If you just want one saddle pad get a fuzzy one. Usually the fuzzy ones are the same shape as a saddle. There are full pads: http://theloft-tackshop.com/media/FleecePadTop.jpg
Or a half pad: http://www.saddleupinternational.co.uk/images/88513l.jpg
I have one that's not real sheepskin and it cost $30 Canadian. They don't really make a difference but if you get a half pad then I recommend getting a square one to. Square ones come in all different colours and look like this:
Your bridle should fit your horse and it should have a flash attachment incase you need it. You will need a flash if your horse opens his mouth or buts his tongue over the bit. A flash is the thing on this horses nose: http://www.wefi.co.uk/images/news/8.jpg
Heres a website about bits and their uses since I'm to lazy to write it all out myself: http://www.horsedata.co.uk/bits.asp
You will definitely not be jumping for awhile since you need to work on flatwork for a bit but here are some tips anyway. The main parts of jumping are balance, rhythm, pace, and straightness (track). I remember it by B.U.R.P.S. But since it will take me SO long to write out here's a website...again: http://www.wikihow.com/Jump-on-Horseback
Your horse will probably know how to jump but if your not sure or if you want to improve his jumping style heres what you do: http://www.wikihow.com/Train-a-Horse-to-Jump
Sorry for giving you a million links. There's so much to write out it would take me forever and since there are such good websites out here, why not! haha, I hope you have fun riding English! :)