BIG horse poll!!! Have free time?
2011-01-31 15:52:01 UTC
To non-horse owners: When I say "your horse" it can mean whatever horse you ride the most/favorite horse:)
To horse owners? I just say horse, even if you have more than one, sorry haha! Feel free to wright about all of them!

1) How old were you when you started riding?
2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?
3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?
4) What breed is your favorite?
5) What breed/breeds do you ride?
6) Have your own horse?
7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?
8) How old?
9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)
10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?
11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?
12) Favorite breed?
13) Favorite color?
14) Color of your horses halter?
15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?
16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?
17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?
18) Color of your horses eyes?
19) What bit do you use?
20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)
21) How long have you been riding?
22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)
23) How old is your horse?
24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?
25) Shown before? Division and placings!
26) Jumped? How high?
27) Saddle blanket color?
28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.
29) Raced your friends?
30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?
47 answers:
2011-01-31 16:02:20 UTC
) How old were you when you started riding?


2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?


3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

Yeah, 5 days a week when I started, but now it's just tips and informal stuff.

4) What breed is your favorite?

American Quarter Horse

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?


6) Have your own horse?

Yes. 2.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?

Same as #5

8) How old?

10 and 10

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

Yes, but I prefer not on a lunge line.. I got kicked while longing on a lunge line. Free lunging in a round pen is awesome!

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

Yep! Walk, Trot, Lope, Gallop. No jumping. I ride Bareback in the Summer mostly.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?


12) Favorite breed?


13) Favorite color?

Bay (But my dream horse is Buckskin paint)

14) Color of your horses halter?

Baby Blue and Purple

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

Yes, winter blanket. No sheet, and yes for fly.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

Depends.. When I want him clean, he's dirty, when I don't care, he's clean.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?


18) Color of your horses eyes?

One Blue and one Brown and my mare's are brown

19) What bit do you use?

Pinch less Tom Thumb swivel snaffle

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

5 or 6 falls, mostly due to bucked off hard.

21) How long have you been riding?

Going on 7 years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash nose band, tie down, etc)

Tie down, sport boots, breast collar

23) How old is your horse?

10 and 10

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

Um, I prefer not to say.. SW US. Ups: Nice spring and summer. Downs: BLIZZARD right now lol

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

Yep. Oh geez.. Western Pleasure, Poles, Barrels, Bareback, Horsemanship, Showmanship, Drill Team, Theme Team. Ranges in placings from 1st down to 6th.

26) Jumped? How high?

Like once and it was like a foot lol

27) Saddle blanket color?

Regular pad.. I have a baby blue blanket, black blanket, and navy blue blanket.

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

Yep. 2 times.

29) Raced your friends?

Heck yeah. And lost lol

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

My house!

Hope this helps!
2011-01-31 16:59:05 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? 7

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it? English, yes

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often? I did for a year, now I don't

4) What breed is your favorite? the American Saddlebred

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? Appaloosa, Thoroughbred, Saddlebred

6) Have your own horse? yes, 3

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? TB, Saddlebred

8) How old? 9 mo, 8 yrs, 13 yrs

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) Yes

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? Yes, all three gaits plus rack w. my Saddlebred. I ride pretty much every day

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? Black or chestnut

12) Favorite breed? American Saddlebred

13) Favorite color? Black or chestnut

14) Color of your horses halter? black, blue, green

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? all three have waterproof blankets for the winter, and fly masks in the summer

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? they're all always dirty

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? one call roll all the way over, the others can't

18) Color of your horses eyes?

19) What bit do you use? snaffle. most time just a rope halter

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!) 8. maybe 9

21) How long have you been riding? 8 years, but only steadily for 2

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

23) How old is your horse? one is 9 mo, one is 13, one is 8

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

26) Jumped? How high? 3---2 ft.

27) Saddle blanket color? Plaid, white

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. Yes and yes

29) Raced your friends? no

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?
2011-01-31 16:18:23 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? 8. I am now 21.

2) Did you start western or English and have you continued with it? Started English, stuck with it.

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often? I took weekly lessons from when I was 8-18. Then I started college and didn't have the time or money for them.

4) What breed is your favorite? Thoroughbred.

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? My horse is an Appendix QH.

6) Have your own horse? Yes.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? My horse is an Appendix QH, but in all honesty my mom's OTTB is SO much more fun to ride, but I still love my old guy.

8) How old? Almost 22.

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) Lunge yes, by long-line you mean some type of ground-driving? I've never done it.

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? Yes, w/t/c. No jumps. I haven't had a lesson in three years, so my O/F work is a little rusty.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? My horse is a chestnut.

12) Favorite breed? Already asked this. Thoroughbred.

13) Favorite color? Black, bright coppery chestnuts, Appaloosa markings (I like Appaloosa sport horse types as well).

14) Color of your horses halter? Brown (leather), blue, green&white. He has three. I only use the leather one though.

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? Yes, yes and no.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? Most of the time he's a priss about getting dirty, but once in a while he surprises me and comes into the barn a completely different color.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? Rolls on one side but doesn't switch to the other one.

18) Color of your horses eyes? Brown.

19) What bit do you use? Myler D-ring Comfort Snaffle.

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!) I have no idea. Quite a few times.

21) How long have you been riding? 12-13 years.

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc) Nope. Bridle, saddle and girth.

23) How old is your horse? Almost 22.

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs? PA. I don't mind snow...until I have to drive. My sedan is a joke in the snow.

25) Shown before? Division and placings! A few times when I was little. Mostly 2nds and 3rds.

26) Jumped? How high? Of course. 2'9". Neither of my horses (my first horse, an Appy, and my current horse) have the athleticism to go higher, and it would be unfair to ask my horse to jump any higher.

27) Saddle blanket color? He wears blue.

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. Bucked off yes. Reared, nope. My first horse and my current horse were not rearers.

29) Raced your friends? I race my mom sometimes. We usually taking the inside and cutting corners. My horse is lazy and slow.

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house? Boarding at a show/lesson stable.
Samantha D
2011-01-31 16:07:46 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? ----

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it? English and I still ride english

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?Yes, twice a week

4) What breed is your favorite? Any type of Warmblood, Dutch, French, etc.

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? QH or Arabian

6) Have your own horse? Lease

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? QH

8) How old? I don't know yet..

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) Nope

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? Yes. W/T/C. Nope. Never

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? Palomino

12) Favorite breed? Quarab

13) Favorite color? I'm guessing your talking non-horse colors. Navy blue

14) Color of your horses halter? Maroon, soon to be brown

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? I don't think so.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? Always dirty.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? I don't know

18) Color of your horses eyes? Black

19) What bit do you use? Dee ring snaffle

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)Never

21) How long have you been riding? Almost three years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)Nope.

23) How old is your horse? I don't know yet

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?---

25) Shown before? Division and placings! Yes. Fourth, Fourth and Third. First, First, Second, GC. First First Second, GC.

26) Jumped? How high? Nope

27) Saddle blanket color? Maroon, soon to be navy blue

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. Nope.

29) Raced your friends? Nope

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house? Boarding barn
2011-02-04 14:12:37 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?~ABOUT 8~

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?~STARTED WESTERN BUT I NOW RIDE ENGLISH~

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?~YES, I TRY ONCE A WEEK IF ITS NOT RAINING~

4) What breed is your favorite?~ THOROUGHBREDS AND HANOVERIANS~

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?~ LOTS!

6) Have your own horse?~ YES I HAVE 2~

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? SOLID BAY APPALOOSA AND SOLID BLACK PAINT~


9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse?~YES~

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? ~YES I RIDE BAREBACK. ALL GAITS. JUST A LITTLE. ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK.~

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? ~BLACK AND BAY~


13) Favorite color?~ BLACK, GREY, AND BAY~


15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?~ YES BOTH WINTER AND COOL COATS FOR THE SUMMER~

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?~ PRETTY NEAT~

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?~ BOTH ROLL ON ONE SIDE THEN GET UP AND GO DOWN AGAIN AND DO THE OTHER SIDE~

18) Color of your horses eyes?~ BROWN~

19) What bit do you use? ~ TWISTED D-RING SNAFFLE~

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!~ AROUND 7 0R 8

21) How long have you been riding?~ ABOUT 5 YEARS~

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)~ MARTINGALE SOMETIMES WHEN ITS NEEDED~

23) How old is your horse?~ 5 AND 6~

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?~ GEORGIA. THERE ARE A DECENT AMOUNT OF HORSES HERE, SO THATS GOOD.

25) Shown before? Division and placings! ~ YES. ALL PLACINGS.~

26) Jumped? How high? ~YES. ONLY AROUND 2.5 FT~


28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.~ YES~

29) Raced your friends?~YES~

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?~BOARDING CURRENTLY~
2011-02-01 12:31:59 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?


2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

I started western and continued with it. I'm starting english. (my friend lets me jump her horse)

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

I used to take lessons, now I'm a helper. When I took lessons, it was once a week.

4) What breed is your favorite?

QH's and Paints.

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?

I ride a horse that is QH/Spanish. I'm working a mustang pony for someone at the barn.

6) Have your own horse?


7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?


8) How old?


9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

I do.

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

I ride bareback all the time. I jump my friends horse bareback almost every weekend.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?

Blood bay

12) Favorite breed?

QH or paint

13) Favorite color?


14) Color of your horses halter?


15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

He has a blanket.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

He's pretty neat. He doesn't role all that often, so i never have much mud to clean off of him;)

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

The few times I've seen him role, he just roles on one side and gets up and stops. He doesn't do the other side.

18) Color of your horses eyes?


19) What bit do you use?

O-ring snaffle

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)


21) How long have you been riding?

about 7 years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

23) How old is your horse?


24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

Nevada. Ups: the winters don't last too long, so i don't freeze my a** off every time I ride. Downs: Heat, dust, rocks, etc.

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

I did a gymkhana. Barrel racing 6th (there were only 7 people in the class haha), stake race 4th, and poles 3rd.

26) Jumped? How high?

I'm not really sure how high it was, but I did vertical on the barrels laying down.

27) Saddle blanket color?

Grey (ugliest pad in the barn haha)

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

I don't think I've ever been bucked off.

29) Raced your friends?

All the time. The horse I ride likes to buck, so I don't like doing it on him, but my friends horse is fun to race on(:

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

2011-01-31 21:07:02 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? - 6?

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it? - English - quit after 2 years, started natural horsemanship when I was 11 or 12 (or 13?).

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often? - Yes, once a week

4) What breed is your favorite? - Appaloosa, Knabstruper (though I've never ridden one)

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? - Appaloosa, QH, Morgan

6) Have your own horse? - No, but I lease (usually ride 4-7 days a week)

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? - Appy!

8) How old? - old!

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) - No, but I know how to do the natural horsemanship equivalent.

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? - I ride bareback walk trot and canter (but no jumps:P - my horse is too old) - maybe 1/4 of the time?

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? - white

12) Favorite breed? - Appy

13) Favorite color? - Buckskin, blue roan, grulla, bay

14) Color of your horses halter? - blue

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? - nope, he has a thick winter coat and plenty of shelter.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? - he LOVES to roll in the mud :P

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? - usually just rolls on one side, doesn't bother rolling on the other:P

18) Color of your horses eyes? - brown

19) What bit do you use? - Myler D-ring comfort snaffle

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!) - don't remember how many times i fell when i was taking english lessons... I've fallen off the horse I'm currently leasing three times - all while he was standing still:P

21) How long have you been riding? - approx. 5.5 years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc) - nope

23) How old is your horse? - old

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

25) Shown before? Division and placings! - no

26) Jumped? How high? - cavalettis:P

27) Saddle blanket color? - green

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. - no

29) Raced your friends? - no

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?
**Gamer For Life**
2011-01-31 18:01:18 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? 5

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it? western and still do

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often? Every weekend

4) What breed is your favorite? Quarter Horse

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? Quarter Horses

6) Have your own horse? Yes

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? Quarter Horse

8) How old? 12

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) Yes i do it quite often

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? Bareback walk trot canter, small jumps, every week

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? bay

12) Favorite breed? Quarter horse

13) Favorite color? Paint

14) Color of your horses halter? Red

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? Yes a blanket and sheet

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? Depends on the day usually dirty

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? She does both

18) Color of your horses eyes? brown

19) What bit do you use? jr. cowhorse gag...

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!) 5

21) How long have you been riding? 8 years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc) saddle, bridle, bell boots, polo wraps, ect.

23) How old is your horse? 12

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs? Personal Question

25) Shown before? Division and placings! Yes at 4-H and state mostly blues and reds

26) Jumped? How high? Don't jump

27) Saddle blanket color? Red

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.No

29) Raced your friends?Yes

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house? boarding
2011-01-31 16:42:58 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? the week I turned 7 years old

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it? Western and English (I was at camp)

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often? 2 times a week

4) What breed is your favorite? Arabian, Gypsy Vanner, Friesan

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? Saddlebred, Morgan

6) Have your own horse? nope, leasing

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? Arabian cross

8) How old? 7

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) not often

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? Bareback if relaxing, some jumps rarely.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? white with grey mane

12) Favorite breed? answered above

13) Favorite color? black white or grey

14) Color of your horses halter? brown leather

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? winter blanket

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? always dirty!!!

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? haven't checked!!!

18) Color of your horses eyes? brown

19) What bit do you use? snaffle

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!) 2. One getting bucked off and one when my horse fell over and we landed on a fence.

21) How long have you been riding? going on 8 years!

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc) running martingale

23) How old is your horse? 7 and 5

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs? New England so the upside is that is it one of the most beautiful places and great springs, falls and summer for riding. Downside there is so much snow and cold it makes riding tuff!

25) Shown before? Division and placings! Once 4th in dressage 2nd in jumping

26) Jumped? How high? almost 3 feet

27) Saddle blanket color? white and purple

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. First fall (been riding for 3 years) a horse I was riding took off bucked 6 times then turned and bucked and I got thrown onto rocks : ( I have had rears but no falls from em'

29) Raced your friends? nope I am a private lesson kid

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house? private boarding barn
Mountain L
2011-01-31 16:42:53 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

7 years old. I got my first lesson on my 7th birthday as a birthday present :-)

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

I started out Western but now i am a devoted English rider

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

I took lessons once a week from when i was 7 to when i was 10. Then i stopped riding for 3 years, and restarted lessons when i was 13. I am now 15 and a still taking regular lessons

4) What breed is your favorite?

Any type of warm blood but i love Hanoverians

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?

I ride an Oldenburg and a Haflinger cross

6) Have your own horse?

I used to lease a horse (the Haflinger cross) but the lease ended a couple months ago. However, i will be getting my very own horse in November for my 16th birthday. I am so excited!

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?


8) How old?

hmmm 11 i think, but im not sure

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

Yes, i know how to do both

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

I love riding bareback on the Haflinger because she is super fat and cushiony. I love the canter. Yes. Once a week during my lessons, but more often during the show season

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?

The Oldenburg (Braveheart) is chestnut, as is the Haffy (Melody)

12) Favorite breed?

Didnt you already ask this? lol. Hanoverian

13) Favorite color?


14) Color of your horses halter?


15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?


16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

Um, shes a horse...I dont think she really cares. Still, she is usually pretty clean

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

All the way around. Random much?

18) Color of your horses eyes?


19) What bit do you use?

Full cheek snaffle (i think)

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

just 2. Once off Braveheart, and once off Melody. Both from jumping

21) How long have you been riding?

approx. 8 years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

Not particularily. Sometimes a martingale

23) How old is your horse?

11 (BH) and 6 (Mel)

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs

Colorado. Ups-beautiful mountains, lots of trails. Downs- super cold winters and lots of snow!

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

Just once. 3rd in equitation w/t, 4th in equitation w/t/c

26) Jumped? How high?

2'9'' (yes Moriah! In case your reading this you stalker)

27) Saddle blanket color?

Light blue

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

Not bucked OFF but definitely been bucked

29) Raced your friends?

Oh yeah

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

My instructors house
2011-01-31 16:21:36 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? Nine

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it? English and yes.

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often? Yes and yes. I have one lesson a week but since I own the horse, I ride him all the time by myself.

4) What breed is your favorite? Haflinger.

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? Haflinger only at the moment. Hopefully i'll get a job exercising others soon!

6) Have your own horse? Yep!

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? Haflinger lol.

8) How old? Just turned nine.

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) I can lunge, i've never attempted long lining, although my horse is trained to do it.

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? Yes, randomly. Walk/trot/canter?? Yes, also randomly. We mostly do Dressage.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? Chestnut with flaxen mane and tail.

12) Favorite breed? Haflinger

13) Favorite color? Grulla

14) Color of your horses halter? Dark green

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? None - winter coat and tons of fly spray.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? Neat freak. Everyone at the barn says he's gay :P

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? Both, depending on the day.

18) Color of your horses eyes? Brown

19) What bit do you use?

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!) Three

21) How long have you been riding? Nine years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc) Flash noseband

23) How old is your horse? Just turned nine

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs? Missouri - it's kind of in the middle. Lots of local shows and some big ones, but not many famous clinicians come around or anything.

25) Shown before? Division and placings! Yes - A Rated Dressage - we mostly got seconds.

26) Jumped? How high? Yes - I've jumped up to 4" my current horse has gone up to 2"

27) Saddle blanket color? White and black for Dressage - Dark green jumper.

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. Nope. I've been told I would be a great bronc rider ;)

29) Raced your friends? Nah

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house? Boarding barn
2011-02-02 14:52:24 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

- 8yr

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

- english, and yes

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

- I use to take lessons.

4) What breed is your favorite?

- American Quarter Horse

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?

- I rode Quarter Horses, Arabians, Paints, crossbreeds, and TWH in my lessons.

6) Have your own horse?

- Yes

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?

- Irish Sport Horse

8) How old?

- 14yr.

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

- Yes, but I perder free lung.

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

- yes, walk, trot, not often

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?

- black

12) Favorite breed?

- repeated"

13) Favorite color?

- green

14) Color of your horses halter?

- green

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

- Yes, yes, yes

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

- neat freak

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

- rolls all the way over

18) Color of your horses eyes?

- dark brown

19) What bit do you use?

- snaffle bit

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

- 60+ for sure

21) How long have you been riding?

- since I was 8yr.

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

- No.

23) How old is your horse?

- repeated"

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

- Ohio, ups...I live a mile from the Lake Erie...downs...winter is always terrible! And it rains all the time in the spring and fall.

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

- shows, 1st.'s, 2st.'s, 3rd's, 4,5,6 etc...

26) Jumped? How high?

- I toke a fews jumping lessons. 1 1/2 ft. spread

27) Saddle blanket color?

- black

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

- No...maybe 10

29) Raced your friends?

- Yes, I lost

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

- my house ( I own over 100 acres..yeah the taxes are crazy :)
2011-01-31 18:41:02 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? 14

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it? i started bareback, then western and now english. Still ride all three.

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often? Once a week. Don't anymore.

4) What breed is your favorite? Morgan

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? Thoroughbred

6) Have your own horse?Yes.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? Thoroughbred

8) How old? 21 years

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) yes?

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?Yes, just the trot adn walk bareback.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?Bay

12) Favorite breed?Morgan

13) Favorite color?Green

14) Color of your horses halter? red

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? a rain sheet and winter blanket

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?always dirty.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?all the way over.

18) Color of your horses eyes? brown

19) What bit do you use?A regular snaffle, i perfer bitless.

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!) 1..almost died.

21) How long have you been riding? 10 months.

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)Nope :)

23) How old is your horse? 21 years old.

24) What state are you in and what are the u and downs?Canada and idk.

25) Shown before? Division and placings! Nope, just pleasure on my old girl :)

26) Jumped? How high? 1.2 or something.

27) Saddle blanket color?blue

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. Never :D

29) Raced your friends? LOL yes!!

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house? My house FTW
2011-01-31 17:15:28 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding? I've been around horses my whole life, but formal lessons, 8 years old.

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it? English, and YES.

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often? I did for 5 years straight, one a week, but then I fell off and got a concussion and haven't ridden since because of money, but I'm going to be taking one every other week starting again in the next couple months.

4) What breed is your favorite? Hanoverians, Appendix QH, Trakehner, Quarter Horse

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? I've ridden TBs, QHs, a pony, Tennessee Walker, and various others

6) Have your own horse? Nopeee :( Hopefully in the next couple years once I get a job.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? Quarter Horse

8) How old? 14, like me.

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference) Yes, I can do both.

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often? Yes, all of them, jump about 2'6", and every couple weeks.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? Palomino, and I love buckskins. Basically, anything with that gold coat.

13) Favorite color? Anything with a gold coat (Palomino/Buckskin) and Dapple Greys.

14) Color of your horses halter? Purpleeee :D

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? Nopes. Well, not one that I own.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? Always dirttyyyy. He was a dust ball.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? All the way ;)

18) Color of your horses eyes? Brown.

19) What bit do you use? Eggbutt.

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!) Um, serious

ones, 3, down the neck and onto my stomach, god only knows.

21) How long have you been riding? Around them my whole life, but formal lessons for 6 years

(Technically 5, but I never stopped learned even after I fell).

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc) Nope.

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs? PA. Ups- Summer isn't too hot. There's rain and it's usually pretty nice around here. Lots of trails and plenty of farms. Downs- We've gotten 2 feet of snow the past 2 years, and if you don't have an indoor you're screwed during the winter cause it gets snowy and icy.

25) Shown before? Division and placings! Yes, mini trial, Beginner Novice rider division, 3rd place.

26) Jumped? How high? Yep, my highest is 3'3" but usually only 2'9"

27) Saddle blanket color? I have two purple ones and then a white show pad.

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. I've had horses rear on me and buck, but I've never come off from one.

29) Raced your friends? Yeppers.

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house? Boarding barn.
Sassy Aussie
2011-01-31 16:11:55 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

6, or 7 I think.

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

Western, yes.

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

Once a week.

4) What breed is your favorite?

Probably a quarter horse.

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?

Quarter horses, paints, appaloosas and appendixes.

6) Have your own horse?

No, but I am an exercise rider and a groom.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?

Quarter horse.

8) How old?

5 in April.

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

Lunge-yes, long line-not yet.

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

Yes, all gaits, no jumping yet.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?


12) Favorite breed?

Quarter horse.

13) Favorite color?


14) Color of your horses halter?

Hot pink (eww).

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

Yes, but doesn't wear them.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

Very clean.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

All the way over.

18) Color of your horses eyes?


19) What bit do you use?

Tom Thumb.

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

About 3.

21) How long have you been riding?

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc).


23) How old is your horse?

Almost 5.

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

Massachusetts, effing cold, and way too much snow. Great spring, summer, and fall.

25) Shown before? Division and placings!


26) Jumped? How high?

Not my discipline.

27) Saddle blanket color?

Pink (eww).

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.


29) Raced your friends?


30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

Friend's house.
Horse Lover
2011-02-01 08:40:50 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

10 or 11

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

English, and I will never leave it

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

Yes and I still do, and it depends varing for 1-6 a week

4) What breed is your favorite?

Friesian, I like how they look... but i love riding dutch warmbloods

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?


6) Have your own horse?

Not yet

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?


8) How old?


9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)


10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

Jump!!! <3

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?


12) Favorite breed?

you asked this before and I said friesian

13) Favorite color?


14) Color of your horses halter?


15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

Yes, all

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?


17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

the 1st

18) Color of your horses eyes?


19) What bit do you use?

Normal ones? I dunno!

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)


21) How long have you been riding?

5 years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)


23) How old is your horse?

repeated question! but 14

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

Not in america!

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

Yup, many shows I cant count them all

26) Jumped? How high?

yes... I think the highest is.. 1.05 meters

27) Saddle blanket color?


28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

once or twice

29) Raced your friends?


30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

Boarding barn


hahaha :P
2011-01-31 16:37:17 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

- Umm however old I was in this picture..

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

- Started western. I've ridden mostly western all of my life, but I'm in the process of switching to english. My Stubben Wotan is coming tomorrow! Yay! lol

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

- I took lessons when I was like 10. And have had a few here and there.. nothing consistent. But, I'm starting a working student position that will allow me to receive consistent hunter/jumper lessons.

4) What breed is your favorite?

- I don't really have a favorite breed. I've had Rocky Mountains, Tennessee Walkers, Quarter Horses, Standardbreds, an Arabian, even a Mule. I'm not inclined to like any certain breed.

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?

- I currently have a Quarter Horse, and an Arabian.

6) Have your own horse?

- Yep.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?


8) How old?

- My Arabian is going on 8, and my Quarter Horse is a coming 6 year old.

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

- Lunge- definitely. I HAVE long-lined a horse, but I was never taught how to do so.. so I can't say for certain that I "know how".

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

- I have/can W/T/C/G bareback. Haven't tried jumping yet. Right now I ride bareback a few times a week.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?

Arabian is gray, QH is seal brown.

12) Favorite breed?

- Already asked.

13) Favorite color?

- Umm I really like dapple and steel grays. I also love a good buttermilk buckskin!

14) Color of your horses halter?

- My Arabian has a light blue, a navy blue, and a yellow/orange rope halter. The QH has an olive green normal halter, and a black/red rope halter.

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

- They both have winter turnout blankets. The Arabian also has a stable blanket.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

- Eh, they're both in between. The Arabian tends be the dirtier of the two, though.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

- I don't really know. Lol

18) Color of your horses eyes?

- Brown?

19) What bit do you use?

O-ring, french link, sweet iron snaffle for the Arabian. Eggbut, french link for the QH.

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

- Uhh probably like 10.

21) How long have you been riding?

- Already asked!

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

- Uhhmm nothing?

23) How old is your horse?

- Already asked.. I believe.

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

- Ohio. Some don't like the winter. Some do. That's an up and down in itself!

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

- Only at horse camp. ;P

26) Jumped? How high?

- Yes, but it was horrible! I was never taught how, so it was a mess. I fell off one time jumping alone in the woods and landed on a rock. Ouch. SOOO stupid!.. I was like 14. Lol

27) Saddle blanket color?

- Two green, one gray.

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

- Yes.

29) Raced your friends?

- Yup!

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

- Boarding. Would love to have them at home one day.


Quarter Horse:
♥Mrs. Jason Aldean♥
2011-01-31 16:29:48 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

Four years old.

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

I started english, but i am doing both now.

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

Yes i did, and i still do. my traier cones once a week, and i ride 2 OTHER times

4)What is your favorite breed?

I absolutley love paints! they are just all around horses, they are so beautiful, and will give you 110 percent. They can do almost everything, and I own a paint horse myself! lol

5) ) What breed/breeds do you ride?

I ride mostly paint horses, and the hot QH. Like mos. (Man he was a butt.)

6) Have your own horse?

Yes I do. I am a proud owner of an eight year old Tri-Colored paint mare.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?

Paint, and QH.... Sometimes draft horses.

8) How old?

If you mean the age of my horse, The paint Is 8, the draft is about 19, the QH is about 10

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

Lunge: Yes, free lunge, and on a lunge line.

Long Line: Yes.

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

YEAH!!! all of them. Yes i jump bareback! and every saturday.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?

Tri-colored Paint

12) Favorite breed?

I betcha cant guess. Lol.

13) Favorite color?

Chestnut, or buckskin, or roan

14) Color of your horses halter?

Neon Rainbow!!!

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

Yes. Yes. Yes.

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

ALWAYS dirty.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

Get up and switch. Look at her get up! :

18) Color of your horses eyes?

Brown, But i love horses with Blue eyes!!!

19) What bit do you use?

For English: Loose ring snaffle

For Western: Low port curb

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

I stopped counting, so more than 7... lol

21) How long have you been riding?

11 years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

Yeah... all of the above xD lol I get free tack from my friends.

23) How old is your horse?


24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

Colorado. Ups: Its really sunny, and normally has nice weather in the summer.

Downd: there is unpradictable weather, one hour it could be beautiful, and the next it could be snowing for all we knew.

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

Yep. Local/Open, and all from 1st, to 8th. And one second to last.

26) Jumped? How high?

Yep, and about 3.5 ft.

27) Saddle blanket color?

neon purple, turqoise, aand hot pink (For western.)

light blue (For english.) It was free

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

Yes. Mostly because i get put on the hot horses

29) Raced your friends?

All the time!!!!

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

Boarding at a barn.
2011-01-31 16:05:33 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

When i was about 7

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

i started bareback.... i didn't own a saddle ahhaha, and now i ride english!

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

nope! (: only everynow and then at pony club

4) What breed is your favorite?

it would have to be a Warmblood X Stock horse\

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?

Quarter pony cross's, australian ponies, quarter horses, Morgans, arabains, heaps of welshes and more ahhaa ;p

6) Have your own horse?

Yes, two, rains and sky

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?

Quarter pony, rains!! (:

8) How old?

shes 11, im 15 haahaha

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

yyes i do!! (:

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

bareback... all the time every gait, jump 1m + all the time, pretty much everytime i ride at home!

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?

Bay, with no white!! (:

12) Favorite breed?

warmblood x stock horse

13) Favorite color?

fluro green!

14) Color of your horses halter?

fluro green

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

Fleece, waterproof sheet and fly rug

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

ALWAYS dirty.... :)

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

rolls all the way over!!

18) Color of your horses eyes?

really dark brown

19) What bit do you use?

Loose ring double jointed snaffle

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

welll...... i stopped counting... but probably, about 20 times... not much for 8 years!

21) How long have you been riding?

8 years!! (:

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

nope... just normal noseband.

23) How old is your horse?


24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

i have an amazing horse, that hopefully i will win state sporting this year!! but we have wild dogs here, and my sisters amazing horse got taken from us by the dogs ):

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

all the time, and pretty much always 1st!

26) Jumped? How high?

all the time, highest 1.10m on my 13hh pony, no saddle or bridle.

27) Saddle blanket color?

purple, blue and black (all different 3 ahhaa)

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

yes,... a Morgan stallion, i bailed cause i swear his was gonna flip backwards (rearing) and same with my pony, when i was breaking her in!! ahhaha

29) Raced your friends?

all the time!! (:

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

my house!! (: i have 50 acres!! :D
2011-01-31 18:27:25 UTC
1) 7 or 8

2) English, yes

3) I started off one a week and now I do three a week

4) Any and all

5) Again, any and all. I mostly catch ride and do IEA so whatever I can get

6) Nope

7) I don't play favorites :)

8) I'm 14 but idk if you're asking about my favorite horse...

9) Yes I can do both well

10) I jump every lesson, all the time, a lot haha. I do bareback a lot on my weekend lessons, w/t/c/g and jump like 2'9 bareback

11) I think bays are the prettiest

12) repeat haha but n/a

13) of horse? bay

14) blue

15) I don't own one but all the horses at my barn have at least 2 of those

16) Most of them are always dirty

17) All the way

18) A horse I know has one brown eye and one blue eye

19) depends on the horse but snaffles, pelhams, and other leverage bits mostly

20) Umm probably about 25 or so...I school and show naughty ponies practically for a living haha, just to ride so I've taken my share of falls

21) 8 years I think

22) We use martingales on most of our horses just as a tradition. Don't ask haha but other than that it's pretty normal.

23) N/A

24) GA, Ups: Year round riding :) good weather, year round showing, heavily populated horse area so not too much traveling for shows. Downs: Farmer's tan!!!!!! argh haha and heat exhaustion sucks

25) Yes...can't even count. I've done it all from w/t to crossrails to lower (like 3'3) jumpers. I've also done some pony and green hunter stuff on catch rides. I do 2'6" (the highest you can go) in IEA and sometimes I do long stirrup or other hunters. Mostly I stick to eq. I've always placed pretty well. One Xrails show, I had a 103 fever and forgot all my courses. All last places but a good learning experience!

26) Yes ALL the time haha and my highest is probably 3'6 or a little higher but the horses I ride are usually not the fancy, scopey type. They're either too young and crazy or too arthritic. So I'm kinda stuck where I am :(

27) I have a blue and a black/maroon

28) Yes I've mostly fallen by being bucked off when I was younger. I've been reared on a lot but never fallen because of that. My most recent fall was a couple weekends ago when I was riding bareback on this bratty pony and tried to ride backwards. He flipped haha

29) Yeah a few times

30) Boarding barn even though I don't board there
2011-01-31 18:26:18 UTC
1) I was 12 when I started taking regular lessons.

2) I started western and switched to hunt seat.

3) I have taken lessons for 10 years, 1-2x a week.

4) I love mutts. ^^

5) I ride appaloosas, thoroughbreds and mixes.

6) I have two horses.

7) Rags is an appaloosa and Ursula is a shire/thoroughbred.

8) Rags is 20 and Ursula is 5.

9) Yes, I can long line and lunge.

10) I only ride bareback occasionally. I have done it at a walk, trot and canter but have never attempted more than cavaletti bareback.

11) Rags is bay. Ursula is a black, sabino, brindle.

12) Again I like mutts. ^^

13) I love buckskins and amber and classic champagnes.

14) Rags' halter is black and tan. Ursula's halter is pink.

15) Rags has a fly sheet, light sheet, and a full body winter cozy. Ursula has a winter blanket.

16) Both of my horses are pigs.

17) I have never seen Ursula roll. Rags makes it all the way over:

18) both of them have brown eyes.

19) At the moment I'm using a D-ring snaffle on both.

20) I have fallen only fallen 5 times and each time from a different horse.

21) Once again, 10 years.

22) I use no extra tack.

23) I already answered this one.

24) I live in Pennsylvania. In my section of PA, there are horses everywhere and board can be found for cheap. There are a lot of shows and events nearby so it's easy to ride and participate in stuff. The downside is winter. Snowy winters make for miserable and sometimes unrideable winders.

25) I've shown a lot over the years. I earned enough points in the appaloosa circuit to qualify for worlds but never went because I didn't have the money to travel to Texas. I placed at the PA state 4H show multiple years. And I've done a lot of local open showing. I have won ribbons of every colour. I win and I lose, depending on the day and what I'm trying to do. :)

26) The highest I've ever jumped was 4' in practice and 3'6" in show.

27) Rags' saddle pad is black with purple piping around the edge. Ursula's is baby blue.

28) I have never been reared or bucked off. I have been "spooked" off though! So far I've always been able to ride through rearing and bucking episodes. I'm either extremely lucky or have a good seat.

29) I don't race much. Last time I raced my sister and her fat gypsy vanner. My 17.1 hand thoroughbred cross lost to a fat, 15.2 hand gypsy. ><

30) I board for now but will soon keep my horses with family.
2011-01-31 16:21:45 UTC
1) First time on a horse 6ish months.

2) Western but ive done english at a barn

3) I take lessons and have horses at my dads

4) Quarter Horse or paint

5) Im pretty sure their all Quarter.

6) I have three at my dads, and use to have 2 so a total of 5

7) Quarter lol

8) ?

9) Ive lunged a horse a few times.

10) I love bareback, Most ive done on bareback is trot.

11) Paint i like how none of them look the same.

12) Same as four

13) Chestnut other then paint loll

14) all i can remember is blue, but we have a lot of rope halters.

15) None

16) Dirty.

17) Lil mare. All the way over i think? Gelding I think he gets up. Black mare she doesn't roll much

18) All brown

19) Not really sure

20) 1 push and 1 fall

21) by myself since 2?

22) None

23) between 10-22. (for all of them)

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs? New York, Winter!!! Then the summer can get really hot. And we don't have a indoor or anything at my dads

25) Just fun shows

26) don't jump

27) I have to many and i cant remember

28) Ive been bucked and reared but never off.

29) I think so

30) i have 3 at my dads. ans i go to a barn to have lessons and other things
2011-01-31 16:16:15 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

7 yrs old

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

I started English Pleasure, I now do dressage and Jumping and a little western on the side

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

Once a week on Saturdays, my horse isn't fully trained yet (only a yr off BLM land) and we both need the instruction.

4) What breed is your favorite?

Of the domestic horses definatly a tie between Arabians and Tbs, haha i love to go fast :) but of course my overall is a Mustang.

5) What breed/breeds do you ride?

Mustang and Arabian.

6) Have your own horse?

Yes, got him less than a yr ago at 4 yrs old and having been off BLM for 90 days.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?

Mine of course :) Mustang.

8) How old?


9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)


10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

Yes, WTC and Yes but low. Atleast twice a week.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse?

Sorrel with star, strip, snip, and his legs fade to a silvery color at the bottom. He has a flaxen mane and a mostly white tail with red strips in it.

12) Favorite breed?

didn't you already ask this question?

13) Favorite color?

of Horses I love dappled/fleabitten greys. in general yellow.

14) Color of your horses halter?

He has a Yellow Nylon Halter and a Blue Rope Halter.

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

He has a Blue Rambo Med fill turnout, a dark green Rambo turnout sheet, No fly sheet there are like no flys at my barn (they use that fly predator thing)

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

Definatly a Neat freak in the winter haha he is NEVER dirty, But in the summer i can't keep him clean.

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

He rolls all the way over.

18) Color of your horses eyes?


19) What bit do you use?

Loose Ring Oval Link Snaffle, or just a halter, or bridleless only at the trot though haha he gets a bit excited when we canter.

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

at least 20, most of which form stupid things like riding bareback backwards haha

21) How long have you been riding?

8 years

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

A flash for dressage.

23) How old is your horse?

just turned 5.

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

Oregon, VERY wet in the winter and my horse is prone to thrush :(

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

Yes, Highest would be fifth place. We tried to do some western pleasure and TOTALLY failed haha.

26) Jumped? How high?

2 ft

27) Saddle blanket color?

White, boring I know.

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

Sooooooooooooooooo many times. Ridden too many crazy horses.

29) Raced your friends?

and cars :)

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

Its my friends boarding barn :)
2011-01-31 17:14:40 UTC
1) 15

2) Western & have continued

3) Never took lessons

4) I'm not picky.

5) Quarterhorses & Appaloosas.

6) 2

7) Quarterhorse

8) 12

9) Yes

10) Bareback=love

11) Line back red dun

12) repeat.

13) Love those palominos!

14) Pink

15) No, no, no.

16) Neat freak.

17) Roll all the way over

18) Brown

19) Wonderbit

20) 8ish?

21) on/off for 4 years

22) Tiedown. Martingale for my mare.

23) My gelding is 12 and my mare is 5

24) GA. It's hot. Extremely hot. But doesn't get too cold.

25) I haven't shown.

26) No jumping except on accidents.

27) Green

28) A few times.

29) Yes

30) my house
2011-01-31 17:05:45 UTC
1. 7

2. English, still going strong.

3. Yes, once a week.

4. TB

5. Tons, before I started leasing my horse. My instructor put me on any horse that needed work.

6. No.

7. TB

8. I'm 15, my horse is 17.

9. Yes to both.

10. I ride bareback at least once every two weeks. I flat and jump. I love bareback riding, it allows me to really 'feel' my horse.

11. Chestnut.


13. Blue Roan, Grey, or Flea-bitten Grey.

14. She has two; Navy Blue and Black.

15. Blanket and a fly sheet.

16. Always dirty, although I'm always trying to change that.

17. Both. Depends on what she feels like doing.

18. Brown.

19. Loose Ring Snaffle

20. 3

21. Nine years.

22. Splint boots.


24. New York. Not many riding places to choose from, but I got very lucky with my barn, and I love it there. Can't really think of anything else.

25. Many years ago I did, and a few local shows more recently. Don't really remember.

26. Highest was three foot.

27. White with an ocean blue stripe (

28. Nope, all my falls were due to jumping ahead.

29. Lol yes, and my TB kicked major a$$.

30. Neither, I lease.
Abby Cadabby
2011-01-31 16:00:24 UTC
1) around 9 or 10

2) english and still do it

3) i take lessons once a week

4) arabians

5) my lesson horse is a cross but I dont know what

6) I wish I had my own

7) no idea

8) 16-17 years old

9) yes

10) Love bareback but have only gotten to walk. I love to jump and do it almost every lesson


12) Arabians

13) black or white

14) blue

15) blanket and sheet

16) always dirty

17) rolls all the way over

18) blue

19) snaffle

20) around 6 or 7 I think

21) 6 or 7 years maybe more

22) nothing

23) 16-17 years old

24) Maine; it gets very cold in the winter and very wet in the spring and fall but nice in the summer

25) plan on to either this summer or next summer

26) 6 in cross rail

27) white or blue

28) yes while cantering

29) no

30) no
2011-01-31 16:21:37 UTC
1) 8

2) Western, not really.

3) Twice a week.

4) Thoroughbred!

5) Quarter horses, Appaloosas, Thoroughbreds, Warmbloods, lots of crosses.

6) Leaser.

7) Thoroughbred or warmblood.

8) Late teens.

9) I was not aware there is a difference, but I can lunge. And I think I can long line?

10) Love bareback! Jumping two feet so far.

11) Bay or chestnut.

12) Still thoroughbreds!

13) Still bay or chestnut.

14) Leather for shows, nylon hot pink at home.

15) All of the above.

16) Clean.

17) My friend's horse rolls all the way over.

18) Dark brown.

19) Happy mouth D-ring.

20) ≈ a billion.

21) 10 years.

22) Neck stretcher for schooling on the flat. MIRACLE WORKER!

23) I think he's sixteen?

24) Georgia. Unpredictable weather, but a huge hunter area!

25) Long stirrup, champ. Jumpers, schooling shows only so far.

26) 3'

27) Hot pink.

28) Pft. Duh. SO many times!

29) Yes. Bareback. On gravel. No big.

30) Barn.
2011-01-31 19:06:28 UTC
1) 7

2) Western, and no, I event now

3) I've always taken lessons, once a week with good weather

4) Thoroughbred

5) POA, Percheron

6) Yep, 2

7) POA

8) 10

9) I .. don't know the difference.. I know how to lunge, I think thats the right one

10) Yes, but I got bucked off and drug, so no more bareback for mehhh :)

11) Grey

12) TB

13) Grey

14) Blue & Purple

15) Pony- Blanked Horse- Fly sheet

16) Pony- neat freak in her stall, but always muddy. Horse- dirty

17) Changes day to day

18) Brown

19) Pony- D ring Snaffle Horse- Pelham

20) Probably around 10, maybe 1 or 2 more

21) 7 1/2 years

22) Running Martingale

23) 10 & 22

24) Indiana. Ups- Dressage.. forcing through things. Down- distances, speed control

25) Yes, schooling event shows, Beginner Novice, first place. 32.5

26) yes, 3'3

27) Blue, and Black

28) Oh yes.. oh oh yes

29) Its been a while

30) My dad's house
2011-01-31 17:51:54 UTC
1) I was 7.

2) Western. And stuck with it. English and I never got along. :P :)

3) I took lessons for 2 years starting when I was 11.

4) Quarter Horse :)

5) Quarter Horses, Paints and Thoroughbreds. Mainly QH though

6) Two under partial ownership. For now :)

7) One's a QH one's a Paint :) I cant pick a favorite because they're both fantastic.

8) QH is 11 and Paint is 7

9) Yes, both

10) I ride bareback when I need a good stress release. And I go through every gait. :) No jumping lol

11) The QH is grey with a white mane and black speckles on her back, and the Paint is white, black and brown. I call him Oil Dipper cause it looks like someone picked him up by his butt and dipped his head in a bucket of oil. It's actually really cute haha :)

12) Quater Horse :)

13) Sorrel, all White, all Black, and paint patterns

14) Both are green

15) They both have blankets

16) They're both fairly clean. Not neat freaks though, they both get a little testy if they or their stall or run is completely clean. Dorks :)

17) Every time I see them they roll all the way over.

18) QH- brown. Paint - One brown and the other half brown half blue.

19) Loose ring snaffle on QH. Twisted wire gag Snaffle on the Paint.

20) Roughly 19.

21) 11 years

22) No.

23) 11 & 7

24) Colorado. Pros-Summer and beginning of Fall are great. Winter and Spring get pretty wet and messy.

25) No shows. Just rodeo. Barrel Racing : Fastest time : 15.3 and getting faster.

26) Never jumped :p

27) Navy blue with black designs

28) Bucked off quite a few times and reared off three times.

29) A few times, it's exhilarating. :)

30) Both at friends' places. :)
2011-01-31 16:08:31 UTC
1: I rode at age 4... i am 15 now! (um.... that would be about... 11 years, right?! lol.

2: I have rode both, but i started Western, and i still ride Western. i ride Western more than English.

3: I used to take lessons as a kid. i would take them every Friday.

4: I don't have a favorite!

5: right now i am currently riding a Quarter Horse.

6: Sorta. i 'lease' Star. but, i am going to buy her in Summer!

7: Quarter Horse

8: The horse is 16 years old. i am 15 years old! :)

9: Yes i do. i don't do it often because i don't lunge Star and rarely lunged Honeybee

10: I do ride bareback, not often. i can walk, trot and canter and gallop bareback. i don't gallop very good bareback though! lol

11: i don't really have a FAVORITE. but i like black, palimino, and paints. and appaloosa colors. all the patterns!

12: Don't have one! :)

13: Black... Palimino... Paint... Appaloosa patterns... didn't i just say this? lol

14: I right now have a HOT BRIGHT PINK ONE! it's gorgeous... especially on Star!

15: Yeah she has a red blanket.

16: eh, both. during winter she doesn't roll often i have been told. i haven't had her long enough to tell about Spring!

17: um... i don't know. lol. i haven't seen her roll yet since she doesn't roll in the Winter time.

18: she has both black eyes. gorgeous!

19: i use a snaffle and a bit-less bridle.

20: lets see...... about 78. lol. i have lost count.

21: i have rode almost my whole life. (about 13-14 years.) i am 15.

22: not really anything!

23: Star is 16 years young!

24: Ohio. it can get REALLY cold. but sometimes it is really hot.

25: yes i have shown. in the 2ND division and got second place. gotten 1ST about 2 or three times! :)

26: I have jumped little jumps like 17". nothing big.

27: I have a black and a red one! :)

28: Yes. on Honeybee. several times, actually. :/

29: definitely! all the time! :)

30: i guess both. i board at a barn but it's like my sisters barn. she has complete freedom to do whatever she wants to there. the old man that owns the barn is on oxygen and in a wheelchair and only cares about out safety! he is a nice old guy! but we don't see him hardly at all. he sends his grandchildren down to the barn to get the board checks.

Happy Trails!
2011-01-31 16:29:30 UTC
1. 9

2. I started english/ hunt seat, and i satyed with it for a couple years and then i moved into eventing!

3. I take lessons usually once a week.

4. Probably quarter horse because they can do just about everything!

5. I currently ride a warmblood.

6. yes

7. Warmblood (:

8. 9

9. Yes

10. Yes, walk trot and canter. and yes, and almost every lesson.

11. Chestnut with an almost perfect star :)

12. Quarter horse or warmblood.

13. pink

14. Purple

15. Yes, yes, no.

16. depends on his mood lol. mainly dirty during the winter!

17. rolls all the way over

18. brown

19. I usually ride in a hackamore, but when i do dressage work i use a simple snaffle bit.

20. 8ishh? lol

21. almost 6 years.

22. not really, i have a couple but i never use them.

23. 9

24. ga, hot summers....and cold

25. Yes, i have placed as overall champion twice, and reserve 3 times

26. yes. around 4 ft.

27. red plaidish.


29. yeahh!

30. boarding barn
2011-01-31 19:07:06 UTC
HAHA I have plenty of time cause my school just got closed, cause a friggin blizzards comin! WOOHOO!!!! Here we go;

1) Q:How old were you when you started riding?

A:Technically, 11. But, for the record, I loved loved loved horses, we had horses my whole life

and I did have a lead line Shetland pony my parents lead me around on from age 5 and up.

2) Q:Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

A:Born a cowgirl, always a cowgirl. AKA heck yes I'm continuing western yee haw to ya'll. I'd

ride a horse if I had two broken legs lol

3) Q:Did/do you take lessons and how often?

A:Nope. I taught myself to ride. My parents were gonna get me some lessons but I got tired of

waiting so I just started riding and eventually I got good

4) Q:What breed is your favorite?

A:I grew up riding Foxtrotters so I have a certain loyalty to them, my best horse is half MO

Foxtrotter. I love them all, but if I had to pick a favorite I'd choose Paints, they got the looks and

the smarts to boot.

5) Q:What breed/breeds do you ride?

A:Foxtrotters, Quarter Horses, Shetlands, Saddlebreds, Thoroughbreds, Mustangs, to name a few. Wanna ride 'em all someday though.

6) Q:Have your own horse?

A:Yup. Actually, I have nine of the best horses in the world :) to me anyways

7) Q:What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride?

A:He's a little colt, 1/2 Foxtrotter 1/2 QH. Nobody ever knows the difference though he looks like

a registered Paint lol

8) Q:How old?

A:Coming four this spring. As of now he's 3.

9) Q:Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse? (there is a difference)

A:Yup and yup!

10) Q:Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

A:Actually I ride bareback 80% of the time, maybe more. All gaits. I jump, usually bareback

since I ride western it's easier on the horse. How often do I jump? Probably every other ride

I might clear a few logs and jumps. Nothing over 3 ft. though, I just do it to please my mare

Comet, she loves jumping. I ride every gait every ride and put the horse through their paces.

11) Q:Color of your horse/favorite horse?

A:I have two favorites. One is a black/white pinto colt I mentioned earlier and one is my mare

Comet, she's a sorrel tobiano pinto.

12) Q:Favorite breed?

A:........already said Paint? lol

13) Q:Favorite color?

A:I love pinto horses, specially sorrel tobianos.

14) Q:Color of your horses halter?

A:Red with sort of tan accents.

15) Q:Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet?

A:Nope. They've got along quite nicely without one for some time now, and they are all plenty

healthy so I guess theirs no need worrying about it huh? My horse grows this thing it's called

fur and it keeps her warm. I do buy fly spray though and give them all a good coating of it when


16) Q:Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty?

A:Always dirty. Isn't every white or partially white horse?

17) Q:Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over?

A:Most of my horses roll on one side and switch but Comet rolls all the way over :)

18) Q:Color of your horses eyes?

A:All of them? Eight pairs of brown, one pair bright blue eyes.

19) Q:What bit do you use?

A:Hackamores most of the time, curbs on the horses that need it.

20) Q:How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!

A:I was gonna say probably too many to count but yeah around 4 maybe 5...Not sure

21) Q:How long have you been riding?

A:5 years. Still lovin' it!

22) Q:Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc)

A:My horse is not in need of a tie down or martingale, so no.

23) Q:How old is your horse?

A:........Tomahawk's 3, Comet's 8, most of my horses are under 4 years old. I love training

horses and I love any young horse's willingness to learn.

24) Q:What state are you in and what are the ups and downs?

A:I don't really want to say. It's very cold here right now though and snowy (like everywhere lol)

but their are lots of horses and rodeos round where I live. Love it!

25) Q:Shown before? Division and placings!

A:Only a few times. Success on Tomahawk about every time!

26) Q:Jumped? How high?

A:Not in the shows. Just at home, under 3 ft.

27) Q:Saddle blanket color?

A:Red, black, and white striped :)

28) Q:Bucked off? Rearing counts, too.

A:Yeah. A few times back when I was teaching myself to ride still, probably deserved it lol

29) Q:Raced your friends?

A:Yeah! FUN!!!

30) Q:Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

A:I know some people with a boarding barn. It's pretty suhweet! BYE
2011-01-31 16:22:35 UTC
1) I was 5 when I started riding

2) I have always ridden English.

3) I have 2 private Lessons a week, one dressage and the other jumping. State dressage training once a month, eventing squad training once a month, pony club once a month.

4) I have a Massive soft spot for Arab Riding Pony crosses.

5) Thoroughbred, Australian Riding Pony, Arab cross

6) 3 horses, 2 are now on lease. (Parents recently split, and agistment for 3 was too expensive)

7) Thoroughbred

8) 13, but he thinks he's 2.

9) I can lunge for sure! what is long lining..? -Maybe things are different in Tasmania where I am?

10) Bareback is amazing on my pony, hes super muscly, and its like riding in a comfy armchair. Galllop, jump, swimming. Usually when I'm too lazy to tack up... -often. haha.

11) Bay. 4 white socks, star.

12) Arab cross

13) Bay

14) Black Leather with diamonties and his name in a metal plate.

15) 4 cottons, 3 doonas, 2 woolens, rain sheet, lined waterproof, cool coat.

16) Neither really, he keeps quite clean unless he's with his friends.. then they have mud baths together :\

17) Rolls on one side, gets up, and goes down on the other side. xD

18) Big and brown <3

19) Egg-butt snaffle

20) ohh gosh, about 50

21) 10 years

22) Breastplate

23) 13

24) Tasmania, Australia. ups are that you know just about every other horse rider in the state, cause there are only about 1000 of us! downs are that I always have to travel to Mainland Australia for Nationals!!

25) I event Preliminary/Prenovice, and do elementary Dressage. I don't hack/show as such. Placings...? I've been winning Prelim. events and official elementary dressage comps. Represented the state a few times and been in the top 10 of Australia each time.

26) 1.10 meters in competition, and 1.20 meters at home.

27) I have 8 white, 2 red, 3 black, 2 Navy, 2 Pony club blankets and a school blanket.

28) about 10 times?

29) Of course!

30) I board at a riding school 10 minutes from my house, I've been there about 2 weeks now and loving it.
2011-01-31 17:28:53 UTC
1) Riding alone not leadline.. probably about 7

2) western. I do both but more western

3) Used to, twice a week. Will probably start again this summer

4) American Quarter Horse

5) anything - lots of stock... quarters paints and arabs mostly

6) used to then I went to college

7) Paint

8) 12

9) I can lunge, learned how to longe line but i dont do it

10) bareback WTC haven't tried jumping

11) Sorrel

12) Quarter Horse

13) Blue Roan

14) blue

15) nope

16) messy messy

17) all the way

18) brown

19) tom thumb or eggbutt snaffle

20) way too many... 10 ?

21) forever... 15 years?

22) zero

23) 12

24) Wisconsin.. TOO cold, but beautiful

25) county fair. 1 blue 3 reds 1 white

26) 2 feet

27) black

28) oh yea.. lots on young horses

29) sometimes

30) mine in the summer, friends in the winter
2011-01-31 17:03:12 UTC
1) How old were you when you started riding?

I was in diapers when my parents brought me around horses, then when I was able to walk and such, I'd always jump onto the big round hay bale and Whiskey (my monm's horse-he died of colic in '02) would give me rides around the pasture, then bring me back to the hay bale to get off. I miss him.

2) Did you start western or english and have you continued with it?

I started english, only because that's what my horse was raced in. I can ride both but I never continued it.

3) Did/do you take lessons and how often?

I taught myself how to ride, getting critique from other experienced riders. Never could afford "real lessons". Horses can teach you a lot. :)

4) What breed is your favorite? Thoroughbreds!

5) What breed/breeds do you ride? Thoroughbreds and Paints.

6) Have your own horse? Yes, I have three.

7) What is the breed of your horse/favorite horse that you ride? Repeat question XD

8) How old?

Sonny is a 12 y.o thoroughbred gelding, Dakota is a 2 3/4 year old paint gelding, and Dixie (Dakota's mother) is 7 y.o.

9) Do you know how to lunge and long line a horse?

I know how to lunge, but have never long-lined. XD

10) Bareback? What gaits? Jump? How often?

I always ride bareback. It's more comfortable and natural for the horse. I don't compete, just strictly trail.

11) Color of your horse/favorite horse? Chestnut

12) Favorite breed? Repeat

13) Favorite color? Repeat

14) Color of your horses halter? Green and Purple... bleh.

15) Does your horse have a blanket? Sheet? Fly Sheet? They have blankets, but we only use it when it's really cold outside. If you always blanket a horse, they won't grow their winter coat. :)

16) Is your horse a neat freak or always dirty? My horses, haha they are ALWAYS dirty!!

17) Does he/she roll on one side, get up and switch, or roll all the way over? Sonny has a pinched nerve in his back, I've never seen him roll on both sides.. he just picks one.. it's funny. Dixie and Dakota get all sides!! They never get up though!

18) Color of your horses eyes? Brown

19) What bit do you use? Grazing Bit

20) How many falls? Come up with a number, even if you stopped counting like me!)

At LEAST 10 times. Once time I fell off I quit riding for a full year because I was so scared of the horse and of getting back on. (Long story short) I was cantering Sonny (retired racehorse (3 at the time)) and it was the first time around. All of a sudden he started bucking like a bronc at a rodeo. I held on til he came to the end of the pasture... I flipped out the saddle, onto his neck, then flipped upside down... falling to the ground scraping my face and my shoulder on freshly laid sand. OUCH

21) How long have you been riding? Repeat :P

22) Extra tack (running martingale, flash noseband, tie down, etc) I don't use any of the above!

23) How old is your horse? 12, 7, and 3.

24) What state are you in and what are the ups and downs? I'm in Georgia. It's too country... there is nothing to do... but yet it's peaceful and can be relaxing.

25) Shown before? Division and placings!

I've never competed. It's not my style.

26) Jumped? How high? N/a

27) Saddle blanket color? I used to have a red/white/blue saddle blanket for Sonny.

28) Bucked off? Rearing counts, too. Once... that was in my story earlier. haha

29) Raced your friends? Yes, and always lost because I was too scared to gallop my horse. XD Not anymore though!

30) Boarding barn or at your house/friends house?

They are pasture horses out at my step-dad's mom house. It works both ways... she gets paid and we get a GREAT deal on board. :D
2011-01-31 18:05:40 UTC
All on my mustang Tuff E Nuff

1. about 4 or 5

2 western and continued

3 used to. once a week plus once on weekends

4 quater horse and mustang

5 my horse is a mustang but i help excercise my grandmothers quater horses

6 Yes my beloved Tuffy

7 Mustang

8 4

9 i know how to lunge but i want to learn to long line (:

10 yes. all. yes. not too often and only over hay bales and smaller things maybe 2 ft max. but i ride western

11 chesnut

12 Quater horse + mustang

13 Red dun with dorsal stripe and socks (((: awwww soo GORGUES

14 Black and blue

15 a heavy sheet

16 not ever horribly dirty but always got something on her (:

17 All the way! she gets crazy when she rolls (:

18 the most perfect trustworthy brown known to man

19 snaffle

20 Too many im gonna say about 10 at least and thats not counting screwing around with my friends on a mini horse! XD

21 as long as i can remember

22 tie down and noseband

23 4

24 Oregon,, so wet in winter and gets evrything muddy but has the perfect temp in the summer for riding

25 yes just little shows,,, 1st's, 2nd's, 3rd's, and everything it was an all western event show so i did everything for barrels to jackpot keyhole (:

26 yes when i ws learning english (i stopped) and about 2ft

27 turquoise

28 ohh yesss

29 ALL the time!!!! (i always won ;) )

30 Boarding barn in less than a week!!!!!!!!! GAH THANKS FOR RemiNDING ME AND MAKING MY DAY! (not that i had forgotten ;))
2011-01-31 17:39:48 UTC
1. 13

2. English, then that trainer moved away so I went to a western trainer, so now western.

3. Used to every week, now about once or twice a month and just go for a ride twice a week.

4. I don't care :)

5. Quarter Horse

6. Sadly, no, but I might get one this spring!!!

7. QH, like I said before

8. I think he's 10 yrs old

9. Not long line, but I know how to lunge. I like free lunging best, though.

10. I love riding bareback! I have walked and trotted, and cantered a few times, but he is speedy and bumpy, so I am taking it slow lol. I've jumped 2 ft before, but I would normally go about 1-1.5 ft. Never jumped bareback. I have'nt jumped for a while, ever since I swiched to western in Oct. I try to ride bareback after every ride for a little while, twice a week.

11. Dun

12. Don't have one

13. I consider them colors, not breeds: palomino and appaloosa

14. Purpleish/pinkish

15. No blanket. I'm not sure if he wears a fly sheet or mask, I'll have to wait n see for summer.

16. In between. He must like to roll in hay, because sometimes he comes in with pieces of hay all over him. I bet he will find the muddy spots when spring comes, though.

17. I have no idea, never watched him roll.

18. brown

19. eggbut snaffle

20. a lot! I can remember the first few, but I rode a really spooky horse for a while and he would spook at every little thing. I learned to fall off from him, lol.

21. About a year and a half. I started in july 2009. I think it was the 10th of july!

22. I don't know if these count, but breast collar and back cinch.

23. again, he's 10.

24. Iowa. Ups: it gets hot in the summer, but not as hot as some places!, Not full of huge cities, just smallish towns. Lots of woods to ride in n 4 wheel in. Lots more, but I can't think of them! Downs: COLD in the winter!!!! going into a big city, tell some city person your from Iowa, and they think that 1. you should have a southern accent, and 2. you are just a stupid hick. But for another up, provin the city slickers wrong! (And I know not all city ppl are like that, but I know there are some!) thats about it for downs, i love Iowa!!!

25. Havn't shown yet, but hopefully will this year!

26. Got to 2 ft once, but normally about 1-1.5 ft. Don't jump anymore, though, being western.

27. Red, but once I get a horse i will probably get a crazy one, like tie die or neon colors.

28. Nope. Fallen off because of spooks, though. Just today Picasso (horse I ride) was crowhopping a lot though!

29. No, but we have had little random contests before. Like once, me n my friend were trying to see who could stay in half seat at the canter the longest. I think I lost. Lol.

30. I ride at a boarding/ lesson barn, but once I get a horse it will be at my house.
2011-01-31 16:44:40 UTC
1) 3 or 4

2)western, went on to english (I do trail ride western though!)

3)yes I still do, once a week :(

4) appaloosa & mustang

5)Appaloosa, quarter horse, Dutch Warmblood, I don't know the other one

6)Sadly no:( In a couple years though!

7) Appaloosa

8)me or horse? Horse:14


10) sometimes, trot, walk, starting to canter PS I kinda quit for a couple of years :(

11)Cherry bay


15)yes blanket

16)always dirty haha

17)roll and switch


19) I don't know lol

20) 0

21)10 I think

22)yes martingale

24) the hot summers, friged winter! , up beauty

25)no :( I'm learning!

26) I'm too ashamed, no


28)yes once


30) barn, when I get my horse, at mom's friend's barn I think
Black Rose
2011-02-03 03:29:36 UTC
eh got nothing to lose, im bored.

1.10 r 11? i dont remember

2.english. still riding it too :D

3.I took lessons twice a month

4.Hmm... after all these years id still say gypsy vanner

5.connemaras, thoroughbeds, nokotas!, percheron xs, morgan xs... lotta draft crosses

6.Kinda. mine but havnt bought him

7.Canadian warmblood (thoroughbred perch)


9. Yup :)

10.bareback? yes.jump bareback? yes. gaits? all. how often? every week/wenevr i can


14.blak(w/ skullz)

15.yup! neon pink blanket. might get a fly sheet this summer...

16.alwayz dirty! :P rolls all the time during summer

17.all the way ovr


19.not broke yet... but i use a snaffle on the horses i ride

20.5 r 6

21.6 years

22.sometimes a martingale(depends on horse, same for flash)


24.WA! :) ups:...none for riding... good hills i gess, an rlly nice during summer. downs: freezing during summer and nowhere to ride if outdore arena,flooding during winter, mucking and feeding in the rain... a lot

25.I've shown once. W/T/C open novice. Blue

26. YUS!!! JUMPING!!! 3'3"

27.saddle blanket...changes, cow,zebra,black,red... whatever i can find


29.a little

30. Boarding barn :(
2011-01-31 16:52:44 UTC
1. 12 (im 16 now)

2. started out english hunter jumper, im an eventer now

3. I started with lessons every week for 3 years, now i do every other week

4. Hanoverians or TBs

5. all different ones

6 nope but im getting one this summer

7 ehh doesnt matter

8 am i? 16

9 yup

10 yes, the 4 normal ones (walk, trot, canter, gallop), heck ya, about 4 or 5 times a week

11 dapple greys, and liver chesnut with white socks :)

12 same as number 4?

13 same as number 11?

14 brown leather

15 yes yes and yes

16 its a suprise to see

17 all the way over

18 blue :) both are, rare i know :)

19 snaffle for dressage, elevator for jumping

20 uhh between 8 and 15

21 4 years

22 brest plate, and a flash noseband

23 11 years

24 georgia, good thing : lots of show grounds locally, bad : weather here is unpredictable

25 lots, and lots of shows! in hunters i rode longstirrup and hopefull hunters, i rode in novice and hopeful jumpers and now im in novice for eventing, too many placings to count... :) i do well usually, good enough for me and my trainer to be proud of :)

26 4ft is my record. but i typically jump 3ft

27 navy blue and red

28 YES painnnful

29 haha yes i didnt when.. throuoghbred verse a paint...

30 my friends house :)
2011-01-31 16:11:29 UTC
1) 7

2) western and used to be english and back to western

3) yes and once or twice a week

4) gypsy vanner, arabians, and plain quarter horses

5) A LOT! but my horse is a quarter horse :)

6) it's a lease but technically mine

7) same as number 5? quarter horse

8) my horse? 14

9) lunge yes. longline no.

10) my horse would flip! and i do western

11) chestnut

12) like # 4? gypsy vanner, arabians and QH

13) palamino

14) blue

15) red blanket

16) pretty much neither but he poops everytime on the cross ties so i guess hes dirty lol


18) brown

19) he needs a shank bit

20) only 1

21) 6 years and going strong

22) not really just the basic halter brushes saddle bridle breast collar cinch lead ropes. that stuff

23) i think you repeat questions a lot? 14

24) nj ( not the jersey shore farm land galore!) nice spring weather but, bad winters (like now sigh) and hot summers ugh!

25) only once recently two one 4th 2 1st places. reserve grand champ :)

26) western baby

27) a have a lot but mostly red

28) nahh my horse is ok

29) yup

30) at a barn
2011-02-01 11:29:48 UTC

western and always will be

my dad taught me...i have to say he's pretty good


Quarter horse (buckskin)

yup have 4

She's a buckskin...

She's pretty old but i don't know how old...she's right perky though

yup and yup

i do ride bareback in the summer a lot and sometimes jump over logs during trail rides

Buttercup is brown

like i said before appaloosa's

my favorite color of a horse would


nope but she has a ton of fur!

in between





uhh...not really...wait maybe some saddle bags

again she's old

i am a young rider...i really want to show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yes i have jumped...i guess it was high

oh yes...

yup...and won a couple times but my old gal can mostly be slow

no our pasture is beside our house

i enjoyed the survey thanks!!!!!!
2011-01-31 16:01:56 UTC
1) 2

2) english... Always English

3)yes, I did

4)gypsy vanners

5) quarter horse

6) yes I do

7) appendix quarter horse

8) idk :)

9) yes I do... Give my lil sis lessons all the time

10) bareback- sometimes

Jump- sometimes (used to only show jump! Was very fun)

11) dark brown

12) gypsy

13) yellow

14) green

15) yes, a blanket

16) always dirty

17) yes!!

18) brown

19) snaffle bit

20) oh man!!! About 10! I've even broken bones

21) since I was 2

22) extra bit and saddle pad

23) 5 1/2

24) Tx... Bad riding ground... Really rocky

Good horse facilities

25) yes... Schooling snow

26) yes... 3 ft

27) one blue and one black

28) nope

29) nope slow horse !

30) sadly... No
2011-01-31 17:14:00 UTC
1. I began official lessons at 5 years old and never stopped.

2. I was started English because I could fit in the saddle better. I have kept a little bit of English on the side for showing but I primarily ride and show western now.

3. I have been riding for 12 years and taken lessons for most of that. I was with one trainer for about 11 years. I took lessons with her for about 9 years and then began riding on my own under her supervision. I have recently switched trainers, and I have been with my new trainer for about 2 months. I have a lesson about 5 times a week for an hour and half.

4. I love Paints. They're so versatile, unique, and docile.

5. I ride and show Paint horses.

6. Yes I do own my own horse. I have owned her for 2 years.

7. My mare is a triple registered Quarter Horse/Paint/Pinto. I show her primarily in Paint.

8. She is 12.

9. I know how to longe and have for years. I have only long lined a horse once but it's not that hard.

10. I can ride my mare bareback but she hates it. She is mostly trained Western but does a little English; so she walks, jogs, extended jogs, long trots, lopes, canters, and can do a hand gallop. She is not allowed to jump because she is very pigeon toed and very buck kneed. Our vet warned us that she would face plant if she were to go over a jump. I ride her 5 days a week.

11. My favorite color is a deep bay with black points and a star. I also like black overos, bay tobianos, and really any dark color. I like a dark chestnut too, but I don't like solid colors. Darker palominos with dapples are up there too.

12. Didn't I just answer this in question 7?

13. I just answered that in question 11.

14. Bella is wearing my trainer's color of burgundy. I have several electric blue halters for her, however our trainer likes for us all to wear her colors of burgundy and black when we go to a show.

15. Bella has every blanket you can imagine. Cooler, fly sheet, anti sweat sheet, nylon sheet, medium weight sheet, several mid and light weight stable blankets, and a large heavyweight turnout blanket. She also has a midweight hood.

16. Very, very neat. She defecates and urinates in the back left corner of her stall. She has a tendency to pace and spread it a tiny bit, but for the most part it all stays in one place. She keeps her hay in the top of her stall where it's placed.

17. She is too wide to roll all the way over. She's built like a tank so she will roll on one side first and then the other if she feels like it.

18. A medium brown. The normal color of brown.

19. I switch Bella between a large rubber dee ring snaffle, a medium twist snaffle, a mullen mouth snaffle, and a grazer curb bit. She could be switched at any time to something different depending on what my trainer wants.

20. I've fallen 5 times. Twice when I was 5, again at about 12, then at 15, and then again at 17.

21. I've been riding for 12 months and 2 months exactly.

22. Draw reins and a training fork. Not together of course.

23. Already answered this in question 8.

24. I live in Missouri. It's a nice state to show in, however the weather is crazy. During the winter we get blizzards, temperatures mostly in the 10-20 range, and ice. Spring and fall are very nice. Summer is my favorite, however it can and often does get up to 110. Through July and August it's mostly in the 100s. The grass is generally good and we have nice soil in my area. We have sloping hills and great trails. Lots of woods to ride through, too.

25. Yepp. I started at local shows and have many high point buckles from them. Then I graduated to showing APHA. I've shown in the MPHC for 3 years and have just started showing on the National level. I have about 480 APHA points from both Novice and Youth 14-18. I got 6th in the Novice Showmanship and 7th in the Novice Western Pleasure last year at APHA Youth World.

26. the highest I've jumped is 18". I would only jump at shows to get high point when I really needed it. The normal jumps were only about 10" high. I did one vertical class at a show that was set at 18". That is when I fell off at about 15.

27. I have 2 work pads that ar both black. My three show pads are hunter green, white, and white with blue stripes. I'm hoping to get a new color soon. My English pads are all white.

28. Yepp. I've been bucked off 4 times. I have never come off a rearing horse.

29. Occasionally. I don't make a habit of it.

30. I board at a public boarding barn near me.
Judy and the Beast
2011-01-31 16:59:39 UTC
This is beyond 20 questions. It's 30! I just don't feel like writing that much. And what about people who have owned dozens of horses. The permutations are mind boggling.
2011-02-01 10:00:58 UTC
I have only ridden on my friends horse and a trail ride love horses!!!!!!!!!!!
Alem Frem
2011-02-03 07:44:19 UTC
all are well

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.