2011-01-16 09:10:00 UTC
It happened while I was cantering and the stirrups slid off my legs (bad heels) and he did a sharp turn. I kind of slid off the saddle and laded in the's like a strange dream that never happened. Any way I got back on and cantered him again but by myself (he was getting excited cantering in a group).
My parents didn't say anything bad...just asked about my neck (had problems with it), if I got hurt and that's it. I was scared they would make me stop. That's improvement because before my mom would have made me quit so I guess she's getting used to the fact of riding.
What was your first fall like? How many times have you fallen after that? Ever been seriously hurt? What was your worst fall?
There's another girl in my lesson and she has been riding for about half a year longer than me and she hasn't fallen off yet. Before my lesson she was talking to me but after she thinks she is too good to talk to me because I fell. What should I do?
Thanks in advance!