is 16 too old to love horses?
2008-09-23 11:53:13 UTC
i love horses, but i keep thinking that at the age 16 and loving horses might be kiddish. i also really wanna put horse posters on my walls, but i don't know what like my friends will think. =(
so can you people help me?
25 answers:
Karin C
2008-09-23 12:20:07 UTC
I'm 52 and I love horses, and have all my life. I have "horse posters" all over my walls, if you can call framed lithographs by Richard Stone Reeves "horse posters." I also have a saddle stand in my living room with my Aussie saddle on it, which I am currently not using for riding; it makes a nice point of interest.

As for what my friends think, most of my best friends are also into horses (some of them make their living working with horses, one way or another); the ones who aren't into horses share one of my other passions, such as flying or literature, and we are happy in each other's company.

If you love horses, why on earth would you want to have someone for a friend who objects to your passion for them? What kind of friend asks a friend to give up something they care about? If you've got "friends" in your life who will think less of you because you love horses, you've got the wrong kind of people in your life.

Learn this and your life will be easier: good people, people who care about you, don't try to make you over or make you change. They especially don't try to make you give up things you love, because those things are central to your being. Giving up those things is like giving up a part of yourself. People who truly care about you would no more ask you to do that than to cut off your hand.

In your life you will encounter people who will attempt to belittle you for various reasons, scorn you, put you down, patronize you or make fun of you. These people are not friends, and are not people you should care about. Good people do not behave that way; they are respectful of other people's interests, even if they don't share them, and are accepting of people the way they are.

If you let fear of what other people might think drive you away from horses, you will have lost out on something that can enrich your life in ways you can't even imagine, not the least of which is finding people who share your love of horses.

So get out the posters, or lithographs; be a "barn rat" and hang out at a stable; visit equine-oriented websites and learn about things that are obscure and archaic, and enjoy what you find. And turn your back on the people who aren't supportive of you in this, because they are people you are better off without.

And those are just a start...
2008-09-23 19:05:38 UTC
my mom is 54 years old. she grew up on a farm and when she was in her 20's she moved to the city...she is still, after 34 years of city living, obsessed with horses. She has a few mini statue things and some beautiful pictures of horses in her room. Of course, every year she buys a calender that has horses in the pictures... Everybody has something or several things that they love and there is nothing wrong with that. Horses are beautiful and so powerful. They have so much going for them (sounds like a dating service lol) it's not wonder so many people love them so much. It's not kiddish. If you cover your walls with posters that might look a little kiddish, but you can do it in a way that looks more mature. You can only put a few up, use a horse calendar, put them in frames.. or you could find one picture you really like and then have it blown up so you have this enormous picture of a horse and put that on your wall. That would be sweet! have fun with it!
2008-09-23 19:01:21 UTC
No of course not. It doesn't matter what you like i mean people over 16 love horses. I love horses and i'm nearly 18. As for posters, if you want posters on your wall well then have them. It doesn't really matter what your friends think. It's your own choice and if they don't like it well that's there own problem because it's up to you.

Just think of all the professional riders they love horses and they are a lot older than you You're never to old o stop loving an animal.
2008-09-23 19:06:22 UTC
NO WAY! Horses are not kiddish. Their animals! They are in the Olympics as a sport. I am about the same age as you and have horse posters of jumping, dressage and just plan horse posters. If people make fun of your horse poster then they need to take down their celebrities posters. None of my friends make fun of me. I have horse posters, ribbons, some horse stuffed animals on my desk, books of horses. But i am not obsessive. I love the sport. And people like me for it too!
2008-09-23 19:12:11 UTC
You're never too old to love any animal. In fact, if you want to help horses or any other animal, it will be very helpful to have a job so you could donate to shelters and rescues or maybe even take care of a horse. You could even get a job working with horses; obviously vets have to be older than 16 because they have to take more years of school. Little kids can't even do a lot for animals aside from loving them, so if people actually decided they were too old to love animals, so many would suffer. And if your friends tease you for having compassion for other lives, then that's a problem with them and you need new friends.
maria c
2008-09-23 19:33:35 UTC
i definatley dont think that loving horses is kiddish!!!! and your never to old to love horses. i think that if you want to put horse posters on your walls then go for it and if your friends are true friends they wont care what posters are on your wall. im 20 and im crazy about horses i have bridles from when i was younger hanging my bedroom, truely your never too old look at marry king shes in her 40's i bet shes got millions of posters pictures and rossettes hanging every where. i hope this helps

dont ever stop loving something through fear of other people opinoins

p.s sorry about my spelling x x x
Maria S
2008-09-23 19:01:37 UTC
Of course not. People of all ages ride and breed horses. As long as the poster is cute and tasteful it should be just fine. If anyone teases you about liking them just say "Hey, its just a kid phase for some people, but I guess Im just going to be interested in horses for a long time". I bet if you had a blue ribbon for horseback riding that wouldn't seem stupid. Maybe you should try horseback riding. Most people would agree that is very interesting.
2008-09-23 22:54:36 UTC
If you are always going to go off what your friends think you are never going to be happy and enjoy what does make you happy. I'm 30 and have loved horses all my life. I finaly became a horse owner back in May. Dream come true.
2008-09-23 19:07:01 UTC
No age can be too old to love and ride horses-you see tons of old folk with horse pics all over there house.

I am 15 yrs and have ons of posters.

from 0 to 5oo yrs you are never too old-some old folk begin loving horses when hey are 70 or still love them yet
Jackie P
2008-09-23 18:58:57 UTC
Im 23 and still in love with my horses... its almost like horses get in your blood you just cant shake it... who cares what your friends think its your room... you spend the most time in there... if that's what you want to look at then hang them up. Theres nothing childish about it. The 1st thing I want to do in the morning is go to the barn and after work that's the 1st place I go...
2008-09-23 18:57:04 UTC
I'm 48 years old and still love horses. I hope I never get too old for that! I bought my first horses when I was 32 years old and can't imagine ever being too old to love them!
2008-09-23 19:01:15 UTC
You are never too old to love something, especially animals. I had a great-aunt who was 87 and she loved horses until the day she died. She was an equine vet and rode horses until she was too old.
2008-09-23 19:37:14 UTC
to me thats a crazy question! it is not babyish to love horses. everyone loves something. now if you loved barbies i guess that would be different. im about 20 yrs old and i am just as crazy about them as always. still have my room decorated with horse stuff (which i am in college now so not home much)! your friends should be fine with it. they all love certain things right?
2008-09-23 19:31:26 UTC
I've loved horses since I've learned to walk
2008-09-23 18:57:53 UTC
No, I don't think it is too young at all. My aunt (who is in her 30's) LOVES horses also and collects horse items for her house. If it is what you LOVE and makes you happy don't worry about what others think :)
2008-09-23 19:24:00 UTC
NOWAY! I'm 14, i love them, most of my friends do, and their mums!! dont worry what they think, if you have a talent or a passion for something, go for it, i have horse posters everywhere, i no i'm younger but hey!
Totally Different
2008-09-23 23:48:13 UTC
NO WAY!!!!!

any age is fine!!!

u can be horse obsessive if u want!!!

if your friends make fun of you then maybe they're not really your friends.
Alyssa K
2008-09-23 19:54:30 UTC
of course not!! my mom loves horses, im 13 and i love horses, my grandfather loves horses!
Emma D
2008-09-24 08:46:43 UTC
omg!!! althought im only 15 you should never think that any age is to old to love anything!!! and if your friends are really true friends they will support you and be happy that you have a passion!
2008-09-23 18:57:23 UTC
No.It isnt you can love horses any aunt is 58 and loves horses still
2008-09-23 20:56:25 UTC
It is definately not to old. And don't worry about what your friends think, if they laugh, then they aren't very good friends.
2008-09-23 18:57:33 UTC
no even really old people like horses.........u should not worry about what other people think about you.........
♥Love Jesus♥
2008-09-23 18:57:24 UTC
no. You could make a career out of it.
2008-09-23 18:58:25 UTC
love wat u love dont care wat people think and ya no...horses...are well awesome =D but theyre animals any person can love an animal at any age as long as ur not obbsessed teehee
Maggie L
2008-09-24 02:16:56 UTC
no way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't think that , you can never to old to love something!!!

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