What is the longest ride you have ever done?
Captain Commando
2008-06-30 13:58:36 UTC
This could be trail riding, endurance riding, equitrekking, etc.

Please include
Where you went
Type of horse you rode
If you were in a group or rode solo.
Feel free to add anything else that you think is interesting or noteworthy....have fun with it .... =))
35 answers:
2008-06-30 17:06:48 UTC
The longest and one of the best rides I ever did was across the mountains of Cilento Italy with an English (more or less) speaking, Italian guide named Vincenzo.

It was from village to village, so I couldn't say the actual mileage, but it was literally up and down steep, rocky and beautiful remote areas with wild boar, deer, wolves, wild cattle (territorial and aggressive buggers, especially the bulls).

Fascinating people and really rough riding. I loved it.

Took a bit of getting used to, but that is what travel is all about.

Did you know that the rural Italian culture has absolutely no qualms with drinking anytime of the day? That took some practice and I still can't drink Grappa, but the locals do...for lunch....after all the wine.

There were times, we had to push ol Vincenzo back upright in the saddle once he started getting horizontal on us....fractured refrains of "O solo mio" drifting down the may think I'm kidding....but not...anyway I'm getting off subject.

The horses were local bred Italian horses that were used to the altitude and terrain. Nothing fancy, but good at their jobs.

The tack was a mix of English, Italian and trekking and crap.

Another interesting thing I noticed was that much of their gear is tattered and ancient. Why throw something out if you can use it one more day...or another second....? It just added an extra thrill in the event one of us might fall to our deaths down some rocky craig should a piece of equipment give way....

Look at the halters in the photo as an example. lol!

We were in a small group of 4 with a guide.

Not a great picture, but take a look.

I'm with Vincenzo and you can see the bay of Cilento in the background.

Edit 1 - I understand my first link was dead, so I deleted it.

Edit 2 - Well...despite my best efforts, I can't get the #$!@ picture to up load...sorry folks : /

Edit 3- to BB - Wow, that's some date!
2008-07-01 09:24:55 UTC
Went: To a Show

Type: My wonderful almost perfect paint mare easter fanci pants

Tack: Both westren and english

Group of us, it was a show!

and the amount of time...18 hours!

I always have such a blast riding,weather it is shows, rodeos, or just trail riding with some buddies.

This was the longest show that I have went to in a 24 hour period. The show it shelf lasted for 3 days but one day we rode for 18 hours. We got to the arena at 4 am saddled up at 5 and didn't get off until 11 p.m.
2008-06-30 18:56:50 UTC
I've done a few 25 and 15 mile competitive trail rides. I've also had some very long trail rides which were unmeasured but were probably in the same range.

Where I went: trails in MD and VA - woods, fields, smallish mountains.

Type of horse: Arab/QH, Percheron/TB (among others)

Tack: English

Both group and solo. Mostly solo for the non-competitive rides. The endurance rides are kind of like riding solo while in a group! I didn't know anyone, and just rode the course at my own pace.

I also did the Gettysburg ride, but it was arranged on our own horses, not the rentals. We did not listen to headphones but had a real guide on a horse. It was very interesting, even to someone who really isn't interested in the Civil War.
Emily J
2008-06-30 14:07:11 UTC
The longest ride I could remember was 2 hours. Very short. It was in Gettysburg, PA. I rode a Quarter Horse, I think. Rode Western. We were in a group of about 20. It was a thing where you had headphones on and you listened to a tape about the Revolutionary War, or the Civil War, I can't remember which. Then you rode the horses through the battle fields. It was really cool.
Kevin Says Slide'n'Ride
2008-06-30 14:17:30 UTC
When we would go camping up in the Ruby Mountians, we didn't realy measure thing by distance. No point. The mountians are too rugged for that, you could ride for 3 hours and only cover 2 miles(liniar distanc), we measure by time. For me the longest I have spent in a saddle was about 10 hours. Oh we would stop for lunch and water and thing, but 10 hours riding would be my longest ride.

Ruby Mountians

Quarter horses/pack horses

Full western

Just family and close family friends

We spent a total of 2 weeks in the mountians. And I can tell you them thar stream are cold. You pretty much only bath when you cant stand your own stink.

Nothing like that fresh air, eating fresh caught trout with eggs for breakfast and some sour dough biskets. And if the season is right nice fresh venison. Yum yum.

Edit- BB Now that is a first date! It seems these gals around here see me and think marlboro man but they dont want anything to do with the work involved in being a cowboy. Sucks
2008-06-30 14:13:50 UTC
Around 20 miles

Went from a friend's house to visit friends at a local public horse arena

American Quarter Horse


Me and my friend rode together

Will never do that again on the little fat horse that I was riding. She has no withers so the saddle kept sliding, she was soo fat that my knees were in agony before we got to the arena, then we had to turn around and ride home again!

Next to longest ride was around 15-20 miles and it was at Delightful Trails in Buena Vista, GA. The facility has camping and miles upon miles of well marked horse trails through pine forest, hardwood bottoms, hills and streams. For $10.00 you can ride all day. We had a great time. I rode my own 6 year old Quarter/Arab cross. I always ride western and was with several friends.
Captain Oblivious
2008-06-30 16:54:14 UTC
Probably only two hours, very fun though!

Where you went: Co. Galway, Ireland

Type of horse you rode: Irish Sport Horse

Tack: Close Contact saddle, breastplate, the basics

Group/solo: Group

Type of ride: X-country

MOST AMAZING XC!!!! I recommend a)riding XC in Ireland, and b) riding XC at the Dartfield horse museum in Ireland! We didn't stray far from the property, but we rode in pastures full of grazing horses (some of which fell into line with our mounts) and sheep (which sometimes waited till the last minute to scurry out of the way of the fences, lol). The horses were all fantastic jumpers, and very pleasant to ride, and the property was so beautiful that it is so far probably my best prospect for where I would want to be buried if I were asked.
Rest In Peace Carli♥
2008-06-30 16:07:10 UTC
Trail Ride Through Woods


Western Saddle, Bit, Harness, Reins

Group of 2

4 Hours!!
2008-06-30 14:41:54 UTC
I went to the Catskill Mountains on my Quarter Horse in a Western saddle and bit. 3 of my friends came along. We rode for about 4 hours, the we reached the cabin and stable, slept there, and rode for 4 1/2 hours the next day to get home
2008-06-30 16:17:40 UTC
I guess there have been a couple of 12 - 13 hour rides that I have been on...neither one started out to be that long, but it turned out that way...both were in the mountains, one was in Alaska and there were three riders, and a pack horse...we rode making our own trail, trying to find a general area but got hung up in moose brush, had to chop out a trail and jump the horses over cuts...then ran into where a mountain top had crumbled...but we got across, we made camp in a little meadow that had a stream. The other ride was a bigger bunch in the Canadain Rockies with one pack horse again...the weather turned nasty...and we elected to take the long way to camp rather than head over a mountain top and into worse weather than was in the valley...thus making the trip twice as long as was planned on...came upon a dead horse about an hour before we hit camp...that really puts you back into reality.
Emma Kitz
2008-06-30 14:49:39 UTC
The longest ride I have ever been on is a 2-and-some-hour trail ride... it was about 6 miles total...

Where you went: I walked through the woods next to my grandparents' property

Type of horse you rode: I rode my grandparents' Quarter Pony mare (who is now mine <3)

Tack: The normal English saddle and bridle

If you were in a group or rode solo: Just me and my grandma on her horse, so a group...

Okay, so, truthfully, that ride was not too enjoyable because, about 3 miles from the property, my pony flipped out because she couldn't smell and/or hear her other friends on property...

Then again, at my English shows, I am on my horse for hours, but we don't GO anywhere. :)
Eventing Star
2008-07-01 12:06:22 UTC

2 times I'll share


5-6 hours

I was at camp and it was show day. We switched horses a bunch so that the horses could rest, and we went Western or Bareback.


3 hours maybe?

IRELAND COUNTRYSIDE! Most beautiful place in the world!

Thoroughbred or Irish Sport Horse(I don't know, it was a 1 time deal)

I was all english, running around like a maniac. It was me and the their "trail guide" aka a guy who decided he would let me tag along while he worked with a young mare on the trails.
SJR Camouflaged Rebel
2008-06-30 14:54:03 UTC
It was proably the Graves Mountain trail, about 8+ hours

I rode my 3rd Horse. A Chestnut Quarter Horse(Borderline Pony-he had the pony face) With a huge blaze. I was in my western saddle, and a blue nylon western bridle. It was a group, I was thrid in the line most of the way. And when we were finally heading back towrds thee trailers we galloped through a big empty field. It was great. I was like, 10.
2008-07-01 10:46:14 UTC
I went on a 6 day camp ride. We rode out 3 days then rode back in 3 days. We were in WY. Morgan mare I rode, in western. There was 6 of us. We each had a pack horse for food & supplies, the pack horses were Morgans also.

Then I also did a 50 mile endurance race. I rode in a endurance saddle it weights11lbs. I rode my Morgan mare, in a loping bosal. We came in 10th. It was our 1st one.
Bella Cullen
2008-07-01 00:52:27 UTC
I went and practiced dressage for about 30 minutes, then I went out for a trail ride and did some x-country as well. Then, we went to a small river/stream and went in the water, then rested and had lunch. All up, it went for about 4 hours.

I rode a cute little palouse pony.

GP saddle and caveson bridle with snaffle bit.

I rode solo.
2008-06-30 17:23:02 UTC
About three hours.

We went down cliffs and ledges, through rivers, and small canyons in Hocking Hills State Park.

I believe the horse I rode was a TBxQH. His name was hot shot, and he was chestnut.

Western tack

It was a group trail ride with 3 other friends and a guide-and a TON of fun. Our guide was so incredibly nice and easy to talk to. We basically gabbed with her the whole time and laughed a whole ton. It was definitely a very very beautiful and adventurous trail ride-especially down steep narrow paths along hills/ledges. Very very very fun and pretty scary. She let us gallop through a field, and everyone really enjoyed themselfs. Even let us hang out and cool off the horses when we were done-then gave us soda and ice pops, haha.

If anyone is ever in the hocking hills state park area of Ohio, i HIGHLY reccomend going to Blue Moon Acres for your trail rides =]
2008-06-30 14:16:54 UTC
Sixteen miles on my TB/quarter cross mare a million years ago. We took backroads and about 15 of us went from the stable we all boarded at, all over the countryside, and back.

I always wanted to go out west to a dude ranch and ride the still hasn't happened and I'm a grandma now. But I sure did enjoy that 16 mile ride........

I rode in a western saddle...very comfortable.
2008-07-02 10:39:12 UTC
Last year we went out and followed the old railway lines - mostly fairly level and not too overgrown, I was riding my IDxTB English ( as always) and there was just me and my friend ( she was riding my other horse).

We were out for about 5- 6 hours in total and took it really steady - mostly walk and trot. When we got home I had to call the vet out because my horse threw a fit in the yard.
2008-06-30 15:25:15 UTC
i went on a 12 hour ride in mid western minnesot at rush river park and the surrounding area i did the ride twice the second one was five hours cuz i got lost the first time and took a short cut the second time

i rode and 10 yr old quarab, 5 yr old percheron

a western saddle, english tack

group of2, group of five

lovely just a few miles from my house
HPTS - La Resistance
2008-06-30 20:22:53 UTC
The Shenandoah Mountains.

We trailered our TWH and MFT horses down with some friends and went to a Bed, Breakfast and Barn that specialized in equestrian outings. We were there for 3 days.

We ride full western and that was a learning experience for me.

I just received my brand new custom made saddle, and HAD to take it. Unfortunately, the fact that it was brand new and not broken in did not work out in my favor so well. see it here

Thing of beauty that it is. I did come to appreciate it when we came upon a momma bear and her 2 cubs. That saddles high cantle helped keep me in when my mare decided it was in her best interest to be elsewhere.

Yeah...good times.!
black bunny
2008-06-30 15:40:22 UTC
For a straight ride...

In Tenessee, there is a horse trail that is an old railroad bed. Goes 20 miles up into the mountains. So...up one day, camp, and back down the next. Was riding an appaloosa tank at that time, western tack, and with a group of friends.

Meandering Kevin...but we're going elk hunting usually. Two weeks off heading into the mountains, camping and riding. Really never thought about distance traveled. Went with hunting friends that KNOW how to handle horses in the mountains with the smell of blood and fresh meat.

I do trailrides about 2 times a week. They are never shorter than 8 miles or so. Most of the time I'm by myself on my almost 20 year old girl...unless hubby's gelding is feeling his oats...then he gets to go. Always western or bareback. Up the mountain or up and down the back roads visiting the 'neighbors.'

**EDIT...1crossmare...I can't see your link!!

Actually the LONGEST ride of my life was only about 5 hours. Got caught on a bare ridgeline with no trees or rocks...just sagebrush and dry grass...and an electrical storm came in FAST!! Came in behind me too...didn't hear or see it coming. Left the trail and dropped down the mountain to the trees. That beat being the tallest thing around with metal!! Was so scared I wanted to cry. The sky was pink everytime the lightning flashed and the thunder cracks were instantaneous and sounded like cannons going off.

We pulled the bridles off the horses and tied them to a tree...praying they'd be there when the storm was passed. They were. Then the clouds settled on the mountain and you couldn't see 20 feet ahead of you. We're on a button trail with cliff faces and drop offs. You STAY on the trail. We headed home and get stuck because hubby's horse won't move down the trail. Come to find out...there were 3 or 4 sheep ahead of us on the trail. Get them moved and made it down the mountain...Frozen, wet, and miserable...I swear it took forever to get down. It felt like HOURS...but was only 2.

GREAT first date!! Worked out well though...he married me!! He still likes to tell people how I "tried to kill him" on our first date!!

***'s the real kicker...hubby was NOT a horseperson!! I convinced him that this ride would be FUN! Fun went bye-bye with the first lightning strike....
2008-06-30 14:20:15 UTC
Last year we went out and followed the old railway lines - mostly fairly level and not too overgrown, I was riding my IDxTB English ( as always) and there was just me and my friend ( she was riding my other horse).

We were out for about 5- 6 hours in total and took it really steady - mostly walk and trot. When we got home I had to call the vet out because my horse threw a fit in the yard.
Real Deal CowGirl
2008-06-30 14:04:42 UTC
Where you went: on a tril ride over a mountain

Type of horse you rode: my beautiful Quarab

Tack:western saddle and hackamore thing...

If you were in a group or rode solo.4 people.

and cause you for got it was about 4-5 hours long :)it was fun!!!
ღஜღEasy Riderღஜღ
2008-06-30 14:10:48 UTC
We do 100 miles in 4 days. 25 miles a day. We ride western and always with a group at Harrison County Forestry. I ride a big boned TWH, Hubby has a Kentucky Mountain, son has a Morgan, young son has a rocky/quarter pony.
2008-06-30 16:56:53 UTC
i went to Dupont Mansion located near the Brandywine River

I rode my 15 year old barrel horse

western tack, bob marshall treeless saddle

i was with a group of 7 people

we rode for 6 hours
2008-07-01 10:20:55 UTC
i rode a thouroughbred mare english with another person in the mountains out back, i think part of the bitterroots, for 20 miles maybe 3 or 4 hours until we couldnt go any further
2008-06-30 14:06:45 UTC
I just mainly took some dirtroads that weren't busy near my house.

I was on my Arab/quarter 7 yr. old gelding

i was bareback and was only using my nylon bridle, (sucky bridle, but better than nothing, right?)

I was by myself.

We went 9 miles or so. On the way back, he trotted for 2 and a half miles, then galoped the last half mile hom, without stopping.
2008-06-30 22:34:48 UTC
My longest ride was to Michian. It took like 8 hours. Longest 8 hours of my life!
2008-06-30 15:35:16 UTC
my longest ride was when i was in pensyvania and it was for like 5 hours. i had one of my arabian horses, i waas bareback, and i rode with my mom.
2016-05-26 08:38:39 UTC
Sure...I play by myself on my game boy...If you played WITH yourself and were driving you'd crash when you orgasmed! Great question...for a 12 year old!
2008-06-30 21:33:17 UTC
I've never ridden a horse, but I would like to try.
2008-06-30 22:14:26 UTC
my longest ride was goin to the moutains
2008-07-01 07:49:33 UTC
illions to D.C. it was like 28 hrs. there and back
2008-07-01 00:14:29 UTC
top for about 2 hours, then i got tired and called it a day... she still wanted to go.. whatev.
2008-07-02 10:45:11 UTC
i live in maryland and for chrismas i went to new orleans and then to florida .

it took for ever

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