- Make sure she is clean, but usually you do not have to braid.
- Wear whichever boots you think you need.
- Put a red and a green ribbon on. She is new to hunting, hence the green.
- They are NOT dogs. They are HOUNDS. And yes, hunt people are picky about that. Anyways, you should be riding in second feild, or the equivalent, so you shouldn't have to worry.
- Speaking of fields, ride in the back of whichever one you are told to go to, unless told otherwise.
-Do not pass the people in front of you without asking permission. If you must, circle your horse.
- Do not chat unessacarily, except at the "checks". (A break inbetween lines)
- Call someone, or email them, and see what attire they want you to come in.
-You might want to put a slightly stonger bit in before you go.
- If people stick their arm out, just like stick it out (Usualy bent at a right angle) they are signalling a stop.
- If you hear people saying "were hole" Or log, or whatver, that means that they saw something on the ground that you should be aware of, and avoid.
-"were-staff/hound" will usually be said with "On left" or "On right". You should turn your horse to face the passing individual, although alot of the time people will not do this for hounds, keep an eye out and if people start turning, do the same.
- You should find out if this is a live hunt or a drag hunt. A live hunt is what it says- they are hunting a real fox, or sometimes coyote. These tend to be much faster, over varied terrain, harder, than a drag hunt. A drag hunt is where they drag a sock or something soaked in some substance (Usually fox urine) along a path, then the hounds follow this. In these hunts they can stay on paths, and they tend to be more like glorified trailrides. Most hunts nowadays tend to be drag hunts, especially in the US. (Although some places do hunt coyotes)