1. Do you wear makeup,if so brilliant or toned down.
If I am going to a one day rodeo or show, I will put on my make up with more detail and darker, however if I am camping over, I usually use just mascara and foundation so it's easier to wash off (since shower time is limited, and that IF the site has a shower lol)
2. What disciplines?
I do all western speed events. I am starting univeristy soon so I only have down a handful of local rodeos(not a whole lot in Ontario) But at the local shows, or provincial youth finals I compete in everything from barrels, poles, flag, stake race, dash for cash etc...
3. How much money do you put into your outfits?
I have only recently gotten very serious into it. My show shirts are around $50, and my jeans are $80, belt etc, around a $150 outfit, but if its just a local show I just go with my bargain shirts I find at value village. I always find them the best! lol
4. How long have you been showing?
I am 18 now, I have been showing for 13 years, but I have really been competitive the past 5 years.
5. How many ribbons/trophies do you have?
Quite a few, I have around 300-400 ribbons and about a dozen keeper trophies or plaques(as some are returned at year end).
6. Why did you start showing?
I started showing young because my whole family was into it, but I became to overwhelmed and took a year break. After spending some time with my barrel racer coach in the summer(3 time worlds qualifier) I decided I wanted to take it more seriously.
7. How often do you show?
Every weekend, sometimes two shows a weekend, from april to october. I work full time just to pay gas aha. The area we travel besides provincials is anywhere to 200km one way.
8. Do you take it seriously or just find it a fun activity for the summer?
I take it very seriously. I actually am more serious in pole bending than barrels. However, its easy to forget that your suposed to have fun when it's so competitive. Sometimes I'd rather stay at home and ride trails then deal with typical horse show drama.
Hope this helps! If you are serious about it it is an awesome sport, the cons of it though is it can be very expensive untill you are experienced enough to win back entries( I have learnt this the hard way... ALOT!) and there is alot of people who start drama when you deal with horse clubs. Just remember that you are doing it because you love it so hell to it if you win or not, its all about the bond between your horse and yourself!