A link for Barrel Horse reference sires......................................
Doc Bar's parents were both registered Quarter Horses. Lightning Bar (sire) 1951; Dandy Doll by Texas Dandy (Dam) 1948.
Go to an Easy Jet or Go Man Go bloodline (there are others out there). They're bred to run....
Doc Bar couldn't do anything but look pretty in halter classes when he was, his extended "get" are known for their cow smarts...Working Cow Horse and Cutting. The dream "nick" for a cowhorse is a Doc Bar crossed on a King Fritz decendant.
Barrel horses for sale
Doc Bar "get" see what they're famous for............
I have a grandson of Doc's Hickory who is by Doc Bar. Doc's Hickory is the number 4 all time winning sire of registered cutting gelding shows immense talent in the cutting pen and in also taking a steer down the fence.
He is close up Doc Tom Tucker on his dam's side.
Go to this link to see close up sons of Doc's Hickory.