why do my horses hate my dalmatian,but love my other 4 dogs???
2007-05-10 19:28:57 UTC
these horses absolutly HATE my dalmatian,but they dont mind our chihuahua,mixed breed,gret pyreness or our anatolion shepherd,they especaly my mare will go full force teeth showing to get at her
Eight answers:
2007-05-10 19:36:15 UTC
Maybe your spotted pooch dosn't like the horses. So, they don't like her back. Horses can be picky about dogs, there sometimes isn't an exclamation for it. Where I ride, the horses like the Golden Retriever, but can't stand the Black Labrador! I think it's their own unique opinoins.
2007-05-10 19:39:34 UTC
If this dalmation is a "dominate" type dog, it's probably because of body language. Horses are very in tune to body language of predators, because they are prey animals. They need to watch out for something that can be a threat to them or their foals. Therefore your horses are showing the dog who's boss! Your shepherd and pyreness are probably much more relaxed dogs, that or they are doing an excellent job of showing a inferior/non-threatening position to your horses. While maybe your dalmation isn't trying to be threatening, but by natural instinct she is the strongest or most alert or most threatening of the bunch. Your chihuahua is so small the horses probably don't feel threatened by that dog.. I have two australian shepherds that are both very alert, active and dominate type dogs. The "lead" mare of my horses HATES them, my gelding doesn't like them, but he tolerates the younger and less dominate of the two. I had a shih-tzu (that just recently passed away) that was extremely relaxed and submissive, everything about him was so calm and they wouldn't mind having him sleep with them at night! lol. They loved that guy.

It's all about "predator vs. prey" take a look into your horses' point of veiw.. the dogs are something that could eat them if they gain too much control or strength. They only don't want to be attacked!


Good luck!
2016-09-05 20:50:19 UTC
I have four previously wild mustangs and a donkey. I have a selection of saddles. I had been taking using on and off for awhile now, however I discover my pleasure isn't in using. Oh definite at some point I would possibly experience trails....might be. But I love being with my horses, educating them methods, and simply getting them to do matters I ask. Most humans I recognize are horse humans and riders, however they do not appear to feel I bizarre for now not using. Mine is more often than not centered in worry even though. At sixty two if I hit the bottom, I will shatter and now not jump. So, even as I adore gambling with my ponies, using isn't a tremendous deal. If you prefer horses, however do not care approximately using, do like one of the vital others stated, get a senior that cannot be ridden, and opt for walks with him. (That is amusing too.)
2007-05-10 20:14:07 UTC
i had the same problem with my Alaskan Malemute. It may be that the horses can sense that the dog doesnt like them, or it could be the color....I know that may sound weird, but horses have a different attraction or repellant to certain colors and shapes. I would just make sure that when you go out with the horses, that you make sure your dog is no where in sight.
2007-05-10 19:39:57 UTC
The dalmatian must of said something about the horse moma.
2007-05-11 06:01:33 UTC
your horse probably senses the anxiety in your Dalmatian. They are very hyper dogs. I have no clue...that's the only thing i could come up with. besides maybe your dog nips or barks at em. Or your horse just has good taste? I dunno
bob shark
2007-05-10 19:36:36 UTC
Personality conflict...Do you like everyone you meet?
2007-05-11 05:20:11 UTC
does he bark and the not? they might be scared of the barking

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