i am in maryland, usa.
i have reported horses in really poor condition one time.
they had no shelter, and were very malnurished. 4 of them, off the track and then placed in a postage sized paddock with no grass or hay and just rain water in the buckets.
i had never seen horses so bad off. there toes were rolling up like elf slippers and you could see their back bones sticking up a good inch or 2.
we were due for 7 days of icey rain and i just couldnt sleep anymore thinking about them, so i called the authorities and reported them.
they went out the next day and evaluated the situation.
they gave the owners a mandate (non negotiable) to have the horses feet done, and to be treated by a vet, and to supply a clean shelter..
they had 30 days in which to comply and send all the proof of payments for these services to the authorities.
spring came and the lot was so overgrown that i couldnt see them anymore, so one day i drove down the driveway like i was lost, and they were gone.
they had been kept this way for 11 years!!!