Saddle: The CWD's are great and Antares are pretty nice too. The CWD's are a little uncomfortable (if brand new) for the first week or two of riding until theyve broken in a little bit. Best bet for under $1000 is used. The Pessoa's and the Tad Coffin's are really nice too. It depends where you're looking to buy one because dover doesn't have CWDs or Antares. But again, your best bet is a used saddle from somewhere. Yes the saddle you posted is ok.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50
an Antares close contact saddle
Bridles: I have a beautiful Arc De Triumph bridle that came with reins that I use in the hunters and jumpers. It came very soft and broken in. I've been very happy with it!
(this is available on other sites too but not dover)
Any bridle is acceptable in the jumpers so whatever you use in the hunters could be ok in the jumpers too.
CWD tack is always very nice too like this
Leather Halter: and both have nice halters. The triple stitch ones are very nice and fancy.
EDIT: I forgot about the girth! The fuzzy ones are nice but they always look worse at the shows because the fuzz goes down and they turn black from your boots. Any leather girth would look nice, usually a dark leather.