2010-04-27 22:36:52 UTC
A few of the lessons were better because it was with fewer/more passionate riders and I feel like I got a better experience being apart of them. So I'm not saying I don't like the riding school, because I do. Still, it seems like a lot of money. I guess it does depend on level, etc.
During the school year I ride with a friend of my mom, who used to compete in eventing in Holland. We only pay $15 per lesson and I feel like I'm really learning something. I can feel myself slowly improving. I really enjoy my time in the saddle, and on the days that I don't ride, I find myself thinking about what we'll do next time.
In fear of boring you, I'll cut this rambling story short. How much do you pay for lessons? Do you feel like *most* of them are worth it?
Oh, and I also wonder how the people who ride regularly at that particular riding school get by.
If they ride once weekly for a month, that'd be about $200 for four lessons, and about 2.4k a year. (I'm bad at math. That's probably way off. xDD) How in the world are they able to afford that?
That's just lessons; it doesn't include equipment/accessories/other things in life.