1. Do you own/lease a horse?
I own two (one is for sale)
2. What disiplines do you ride? (dressage, reining, jumpers...ect)
With the one that is for sale, jumpers (on the rare occasion I still ride him)--used to do dressage and HA/AA Hunter Pleasure and Eq on the Arab circuit.
With the other one, I do Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Horsemanship, and Equitation (AQHA/open shows). We have done Western Riding as well but not much. He's shown in Hunter Hack once and is started over fences but I haven't done much with him there either--we are mostly focusing on WP now.
In the past (on other horses), I've done speed events, trail riding, Trail (class), showmanship, halter, WP, HUS, eq, HMS, Western Riding, team penning, hunters, jumpers, dressage, reining, etc.
3. Have you ever thought about going to the equestrian olympics? If so, what would you compete in?
As a kid, that was my dream. But not anymore--I'd much rather go to the AQHA World Show :). I no longer do dressage, have never done eventing, and rarely do any sort of jumping (though one day I hope my QH will be able to do some hunters) anymore so I don't think I'm headed for the Olympics :). I would love to show Reining at the WEG but I don't have a reiner, either--minor problem.
4. Who is your favorite(s) rider?
don't really have one
5. How many times a week do you ride?
If the weather's good and I'm not working late or otherwise busy, I go out to ride my QH just about every day. Some weeks, I barely get to ride because of too much rain, etc. I can count on one hand the number of times I've ridden the other one this year, though. :(
6. Can you walk/trot/canter/jump bareback?
Yes--I've done all of the above tackless on my jumper. I've ridden my QH bareback (walk/jog/lope) twice.
7. Do you attend horse shows?
8. What is your favorite part of riding horses?
9. What is your 'dream job'?
I'm a 3rd grade teacher now and I love it :).
10. Do you take lessons?
Not currently--though sometimes the trainer at the barn where my horse is now will give me some pointers. I've worked on and off with a different WP trainer for the last 2 1/2 years--sometimes sending my horse there for training, sometimes just hauling in for a workout with him. I also took h/j lessons on him when I first started aiming him to do the over fences stuff, too, but I haven't done anything since then (he got hurt and was laid off, so we had to take a break, but I haven't started him jumping again). With the other horse, I haven't taken any lessons on him since high school, but then I took about two years of dressage lessons. Before that, I took some basic h/j type lessons with a couple of different trainers. In college, I rode IHSA so I rode 2-4 times a week in team practices (not on my own horses).
11. Have you ever taken part in a clinic?
12. What barn do you ride at? (if you ride at a barn)
For the last 5 weeks, my AQHA show horse has been at an all-around training/show/lesson barn. I'm just paying for boarding right now, but the trainer gives lessons (to anyone) and trains horses. He does a lot of the Palomino shows as well as his personal horses (and his wife's horse) and two of his top rider's horses are all palominos. My other horse is at home, which is where this horse was before now (for the last two years--before that he was at a WP training barn).