2012-02-05 17:02:59 UTC
I want to take her to a command class at a show in a few months and need to get her prepped for it. I have no idea what their going to get us to do in the command class. The past years they laid a tarp out for horses to walk over and had a half a foot cross-rail you have to walk them over. What should I use to train her for this class?
All I've been doing right now is walking and trotting in circles and backing up. (We can't canter yet as she has not been trained to lunge and the barn owner does not want me to yet). Like I said before, she also walks and trots over trotting poles and a small jump with me leading or on her back.
What else should I do? I feel like I'm stuck, I need to train her to do lessons and we have been doing the same things over and over. She's board and so am I. Is there anything I could bring, like a tarp or something? Please help, need training ideas.
P.S I was wondering also how do I train her to trot over a half a foot cross-rail (no one on her back)?
I've walked her over the cross-rail before and she stumbles over it.