im taking my horse hunting for the first time....?
2009-02-20 04:18:10 UTC
hello, i am taking my tb mare hunting for the first time in a couple of weeks. what are the basic 'rules' for hunting (like not passing the hunts master etc) and how should i turn my mare out? i know i have to plait her mane, but will she need brushing boots or over reach boots? and my mare doesn't really like dogs around her back legs (whilst on a hack a dog got out and tried to bite her, so i don't blame her for hating them!) so should i put a red ribbon in her tail to warn people of her back end (she doesn't mind the dogs as long as they don't get right behind her, and she hasn't ever tried to kick one, but im worried she might!) she hasn't ever kicked anyone, and only a horse by COMPLETE accident, but i don't want her to kick a dog on our first hunt! i will obviously try my hardest to keep her away from them, but in the confusion of every thing she probably wont be a responsive as usual! also is there any websites that have any other info on hunting that you have found particularly useful?

Fourteen answers:
see arr harr
2009-02-20 04:43:56 UTC
First of all do not ever call them dogs - they are hounds.

And it's quite unlikely that you'll be anywhere near the hounds unless you commit the cardinal sin of whizzing past the master; not only is it extremely rude it's also pretty dangerous, so stay well to the back. It might be best to put a red ribbon in if you're worried - people will give you a wide berth and be a bit more forgiving (hopefully) if you've made the effort of digging out a ribbon.

With regards to boots, a good hunter shouldn't need them because it should jump with enough care as to render the boots useless, but as your horse is a novice boots might be a good plan. Do you usually wear boots on a long hack or going XC? If so, put them on.

You're right in saying you should be plaited. For your own turnout, a black jacket unless you're a junior or you're riding a native pony - then you can wear tweed. The rest of your turnout is much as for showing; long boots (or short if you're under 17), beige/buff jodhs, and a velvet hat which is up to standard. If you want, you can wear a body protector either under or over your jacket - you will not be looked down on for it.

General etiquette - stay out of the way of the hunt staff. Offer to hold gates, don't gallop past anyone at high speeds, be polite to everyone (obviously) and at the end of the day don't forget to say thank you!

If there's anything specific you're not sure of, phone the hunt sec. They're always happy to help and offer advice to make sure the day goes as smoothly as possible.
karen v
2009-02-20 05:31:53 UTC
You don't say where you are hunting, or what kind of ground you will be going through.

Here in Galway, we have a LOT of walls, so many people use knee boots, and some use over reach and tendon boots(mainly to protect the front of the horse's legs when going over walls). Even the very best jumpers will often hit walls, because it's pretty common to be jumping out of a foot of mud and landing in stones. It's pretty common to need to jump wire as well, and the boots reduce the chance of wire cuts.

The problem with boots is that they often get very muddy and wet, and won't stay in place. You need to make sure you are getting boots that are likely to stay on.

Since it's your first hunt and you aren't sure what she will do, do stay back in the field, away from the hounds. and putting a red ribbon in her tail, just to reduce the chances of people barrelling up on you, is a good idea.

Generally the biggest problem is, the horses get used to following the field. When the field starts to move, ALL the horses want to go, and it can be difficult to hold them back. some horses that are normally wonderful, turn into raving lunatics when they get into the herd mentality. Your horse may be just fine, but don't be surprised if she gets REALLY strong. It's common.

There can be a whole lot of hurry up and wait in hunting. You may get a good gallop for a mile or two, then you may stand for an hour or more waiting for the hounds to find an interesting line. It's not a bad idea to keep a little bottle of water and a candy bar for yourself if you plan on going out all day, and obviously, you want a fit horse.
Learning Daily
2009-02-20 06:13:26 UTC
Been hunting since I was small. My mom was master of the hounds at a hunt in Harford county Maryland. I assume your comming as a guest to the hunt, so you might ask the person who invited you on specific rules.

But here are some tips.

For your turn out: Black dress boots are traditional. Most hunt clubs accept black field boots. Beige or canary breeches are traditional. Again, as a guest, any conservative color should be alright. A white ratcatcher and stock (hunting tie) should be worn. The stock is secured with a plain gold safety pin, worn horizontally and pinning the tie to the shirt. You may need additional safety pins to secure the ends. If you're not sure how to tie your stock, ask anyone for help.

Traditionally, one would wear a plain black hunt coat with single vent in back, sometimes referred to as a Melton. These coats are a lot longer than a show coat and usually of heavy wool. Most hunt clubs will be understanding and allow guests to wear show coats. A vest should also be worn -- canary is almost universally correct -- but if the coat fits fairly well, no one will know if the vest is missing.

Hat -Most hunt clubs require a plain black safety helmet or hunt cap.

for your horse :The key is a workmanlike appearance. Keep it simple and plain and make sure everything is clean. Any standard English bridle is accepted. You need to use whatever bit gives you control, within reason. A breastplate is a good idea and ought to be required in hilly territory. Almost any standard English saddle is fine. Saddle pads should be white and should be shaped to fit the saddle.

If your horse really needs to wear protective boots, they should be black or brown. No pink or colors they just look sloppy. And dont buy them just because your hunting. Rocks and things inside the boot can cause bad rubs, sores and bruises. So if he doen't normally use them, then don't.

Braid his main and tail, and yes a red ribbon is a good idea for a first hunt just because you dont know exactly how he will react.


dont call the hounds "Dogs" some people will freak, when they are barking they are "speaking" when chaseing a fox and baying, they are "crying" and if all are doing it then its "full cry"

Some simple rules : Don't crowd the Huntsman, Master or Hunt master. The Main members of a hunt will wear "Pinks" , red coats which makes them easier to see, try your best to stay out of their way. Do your best to stay well behind the hounds, it can be hard when a excited horse is caught up in the run.

Ask if there will be "hill toppers" people who do not wish to ride with the hunt but will go from jump to jump to view. If there are and your horse gets out of hand you can go with them to follow along but not be in the main mix of things.

Tell people your NEW, this is your first time and you'll find there will be people willing to take you under wing and help you thru your first hunt or 5. Its exciting and fun. enjoy
Alice H
2009-02-20 04:41:09 UTC
- Make sure she is clean, but usually you do not have to braid.

- Wear whichever boots you think you need.

- Put a red and a green ribbon on. She is new to hunting, hence the green.

- They are NOT dogs. They are HOUNDS. And yes, hunt people are picky about that. Anyways, you should be riding in second feild, or the equivalent, so you shouldn't have to worry.

- Speaking of fields, ride in the back of whichever one you are told to go to, unless told otherwise.

-Do not pass the people in front of you without asking permission. If you must, circle your horse.

- Do not chat unessacarily, except at the "checks". (A break inbetween lines)

- Call someone, or email them, and see what attire they want you to come in.

-You might want to put a slightly stonger bit in before you go.

- If people stick their arm out, just like stick it out (Usualy bent at a right angle) they are signalling a stop.

- If you hear people saying "were hole" Or log, or whatver, that means that they saw something on the ground that you should be aware of, and avoid.

-"were-staff/hound" will usually be said with "On left" or "On right". You should turn your horse to face the passing individual, although alot of the time people will not do this for hounds, keep an eye out and if people start turning, do the same.

- You should find out if this is a live hunt or a drag hunt. A live hunt is what it says- they are hunting a real fox, or sometimes coyote. These tend to be much faster, over varied terrain, harder, than a drag hunt. A drag hunt is where they drag a sock or something soaked in some substance (Usually fox urine) along a path, then the hounds follow this. In these hunts they can stay on paths, and they tend to be more like glorified trailrides. Most hunts nowadays tend to be drag hunts, especially in the US. (Although some places do hunt coyotes)
2009-02-20 04:36:13 UTC
To the idiot who answered before me: obviously, you are not familiar with hunting. It is no longer a "blood sport" and no animals are harmed in the process. The fox is set free at the end. It is not cruel and it is good exercise for the horse, the rider, and the hounds.

Edit 1-In the USA, where the original poster is located, it is not cruel. The fox is not harmed in any way. Even if the fox was harmed, I would not find it excessively cruel- if you want to protest something, go complain about the inhumane conditions in slaughter houses.

From Wikipedia...

In America, fox hunting is also called 'fox chasing,' as the purpose is not to actually kill the animal but to enjoy the thrill of the chase.[15] A hunt may go without a kill for several years, despite chasing two or more foxes in a single day's hunting.[32] As a rule, foxes are not pursued once they have 'gone to ground.' American fox hunters undertake stewardship of the land, and endeavour to maintain fox populations and habitats as much as possible.[32]

Edit 2-

Foxhunting is completely different in the United States. The fox is uninjured and the horses are also unhurt. I don't know anything about European fox hunting, but that's not what this topic is about, it's about the American version, which is not cruel from what I've experienced.
2009-02-20 05:07:43 UTC

first time hunting on a thourobred!! Make sure you have breaks i wouldnt want you to get galloped off with and hate hunting because it is 'scary' or what ever. make sure you have a great time so that you come back!!! All of our horses have to go at least once a week or they get really depressed and unhappy, they love it (there showjumpers)

And it depends on what hunt your going with, most dont demand on being plated but for your first time a good turn out would make a nice impression!

If you usually wear boots when you ride her or jump her then it is probably a good idea to. I have had a few injuries on my horses and over reach and after jumping a hedge something went in to the back of one of my mares tendon sheath, very unlikely accidents but now i wear boots. It is personal preference. i hunt with the cattistock and hardly any one wears them.

As for kicking the dogs just keep and eye out for hounds. the first and most important thing i was told was to alwas turn my horses head to a hound, this should be ok if your not stuck in a small place. If you mare doesnt kick other horses then there should be no reason to put a red ribbon on her. you could but a green one on her just to make people away she is new to it and to be carefull behind you. if she starts to panic through small places and kicks out and you dont have a red ribbon on you can just put your hand behind your back :D

i dont think there is much to worry about. the best thing to do is ring somebody who hunts regulaly and ask if you can stay with them and they will help you. The thought is a lot scaryier then really doing it!

i'm 16 and i'm fine out hunting, i've hunted pointers, hunter, showjumpers and 4 year olds just keep out the way when they start to mess around and enjoy your self!!!

and to the people who are anti hunt.... really you need to see what really goes on its not as bad as the press say it is. i think you need to go to a real hunt as it is now they need to be supported as well as a drag hun and you need to make a decision by yourself and not get prsuaded by either party (anti/for huntin).
2009-02-20 04:30:07 UTC
Yes - try drag hunting - its a much more apt way of getting the true fun out of a sport - not barbarically chasing an innocent fox across the land.


EDIT - to the idiot that answered below me - I dont know where you hunt but here in Ireland the hounds are set loose in a field and scent out a fox to chase. I have been riding for the last 30 years of my life - I am now 32 - have every horse examination under my belt - ridden nationally and internationally and do not need to be educated on how hunts work. However - if you can sleep sound at night knowing that you're responsible for stressing and traumatising an innocent little fox for "sporting" purposes then good for you. and before you come back with another lecture about fox culling - Im quite aware this needs to be done - but dont find 50 horses and dogs galloping after it the most appropriate method.

EDIT 2 - I am actively involved in banning fox hunting over here - but it would be made so much easier if people - like you - would back us up. Fox hunting is extremely cruel and inhumane - not only for the fox -but for the horses and dogs who are forced through dangerous territories in persuit of it. How ANY animal lover - which Im presuming you are if you're involved in horses can turn a blind eye to this cruelty is beyond me.
2009-02-20 14:04:58 UTC

All basic rules apply when out hunting, such as saying good morning to hunt staff on arrival and good evening aswell as thanking the masters at the end of the day! If you are not riding with someone who is an avid hunter and well known to the masters then makesure you introduce yourself (especially seeing as some hunts count the riders so that they know if theyve lost anyone at the end of each 'chase'.) . If you are on jumping country then makesure that you wait your turn before jumping and don't follow to close to the horse in front. Try not to overtake the masters ( i am always forgiven by the master as i tend to ride some crazy youngsters that will stop for no one!). Also if you are away from the main ride and you see a red coat or master coming towards you then give way and open (hold open) and offer to shut a gate for them! Also offer to get off at difficult gateways to open gates for people to save the 'oldies'. If you see someone who is on their own and having some trouble then offer to wait with them untill theyre horse has settled down...... its basically showing respect to all.

Turnout: (horse)

Makesure you plait your horses mane and tail (if it is not pulled) which you may also wish to roll up into a ball. You should have clean tack and a nice thick numnah so that you do not rub your horses back. A breatplate may also help as it will stop your saddle slipping back etc. You may want to put studs in depending on your horse and the terrain. Depending on the country you may want to use boots (competition boots offer the best support) or a old pair of brushing boots etc but makesure you wrap around them with tape to hold them secure as i have lost many boots going through mud! IF your horse is a know kicker then put a red ribbon in his tail.... otherwise i would put a green ribbon on his tail so that people know that the horse is a novice in the hunt field. If he starts to get a bit silly because people are riding too close behind you then take your left arm behind your back and face the palm of your hand away from you (this shows other riders to keep back). Try and use plain leather tack if possible as this is correct attire, ie no bright pink saddle pad!

Rider turnout:

Either a tweed hacking jacket or black jacket if it is not raining. If it is raining then you may want to wear a waterproof coat (black, brown, green, dark blue; nothing too bright) and waterproof trousers. Plain or checked shirt with tie or stock. White or beige jodhs and long boots or chaps... and spurs if needed. Hat, gloves, whip and body protector if needed. Your hair should be tied back or put in a hairnet.

Try and ride with someone as this will make your life so much easier! Watch out for rabbit/badger holes, ditches etc. Keep an eye out for the field (riders) just incase they come galloping up on the otherside of the hedge and scare your horse. Do not gallop through farmers fields unless you know you can do so (you may need to ride around the edges of some fields). Put back all fencing that you may need to take down! And most of all...... HAVE FUN! don't forget your phone.... you may also want to put a drink and something to eat in your pocket as it can be a long day! Put a haynet in the trailer for your horse and have a sweat rug/cooler for him to wear on the way home. Good luck x
poodle power
2009-02-20 08:21:22 UTC
If you love animals why would you want to go on a hunt. Only a few weeks ago a local hunt never us killed a much loved family pet cat. And this is not the first time peoples much loved pets have been killed by hunt dog.
2017-02-18 00:00:56 UTC
2017-02-26 02:32:19 UTC
Usually, that is too long for me. I consider it depends on the guy and also his face though. Certain guys can pull off long hair and other folks can't.
2016-10-03 05:32:37 UTC
in basic terms keep in mind human beings LIE! ALLOT!! they'll do something to sell their horse to you. do no longer in elementary terms ask, attempt. Lead him in a trailer or have them, don't be afraid to do issues with the horse, you should make certain you're happy in the previous you purchase!
2009-02-20 10:19:29 UTC
fox hunting is banned in england,it should be banned everywhere,its a very cruel thing to do.
2017-01-22 02:50:54 UTC
long hair all the method! i just posted a question concerning my hair also. i thought concerning getting it trimmed but everyone is telling me no

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