2011-11-01 13:03:15 UTC
Last year around this time I had traded a barrel gelding for a 2 year old roping prospect. We had him for one month. He was the sweetest horse ever and was first to great you at the gate.
Then one day he didn't come in. I went to catch him and he reared up at me and tried putting his front feet into my face and ran over me. After 2-3 hours of trying to catch him because he was being so violent, was jumping fences and hurting himself (we had him caught in a round pen but he ran into it and made it a very narrow triangle and smashed 2 panels) and he went to attacking us again and other horses. We finally were able to rope him clip a rope to his halter and tie him to a heavy duty welded fence.(he was super tired by then) We left him alone and went to walk way around in front of him so we could make some calls and find out what was wrong with him. When that happened he tried jumping a 6 foot fence in front of him to attack us again and got his front feet over awkwardly and got caught in his groin/flank area. We were going to try and get in to cut the rope to keep him from killing himself be he was kicking, biting, and flailing too much for us to get close. Eventually he choked himself out and we cut the rope but by the time he quit kicking he was dead. We didn't have a test done on him. We just figured we had been cheated out of a good horse for a crazy horse because a friend of ours said that happened to him once and he had found that the man had sold him a horse doped with a time release pellet thing that lasted a month so we though that is what happened and didn't look further into it.
But recently we've heard that it could have been rabies. Does this sound right?