Breed: Don't really have one. I like any horse with a willing personality, that wants to please, and will try anything.. though I am fond of the arabian. Those wide eyes, high tail set, and prance are a sight to see.
Color: I like grays, and Buckskins, also the unique coloring of paints.. but I'm not partial to any color.
Facial Marking: Star, Strip, Snip- doesn't matter.. the overall quality of the horse and it's attitude matters more to me. My mare has a star though.
Leg Marking: Socks- my mare has only one on her back right! lol
Discipline: I ride western.. but I'm not one of those snots that go around saying western's the best. You never know if you'll like something until you try it. If I was given the opportunity to try english, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Brush/Grooming tool: Rubber curry.. my horse loves it, and it gives me a good workout:P
Horse Shampoo/Conditioner: Mane and Tail (only kind I've ever used)
Thing to watch my horse do: Run in the pasture and kick up her heels, or make funny faces when trying new foods. It's quite entertaining(:
Activity to do with my horse: Jump, go for walks on the trail, learn new tricks
Activity to do on my horse: Bareback, Trails
Horse you have ever met/owned: My first horse.. which I own right now. A morab mare named Tilly
Thing you have ever done with a horse: First time galloping on my first horse.. the one I own now. She was my first time galloping, and I felt so free.. it was amazing.
BQ: Barrel racing.. were working on it right now:P