-Do you own a horse?
-How long have you been riding?
I would say 6 years, but i stopped riding because i didn't have enough time so that takes off like a year. And then sometimes when i switched barns, i lost a couple weeks. So i would say around four or five years.
-What discipline do you ride?
I've ridden western pleasure, saddle seat, and jumping. I would like to do 3 day eventing, but out of all the ones that i've tried, i like jumping the best. (I want to do 3 day eventing so i can do Dressage, Show Jumping, and Cross Country)
-Do you show?
-How high have you jumped?
1'6 maybe higher, but not that high...
-What's your favorite breed, and why? Colour?
Thoroughbreds. They are independent and have spirit so majestic. They are simply beautiful and are always willing to please. I love any shade of grey except flea bitten grey.
-What is something you would love to do with your horse/a horse?
I really want to ride my racehorse bareback on the beach...
-What discipline would you love to try?
Dressage. I always thought it was boring, but when i realized that it was much more than just beautiful movements, i changed my mind.
-What is the most amazing thing you have accomplished/done with your horse?
I know this sounds lame, but i rode her. She's a racehorse, so i didn't expect that to happen. But i don't think it would be called riding with the only thing i did was walk her around the track place...(i was on her back)
-Western or English? Why?
English. English, to me, it gives me more freedom. I guess you can say it's my passion, and it's kinda hard to explain. But i just love the feeling of sitting in that small leather seat. I know it sounds lame, but there's nothing else i can say. I don't know if any other English riders feel this way, but i do...
-Future plans with horses?
Yes. I want to live in a place where i can live with as many horses to my heart's desire.
-Are you considering a career with horses?
Yes. I would like to be a veterinarian and then maybe a horse trainer or riding instructor.
-What's your horse 'pet-peeve'?
I hate it when riders think that they're so awesome at riding and look at me like a big pile o' dung!!! Another one is where the owner hires someone to take care of their horse(s) when they live where the horses are boarded at!!!! Ugh! I don't mind it when people have to hire someone because they live somewhere else and/or the horse is too dangerous (like mr and other racehorses) to have a child (like me) take care of him/her.
-What bad riding habit do you hate to see?
I hate it wher someone is jumping, and their legs would swing WAY back! That used to happen to me, and now when i see it, i get SO annoyed!!!
-Why did you start riding?
I love horses ever since i could remember, and so i finally asked my parents to have riding lessons since i was OBSESSED with horses/ponies. Whe i was like 4, i would sit on like the back rest of the couch, and i would pretend that i would be riding a horse bareback...
-What was the best ride of your life?
When i accidentally jumped an obstacle. Yeah, it was pretty awesome!!! Hahaha!
-What kind of saddle do you have?
Don't got one.
-Any injuries from riding?
VERY minor things such as sore muscles, bruised butt, bruised back, etc.
And i would like for you to answer please!