2010-10-06 22:15:50 UTC
Recently a new horse has moved into the paddock adjacent to mine. The new horse owner told me she'd never owned a horse and didnt know what to feed it and asked me to help her in the round pen, which i did for an hour. Another boarder informed me that the new horse owner called the stables manager to inform her that my horse is being "mean" to her horse. The stable manager has yet to contact me..but the owner of this new horse has no problem telling all of the other boarders of the action she has taken, but has yet to mention it to me. I have not seen my horse be "mean" or aggressive to her horse in any way. In the rules it states that any aggressive horse must be moved to a different area. I dont want to move her again after shes just now getting used to this new area. She also told the manager that I do not take care of my horse. My horse is fed (hay), paddocked cleaned of manuare, watered, grained, then let out to pasture every morning at 6am and let back in at 5pm. I pay my bills, my dogs are fed, and my horse is well fed even when my husband and I can barely buy ourselves groceries.
I suppose I really just need to vent, there's not to much of a question besides how do I handle this?? I have never in my life had anything like this happen. I love my horse with all of my heart, shes my best friend and the love of my life..