Fun Poll: Horse Favorites!?
2011-06-02 14:44:19 UTC
What is your favorite (and why):
Facial Marking
Leg Marking
Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse
Horse shampoo, conditioner
Thing to watch your horse do
Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does
Activity to do with your horse
Activity to do on your horse
Horse you have ever met/owned
Thing you have ever done with a horse

BQ: What is something you want to try? A dicipline, specific horse etc.

Thanks :)
Eighteen answers:
♥ Grover ♥
2011-06-02 15:05:21 UTC
Breed: Thoroughbred because Grover is one :)

Color: Dappled gray because I think they are beautiful

Facial marking: Star, who knows why

Leg marking: I love white socks

Discipline: Hunter/jumper

Brush/grooming tool to use on your horse: I don't know why, but I like using the hoof pick..

Horse shampoo, conditioner: Mane and tail because I like the smell

Thing to watch your horse do: Stick his tongue out

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does: somehow get's mud everywhere possible.

Activity to do with your horse: Grooming, it's relaxing

Activity to do on your horse: I love riding bareback :)

Horse you have ever met/own: Grover :D

Thing you have ever done with a horse: A bunch?

BQ: I would love to try barrel racing or pole bending :D
Live Happy
2011-06-02 23:50:03 UTC
Breed: Arabians, Gypsy Vanners, Peruvian Pasos

Color: Grey, Buckskin, Palomino

Facial Marking: Out of the ordinary, but not too crazy! It also has to be even

Leg Marking: Socks on all legs, not just 1, 2, or 3 legs... That bothers me and I don't know why!

Dicipline: Western Drill, Reining. It's so amazing.

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse: Metal Curry, Hard/ soft brush, Rubber Curry.

Horse shampoo, conditioner: Cowboy Magic (It works every time!)

Thing to watch your horse do: Be a pasture Goofball, but in a good way...

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does: Is the most loving thing in the world? Yes!

Activity to do with your horse: Dress him up and embarass him infront of his horse friends :)

Activity to do on your horse: Western Drill, Reining because there is so much to learn, and it is new every time!

Horse you have ever met/owned: I own a horse- the best horse in the world for that matter.

Things you have ever done with a horse: Participated in a Rodeo (National Western Stock Show) When I was 16 and in Westernaires. It was amazing.

BQ: I want to try English Riding, it sounds really fun.
Leo Lover :)
2011-06-02 23:19:29 UTC
What is your favorite (and why):

Breed Thoroughbred i love to be on them running down the track toward the finish line.

Color dark bay

Facial Marking none

Leg Marking none

Dicipline racing

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse Curry comb

Horse shampoo, conditioner MTG

Thing to watch your horse do drink from water fountain

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does bows

Activity to do with your horse grooming

Activity to do on your horse riding

Horse you have ever met/owned Leo, To Small Peppy, MI Dinero, Fresh Oreo, Dolly, lucy, Bleu

Thing you have ever done with a horse Won First place in a horse race

BQ: What is something you want to try? A dicipline, specific horse etc. Cross Country

Thanks :)
swing low
2011-06-02 22:14:00 UTC
What is your favorite (and why):

Breed Thoroughbred

Color Dapples grey

Facial Marking snip

Leg Marking zebra stripes

Dicipline eventing

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse short soft brush

Horse shampoo, conditioner Orvus

Thing to watch your horse do graze

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does Stick his legs through fences and rip off his heel bulb... still kind of mad about that one.

Activity to do with your horse Hmmmm. I like to do everything! I really enjoyed apple picking from horseback though- you can reach all the good ones and stretch your horse at the same time

Activity to do on your horse

Horse you have ever met/owned Napoleon

Thing you have ever done with a horse

BQ: What is something you want to try? A dicipline, specific horse etc.

I'd like to try barrel racing. It looks fun but really really hard
2011-06-02 21:52:06 UTC
What is your favorite (and why):

Breed: Pasos. I love their movement!!

Color: I'd have to go with grulla, or a dark dark bay color/ black

Facial Marking: wide blaze

Leg Marking: high socks

Dicipline: trails (not really it's own discipline but oh well) or western pleasure

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse- soft brush

Horse shampoo, conditioner- don't own my own horse yet so I can't really answer this one

Thing to watch your horse do- Well once I saw my instructors horse running while lying down when she was sleeping. pretty hilarious!

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does- follows me around lol!

Activity to do with your horse- ride?

Activity to do on your horse- just run across the field

Horse you have ever met/owned- I always ride my uncles horse. A half saddlebred half arab chestnut.

Thing you have ever done with a horse: just chill.

BQ: What is something you want to try? A dicipline, specific horse etc.

More jumping definitely.
2011-06-02 22:26:48 UTC
Breed: Quarter horse, so versatile

Color: Palomino

Facial Marking: Wide blaze or snips

Leg Marking: any size of sock

Discipline: Barrel racing

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse: De shedder loop, soft body brush

Horse shampoo, conditioner: mane & tail

Thing to watch your horse do: Play fight ( the geldings), gallop in the field

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does: Steals coffee and muffins (my mare)

Activity to do with your horse: play with the jolly ball

Activity to do on your horse: Barrels and trail ride (through water!)

Horse you have ever met/owned: My current mare and baby gelding

Thing you have ever done with a horse: swim in the ocean

BQ: What is something you want to try? Own an Andulsian
Catriona X
2011-06-02 21:55:04 UTC
What is your favorite (and why):

Breed - Dutch Warmblood - amazing all-rounders!

Color - Palomino, we have some beautiful ones at our yard

Facial Marking - Big blaze

Leg Marking - 4 long socks

Dicipline - Eventing (cause it's what I do)

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse - This thing called a Doodle Dandy, it helps get dust out!

Horse shampoo, conditioner - Alto Lab - Whitening Shampoo (I have a grey show pony!)

Thing to watch your horse do - Compete (showing)

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does - ?

Activity to do with your horse - Just chill with them

Activity to do on your horse - Eventing, Training, Hacking, Everything!

Horse you have ever met/owned - My pony Lucy, she is with me for life and I love her more than anything!

Thing you have ever done with a horse - Polo! I love it!

BQ: What is something you want to try? A dicipline, specific horse etc. I recently took up Polo and it's awsome! I'm hooked! If I could ride a specific horse it would be the dressage horse Totilas! I'm a total dressage nut and he is epic!

2011-06-03 00:36:53 UTC
Breed: If I HAD to pick, I would say Shire Sport Horse... because that's what Ursula is and she's just plain awesome. :)

Color: Today, I'm lovin' buckskin.

Facial Marking: I like a medium blaze.

Leg Marking: I like four, matching socks or no socks at all. Unless the horse is pinto, then the markings can be however.

Dicipline: Hunt seat.

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse: I like the finishing brush most. It brings out a lovely shine.

Horse shampoo, conditioner: I love quic silver on white markings. For darker hair, I'll use any brand.

Thing to watch your horse do: I love watching my horse lay down. It's always fun to look down instead of up at a 17 hand horse. It's a different perspective.

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does: My favorite thing that Ursula does is nicker at me when she sees me. Her "hello" is this low, rumble that sounds something like a diesel engine. It's adorable!

Activity to do with your horse: To be honest, my favorite thing to do with either of my horses is grooming.

Activity to do on your horse: Trail riding is the most fun thing to do on their backs.

Horse you have ever met/owned: My favorite horse ever is Rags! Sorry Urs...

Thing you have ever done with a horse: There are too many. I can't pick just one!

BQ: What is something you want to try? I've always wanted to try a side saddle.
2011-06-02 22:14:54 UTC
Breed: Don't really have one. I like any horse with a willing personality, that wants to please, and will try anything.. though I am fond of the arabian. Those wide eyes, high tail set, and prance are a sight to see.

Color: I like grays, and Buckskins, also the unique coloring of paints.. but I'm not partial to any color.

Facial Marking: Star, Strip, Snip- doesn't matter.. the overall quality of the horse and it's attitude matters more to me. My mare has a star though.

Leg Marking: Socks- my mare has only one on her back right! lol

Discipline: I ride western.. but I'm not one of those snots that go around saying western's the best. You never know if you'll like something until you try it. If I was given the opportunity to try english, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Brush/Grooming tool: Rubber curry.. my horse loves it, and it gives me a good workout:P

Horse Shampoo/Conditioner: Mane and Tail (only kind I've ever used)

Thing to watch my horse do: Run in the pasture and kick up her heels, or make funny faces when trying new foods. It's quite entertaining(:

Activity to do with my horse: Jump, go for walks on the trail, learn new tricks

Activity to do on my horse: Bareback, Trails

Horse you have ever met/owned: My first horse.. which I own right now. A morab mare named Tilly

Thing you have ever done with a horse: First time galloping on my first horse.. the one I own now. She was my first time galloping, and I felt so free.. it was amazing.

BQ: Barrel racing.. were working on it right now:P
Tara K
2011-06-02 22:07:27 UTC
BREED: Warmbloods (they are pretty much a mish mash now, so while there are registries, I think the breeds are pretty related). They have been bred for centuries to do what I want, and they have size and power.


FACIAL marking: star and snip with no strip,

LEG marking: socks just over the ankle.

TOOL: I have a really soft rubber thingie that my horse LOVES on his face. It isn't a has little rubber "hair" like things on it.

SHAMPOO: I love Vetrolin anything

HORSE DOES: Itch their face with their back leg.


ACTIVITY ON: Canter Half Pass

BEST HORSE: Illini. A little quarter horse I had as a kid that would do anything with a happy attitude.

FAVE IVE EVER DONE? Jump 5 foot, but that was before I got injured.
I Ride Ponies
2011-06-03 18:26:03 UTC
Breed: Out of Loyalty I really should say Arab, (my darling pony is mostly arab) but heck, its her arab side that I hate. She didn't get many Arab characteristics, but she certainly got the high strung part. I love Welsh Ponies.

Color: I like Bold Paints, Bays/Blacks with lots of Chrome, Cremellos and Palominos.

Facial Marking: Nice big blazes

Leg Marking: Bold Stockings

Dicipline: Dressage

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse: Hmmm, my little bently slip not face brush. Shakira (my pony) cannot toterate a body brush on her face, so it was always dirty until I found bently's face brush.

Horse shampoo, conditioner: Show Sheen

Thing to watch your horse do: I like watching my horse in her stall, or paddock.

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does: Full body shakes at canter. If theres one thing over the past year or so that improved my two point, its learning how to do it while your horse was shaking.

Activity to do with your horse: I like just standing in her stall massaging her. She loves it too.

Activity to do on your horse: Ride.

Horse you have ever met/owned: Shakira

Thing you have ever done with a horse: Ride bareback through a river way over the little ponies head. It was so darn fun! I aim to do it on Shakira some day.

BQ: Go swimming on Shakira. I've been gradually building up her confidence with water (Riding her through shallow creeks, wading with her into ponds etc) but Id love to take her to the beach and swim out into the waves.
Fennec Fox
2011-06-02 22:03:00 UTC
What is your favorite (and why):

Breed: TB.

Color: Gray, black (TRUE black).

Facial Marking: Any, as long as it's symmetrical and NOT a completely bald/white face.

Leg Marking: High socks.

Discipline: Hunters.

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse: Well my favorite brush of all time are those really soft goat hair brushes, but I can never find one soft enough for my liking.

Horse shampoo, conditioner: I use Herbal Essences on my horse...and Sunsilk conditioner in his tail.

Thing to watch your horse do: Laying down in his stall. It's fun to kneel down with him and hang out.

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does: My mom's OTTB likes resting his chin on your shoulder when he's tired.

Activity to do with your horse: Any?

Activity to do on your horse: Any.

Horse you have ever met/owned: My horse.

Thing you have ever done with a horse: IDK, jumping?

BQ: What is something you want to try? A discipline, specific horse etc.: It would be really cool to ride Moorlands Totilas.
2011-06-03 00:17:17 UTC
Breed: Hanoverian, because they're great hunters and good for dressage. Plus, I love their size and they're prettyyyyy ):

Color: Fleabitten grey with dark grey mane & tail

Facial Marking: I usually like none, but the (rare) horses that have a heart-shaped star win my heart

Leg Marking: None

Dicipline: Dressage diva ♥

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse: Hoofpick, cause I hate to see horses with rocks in their hooves, or packed dirt/mud

Horse shampoo, conditioner: Cowboy Magic!

Thing to watch your horse do: Cantering around the field

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does: Smiiiiile on command :)

Activity to do with your horse: Bareback

Activity to do on your horse: Hack

Horse you have ever met/owned: Reba... I miss you babygirl♥

Thing you have ever done with a horse: Too many!

BQ: I'd like to try fancy dressage horses... I have only ridden one Gran Priix, and loves her to bits!
2011-06-03 04:30:40 UTC
breed- warmbloods,because there amazing:),and paints, becasuse there soo beautifle and gentle

color- palominos, black, and greys

facial markings- stripe or on a black horse a star

leg markings- of coarse 4 white socks

dicipline- dressage, eq and pleasure

brush- a really good rubber curry comb to get all the mud off

shampoo and conditioner- main and tail shampoo&conditioner

waching your horses-run in the pasture or try to play with the hose when im filling up there water tubs

things my horse does- be super good and always knows how to make me happy:):)

activities w/horse-braide her main and tail, i want to teach her the spanish walk:)

activities on horse- ride on the beach or through the river bed, gallop through a feild

horses you've owned- one:)she is a 10yr old super dark red oldenburg mare

things you've done-go through water, first show, dressage, i want to join pony club

BQ:i want to get back into jumping some day and i have ALWAYS wanted to do eventing
2011-06-02 22:21:39 UTC

-- Tennessee Walking Horse <3 Love the smooth gait and sweet nature


-- Dun or Super bark bay. Dun is just plain adorable. Oh and roans because they look exotic.

Facial Marking

-- Snip's are cuuute

Leg Marking

-- None. Too showy.


-- Western alll the wayyyy! Barrels are LIFE <3

Brush/Grooming tool to use on your horse

-- Hmm.... Soft brush because she has a fine, silky coat.

Horse shampoo, conditioner

-- Mane n' Tail <3

Thing to watch your horse do

-- Roll because it's funny, and when you let her loose she bucks like crazy!!

Thing your horse (or a horse you know) does

-- Uh...?

Activity to do with your horse

-- Riding bareback/bridleless is always my favorite.

Activity to do on your horse

-- Walk, trot, canter?

Horse you have ever met/owned

-- About to lease.

Thing you have ever done with a horse

-- Everything.

BQ: I would like to try cross country, but I'm an epic fail at english. I tried it and I fell off when the horse spooked.
2011-06-02 22:27:50 UTC
Breed: that's really hard, but I have to say I love Hanoverians. They are so pretty, athletic, and a dream to ride.

Color- Either grey or black. Greys are attractive and blacks are just gorgeous!

Facial Marking- star. Black Beauty. Nuff Said.

Dicipline- I love English. I compete Hunter/Jumpers, but eventing is sooo much fun! They tie.

Brush/grooming tool to use: the hoof pick is my best friend!

Horse shampoo, conditioner- ShowSheen 2 in 1 Shampoo in conditioner. It works so well!

Thing to watch your horse do- this is going to sound lame, but i love it when my horse follows me around the paddock and whinnies when I get to the barn

Thing your horse does: whinnies at me. And when he saves me from messing up the jump.

Activity to do with your horse: Jumping on the lunge.

Activity to do on your horse: Jumping!

Horse you have ever owned/met- Casper. My favorite lesson pony ever <3 I miss riding him so much!

Thing you have ever done with a horse- galloping on a trail (in the Irish countryside!!!) or galloping and swimming with the horse in St. Maartin!

B.Q.- so much stuff! I'm too tall, but I've always wanted to race a TB. And vaulting seems like tons of fun. But my dream is to do the two week ride in South America on the Chilean and Peruvian border! You get to ride in the Andes and in the middle you switch horses when you switch countries. It sounds like a blast!!
Ziggy Stardust
2011-06-02 21:52:39 UTC

Bay or buckskin

biiiig blaze or thin stripe

high socks


SHedding blades during shedding season


Run around the paddock

Just stands in his paddock....not moving

Just leading around :)



Cantering w/o stirrups

I wanna try bareback jumping
2011-06-02 22:03:30 UTC
dutch warmblood

chestnut and buckskin




comb - I like a nice looking mane expect I can only use it once and awhile because i don't wanna pull out her mane!


gallop and buck during turnout


grooming petting teaching tricks



that's like the same question as before


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.