Why does everybody in the horse world look down on people who have less years riding?
2011-09-22 04:50:55 UTC
Looking on here and just in real life I've come to the conclusion that a lot of times riders who have been riding 2 years are frowned upon in shows, in big barns, etc. The only people worth showing are the ones who have been riding their entire life.

Here's the thing, just because someone hasn't been riding their whole life doesn't make them any less of a rider. I know a girl who has been riding for two years constantly, then for about 2 years riding off and on. She has a friend who has grew up around horses and honestly, the girl who has been riding 2 years is a whole hella lot better than this other girl. The first girl has been put on a ton of problem horses, and she works through their problems. She places in almost every show she goes too. When people hear she has a horse or is even competing they automatically assume things, like she's a rich spoiled brat.
This girl can feed, water, groom, ride, lunge, clean tack, handle problem horses, handle push-button horses, handle slow old lesson ponies. She competes at the same level people who have been riding their whole life competes at. Sometimes she beats them all.

I want to know why people in the horse world automatically assume that a person can not ride or take care of horses if they have been riding less than 5 years?
Fifteen answers:
2011-09-22 15:36:02 UTC
A persons level of competency is not measured by how many years they have ridden horses. It is measured by a persons exposure to horses, a person that handles multiple horses every single day and is exposed to many situations, is going to be much more advanced than a once a week rider on Mr. plod.

BUT the problem is this... at 12yo I could sit on any horse given to me and handle many situations. By the time I was 16yo I had a folder of references from leading racehorse trainers, jockeys and top equine vets stating my competency in handling horses, in many situations.

I thought I was the bee's knees of horses and riding! I thought I knew everything and I thought I was good.

Now nearly 20 years later I laugh at how naive I was. I also laugh at how naive 3/4 of the people on Y!A are, however I forgive them for it because I know I was the same.

It has been the last 20 years of owning my own properties, maturity and many experiences along the way that have really given me solid horsemanship abilities.

I am still learning and I still have mentors. Once people realise they don't know everything, they are on the way to becoming real horse people.

People that actually take the time out to give you or any other new horse person a hard time, really don't have enough to do in life. Ignore them for the nit pickers they are.

True horse people are always willing to lend a hand to help new horse people, because they know everyone has to learn and they know they were there once. Even if we were too young to remember it... lol

Every rider (and horse) must be judged on its individual merits ;-)

(some of the answers here cracked me up LOL)

Oh, the nugget of advice that helped me to mature as a horseperson was... "It does not take a good rider to sit on a horse that is playing up. It takes a good rider to not let them play up in the first place".

A leading jockey told me that in track work once. It resinated with me and from that day on I became a better horse person, because I realised it took true skill to handle horses effectively, not to think I was good to "manage" a naughty horse.
2011-09-22 14:29:21 UTC
The horse world is very political.

Personally, I don't care how long someone has been riding. It's not a question that I usually ask up front. I judge by what I see and hear from the person, how they treat the horses, and what I see in their riding.

I have seen some people riding for three years who are pretty good. I've seen people "riding their whole lives" 50+ who really, really suck because they refuse to learn, grow, and expand what they were taught back in the day. It depends on the person and every person in the world is different. But like applying for a job- experience is often the first thing taken into account by many horsemen.

Yesterday I went riding with a 60 year old woman who has been with horses "her whole life". She's a wonderful lady and is very kind, but her saddles were garbage (I wouldn't even SET those things on my horse... thank god I got to ride her horse bareback), she doesn't believe in bathing western horses, her horses are fed straight alfalfa, always shod, she rides like an old fashioned cowboy completely off balance, feet sticking out, and really doesn't know much more than what was taught to her as a child and what (in this current day and age of training) directly relates to and reinforces those methods.

General assumptions are always easy to make and project.

There will always be barn b*tch drama, every discipline will always be considered better than another, certain disciplines are "cruel" and others are "not". The horse world has been that way for years and will be that way for a long time if not forevermore.

Stick to your own heart and mind. Don't make assumptions without a reason to assume them, always put the horse's well being first, and always be willing to learn, listen, and grow.
2011-09-22 21:14:54 UTC
There are numerous separate skill issues that play into this. A person who intensely studies the skills of horsemanship and use of the tools of communication involved can in a relatively short time excel over other jacks of all trades and masters of none. It is possible to be an incredibly talented and accomplished horseman in the competetive riding arenas without knowing how to properly muck a stall or even without knowing what the horse being ridden is fed. That pisses some people off, but it is a fact. This same individual would not qualify as an overall horseman by anybody's measure, but could be undeniably the best at what he or she is the best at doing.

When you say that you don't know why someone riding less than five years is assumed not to be able to ride or care for horses, I notice that you only address that they have ridden for that 5 year period of time. Riding is just riding. And five years could mean they rode once a week on a lesson horse that someone else tacks up for a half hour with an instructor who took some riding lessons twenty years ago, or it might mean that they rode every single day for a number of hours on several different horses while mentored by an Olympic Gold Medalist and judge, or any of many scenarios. They may have never cared for a horse, or they might be the one making all decisions and delivering all of the care. Five years really means nothing. What one person learns and experiences in one year can be more significant than what another person experiences and learns in many years.

It is usually a mistake to make any assumptions. Gathering facts and making observations are the best means to determine what to believe about anything or anyone. Unfortunately, not everyone does that, so automatic assumptions are just one of those annoying facts of life you will always encounter.
Bethany May
2011-09-22 12:10:34 UTC
1. Because people who were riding for 2 years always got looked down on, so when they have been riding for 10 they want to look down on the other people, why should they get special treatment. It’s that sort of attitude.

2. Also Because, not every person, but a lot of people that have been riding for between 1-5 years think they know everything, and can do anything. Not saying every person that is inexperienced but I have come across a lot.

I think riders are always learning if they have been riding for 2 years or 20 years, you just never stop finding out new things.

But it is annoying when people I knew try and tell me how to ride when they have only done it for a year and I have for 10.

The thing is the second they are put on a really difficult horse, and I mean like insane x race horse they wouldn’t know what to do.

When she has been riding for 10 or 12 years then she will look back and think “wow I thought I new everything” I know I do and when I have been riding for 20 years I will probably do the same again.

People in the horses world Can be snobby but its ok you can handle it, people just dont like it when someone Less experienced tells them what to do. That is with everything not just riding.

Everyone assumes inexperienced people hare cocky and I have met many who are.
2011-09-22 15:55:36 UTC
It's just like the same way she is stereotyped as a "rich spoiled brat."

Because too many of the "2 year riders" set bad examples for themselves.

I go to a show each month (sometimes 2 or 3 times) and most of those

shows have the Walk/Trot classes...each and every rider in that class

doesn't know one end from the other. Heck, they don't even wear proper

show attire. They run in through the gates, wrong posting diagonals, think

they know how to use a whip, think they know how to correct their horses.

And don't go saying to me "Oh well they're just learning ! It's their first time !"

So if they're just learning, then how come they think they can correct other

peoples' horses when they can't even help themselves ? What trainer would

let their rider RUN through the show gates or treat the older, experienced

riders with respect ? It disgusts me honestly. But I bet none of them even

had any good coaching to begin with.

So riders that have "a lifetime background of riding horses" usually know

what they're doing ?..maybe... I frown upon those too. So out of your hmm,

20 years of riding, how many of those were lessons ? Usual response "Oh

I never got lessons; I taught myself !" Haha yeah ok. That explains LOTS !

There's a fine line between riding all your life and riding all your life in LESSONS.

And actually getting to have the responsibility of OWNING your horse.

I do, yes, see the occasional really good 2 year fact, I'm actually friends

with quite a few of them. I really don't mind them as long as they don't try to

compare themselves and act like they're better. They haven't made fools of

themselves and set any bad examples. Most people automatically assume they

have been riding for years !
2011-09-22 12:03:43 UTC
The reason is because everyone in the horse world seems to think they are better than the next. Its a snob thing and I totally agree with you. I have kept horses for about 20 years now, and for the last 13 my horses have been kept totally naturally, no shoes, no rugs, no bits and live out with a shelter 24/7. There are about 250 privately owned horses in my parish and I don't think anyone else keeps theirs in the same way - I am strange apparently and don't look after mine as well as they do, however my horses are fit and well and don't suffer any lameness or sickness, and more importantly, are happy.

Don't take any notice of what other people think of you, if you love what you do and you feel you are doing right by it then carry on. If you need further experience then you go to a trained person for it, after all, we are all learning all the time.

I used to show my horses but gave up because of the attitude in show rings - everything has to be done conventionally or you are out!!

Good luck and enjoy your riding - its for you and no-one else.
2011-09-22 17:20:00 UTC
Honestly I just wanted to say that even my brother, who has seen my horses a grand total of eight times since 2005, can feed, water, and groom a horse. Those are not impressive skills, hell they are barely skills. How much intelligence does it take to fill a water bucket, toss some hay, or dump a bucket of grain? And how much skill does it take to clean tack, any moron with a rag and leather cleaner can do that. Handling push-button and lesson ponies is also not that impressive, those ponies were trained to be easy to handle.

Also what do you mean she "competes at a level people who have been riding their whole lives ride at." Not everyone who has been riding their entire lives competes at high levels. I know people who have been riding for thirty years and they still compete at the entry levels, I also know people who buy push-button ponies and compete at high levels because bless their pony's soul that creature saves their skin.

It is not that most people believe those who have not been riding or around horses cannot ride or care for horses. Certainly they can. But there is something to be said for plain old experience, which has nothing to do with winning classes and getting ribbons. Which is why a lot of people tend to shake their heads at kids like you. You equate ribbons with experience and knowledge as well as ability. When any one of us who've been around the show ring could tell you that ribbons and winning mean squat.
2011-09-22 14:13:57 UTC
You make an AWFUL lot of generalizations here. You sound very young.

I believe what your'e saying is that in your experience, you feel new riders aren't given the same chance as more experienced ones.

The horse show world IS very political. It's a lot about who you train with, how often they've seen you go, and if your horse is one they can safely say is a solid citizen.

On the other hand, as some one who's done this for 30+ years, I can say that new riders are among THE most annoying lot out there. In their enthusiasm, they spew every bit of information they've ever read, at the most in-opportune moment. I know your'e proud of what you know and eager to share, but honestly, it comes across as arrogant and smug. Truly experienced horse folk will tell you they know nothing.. because they know how much more there is to learn.

This is the problem I have with YA! Young folk (not chronologically, but experience wise) come on here and regurgitate the information they overheard once, trying to appear to be more knowledgeable than in fact they are. They give out so much incorrect information that it ultimately puts other riders and horses in danger. THIS is why us old codgers have little patience for newbies.

By the way, riding in 5 years alone is not enough time to learn as much as one needs to care for a horse in most eventualities. I've seen 5 yr riders misdiagnose colic for tying up, and confuse truly sick horses for horses who are simply cold. I've known riders who've ridden for 10 years who can't mount without a leg up or a mounting block, and who can't tell the difference between a double bridle and a kimberwicke. I've also known people who've ridden less than a year who can canter around a 3' course, nailing every distance because they just have an innate sense for it.

You can't generalize, but the propensity is always there..
2011-09-22 14:55:43 UTC
The horse world is full of drama. It's all about who is better than who and who has a better horse.

Personally I get annoyed by those little twerps that have only ridden for a few years and run around like they know everything. That's the thing about horses, you NEVER know everything. I fully admit even though I have had a horse since birth I am still learning too.
2011-09-22 14:34:53 UTC
I don't know where this 'everyone' generalization is coming from.

Just 3 weeks ago I helped show a girl how to properly halter a horse after switching them from their bridle and practiced with her for 10 minutes until she got it. 2 weeks ago I taught a different girl how to ride English (she only walked) and came out of the saddle with a huge smile on her face. All she talked about for an hour was that experience, and it gave me the best feeling in the world. (She isn't a close/good friend of mine, and I don't teach lessons, she was in my class and offered it to her.)

If someone learns to ride at 15 years old and by 17 they are going to youth nations, good for them! It shows skill, dedication, and a natural talent. I am all for supporting everyone in the horse world to be the best that they can be, and I have encountered many people who feel the same way I do.

It sounds like they have jealousy issues. Not 'everybody' is like that..


I applaud K F and Pickled's answers.. very good ways to put it.
Starlight 1
2011-09-22 15:36:23 UTC
Whoa.... There sure is an awful lot of STEREOTYPING going on here. Horsepeople as a whole are very opinionated, and the horse industry is one of the most cut throat in existence. Drama and politics are everywhere, and there will always be debates about who rides better than whom, which horse is the prettiest and can win the most, which sports are considered "cruel" or unnatural, and on and on and on!!! I agree with you in most respects- and you're right in saying what you have about riders who may not have ridden for long periods being equal to those who have. Speaking as a professional who also had my past held against me when I started in this business, I know where you're coming from in saying that it's unfair and cruel to discriminate against people who don't get to grow up around horses. But you know what? The horse world is like any other- it's full of people who get their kicks out of being judgmental and critical towards others, or who like to have a good laugh at someone else's expense.There are even a few people on here who act that way too- just look at some of the other responses you've gotten and you'll see what I mean.

I never assume that people can't care for a horse properly unless they behave in a way that shows me they can't. Riding is a sport which is ( or at least it should be) universal- anyone of any age can be a rider, and in most places anyone of any age can be a horse owner. But the reality is that there are indeed people who think that anyone who works with horses has to be someone who was born into the life, like the people you refer to in the first part of your question. We all know people like that- many of them are the backbone of the industry. What people outside the business often forget is that these top pros were beginners once too. Even the pros themselves don't want to admit that there once was a time when they were just as ignorant as everyone they are putting down now. It's human nature to want to play a game of one upmanship, Horselover. We're all hardwired that way, regardless of what industry we're in. There will always be those who think they have the right to Lord it over everyone else and treat them like garbage because they are insecure themselves. It's just that the horse business seems to act like a magnet for these types in some ways. Not all of us are like that, though. I know I am not, or at least I make every effort not to be. I know only too well what it feels like to have your past held against you by people who should ( and usually do) know better. Just because I didn't come from a super wealthy family, and didn't have parents who were willing to subsidize my horse activities when I was a teenager, DOESN'T MEAN that I deserve to be treated like sh*t and called incompetent. Obviously, you feel the same way, Horselover, or you wouldn't have asked this question. It's called discrimination based on social class or on economic status- and it's a problem that is as old as humanity itself. None of us like it- but we learn to live with it. Just my two cents' worth....
2011-09-22 14:03:14 UTC
I agree with Louise. Respect is hard to come by in the equestrian field. Don't dwell on it. If the snobs didn't think you weren't up to it due to your lack of experience, they would think of another reason to give you an inferiority complex!

Just keep at it, enjoy the horses, ignore the snobs and you'll be fine.


Instructor and trainer
2011-09-23 00:14:36 UTC
I dont know If i see someone really good ride i respect them. If they show off i immediatley feel better. Truthfuly begginner riders feel as if they are really good and sometimes it gets really annoying. What i noticed is alot of instructors tell beginners that they have natural talent then they go tell everyone. Truthefully i dont feel young children should own horses, since its too early. Alot of kids end up getting bored of something.
2011-09-22 15:35:22 UTC
Not everybody in the horse world looks down on people who have less years riding.

Don't generalize.

You have simply run into rude snotty people.

Go find better people to hang with and you'll notice the difference.
Pickled Pigs Feet
2011-09-22 12:07:34 UTC
Your problem is not with "horse people" and people that have been riding longer than you. Your problem is that you have no social skills or real-world experience. If you were a mature, well-adjusted person that was secure with who you are you wouldn't worry about things like that.

Being a rider, new or not, does not grant you membership to some exclusive club where everyone is nice to everyone and everyone respects you because you ride a horse. If someone says something you don't like, or says something your friend doesn't like, get over it. The world doesn't revolve around you.

As with every other aspect of life: Personal, professional, social, equine...there are going to be people that don't think you are as awesome as you think you are. Deal with it. It ain't gonna change and trying to force people to think you are as great as you think just makes you look like a fool. You just come off looking like some jackwad with a chip on your shoulder and something to prove.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.