I'm bored. Let's do a horse survey. Warning: It's long!?
2011-04-24 18:49:41 UTC
Okay, so... I have nothing else to do, so why I don't I entertain you all as well as myself and give you some questions to answer:
-Do you own your own horse?

-How long have you been riding?

-What discipline do you do?

-Do you show?

-How high have you jumped?

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour?

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

-What discipline would you love to try?

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

-Western or English? Why?

-Future plans with horses?

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

-Why did you start riding?

-What was the best ride of your life?

-What kind of saddle do you have?

-Any injuries from riding?

I can answer these, if you so desire.
35 answers:
2011-04-24 18:54:54 UTC
-How long have you been riding? 12-13 years.

-What discipline do you do? Hunters.

-Do you show? Not anymore.

-How high have you jumped? 2'9"? Neither of my horses have been capable of going higher.

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? TB, gray/black/some Appy patterns. Nothing beats a good TB.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? I don't know.

-What discipline would you love to try? Dressage.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? I don't know.

-Western or English? Why? ENGLISH! Western is too casual for my taste. I'm also not a fan of stock breeds.

-Future plans with horses? Keep riding...?

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) I do work with horses, but it won't be my career. I want to keep them as a fun hobby for me, not my job.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'? ....everything. People who don't discipline, various abuses, attitude of many QH people ("The only good breed is a QH, all others are crazy"), people who think their horses are better than they are, people who shouldn't own but do, spoiled kids with fancy horses they don't appreciate...the list goes on forever.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? Kids with pushbutton horses who just perch on top real pretty and win everything. Put them on anything challenging and they're awful.

-Why did you start riding? My babysitter's little sister rode, and I wanted to try it.

-What was the best ride of your life? I don't know.

-What kind of saddle do you have? Collegiate Graduate.

-Any injuries from riding? Broken collar bone, tons of bumps/bruises/regular injuries.


I forgot the first question--yes, I have my own.
2011-04-24 21:27:31 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? No.

-How long have you been riding? A little over a year.

-What discipline do you do? English; getting ready to head into the world of dressage. (:

-Do you show? No.

-How high have you jumped? Uh. None.

-What's your favorite breed, and why? Colour? I don't have a set favorite breed, rather I judge a horse on how it acts/performs. If I wanted to show however I would want a horse able to do what I wanted. // I love cremellos and blacks. (:

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Learn high level dressage and show, along with learn jumping.

-What discipline would you love to try? Oooh. I'd love to try side saddle.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? When I gained Bo's respect and was able to successfully canter him. It was really a move up in my riding ability.

-Western or English? Why? English, I just love the saddle. I feel more comfortable in a dressage saddle than any other saddle.

-Future plans with horses? I wish to become a Professional rider and trainer, and compete in the Grand Prix.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) Yes. ^above.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'? Know it all's and snobs as far so people. With horses I don't like horses that bite. Normally it's training problem however so I blame whoever trained it.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? Over using the crop. :P or spurs for that matter. I also hate when people don't groom their horses after a ride.

-Why did you start riding? February, 2010.

-What was the best ride of your life? I've had many very good rides, but no best rides yet. (: Every ride however is good; because I learn something new.

-What kind of saddle do you have? I own a useless jumping saddle xD It's tree is hopeless. Anyway's I'm not sure why I have it?

-Any injuries from riding? None that stayed, I've pulled muscles, dislocated and relocated my shoulder in the same fall, ect. But no sprained/broken bones. Nor open cuts. So I'm doing good.
2011-04-24 19:15:45 UTC
1. Sadly, no :( But I'm getting one this spring/summer!!! Right now I'm leasing.

2. Almost 2 years. I started riding July 2009.

2. Western and english, just general riding.

3. Not yet, but I will probably start showing sometime this year or next year.

4. 2ft, but only once last summer.

5. I love all breeds, but probably fresian just because of the way they look and move. Favorite color is either palomino, appaloosa, or black with white/silver mane and tail.

6. Hmmm.... I would want to start jumping again. I started out jumping, switched stables, and this one doesn't have jumps since its an all western stable and the Picasso isn't able to jump because of a leg injury.

7. It is my goal in life to try all the disciplines there are, so... all of them!

8. Picasso is the 1st horse I've really had a bond with. I'd say having that feeling of having the bond.

9. Both! Western because it's more relaxed and I go to an all western barn, so it might help that I like western, lol. English because thats what I started out riding, I can jump english (not right now though), and it mixes things up a little rather than just riding one way all the time.

10. Like I said, I'm going to get one this spring/summer, and I never want to stop riding. I want to do something with horses for a career, probably a trainer.

11. Yes!!! I want to be a trainer, but if I can't do that I will find something else to do with them.

12. Either spookiness or not speeding up or slowing down when I say to.

13. Either when people are constantly pulling on the horses mouth, seeing people using really harsh bits that are not necessary, or people being overly aggresive to the horse who is already being perfect.

14. My grandma rode when she was little and loved it. She found a stable near us and wanted me to experience horses since she liked them so much. I tried it, loved it, and became obsessed!

15. I'm not sure, I've had too many! lol if I had to answer I think I'd say my first lesson, the first time I cantered, and the first time I jumped.

16. English:

Western: A hereford saddle made in the seventies. That's all I know about it :)

17. Just the minor stuff. The worst was a bruise on my leg from hitting the jump standard while falling off.
2011-04-25 01:13:29 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? No :(

-How long have you been riding? 3 years but I've wanted to ride my whole life.

-What discipline do you do? Dressage, Equitation, Hunters, and Jumpers.

-Do you show? Yes, but nothing to impressive because I don't own a horse.

-How high have you jumped? 4'6

-What's your favorite breed, and why? Colour? Any kind of Warmblood (why not? lol)! Bay, black, or gray.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Go on a really long trail ride through beautiful trails.

-What discipline would you love to try? Cross Country, but I need a horse who can do it.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? Nothing... since I don't have one :(

-Western or English? Why? English, I have ridden Western though. I'm not sure why but I've always just been really into English. It's much more polished and fancy and I think that's why I love it so much.

-Future plans with horses? I'd love to one day open a free equine therapy program for children that have been abused and mistreated and pair them with horses that have been abused and mistreated.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) Yes, if my other career plans don't work out I plan on training for the Olympics and if that doesn't work out I plan on becoming an instructor/horse trainer.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'? Riders who think they're better than everyone else, snobs who only are good riders because they have an expensive horse from Europe, and trainers who suck at teaching.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? People using spurs incorrectly and riders using their crops at inappropriate times.

-Why did you start riding? Someone I love dearly died and I started working with horses to try and ease the pain.

-What was the best ride of your life? All of them <3

-What kind of saddle do you have? When I get one it'll definitely be a Butet.

-Any injuries from riding? None, I'm super lucky and fortunate. Of course, I do have knee problems and ankle problems from riding but nothing to serious like broken bones or something.
2011-04-24 19:07:55 UTC
Do you own your own horse? No but i wish!!

How long have you been riding? About 6 months

-What discipline do you do? --

-Do you show? No

-How high have you jumped? Have never jumped

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? Quarter Horse- because of there beauty and brains Color- palomino

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? I love grooming

-What discipline would you love to try? --

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? --

-Western or English? Why? English that is all i have ever known

-Future plans with horses? Possibly have my own stable

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) Yes i do want to have a career with horses

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve' Doesnt like when you touch her face

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? People pulling the rains really really far back and hurting the horse

-Why did you start riding? My grandparents took me for a riding lesson once and i just fell in love with it

-What was the best ride of your life? --

-What kind of saddle do you have? --

-Any injuries from riding? No

Yep its pretty boring (i havent been riding that long)
2011-04-25 06:33:58 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? Yes i do :')

-How long have you been riding?7 years.

-What discipline do you do?English, Dressage Eventing, Jumping..

-Do you show? Sometimes.

-How high have you jumped?4'6

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? Arab. Cause i have one :') Grey. I love greys when they are clean.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Parelli

-What discipline would you love to try? WESTERN! if that counts...

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? Jumping 4' bareback :')

-Western or English? Why?English, because thats the on i have learnt to ride.

-Future plans with horses? Just carry on learning

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) I wouldnt mind it but i want to go into the army

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve' when the trainers are really up themselves.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? Using the whip when it isnt needed.

-Why did you start riding? Because i fell in love with sunny my horse.

-What was the best ride of your life? I met up with some guys and we raced and jumped and went in the river :')

-What kind of saddle do you have? Dressage

-Any injuries from riding? Yes, a lot.
2011-04-24 20:09:00 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? Yuus, 4

-How long have you been riding? Before I could talk, help from my dad :P

-What discipline do you do? Barrel Racing. well not now, but the next season coming up, yes!

-Do you show? I have.

-How high have you jumped? I don't jump!

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? Quarter Horse! because that's all we've ever owned. Sorrels, duns, black, bay, chestnut .. pretty much anything :p

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Ride them, sort cattle, (:

-What discipline would you love to try? Pole Bending, cutting, trick riding!

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? I'm not sure. She trusts me so I can do lots.

-Western or English? Why? Western. Can't barrel race in an English saddle.

-Future plans with horses? Start barrel racing and trick riding for audiences :P

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) Well you never know. I would love to but right now, i'll just keep going to school

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'? waiting for me hahaa

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? People galloping everywhere and horses throwing their heads

-Why did you start riding? Well because my dad wanted his kids to ride.

-What was the best ride of your life? I'm not sure I've had that ride yet

-What kind of saddle do you have? 2 roper saddles and my small little barrel saddle and on English saddle :P

-Any injuries from riding? Nope! I've been bucked off a few times but I managed to stay intact
2011-04-24 19:16:08 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? No. I lease and take group riding lessons 3 times a week.

-How long have you been riding? 1 year, 4 months.

-What discipline do you do? English.

-Do you show? Yes, hunter jumper and hunter pleasure.

-How high have you jumped? 2 feet I think is my highest.

-What's your favorite breed, and why? Arabians. Color? I don't have a favorite color.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Go swimming!

-What discipline would you love to try? Fox hunting sounds like fun.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? Umm, I don't know.

-Western or English? English. Why? Because its awesome!

-Future plans with horses? I want to get my own horse!

-Are you considering a career with horses? Maybe. I do help out at the barn by cleaning stalls and such. (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'? Junie does not like other mares!

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? Heavy hands.

-Why did you start riding? My grandma got me riding lessons as a Xmas present.


-What was the best ride of your life? First jumping lesson.

-What kind of saddle do you have? Hunter jumper saddle.

-Any injuries from riding? Nope.

EDIT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You should answer too :)
2011-04-24 19:16:51 UTC
14 years.

Yes I own two.

I haven't done one yet.

Never have jumped before.

Favorite breed hmmmm. If could choose any breed any color in the world it would have to be. A QH/Arab 4 white socks, chestnut and a blaze like my horse I have now.

Ride all the time and just go down in the pasture and watch them play around and act silly.

Dressage I would love to try dressage.

Everything with my horses have been big accomplishments well to me anyway. Some are big and some are small.

I like western it is what I have grown up riding in. I have tried English once didn't really like it but I am willing to try again whenever I get the chance to.

I am wanting to go to college for Equine science and start from there.

Biggest pet peeve. Is when a horse kicks, nips, bits, rears and bucks and the owner thinks its cute and does nothing and gives the horse what it wants.

Hmm I don't know I haven't ever really looked for one in other horse owners and riders.

My mom put me on a horse when I was 3 and have rode ever since. Horses are apart of my life and I wouldn't change that for anything.

Every ride with friends is a bestt ride to me lol.

I have 2 western saddles one all leather and one synthetic.

Hmmmm. Hard to say....
ℒa ℬella ℒuna
2011-04-24 19:14:31 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? Two, but one is a filly.

-How long have you been riding? Since I was two, so 16 years.

-What discipline do you do? Hunters (flat), Western Pleasure, Dressage, and Speed

-Do you show? Sometimes

-How high have you jumped? 3'6"

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? Thoroughbred, grey..because they're the BEST.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Get her on a trailer.

-What discipline would you love to try? Eventing, my dream

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? I've had two lessons on her since I got her, not counting the one lesson I had with my neighbor - but she's not a trainer so it didn't really count. She just helped with my equitation. We've had a lot of road bumps and I did it myself, for the most part.

-Western or English? Why? Both

-Future plans with horses? Vet

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) Vet and trainer

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'? Put tack back when you're done!

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? Balancing on the horse's mouth

-Why did you start riding? My mom put me on a horse in diapers, worst idea ever.

-What was the best ride of your life? I don't know, I've had a few.

-What kind of saddle do you have? Wintec Close Contact

-Any injuries from riding? A few
2011-04-25 00:52:09 UTC
-Do you own your own horse?

Yes, we have 8 of them

-How long have you been riding?

Almost ten years now

-What discipline do you do?

Western. Doing cattle work and mountain riding in an english saddle is rather pointless

-Do you show?

Not yet

-How high have you jumped?

I'm going to guess three feet. It was on the trail so I didn't measure it.

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour?

Appaloosa, the classic Appaloosa because they're tough and all the ones I've met have been great horses. Grulla blanket.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

Ride on the beach

-What discipline would you love to try?


-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

Riding in the mountains with her and having no problems at all.

-Western or English? Why?

Western because it's more suited for what I do and I feel that English is too proper for what I do. I like to have fun and be relaxed, and I just can't do that in an english saddle like others can.

-Future plans with horses?

Eventually getting into breeding, training and lessons.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

I am considering it. My plan is to work in equine-assisted therapy, and have a farm/ranch on the side.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'

Horse people. One breed is not the best, one discipline is not the best, and your way of training is not the best. Stopping shoving opinions I don't care about down my throat.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

Spurring for no reason

-Why did you start riding?

Because I loved horses and so riding seemed like the coolest thing ever

-What was the best ride of your life?

I've had a lot of good ones. Chasing the mustangs the first time sticks out in my mind though.

-What kind of saddle do you have?

An ancient, heavy, Riley McCormick saddle

-Any injuries from riding?

Yes, tons. I broke my pelvic bone one time and another time had a concussion from falling and hitting my head on another horse's hoof. Plus being stepped on numerous times.
2011-04-24 19:45:27 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? - Yes. A soon-to-be-five year old Thoroughbred mare.

-How long have you been riding? - Fourteen years.

-What discipline do you do? - Eventing.

-Do you show? - I have been trying to. I haven't gotten to a recognized show in years due to extenuating circumstances but I did compete in a couple schooling shows last year. However it will probably be at least a year before my new mare is ready for a schooling show.

-How high have you jumped? - Highest I've jumped so far is 4'

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? - Thoroughbred is my favorite breed, I've had two OTTBs and I just adore them. I love their spirit, I just love 'em. I'm particularly fond of chestnuts but I'm fine with any color.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? - I would LOVE to compete at Rolex. One day I will get there.

-What discipline would you love to try? - I've always thought vaulting looked like a lot of fun.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? - Hm. That's kind of tough. I suppose the most amazing thing would be my first mare and I jumping an advanced sharks tooth in perfect form. With my second mare... well she cantered a jump yesterday and that was a pretty big deal for her. She also did gridwork and I'm so very proud of my baby girl.

-Western or English? Why? - English. I don't mind western, it just is not for me.

-Future plans with horses? - Rolex, hopefully the Olympics.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) - Nope. I'm going to become an English teacher, get a job at a high school and continue my education so that I may become an English professor at a college.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve' - People who cannot make use of the arena. Like, when it is just you and one other person in one great big over-sized arena that is large enough to fit two full stadium courses in and they keep cutting you off. I mean, seriously? Do you not see all that space over there? I came to this side of the arena for a reason, go back to your own side!

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? - Hmmm, there are a lot. But mainly I hate to see people using a whip on a horse even though it was the human's error that caused the problem, not the horse's.

-Why did you start riding? - I was in love with Black Beauty and I wanted to ride him.

-What was the best ride of your life? - Another hard one. It's a tie between the last cross-country run I did with my mare, it was her first cross-country run in several years and she was dead perfect. The other ride it ties with is my very first cross-country run when I was on the old Arab. It was his very last event and I remember every detail perfectly.

-What kind of saddle do you have? - I have a Nice dressage saddle. Don't laugh, it's a legit brand although they stopped making it. I have a Courbette jumping saddle, and a Wintec all-purpose that is much too large. Apparently I was supposed to grow to be 5'8"... instead I stopped at 5'2"

-Any injuries from riding? - Plenty. Broken wrist, dented femur, four mild concussions, chipped tooth, sprained wrist, sprained fingers, black eyes, countless bruises, countless scrapes, and my mother is still convinced that I broke my nose a few years ago. I think she's silly, it's still straight and just fine.
2011-04-24 19:24:03 UTC
-Do you own your own horse?

I lease a chestnut, TB, mare called Cherry. We have a experienced jumper at our stable and he constantly likes to remind how Cherry is the biggest triple threat ever. She's a Thoroughbred, she's a mare and she's chestnut (in the old days chestnut was seen a bad colour for a horse.)

-How long have you been riding?

I started riding when I was eight years old and i've been riding for eight years. :)

-What discipline do you do?

I love to Jump and am planing on starting eventing soon, (soon as in, soon as we are ready which could possibly take forever, hahaha) :)) Hopefully

-Do you show?

Only little local shows at the moment, as I still get Cherry back into the groove on things i've had her for 6 months and she use to be a competition horse a few years ago but since then she has been plodding around.

-How high have you jumped?

On Cherry only 85cm, She likes to rush so, i working on that more than the height of the jumps. Yet she has only knocked a pole twice since i've had her O.o she is super careful

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour?

Urrmmm... I kind of love loads of breeds and i think my favourite colour would be chestnut... maybe

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

Eventing! I love the sport and i just want to be part of it

-What discipline would you love to try?

errr, eventing hahah

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

Our first competition together we managed to take home some ribbons :)) Although thats not very amazing but i was proud!

-Western or English? Why?

English, I have never tried western and I just love all the things you can do in english.

-Future plans with horses?

I really want to see how far i can go in the competition world... but that seems a tad ambiguous. hahah

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

It the only thing i can really see myself doing, at the moment i work as a riding instructor for young kids.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'

She walks off the moment i put her saddle blanket on to poo :/ haha

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

Gahhh, I work at a riding school so i see so many... I can't decide. I know i'm not perfect, but jeeezz. xD

-Why did you start riding?

I loved horses and it just seemed like the most perfect idea to start riding. None of my family are even remotely animal lovers... So i have no idea where i got it from :S

-What was the best ride of your life?

When you click with the horse, i feel like that always the best ride no matter what your doing.

-What kind of saddle do you have?

Leather dressage saddle.. It's so old -.- but comfortable :)

and a eurohunter synthetic GP.

and i have permission to steal my friends jumping saddle to, haha

-Any injuries from riding?

A massively bruised back, a bruised everything along with sore everything and a ripped ear that had to be glued back together O.o

and thats about it, so nothing serious yet.... :S
2011-04-24 19:20:52 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? yes 3 of them :)

-How long have you been riding? 8 yrs, off and on ... mostly off

-What discipline do you do? Western, just haven't got the chance to ride English, still like western though :)

-Do you show? nope

-How high have you jumped? haven't measured anything I jump, mostly just jump over ditches XD

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? Nokota! because thats what my horse is lol (there are other reasons but i would be here all day) I like black! because thats what my horse is :D

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? take a ride in the water!

-What discipline would you love to try? um, not sure

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? not sure, I just really appreciate all the little accomplishments we have on any average day :)

-Western or English? Why? Western, because ...

-Future plans with horses? Trainer, I think the best job is something you love doing, just a hobby isn't good enough for me.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) Trainer/ Nokota breeder(way in the future)

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'? lots but it never the horse its the people who make ALL the problems. Mostly I thinks its the horse people who think they know everything... nope I can think of way more all having to do with people ;)

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? lots of things but better left un-said. O.o

-Why did you start riding? I can't remember when I first decided that I loved horses, its just beyond my memory. I finally got the chance to ride when I got to go to a ridding camp though.

-What was the best ride of your life? Well the one with the most memories was on a horse that started galloping and bucking (i don't blame the horse, his owners just never expected him to behave so he never did :/) That was the one time I rode in an English saddle, The one time I wished I had the horn XD

-What kind of saddle do you have? bareback pad :] I am getting a saddle someday but don't have one right now.

-Any injuries from riding? bruised toes :D
2011-04-24 19:08:09 UTC
Do you own your own horse? Nope, Lessons eventually lease

-How long have you been riding? 2-3 months :P

-What discipline do you do? Haven't rlly decided

-Do you show? Not Yet

-How high have you jumped? Haven't.

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? Arabian, because they are beautiful and very sweet, hmm i like any color :P

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Get really good at showing and have a close bond.

-What discipline would you love to try? Hmm...

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? Cantered bahaha

-Western or English? Why? Hmm idk English is rlly fun (i love posting) but I think Western is more my type.

-Future plans with horses? idk lol

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) Yep!

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve': Wellllll probably putting the wraps on and they shift and causes me to drop the wrap :/ lol

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? The feet when they are completely in the stirups and not positioned right :/

-Why did you start riding? I've loved horses since i was 3 lol when i was 3 i begged my parents for a horse constantly so one day my dad came home with a bouncy horse and apprently i didnt complain again for a long time hahaha

-What was the best ride of your life? Everytime i ride is the best ride of my life

-What kind of saddle do you have? Uhhh like western or english or brand? lol

-Any injuries from riding? Hmm nope not so far...i mean unless posting and losing my stirup causing my butt to slam down on the end of the saddle thats the worst its been for me so far or practicing balance so i was standing up and holding onto the horses mane and she dropped her head and got the horn of the saddle jabbed into my stomach lol it hurt! :P (Its a western Saddle)

I can answer these, if you so desire.
2011-04-24 19:08:50 UTC
-How long have you been riding?

2 years

-What discipline do you do?

egnlish- hunter/jumper western pleasure and gaming

-Do you show?

yup !

-How high have you jumped?

3 ft

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour?

canadian sport horse <3 cause they're my countries horse and they are beautiful and so reliable- definatly bay with dapples <3

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

jump, ride bareback- compete

-What discipline would you love to try?

dressage if my horse could do it ! or XC

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

trained him myself ;) with only 6 months of weekly riding lessons , bout em as a 2y/o lmao green broke him while i was a green rider :P

-Western or English? Why?

western for confort- english for balance and improving- couldnt ever choose i love em both !

-Future plans with horses?

i want to be a chiro && eventually own my own barn- i wanna teach my boy flying lead changes

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

lol oops yep ^^ that answers pretty much it

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'

chewing their bit- people not cleaning the barn/areana up after theyre done riding

and horses that pull the reins from my hand !

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

people using the poor horses mouth to balance themselves :\

-Why did you start riding?

someone asked me if i wanted to try one day and basicaly i was hooked <3 best addiction ever

-What was the best ride of your life?

the first time i even tried the flag race at my show grounds- and won 1st and really pissed a guy off cause an "ammature little girl" beat him :D but hes cool with me now

-What kind of saddle do you have?

none- im getting a wintec english one

-Any injuries from riding?

cracked 2 rib- bruised my lung

those ribs were also disaligned

also shattered a bone in my foot from being stepped on by a tank of a horse:P

-- not really riding but i was kidding around but basically i was playing around and there was a little x set up to jump

and on my own two feet i laughed saying "No look! This is Royal !" ran at the x i ment to kick it over but my foot got caught and i fell really hard on my knee- then the pole fell on me -.-

ten minutes before this i got bucked off

hitting my knee hurt more than getting bucked off ...sad.
2011-04-24 20:21:07 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? Yes I have 2.

-How long have you been riding? All my life.

-What discipline do you do? I show western pleasure, western equ., trail and I trail ride and I am working on my english, I take lessons when I can and have shown a couple english classed.

-Do you show? Yes.

-How high have you jumped? Not very high, the only jumping I have done is hunter hack.

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? I don't really have a favorite I love them all :)

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? I love to groom my horses and show and trail ride.

-What discipline would you love to try? Dressage.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? I have won several high point awards.

-Western or English? Why? Both, western because that is what I grew up with and english because I love to challenge myself and learn new things.

-Future plans with horses? My horse is working on retirement from showing so I plan to trail ride a lot on some new trails.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) I have worked for trainers and I also trail horses myself and give lessons.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve' People- when they jerk and smack on their horses, Horses- when their owners have not taught them manners.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? When people ride sloppy.

-Why did you start riding? I was raised with horses and I was a horse crazy kid. (now I am a horse crazy adult lol)

-What was the best ride of your life? I don't know.

-What kind of saddle do you have? Western- I have a couple different ones but my favorite is a Circle-Y English- I am not sure what brand it is.

-Any injuries from riding? Just a bad scar on my neck from a wreck with a barbed wire fence.
2011-04-24 20:09:29 UTC
Do you own your own horse? Pony yes:)

-How long have you been riding? 8 months

-What discipline do you do? All:D

-Do you show? ?Yes

-How high have you jumped? Not on purpose 3' lol

-What's your favorite breed, and why? Colour? Arabian, there Beautiful, spirited and the best breed ever!!:)) (Ithink so anyway:P) Red Bay or Black Bay

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Win a championship!!!!

-What discipline would you love to try? Native Costum (Arabs have this:D!!)

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? I won reserve champion in a driving class!

-Western or English? Why? Neither--bareback:)

-Future plans with horses?

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) ?Absolutely!

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve' when they 'paw' at the ground >:/

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? Hand position! DON'T LET THEM BOUNCE!!! (Please:p)

-Why did you start riding? Because I love horses <3

-What was the best ride of your life? Ha when my gelding ran away with me

-What kind of saddle do you have? Circle Y

-Any injuries from riding? 2 fractured vertebrates (falling off while being ran away with)
2011-04-24 18:55:55 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? Nope, I lease my beautiful girl!

-How long have you been riding? 9 years this summer!

-What discipline do you do? Saddle Seat (lessons) Hunt Seat (Lease)

-Do you show? Nope :(

-How high have you jumped? 2'3'

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? I like Saddlebreds, and TBs for their *****. And I am partial to black or grey horses.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? I love to gallop bare back!

-What discipline would you love to try? Hm I would love to start really jumping!

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? Galloping bareback was amazing!

-Western or English? Why? English. I have always done it!

-Future plans with horses? Riding in college, and riding for all my life.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) Nope, I want to be an architect

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve' When people yank on their horses mouth

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? Said above

-Why did you start riding? My Mum made me go to camp for riding, which I really did not want to do. I ended up loving it!

-What was the best ride of your life? Most of them!

-What kind of saddle do you have? Don't own one!

-Any injuries from riding? Yeah my horse (few years ago) that I rode in lessons, and I fell over into a wooden fence, and it snapped back and scratched through my shirt leaving nasty cuts and bruises on my rib cage.
2011-04-24 19:27:13 UTC
-Do you own a horse?


-How long have you been riding?

I would say 6 years, but i stopped riding because i didn't have enough time so that takes off like a year. And then sometimes when i switched barns, i lost a couple weeks. So i would say around four or five years.

-What discipline do you ride?

I've ridden western pleasure, saddle seat, and jumping. I would like to do 3 day eventing, but out of all the ones that i've tried, i like jumping the best. (I want to do 3 day eventing so i can do Dressage, Show Jumping, and Cross Country)

-Do you show?


-How high have you jumped?

1'6 maybe higher, but not that high...

-What's your favorite breed, and why? Colour?

Thoroughbreds. They are independent and have spirit so majestic. They are simply beautiful and are always willing to please. I love any shade of grey except flea bitten grey.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

I really want to ride my racehorse bareback on the beach...

-What discipline would you love to try?

Dressage. I always thought it was boring, but when i realized that it was much more than just beautiful movements, i changed my mind.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

I know this sounds lame, but i rode her. She's a racehorse, so i didn't expect that to happen. But i don't think it would be called riding with the only thing i did was walk her around the track place...(i was on her back)

-Western or English? Why?

English. English, to me, it gives me more freedom. I guess you can say it's my passion, and it's kinda hard to explain. But i just love the feeling of sitting in that small leather seat. I know it sounds lame, but there's nothing else i can say. I don't know if any other English riders feel this way, but i do...

-Future plans with horses?

Yes. I want to live in a place where i can live with as many horses to my heart's desire.

-Are you considering a career with horses?

Yes. I would like to be a veterinarian and then maybe a horse trainer or riding instructor.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'?

I hate it when riders think that they're so awesome at riding and look at me like a big pile o' dung!!! Another one is where the owner hires someone to take care of their horse(s) when they live where the horses are boarded at!!!! Ugh! I don't mind it when people have to hire someone because they live somewhere else and/or the horse is too dangerous (like mr and other racehorses) to have a child (like me) take care of him/her.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

I hate it wher someone is jumping, and their legs would swing WAY back! That used to happen to me, and now when i see it, i get SO annoyed!!!

-Why did you start riding?

I love horses ever since i could remember, and so i finally asked my parents to have riding lessons since i was OBSESSED with horses/ponies. Whe i was like 4, i would sit on like the back rest of the couch, and i would pretend that i would be riding a horse bareback...

-What was the best ride of your life?

When i accidentally jumped an obstacle. Yeah, it was pretty awesome!!! Hahaha!

-What kind of saddle do you have?

Don't got one.

-Any injuries from riding?

VERY minor things such as sore muscles, bruised butt, bruised back, etc.

And i would like for you to answer please!
2011-04-24 19:03:42 UTC
-Do you own your own horse?

I do:)

-How long have you been riding?

10 years now!

-What discipline do you do?

Dressage, showjumping, XC and some trail riding.

-Do you show?

Yes I do!

-How high have you jumped?


-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour?

Lipizzaners have always been my favorite breed:) They are stunning and intelligent in every way- and very trainable. Not to mention their movement! They are magical!

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

I haven't taken my recent horse to the beach yet (which is silly- I live about 20 mins away from a horse-riding beach....)

-What discipline would you love to try?

I would love to try endurance!

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

I have accomplished many things with my horse- but I guess the satisfaction on seeing how far he's come- from a paddock companion that refused to be ridden, to a horse that places in ever dressage comp I go to. (not to mention I get offers on him at EVERY show. without fail!)

-Western or English? Why?

English. I've always ridden English- I'm more comfortable riding English. Also, it's difficult to do Dressage in western gear:)

-Future plans with horses?

I would like to compete and place in a big state show at the end of this year, and I would also like to get a percentage in dressage over 75% :)

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

Absolutely. I already work on a stud full time- I am taking a course for a diploma in horse industry practice. I

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'

Seeing kids ride horses that they don't groom themselves! (at shows.. you know the people who get their parents to do all the braiding and grooming...)

Also, people who think their horse is 'collected' when really it just has it's head tucked in.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

People yanking on the curb rein when using double bridles-

-Why did you start riding?

Both my parents used to ride as kids- as soon as I got my first Barbie horse at the age of 4, I was hooked:)

-What was the best ride of your life?

I went riding on the beach with my best friend and our two favorite horses. We were meant to be working (we were both working as trail riding escorts) but our boss let us just play around and gallop all over the beach bareback! Very special. Fond memories:)

-What kind of saddle do you have?

Wintec 500 jumping saddle and a Tekna dressage saddle.

-Any injuries from riding?

I've broken my radius (elbow) and ruptured my spleen. Not to mention countless bruises and pulled muscles from day-to-day work:)
2016-04-30 10:35:00 UTC
-Have you ever eaten a spider? No. -Crayons, pencil crayons, or pastels? All of them. -Do you know anyone from South America? No. -Where do you go when you just want to be alone? idk.. where there isn't anybody else. -Is your hair red? No. -Do you bite your fingernails? Sometimes. -Do you know what all the 'F' then a number keys mean? Nope... but F11 makes the screen bigger *pushes F11* see? -Was it sunny today? idk. -J or Z? J. -camels or llamas? Camels. -Do you have asthma? No. -What colour are your shoelaces? White. -What kind of popsicle do you want right now? idk. -When talking on the phone, which ear do you listen with?Right.. I think. -Is there a stucco ceiling above you right now? ? -Can you play cribbage? ? -How many hours are you on YA per day? Far too many. -What number am I thinking about? 7. -What's my sign? Leo. -DrPepper or cream soda? Cream soda. -Would you pull your eye out for 10 million dollars? No. -Is this too long? I lost track. Eh. Night all, and good morning to the Aussies! I'm from New Zealand!
2011-04-24 20:40:03 UTC
Sadly no but I get free lessons from my grandma

3-8 I rlly lost track

Western pleasure

Starting this fall!

Don't jump

Arabian(their grace,beauty,elegance,the breed of the horse I ride!)bay

Own one


Western it has always been my discipline

Own 2 and be an equine vet

Equine vet

When a person who doesn't deserve a horse gets one

Western not riding with heels down,hands resting on the horn!

I love horses and my grandma owns 9 horses

When Monet bolted with me and I almost fell off trying to pull her head to the side!

Idk it's my grandmas

Sore butt!lol
2011-04-24 18:57:53 UTC

About 8 years

English. Hunter/Jumper

Not really

About 3'6" ish

Holsteiner. I love their jumps and they're just gorgeous. Dapple Gray

Ride on the beach/in the ocean


Not my horse, but I've trained a pony almost completely by myself

English. Its just what I've always done

Hope to one day go to the Olympics, but want to have a few horses of my own.

Yes. Trainer, riding instructor, maybe vet


Heels not down

I jsut always loved horses and my parents signed me up at a place near my house

My most recent one. Perfect jumps and i had nearly perfect position

Dont have my own but my favorite is the Stubben

YES! Way too many to list
2011-04-25 00:47:55 UTC
-Do you own your own horse?

Yes, a lovely Arab x mare named Shakira.

-How long have you been riding?

Over half my life

-What discipline do you do?

English, I trail ride, jump, do pony club and low level dressage/showing. I'm learning barrel racing (my good friend is teaching me) and love it all. :)

-Do you show?


-How high have you jumped?

1.05m. But not for ages, my young pony is just learning about this whole jumping thing so we're keeping it small for a while.

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour?

I suppose I'm going to say Arabs, mainly out of loyalty to my baby... ha! I like bays and paints, and Iove horses with lots of chrome.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

I'd love to compete in an A-Listed dressage competition.

-What discipline would you love to try?

I'm just starting trying to learn to barrel race, loving it, and I'd like to learn a little more about other types of western riding too.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

I have no idea.... Every moment with an equine is amazing. :)

-Western or English? Why?

Probably English, but I like western too. Just starting western.

-Future plans with horses?

I'd love to develop Shakira as a top dressage/jumping pony, and get my A certificate in pony club

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

I don't know. I wouldn't mind one.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'

I have a superstition.. When picking out my ponies hooves I always do the black one first. The world just seems to run smoother when I do it like that. :)

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

When people turn they're hands in like paws and pull back hard, forcing they're horses/ponys head into the air. I've just seen too many horses wrecked in this way.

-Why did you start riding?

You know E-or, the funny little donkey in those Pooh bear books? I think he got me into riding. When I was little I just loved that little donkey. :) And I told my mum so every day, telling her I wanted to 'go play with E-or' so she took me to see my neighbors pony, a fuzzy little chestnut gelding which in my small mind was E-or. I loved that little pony, and when their owners realised that they're kids had totally lost interest in him, they gave him to me as a long time lease, and I was hooked for life. :)

-What was the best ride of your life?

I think every time I sit on Shakira I have a new best ride. :)

-What kind of saddle do you have?

A black leather general purpose. Its very nice

-Any injuries from riding?

Not really. :) Probably the worst ever was a black eye.

I can answer these, if you so desire.
2011-04-24 21:05:32 UTC
1. I don't own him money-wise, but I love him like he's been mine for years and we've got bond like it too. I pay more attention to him than his owners do...

2. I've been riding for 7+ years.. Half my life spent well!

3. I ride English. I just jump now, but I am hopefully going to start Dressage and possibly Cross soon for Eventing.

4. I do not show, too much stage fright that I hope to overcome soon.

5. I don't jump very high at all >.<

6. A few! Quarter Horses because of Fever. They're so versatile and classic, and so gorgeous. I love Irish Draughts because they are homey, and gorgeous. Fast yet really strong. Irish Sports because they are the posterchild of eventing. Hanoverians/warmbloods because of their jumping talents.

I'm a sucker for dapples.

7. I would *love* to get one of my uncle's yearlings that I like a lot, and train him all by myself to do eventing... As well as get to ride Fever.

8. I guess I could try cutting... But I'm totally fine with my English.

9. The most amazing thing I did was to get Fever to follow me without any treats. That, and when I gave him a big hug and he 'hugged' me back all by himself. OR, when I was brushing him and he started grooming me back.

10. English! It's so refined and SO amazing. Nothing on the -planet- is better than feeling the power under your hands when you fly over a jump, that temporary weightless feeling when you are in the *air*, and landing just to go navigate to the next flight.

11. I am going to college to get a degree in horse science, business. As well as take classes that I need to start my own ranch (in Kentucky of course) to train horses for a living. I also plan on breeding American Quarter Horses, Irish Draughts, Thoroughbreds, and Irish Sport Horses.

12. Definitely. As I explained above, I basically have my career planned out!

13. Only when a horse starts thinking they can get away with something. But otherwise I take them and any flaws <3

14. Slouching, sharp bits.. i don't watch too much riding unfortunately.

15. I started riding way back when I was little. I thought it was fun and I liked horses a lot. Now I'm addicted (good way), think it's amazing, and in love with horses xD

16. Probably the first time I trotted and cantered, which was also the first time I rode bareback. The sun was setting and it was in summer, so you could like, see cottonwood seeds and stuff floating through the air, and the sun glowing through the trees. It was really quiet, no cars, just birds chirping and cicadas buzzing and I just sat on the horse's back and let him trot. Then I let him canter and it was absolutely magical. I have yet to ride Fever, and I am sure that will be the best ride in my life.

17. I don't own my own saddle :(

18. Not yet.
Olympic Spirit
2011-04-24 19:33:18 UTC
Yes I own my own horses. I have two of my own and two family shared ones.

I have been riding for 15 years.


I ride English. Dressage and Show Jumping.

5' was the highest I've jumped. 4'6'' in show though.

Hanoverian. I was raised around Hanoverians. My grandparents own six of them on their farm. I love dark bay because I love how certain colour like yellow look so well on them.

I love to go camping with my horse during the summer. My brother and I grab our backpacks and go for a nice little adventures with our horses. It's really relaxing. The trails and we love to go swimming on the hot days.

I wanted to try barrel racing actually.

Most amazing accomplishment was getting to Level 4 dressage with him. It's a big deal with him and I, because we have literally been working together since the day he was born. I watched him be born in the barn with my grandparents and watched all his training until he was old enough to compete with. We have been working for years now and since level 2 we have been working pretty independently with training. We makes me one proud rider. :)

English. I was raised an English rider. It's hard to explain to be honest it's just a different feeling. Each discipline is hard work but I feel like English puts me to work constantly.

Well I am going to continue to ride with my boy Bronco and I would love to see him go to the Olympics. Even with another rider. He deserves it.

Career wise, I want to be a cardiologist however, my boyfriend and I have future plans to open up an equestrian camp.

I'm very picky on how people wrap their polo wraps. Not sure why it bothers me so. But if you are doing it wrong I'll go nuts.

Bad riding habit, I hate is when I see people blame the horse. It is 99.9% never the horse's fault but the rider. When rider's make up excuses it makes me lose respect for their riding.

I was thrown on a horse at the age of four on my grandfather's gelding and I loved the feeling of it. I was high up in the air and it made me feel like a whole new person. I know I was only four and hell I was having the time of me life.

Best ride was when I was first able to ride Bronco. He was old enough and finally green broken enough for me to get on the saddle. I thought for sure it was going to be a crazy ride but it was beautiful. He needed a lot of the work at the time but I felt the potential in him and I knew we were going to go far during that ride.

I have a very old all purpose saddle hanging in the tack room that I use out of show. But during show I use my New Bates Isabell saddle during dressage and a pessoa saddle for show jumping.

I have experienced a few broken ribs from a trail ride and few sprains but that's it.
2011-04-24 19:13:37 UTC
Do you own your own horse?

Yes, I own 2. Cisco and Carter

-How long have you been riding?

Since I could walk. Not seriously until I was about 6 or 7.

-What discipline do you do?

Jumpers with basic dressage on the side.

-Do you show?

I didn't last year due to injury. But, yes, it is basically my career.

-How high have you jumped?

My old mare Tilly was a super star until she retired. She would easily take me over 1.40m.

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour?

I don't really have a favorite breed, but I suppose Oldenburgs. Why? Good question, my family has only ever owned Oldenburgs and they have all be amazing. Color? I LOVE black horses, they are just so majestic.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

Carter is a pretty uptight jumper. I would love to turn him western.

-What discipline would you love to try?

I really want to do Eventing, but in all honesty not a lot scares me except solid jumps... so the cross country aspect of eventing wouldn't suit me.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

I trained Carter. And watching him love the sport he is in and doing well in it makes me feel like I have accomplished my need as a rider.

-Western or English? Why?

English, only because that is what I have grown up with. As much as I would love to learn western I am completely out of my element.

-Future plans with horses?

I just bought Cisco. So after a few months of just getting to know him/ him to know me, I will be training him for show season. Hopefully when he is done and doing good in the ring I will sell him (if I dont fall too much in love) and start again with a new horse.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

Well in order to keep 2 horses safe and healthy I am working 3 jobs! And 2 of those invlove horses.

I am a beginner coach, and I show peoples horses for them for various reasons.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'

I have a lot of patience when it comes to training a young horse, but I CANNOT for the life of me stand an older horse who has already been broke trying to pull things on me.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

One that I unfortunately do sometimes. Getting ahead of your horses movement! You are looking for trouble, and I myself have gotten into trouble plenty of times!

-Why did you start riding?

My mom. She is a horse crazy riding instructor. I had no choice.

-What was the best ride of your life?

It was my second show on Carter. I was not looking forward to it because the show we had just done was a complete nightmare. But, I "manned" up and went. Carter blew me out of the water. He was almost a completely different horse, took every jump like a champ while I literally didnt have to do anything but sit there.

-What kind of saddle do you have?


-Any injuries from riding?

Yes.. Last summer I tore the tendon in my ankle. I was riding this one clients horse, who was mental, over a water jump. About midway in take off he freaked and somehow managed to flip. My foot still in the stirrup got caught under him. Not fun!

Other than that, just small bumps and bruises.

2011-04-24 19:17:18 UTC
-Do you own your own horse?

No but I'm going to buy my horse this summer!!

-How long have you been riding?

I've been riding since August 2010. but I've been around horses all my life so I'm not just jumping into buying.

-What discipline do you do?

I do hunter and I love it but I think I'm going to switch to something else just to have something new

-Do you show?

No but I want to eventually

-How high have you jumped?

(I know this isn't high but me and my trainer are working on my position before we go any higher and we are probably going to be higher in a month) 2 ft

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour?

well the breed I would want to own (and have owned before) is a quarter horse because they are very versitile and go far in western and English and they aren't prone to as many diseases as other breeds. I like sorrel.

the breed I like to look at and I think are pretty are gypsy vanners. they are just soooo pretty. I wouldn't own one though because they are prone to so many diseases. I like black and white tobianos

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?

I would like to go on an overnight trail ride

-What discipline would you love to try?

I want to try barrel racing

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?

well my horse wasn't really mine becase she was my family's (mostly my cousins) and so I never really knew her enough to have that many memorable moments with her because she lived an hour away (at my grandmas)

-Western or English? Why?

well I respect both so I can't really choose. I ride English but I would like to try western so I don't know if I can really pick sides

-Future plans with horses?

I'm going to be a galloping granny lol

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?)

I want to open my own stable and have half of it a rescue and half of it a regular boarding/lesson place

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'

When a horse doesn't want to be haltered whenever it is either snowing or raining and it takes 30 minutes to get his/her halter on

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?

well this isn't really a habit but I hate it when people say they love horses and say they know how to ride and they don't even know the difference between western and English. and when people think that all you have to do is sit on the horse and you don't have to do work so it shouldn't be considered a sport

-Why did you start riding?

well my grandma was going to buy me a horse (which didn't happen so now I'm paying) and so she wanted me to know how to ride and handle horses so she paid for lessons for a month or 2 and then my parents kept paying for it because they knew how much I love it

-What was the best ride of your life?

I know this might sound weird but the best ride of my life was when I was riding my horse (for the last time) and she took off for her field and I fell off and that's what I always remember about her

-What kind of saddle do you have?

I have a really old saddle that is like 50 years old (my western one) and Im not sure what brand it is but it is the most comfortable saddle ever. my English one is not that old but deffinatley not new, sorry I don't know what kind they are or even what size they are.

-Any injuries from riding?

well when I fell off of my horse I was wearing shorts and I fell in the gravel (I know that was the best feeling of my life *sarcasm* ) and I scraped the whole side of my left leg and a little bit of my left arm and it turned to a scab and then once the scab went away it left a scar but i know this sounds weird but I'm proud of that scar
2011-04-24 19:44:24 UTC
Do you own your own horse? Nope, I have been full leasing the one I ride now (Rocky) since January of last year.

-How long have you been riding? some 11-12 years.

-What discipline do you do? Eventing (Horse Trials), Dressage, Jumpers/Show jumping. Used to be Hunters simply because that's all I ever rode, however I became fed up with being discriminated against because my horses weren't show perfect and because of their color (Varnish Roan Appaloosas)

-Do you show? Horse Trials normally once a month, Dressage shows off and on, and the occasional Jumper Show

-How high have you jumped? 3'6", however I compete consistantly at 3'

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? Thoroughbreds, and I am love with the Danish breed of Knabstruppers. I am particularly fond of all spotted horses, however my favorite solid colors are greys and chesnuts.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Everything that I do right now. =] Training consistently for a partnership, having a good cross country run, galloping on the beach, bareback barefoot and bathing suit clad swims.

-What discipline would you love to try? Vaulting!

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? Taking the horse on the farm no one could ride or wanted to ride and turning him into the most competitive and (arguably) talented horse on the farm in less than a year. Training him to Novice level eventing practically on my own when I had only ever ridden at 2'6" jumpers, all without a proper trainer.

-Western or English? Why? English. I am competitive and Western was made for long work days in the saddle, not for competing specifically like English was. That and I like riding more than one type of horse (i.e. not just Quarter Horses and stock horses)

-Future plans with horses? see below.

-Are you considering a career with horses? Yes. I am going to Lake Erie College this fall to get a degree in Equestrian Studies Teacher/Trainer, and once I graduate to become a working student position with a successful compeititor in my field. I hope to be an Advanced level 4* star competitor eventually and hopefully make it to the Olympics before I die. We'll see. ;]

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve' ? People blaming the horse for their own shortcomings. (i.e. "my horse is being lazy, he won't pick up his back legs and keeps dropping rails" when the rider is hitting horse in back over fence.) Children winning classes on push button ponies when the poor kid who works for everything she gets loses.

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? "Hand riding". People who think that to round their horse they need to pull his face to his chest. People who try to get horses to jump from a slow, impulsion-lacking canter, and then don't understand why their horses refuse or pop the fence.

-Why did you start riding? Mom got me into lessons because she always liked horses but couldn't afford to ride herself when she was a kid. I was game =]

-What was the best ride of your life? Either my first horse trial ever when my pony that had been shunned in the hunter shows whenever I tried to show him kicked butt and came out fourth, ahead of my older, more experienced friends, or when the aforementioned leased horse (Rocky) tied for first place at our first horse trial together. Equally awesome days.

-What kind of saddle do you have? A Wintec 500 jumping, the older model, and an Wintec Isabell dressage saddle, I think.

-Any injuries from riding? One, a broken wrist when I was in my freshman year of high school.

And yes, I think it is only fair that you should answer these too. ;]
2011-04-24 20:04:54 UTC
-Do you own your own horse? Yes. I own two horses.

-How long have you been riding? 10 years.

-What discipline do you do? Hunt Seat... though I have ridden and competed western (pleasure), and driving. I've also taken some lessons dressage and saddle seat.

-Do you show? Yes. I did more showing in high school when I was an active member of the appaloosa club and showed my family's appaloosas. I also was in 4H. The past few years though, I did one show each year. In 2008 I showed my appaloosa filly who spent most of the show rearing bucking and screaming like an idiot, so I decided she was not ready to show, and I sold her before we ever had the chance to try again. Last year I had Ursula but she's so big I had to wait until my mom bought a truck with enough power to haul her nearly 2000lb butt to the shows. We made it to one show before the season was out. This year I'm hoping to do some more showing. :)

-How high have you jumped? The highest I've ever jumped was 4' schooling. I've only ever shown up to 3'6".

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? My favorite breed would be anything over 16 hands with a long, hunter stride and a decent jumping ability. This would include most warmbloods, refined draft crosses, thoroughbreds, appendixes, and some quarter horses. My favorite colours include classic and amber champagne, buckskin, dun on any base, tobiano on any base, rich mahogany bays and chestnuts with lots of "chrome".

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? I would love to have Ursula inspected by the American Warmblood Society.

-What discipline would you love to try? I've always wanted to try side saddle.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? I touched Ursula's ears. Believe me, this is an accomplishment. She was abused and extremely head shy when I got her. She would violently throw her head up and fly backwards whenever hands got anywhere near her poll, and for a horse that's 17 hands and weighs nearly a ton, this is a problem. I'm surprised she lets me touch her ears at all now.. but she does.

-Western or English? Why? English, because I like the freedom of movement the saddle allows. I like to jump and I like the way a hunter moves.

-Future plans with horses? I plan to just keep having fun! Horse riding is a hobby for me. I have no seriously competitive goals. Though I would like to get Ursula moving under saddle well enough to earn some ribbons at local shows and to get a decent score at a warmblood inspection. She is currently unregistered.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) I am an adult and I sometimes work with horses, though the horses I work with are all dead. I work for my state department of agriculture, and because of budget cuts I work two people's jobs. One of which is a necropsy tech. I assist veterinary pathologists in necropsy of various livestock, including the occasional horse. The other half of my job consists of screening cattle serum for Johne's Disease, and culturing the Johne's Mycobacterium from bovine fecal samples.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'. Hmm.. well I don't like it when people don't know what colour their own horse is... such as trying to say that a grey or an appaloosa is a roan or a flaxen chestnut is a palomino or champagne and so forth. I also get irritated when people think having a famous racehorse in their thoroughbred's pedigree is the greatest thing ever. Most (if not all) TBs have a famous racing name in there somewhere. You can all calm down now. ><

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? I hate to see people pull on their horse's mouths too much, to the point where their horse is getting pissed off or his holding his head behind the vertical. Let him relax already!

-Why did you start riding? I just love horses. That's about all there is to it.

-What was the best ride of your life? The best ride of my life was when I jumped a small cross country course on a 17 hand, solid black, dutch warmblood named Nick. He was so big and his strides were so smooth I barely noticed the jumps! He was such a pleasure to ride. He's what turned me on to big horses and attracted me to Ursula in the first place.

-What kind of saddle do you have? I have a Stubben Camelot.

-Any injuries from riding? I've skinned my elbows and bruised my tail bone. I also cracked two ribs. However, my injuries from falling have all healed. It's one injury where I didn't fall that still bothers me. I twisted my foot in the stirrup after landing badly off a jump and sprained my ankle. I can still pop the tendons out from behind my Fibula on my one ankle.
2014-09-16 07:13:35 UTC
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2011-04-24 20:07:23 UTC

-ten yrs.

-hunter, eventing


-3 foot 9 inches

-Quarter Horse- they r laid back,sweet, and can do about any discipline.

Chestnut or bay-the dirt does not show up as bad



-jumped 3'9 on a 13 hand pony that refuses most things.

-English- i prefer it a lil faster

-become a trainer


-that people think you can just sit there when you ride horses.

-people whos overjump

-cuz i looovved horses

-riding an amazing 17hh appendix on a trail ride

-close contact

-injured knee, bad ankles,sore back
Gina M
2011-04-24 20:01:01 UTC
First of all I just want to say. Lucky you, you are board. I'm studying for an exam and I'm obviously procrastinating. But it would be nice to be board right now.

- Do you own your own horse? Yes

-How long have you been riding? 9 years

-What discipline do you do? English, eventing, hunter, training horses

-Do you show? For my horse's sake yes, but I'm not a show person. I break under pressure in the show ring.

-How high have you jumped? 3'3" but only that height once. On a school horse I jump average 2'9" to 3 feet. My horse just truned 5 so we jump cross rails.

-What's your favourite breed, and why? Colour? Andalusian is my fav. Sorry my spelling sucks. I also love Trakenners, sorry spelling again.

And I like any colour except bay. I hate bays on any breed. They are too common, too boring.

-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse? Swim or gallop on a beach in Spain. I don't know how the swimming will work since my horse hates water, so I think we will probably just gallop on the beach.

-What discipline would you love to try? Nothing. I like the one I'm doing now and I'm not one to try new things.

-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse? I raised my horse, since he was 6 days old, I have been working with him. I taught him everything he knows.

I broke him on my own when I was 16 when everyone said I couldn't do it because I wasn't a strong enough rider and I had no experience with training a green horse. I'd never even ridden a green horse before I started training my green horse.

But they were all wrong because I broke that horse on my own with 0 help. It took me 2 years and broken bones but, I did it!

I also would NOT recommend a rider with no training experience to train a totally green horse. Not a good idea. I learnt the hard way that that's not a good idea.

But anyway, we walk/ trot/ canter, jump, gallop and show on our own. And I can say, that it was all me who trained him. :) This summer my goal is trail riding!

-Western or English? Why? English, just because it was what was being taught my first lesson.

-Future plans with horses? I don't know. Trail riding training this summer, maybe a few shows. But if my horse were to stay the way he is now and we were to keep doing what we do now, that would be fine with me. Oh, maybe help train other people's horses, I like training.

-Are you considering a career with horses? (Or if you're and adult, do you work with horses?) No. Fox said it perfectly. I want to keep it a hobby, so I went into computer programming.

-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'? Again Fox said it. I totally agree. Only what I *most hate is when kids under the age of 16 get horses. Then scream and cry when they don't get there way or what they want. I hate spoiled kids like that. Horses are expensive and kids should be happy with what they get. Lucky them they get a horse so young, so stop complaining already!

-What bad riding habit do you hate to see? Pulling on the horse's mouth. I hate to see kids pull on their poor pony's mouth. When they should learn to SIT DOWN AND HALF-HALT!

-Why did you start riding? Because when I was 4-years-old my cousin got a plastic toy horse. I went to her house one day. Played with the horse and from then I got hooked on horses. I got lots of horse books after that day at my cousin's house. And a few plastic toy horses. But I was really obsessed with horses and when I was 6 or 7, I asked for my first horse. My parents said no to a horse and lessons (we lived in a big city at the time).

-What was the best ride of your life? The gallop I had on my horse last winter. We were in a field far from the highway, but I could still see it and judge my speed according to the traffic. The cars were going 100 km per hour, it felt like we were going 60 km per hour, but we were probably going 40/ 45 km per hour. Anyway my horse and I were going wicked fast and we could have gone faster, but then I'm sure I would have lost control of my horse. So as it was I had to half-halt him alot.

-What kind of saddle do you have? I don't know. I got mine free. I also don't know my saddle brands. As long as I can get it cheap and it will fit my horse. And if it's not too much to ask, good quality.

-Any injuries from riding? Broken wrist and ankle. I was in a wheelchair for 6 weeks. Lesson learnt, don't ride a green horse, if you are a green rider! Needless to say, my horse and I did 6 months worth of lunging until I rode him again. And yes, I school him myself on the lung line to get him ride-able.
2011-04-24 18:56:00 UTC
Hehe, just to waste your time(:


0 years(:

No discipline(:

No, but my sister does(:

0 feet(:

I like palominos because their pretty(:

I wanna ride through the ocean on a horse one day(:

No discipline(:

I haven't accomplished anything with my imaginary horse(:

Western because English looks stupid(:





I didn't(:


No saddle(:

A horse kicked me in the chest when I was little but that wasn't from riding... (:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.