It's funny how you blame him for yesterday's performance but you think by doing something different today, it will suddenly become better.
What happened yesterday, as any experienced horseman knows, was the rider's fault. Your approach could have been wrong or lacked impulsion, horse could have been sore, could have been a shadow laying in front of the jump, you left a 'window' open out of which he was allowed to run, eetc.
Since none of us saw yesterday's ride, we cannot give you any good advice for what to do today. I certainly don't recommend you resort to a crop or end or reins for that matter.
What you need is a trainer who can supervise you and give you GOOD advice specific to your situation. What you do NOT need is to address jumping again, for what would be a third (?) day in a row. Matter of fact, if you're jumping 2 days in a row, THAT would be reason enough for a sweet horse to become sour. There's no reason in god's green earth to jump more than twice a week.
So, my advice is; go out for a nice hack with friends in a different area from where you've been drilling him over fences. And DONT jump for at least a month. I suspect your horse is partly sour, partly sore, and partly suffering from an overzealous inexperienced rider.
And, treats and apples and pats and hugs do nothing for training. It may help create a bit of a warm fuzzy feeling between you and the horse, but it certainly does zilch to resolve any issues you're having while riding.
Sounds like, even tho' you're having problems you don't know how to fix, you're STILL he11bent on jumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumping. You've ALREADY 'left it on a bad note", so torturing your horse by trying to jump again tomorrw, THE THIRD DAY IN A ROW, would just reinforce that jumping is a BAD EXPERIENCE AND BURN HIM OUT.
Fertheloveofallthat'sholy... You ASKED advice. You GOT sound advice. If you're NOT WILLING to take the advice, by all means, continue to jump and push your horse toward a goal you are obviously not prepared to bring him toward. And deal with the consequences on your own.
Excuses don't change facts. Take a break from jumping or risk souring him.
Your choice.