a little bit of dressage.

3. Absolutely!!! I'd want to jump or do dressage.

4. Beezie Madden and Jill Hanselwood

5. About five times.

6. I can walk and trot and do a very slow canter bareback. I've jumped a tiny crossrail bareback.


8. That you can meet new friends, make a strong bond with your horse and learn so much, every time that you ride.

9. Orthodontist, so I can have time and money to ride horses.

10. Yes, once a week.

11. No, but I want to.

12. LFEC (that's abbreviated)
2009-11-24 03:28:24 UTC
1. Yep

2. Jumping & Pleasure

3. No :(

4. I Dont Really Know :(

5. Everyday In Summer But 3 Times a Week In Winter

6. Yepp

7. Yepp

8. The Simple Pleasures, and The Fact You and Your Horse are Just Cruising along Without a Care In The World!!

9. Something With Animals (Horses)

10. Used To

11. Not Yet x

12. I Dont =]
2009-11-23 21:57:05 UTC
1. I sometimes lease ride a school horse, but my barn doesn't really have the option to full lease. i ride her regularly and i like to think she's mine, but i can't afford to full lease or own my own horse.

2. hunt seat and i'm working on jumping

3. i have thought about it, it would be amazingly cool! i would want to do eventing i think. or just show jumping. i think they should have a hunters in the olympics.

4. beezie madden! (not sure if i spelled it right) and monty roberts though he's not really a rider, and leslie ward

5. i ride once a week in the fall and winter, but over the summer i rode 3 times a week and i'm going to try twice a week this spring.

6. i can walk/trot/canter, i've only recently started jumping with a saddle so not yet

7. yes, in fact i went to one on saturday. me and my school horse did really well :)

8. my favorite thing to do is jumping, but the best part of it is feeling like a team with the horse i ride. i just love everything about it.

9. i would love to own an equestrian center with affordable boarding and lessons, and i want to rescue horses going to the slaughterhouse.

10. yes, i take weekly lessons

11. no, but i've joined 4H for the first time this year so i think a few clinics are in my future

12. i ride at a barn about 15 minutes from my house. (i don't feel comfortable giving the name since it's details and location can be found on the internet, safety reasons) its small, and the only arena is barely big enough to put two crossrails in a row, but they're building a new outdoor arena big enough for jumping. its my favorite barn out of all the ones i've been to because of the atmosphere, and the horses are great, plus we have the option to take school horses to shows and be part of 4H. i couldn't ask for anything more from a barn :)
2009-11-24 09:44:17 UTC
1. I'm between horses....I leased a horse, now I'm buying. :]

2. Just western pleasure, and lots and lots and lots of trail riding! I love it. :] Also,

does bareback count as a disclipline? :p

3. Oh gosh yes, if a horse lover didnt, I would question their horse loving ness!!

I've always wanted to do the Jumping course. Also, if I could ride one of the dressage horses,

I think I would die!!

4. I really like what Stacy Westfall and Whizards Baby Doll can do! They're my inspiration because

she has amazing communication with that horse. you can just see the bond and the tons of trust those two share!

5.Well, when I was leasing, I would ride twice a week. With my new horse, I hope to ride anywhere from 4-7 times a week. :]

6. Yup. I can walk, trot, lope, gallop [my favorite of the gaits], and I'm working on bareback jumping. :] ive gone over a few small logs

7.No. Horse showing isnt my thing. :[

8. My favorite part of riding a horse is sharing in the beauty, grace, majesty, and stength a horse has. Thats why I love bareback, because you really feel the power of the horse under you. It's amazing. It's like flying. :]

9. To rescue horses that need me. I want to help those horses that havent ever felt love, and help them transform inte creatures that know humans wont hurt them, but instead share a strong bond.

10. Nope. I wish I did. It's hard to when you're moving. :[

11. No, but I wish!! Thats a goal of mine.

12. Sweet Apple Ranch. My new barn in Idaho is called...The Barn. Haha. I love it. Simplistic and very, very obvious.

That was prety cool. I wish there were more questions like that. :]

Thanks for a fun one!

~Abbey G.
2009-11-27 12:46:23 UTC
1. Unfortunately no :( I've leased in the past, but I'm not currently

2. Hunter Jumpers

3. Yes- show jumping

4. Beezie Madden

5. Currently only once a week :((( I have no time or money

6. Yes ma'am :)

7. Occasionally, not as often as I'd like to

8. The sense of accomplishment when you finally nail that task after putting in long hours in the saddle.

9. Owning a farm of course! and teaching riding lessons to kids

10. Yepp

11. Yes

12. I'll keep that private, sorry ;D
2009-11-23 21:43:48 UTC
1. Yes, I own four.

2. Mostly Hunters and Jumpers. Although I ride western some too. I do a little bit of everything.

3. Yes. I would do show jumping

4. Hmm... not sure Beezie Madden, Meredith Micheals Beerbaum, EricLamaze, etc.

5. As many as I get a chance to, 5ish

6. Yeah, I do that all the time.

7. yes

8. Everything, the freedom, the thrill, the pure joy of it.

9. Rescuing OTTB and training them to be Hunters or Jumpers. Plus breeding and training thoroughbreds, giving lessons.

10. Yeah

11. Yes

12. Fantasy Farms
2009-11-24 20:13:21 UTC
1. Yes. Bubbles, Thoroughbred Mare 15.2hh 24yrs young, Dark Bay with star

2. I'm a jumper, but i practise dressage too, occasional trick riding

3. No not really

4. Mark Todd

5. How ever many i can depending on weather, and school

6. Yes :D

7. I have only attended local sports day due to no float or truck

8. Sense of achievement when i accomplish something new

9. I don't know yet

10. Nope, never had one ever.

11. Nope

12. I don't ride at a barn, Bubbles lives on our farm

(check out my youtube, my username is hothorseridagalholly) :D
the horse freack
2009-11-24 12:50:40 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse? No :(

2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect) I ride English I do Dressage, jumping, cross country ext

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in? I have it is my life long dream hehe i want to do showjumping :)

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider? I like zara phillips, Pippa funnel and i also like watching the younger girls and biys doing showjumping i think Pippa allen has a good future ahead of her!

5. How many times a week do you ride? 1 time

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback? yes i can it is sooo much fun

7. Do you attend horse shows? not yet i hope to one day i want to loan a horse from my riding school and compete

8. What is your favorite part of riding horses? Jumping i love the thrill it is a great pleasure and gives me the feel of satisfaction but i love all of it

9. What is your 'dream job'? to be a prefossianal show jumper or horse trainer/breeder

10. Do you take lessons? yes

11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic? no

12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn) i have been to 2 my most current is croft riding school
2009-11-25 11:20:14 UTC
1. Yes, my horse is a bay mare, she is 9 years old. Her registered name is Smokin' Jellybean, but at the barn we just call her Jellybean.

2. Western pleasure, western trail, western horsmanship, western showmanship, halter, a bit of jumping, some speed events, bareback

3. Yes... I would love to compete in jumping... if I had the right horse for it!

4. My favourite rider is Eric Lamaze... he's awesome!

5. I ride every day!

6. Yes! I love to jump bareback... it's so fun!

7. Yes, I compete in about 8 or 9 local shows each summer...

8. I love how I can connect with the horses, they're not just machines, but they will love you!

9. My dream job would be anything with horses... I would love to become a coach.

10. Yes. Although I do ride on my own most of the time

11. Yes, a grooming clinic

12. VLH Stables

YAY this was fun!
2009-11-24 18:28:10 UTC
1. I own a horse named Wyatt. hes a gray TB gelding, goofball. I love him to death.

2. English: hunter jumper, a bit of dressage, starting cross country soon

3. yes! Show jumping for sure, maybe the whole eventing scene. I'm just not big on dressage.

4. hmm. Beezie maddens pretty cool. Shes got real talent. I've seen her ride in person and she is phenomenal.

5. try to ride at least 3 times, but with school, sometimes it isn't possible. :(

6. I can walk trot canter. My horse has very high withers so it hurts my freaking butt to do anything more than a walk usually. My trainer and her 40 years refuses to ride him bareback. (He used to be hers) So I've never attempted a jump. (I may have needed surgery to get off of him.)

7. YES! SO much fun! I usually go to 7 or 8 per year plus all the extra events, clinics, banquets all that. We actually have our show banquet next weekend.

8. The bond between the horse and you. There is nothing more amazing then hearing your horse niceker when you walk up to the barn, or follow you around because he wants to be in your company.

9. dream job? oh dang, to be a pro show jumper, and cross country rider.

reality. I started ridign too late to do that, not to mention i cant afford it. Which is really devastating.

10. yes. at least once a week.

11. one time.

12. I ride at a barn with horses and pretty green fields!

Best of luck!

Cute Girlxoxo
2009-11-24 15:05:50 UTC
1. Yes i lease a gorgeous palomino


3. I never thought of it but i would love to, either dressage or jumping

4. me =]

5. 3 times

6. I walk, trot, canter, jump, i can do a flying lead change, canter over jumps, can jump an oscar, lots of stuff, and can ride bareback ( can canter bareback ).

7. Yes lots at my barn, and some outside shows =]

8. I love to jump i feel like im flying, its just me and the horse. ( its a great feeling )

9. To either be an artist or horse trainer, possibly a horse racer b/c i keep my stirrups so short

10. Yes, and i've been doing drill team for 2 1/2 years

11. No

12. can't say, its a secret shhh

I also LOVE to ride on trail, but i can't ride the horse im leasing on trail, b/c she spooks ALOT. But thats why i love her <33
2009-11-25 09:50:35 UTC
1. Not at the moment :(

2. I ride English, hopefully starting to jump soon!

3. I sure have thought of it! Probably Hunter or XC.

4. ERIC LAMAZE Beezie Maden and Ian Miller.

5. I ride twice a week.

6. I can walk, trot, canter.

7. No, but would love to.

8. I love the freedom that riding gives me. It takes away all my worries and thoughts about my problems and life. It lets me focus on the horse and the now. It also calms me down.

9. Horse Vet, or someone who does Hippotherapie

10. I sure do.

11. Nope

12. Foxcroft :) (l)
2009-11-26 17:28:32 UTC
1. Yes

2. Dressage

3. Absolutely!! Individual Dressage-the freestyles!

4. Edward Gal

5. 5 times a week, at least three times a day

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. The connection

9. Being the head trainer at a classical dressage school and breeding program out in Europe (Portugal preferably).

10. Absolutely

11. Yes

12. At a Dutch Warmblood breeding farm
2009-11-26 10:06:55 UTC
1) No, I used to lease, but I have the privilege of riding my cousin's old show jumper when I visit my aunt and uncle, and I ride 1-2x per week.

2) I ride english (eventing specifically), I'm still in training. I can jump up to 3'.

3) YES!!! I would compete in the eventing category.

4) I like Beezie Madden, Gina Miles, Lucinda Fredericks, Lucinda Greene, Bruce Davidson, and the O'Connors.

5) As I said above, 1-2x per week, but I can't ride till after Christmas (I have a concussion)

6) Yes, I can.

7) I have ridden in 1 show so far and came in 3rd. It was my first show ever, I am so proud of myself because I beat people with WAY more experience then me.

8) EVERYTHING!!! I love the smell, the sound, the way it feels, the power, and just EVERYTHING!

9) I want to be an equine vet and own my own boarding/lesson/event/breeding stable with an attached vet practice.

10) Yes, I do.

11) Yes, I participated in my instructor's eventing clinic.

12) I used to ride at Travesty Farms, and I'm leaving there because the owner is a psycho and her daughter is a pathological liar, I think I will be riding at Silvercrest Equestrian Center when I start back after my concussion.
2009-11-24 07:49:45 UTC
1) I own 1 and free lease another

2) I do hunters but am getting into eventing

3) Sure who hasn't! I would want to do jumping

4) Beezie Madden and Steffen Peters

5) Not as many as I should! I haven't ridden in a few months due to rain :(

6) yes

7) Not as much as I'd like

8) It gives you a freedom that nothing else can give you

9) Vet

10) Yes

11) nope

12) My own barn.
2009-11-23 22:07:05 UTC
1. Yes i own 4

2. I show jump and have started cross country and dressage

3. I really wish. Im 15 so its kinda just something i dream about :)

4. Ian Miller

5. 5 days out of the week

6. Yea.

7. Yea, i show all through summer

8. The feeling of freedom and its just something i love doing.

9. Equine Veterinarian.

10. yea

11. never taken part but ive seen many

12. Just my house
2009-11-27 12:33:14 UTC
1. My husband and I own three and am dirt poor from it(but VERY happy).

2. we ride dressage, the sport you have to be the wealthiest to do

3. It's a wonderful dream if I could ever afford a trainer.

4. The Occoner team

5. Depends on my work schedule, 2-6

6. On every horse I've ridden.

7. As often as I can afford them, or when my trailer isnt broke

8. Watching them eat, or brushing them, or feeling thier breath on your face

9. Professional trainer

10. I wish!

11. again, expensive, I wish!

12. A back yard barn that is cheap. I wish I could board at a fancy dressage one.
2009-11-27 06:53:11 UTC
1. Yes I own 4 (ex halter qh, paint by mr cash bar, TB form penn national, winter hill percheron)

2. Eventing

3. Yes, eventing or showjumping

4. Phillip Dutton or Ludgar Beerbaum

5. 24 times (6 times a week per horse)

6. Yes

7. a few

8. everything

9. being paid to ride

10. yes

11. yes all of the time

12. Frog Pond Farm
2009-11-24 11:54:32 UTC
1. I Lease

2. Jumping/hunter jumper

3. Maybe

4. Don't have one

5. 2-3

6. Yes

7. yes

8. It's fun

9. Vet or model

10. yes

11. no

12. Palos verdes stables
Lizzie M
2009-11-24 07:00:00 UTC
1. I own 2 at the moment

2. Rodeo, roping, barrels, cutting

3. No Rodeo at the olympics

4. Me

5. Whenever I want

6. all of above

7. Rodeos

8. going fast.

9. a Doctor

10. Hells No

11. Once when I was in 4H

12. I live on a ranch
2009-11-27 18:55:49 UTC
1. Yes, two.

2. Dressage, eventing, hunting.

3. Who hasn't? Dressage or eventing.

4. Lilo Fore

5. 5 or 6

6. And in a halter too!

7. Yes I do!

8. How it takes away my troubles

9. Training horses and owning our family boarding stable.

10. Of course I do.

11. LOTS of them!

12. Renaissance Farm, it has no website and is off a ways from society, yet still 10 minutes away from a shopping center. Very convenient.
♥pony grl♥
2009-11-25 17:56:39 UTC
1.ya i lease a 14 yrold morab gelding named moe, i love him like my own! :)

2.i do mainly pleasure riding but i love barrel racing and i want to do jumping and i do pretty much anything! :)

3.yes, but its not really me:) i am gonna go for instructor and stuff. i would want to compete in showjumping tho:)

4.bezzie madden, britany pozzie-par, stacy westfall, Clinto anderson the summer about 3-4 and now its too dark to go out after school b/c it gets dark at 4pm!!!

6.i can walk and trot, i used to be able to canter but i have a hard time staying on i am workingon mastering the trot first haha. i have never tried bareback jumping.

7.i try to. i will do more this summer tho cause im getting a horse trailer! yay!

8.the horses :) and all of life's issues literally melt away! trainer/riding instructor/board barn manager

10.not now i did for 4 years and i need to take a lesson so i can jump soon! i do occasional clinics tho so thats like a lesson

11.haha ya i just answered that:) i did a couple with my aunts gelding last spring for 4-H and i want to bring moe to them this spring

12.its a privet barn, sadly im the only one there (something i don't like about it!) but otherwise its ok. i used to ride at a barn called Grand Marias Stables. but then we moved :(

have a good thanksgiving!!!
2009-11-25 12:52:09 UTC
1. Own 2

2. I have ridden lots of different disciplines, but I have stuck to huntseat!

3. idk, haven't thought about it

4. My riding instructor!

5. At least 4 days

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. I have no favorite part, I love it all!

9. Horse Trainer

10. Yes

11. Yes, once

2009-11-24 20:45:36 UTC
1- yes :) i own 1 but my family has 6

2- WP, WR, HSM, SMS, TR, HUS, HSE, and HH

3- yes! stadium jumping

4- i don't have a favorite, i like anyone that is great at what they do

5- everyday when im in training, but less if its the off season

6- i can walk/trot/canter bareback but i haven't tried jumping cause my mom gets worried easy

7- ALL THE TIME!!!! :) i LOVE showing!

8- i love the connection that you have with the horse

9- i would love to be a trainer

10- sometimes, i did in the past, but i don't do them regularly anymore

11- yes, they are super fun & informative!

12- at my house :)
2009-11-24 03:23:51 UTC
1) yes i own three (:

2) showjumping ftww :D

3) its more like a dream tbh, you cant pin all ur hopes on it - theres a tonne of brill riders out there

4) fave rider = william funnel, raw talent - just incredible

5) i ride bwt 5/6 times a week

6) yes i can do all that lol

7) i have a horse show most weekends

8) fave part of riding is the jumping, exciting stuff

9) my 2fream job" wud be internationally regognised and respected showjumper

10) i have a jumping lesson each week, im very lucky that my mum is v horsey and supports me

11) i havent actually ! i find one - on - one a lot more beneficial for me if im honestt

13) Hogbrook equestrian centre, alkham, dover, kent, england

:L its fantasticcc
2009-11-25 10:17:02 UTC
1.) I own my horse

2.) i barrel race =)

3.)i never really thought about it...

4.) Martha Josey

5.) 6 days Sundays the day off

6.) i can =)

7.) every week

8.) my favorite part of riding my horse is racing feeling the wind in my face and hair

9.) win lots of money barrel racing

10.) i take lessons and give lessons to the unexperienced kids

11.) i have i have been an assistant in 2 and i have went to many barrel clinics

12.) Chilly Creek Farm¤t=dottiesbaby201.jpg
2009-11-24 14:46:52 UTC
1. Do you own/lease a horse?

I own two (one is for sale)

2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect)

With the one that is for sale, jumpers (on the rare occasion I still ride him)--used to do dressage and HA/AA Hunter Pleasure and Eq on the Arab circuit.

With the other one, I do Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Horsemanship, and Equitation (AQHA/open shows). We have done Western Riding as well but not much. He's shown in Hunter Hack once and is started over fences but I haven't done much with him there either--we are mostly focusing on WP now.

In the past (on other horses), I've done speed events, trail riding, Trail (class), showmanship, halter, WP, HUS, eq, HMS, Western Riding, team penning, hunters, jumpers, dressage, reining, etc.

3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in?

As a kid, that was my dream. But not anymore--I'd much rather go to the AQHA World Show :). I no longer do dressage, have never done eventing, and rarely do any sort of jumping (though one day I hope my QH will be able to do some hunters) anymore so I don't think I'm headed for the Olympics :). I would love to show Reining at the WEG but I don't have a reiner, either--minor problem.

4. Who is your favorite(s) rider?

don't really have one

5. How many times a week do you ride?

If the weather's good and I'm not working late or otherwise busy, I go out to ride my QH just about every day. Some weeks, I barely get to ride because of too much rain, etc. I can count on one hand the number of times I've ridden the other one this year, though. :(

6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback?

Yes--I've done all of the above tackless on my jumper. I've ridden my QH bareback (walk/jog/lope) twice.

7. Do you attend horse shows?


8. What is your favorite part of riding horses?


9. What is your 'dream job'?

I'm a 3rd grade teacher now and I love it :).

10. Do you take lessons?

Not currently--though sometimes the trainer at the barn where my horse is now will give me some pointers. I've worked on and off with a different WP trainer for the last 2 1/2 years--sometimes sending my horse there for training, sometimes just hauling in for a workout with him. I also took h/j lessons on him when I first started aiming him to do the over fences stuff, too, but I haven't done anything since then (he got hurt and was laid off, so we had to take a break, but I haven't started him jumping again). With the other horse, I haven't taken any lessons on him since high school, but then I took about two years of dressage lessons. Before that, I took some basic h/j type lessons with a couple of different trainers. In college, I rode IHSA so I rode 2-4 times a week in team practices (not on my own horses).

11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic?


12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn)

For the last 5 weeks, my AQHA show horse has been at an all-around training/show/lesson barn. I'm just paying for boarding right now, but the trainer gives lessons (to anyone) and trains horses. He does a lot of the Palomino shows as well as his personal horses (and his wife's horse) and two of his top rider's horses are all palominos. My other horse is at home, which is where this horse was before now (for the last two years--before that he was at a WP training barn).
2009-11-24 21:34:10 UTC
1)Own-3 horses

2)English-Hunter Jumper

3)Yes, Jumping

4)Beezie Madden

5)Around 3

6)All-Prefer not to jump/canter though



9)EQ teacher



12)Private Stables:)
Nick J.
2009-11-24 06:52:44 UTC
1. I own 2.

2.I ride twh/racking horses for fun occasionally saddleseat.




6.yes, but mine are gaited


8.The relaxing alone time yu get.

9.Running my own Walking Horse Farm



12.LOL the one at my house
2009-11-23 21:10:52 UTC
1. No i cant afford it :(

2. hunter jumper

3. yes, jumping :)

4. Ian Millar!!!

5. I have lessons once a week but i somtimes train the lesson horses

6.yup, yup, yup, yup

7. Schooling shows

8. the horse part

9.rehabilitating horses

10. Yup

11. No

12. Not saying

Buffy Kiev
2009-11-27 15:15:51 UTC
1. no

2. english and jumping

3. yes, and jumping

4. Beezie Madden

5. once every other week

6. walk and trot

7. every now and then


9. idk

10. yes

11. no

12. ...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.