Legit Question!!!!!!!!!?
Peanut Palomino
2010-07-13 17:55:46 UTC
Why do people keep adding "legit"questions to questions that are already clearly legit?

I mean... all you people are just so legited up. The act of adding "legit" questions to already legit questions is just bull legit! I mean seriously, I was like reading this one question that had like done this, and I was like, "this asker is a mother legiter!" C'mon people! Get a legiting life! Go legit yourselves!

Legit question: Do you have a pond? Are there fish in it? Do raccoons eat the fish? Do you have a fake bird next to the pond to scare away other birds? Does it work? Or are the birds too smart? Have you ever fallen in the pond? What did the fish think? Did the fish say, "well he is certainly not dressed for this occasion," in a very homo-erotic tone? Do you love your fish? Do they have names? What color are they? Do they like staplers? Do you think I'm a troll? Where did the word "troll" come from? Did people sit under bridges and pass the time asking phony questions on Y!A while waiting for goats to cross the bridge? Did that last question sound familiar? Are you still reading this? If you are still reading this, are you ashamed of yourself?

Legit you!
Fifteen answers:
2010-07-13 18:33:55 UTC

This was awesome.


Nope, just a large water trough with fat fish in it. I don't think raccoons eat the fish, but the horses scare them. I want a fake bird now! Yea, I kinda fell in the trough one day. Pretty sure the fish (and the horses) laughed at me..And I most definitely was not dressed for the occasion. My fish are cute :) One is named Jerome, the rest are all just gold, so we can't tell them apart anyways. We don't discriminate, we have black, white, and gold fishies ;) I don't think they appreciate staplers too much. Nah, I know your not a troll, but you could be a fun one with questions like this. Troll came from the Billy Goats Gruff. Tehee that was very familiar, only I don't think that troll was out to mess with peoples' minds; just eat some goats. Obviously I read the whole question...And nope, not ashamed.

Legit you too! ;)
Hunter Alicia
2010-07-13 18:15:35 UTC
Well, Laluna uses it because if she doesn't on her daily questions, Y!A deletes her questions. As for everyone else? I think it just caught on and became a little trend....just like using HS: in every question did xD

Legit, Legit answer to Legit, Legit question: Yes we have a large pond. It has fish, turtles, clams, and things we don't even know xD The fish are a pretty good size too! As for Racoons, they used to eat the clams, but I haven't seen any lately. Deer and geese also like out pond. For a while we had a few geese nest there, but I think the stupid, legit, cayotes got ahold of them =(

I also felt the need to add..legit you! Now if you don't mind, I have to go break up a legit dog fight.
2016-04-12 08:23:42 UTC
Merry Christmas to you. It is 2:26 pm here, Christmas Eve. Legit- Of course OB training is important. Otherwise you have spoiled rotten dogs, oh wait there are some out there. Edit- I can't believe that I will have my first white christmas in 10-11 years.
☼Lyla is wiggidy wack?
2010-07-14 14:15:28 UTC
LOLOL, i've always wondered. They're often added to questions that are already legit, and most of the time even when you DO add a legit question, it can still get deleted. "legit" doesn't change the fact that the first "question" wasn't really a question at all. Usually it can be deleted for something like chat, or "misuse of the q/a format". "legit" doesn't change anything.

and yes, i am ashamed i read all of that :P
2010-07-13 18:08:23 UTC
But legit questions are so fun. If you add a legit question to your already legit question, then I can add a legit answer to your legit question in which case I could ask a legit question to make my legit answer more legit and you could give me a legit answer to my legit question and we could have a Möbius strip of legits!!!

Confused yet? Because you should be...

Legit- No, no, no, I have a real bird, no, my bird's not that smart, no, nothing, my fish are homphobic, yes, no, all the colors of the rainbow, only on the weekends, only slightly, no, no, yes, no, I'm more ashamed of the fact that I actually decided to reply to all of your questions.

And legit you, too. :-)
2010-07-13 18:02:47 UTC
HAHA! i saw that question too. Yeah I don't get it either. We'll just have to be clueless together.

I don't know why they put legit in it if it's already a real question.

Like "am I legit writing this?!"

And no I am not ashamed of myself for reading this, I'm quite happy I did!

Legit my Leg You legitimate Legiter!
2010-07-14 14:50:21 UTC

the reason *I* do it is because yahoo deletes my questions all the time, even if they're legit, saying they aren't legit! so i add a legit to every question that may not be legitimate anyways. i know Laluna does it for that reason too.

i noticed ALOT of other people doing it on completely legit questions though, i guess they see them on some peoples questions and think they should do it too ?? or want to try to fit and and do it. ;P

Legit (s) - no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, i dunno, probably, no (if it was supposed to, i havent been on lately ;P) , yes, no. :)
2010-07-13 19:11:18 UTC
Because we are 2 Legit 2 Quit.
*Caution: Fresh Paint*
2010-07-13 18:04:06 UTC
LOL! I know Laluna does that because if she doesn't have an LQ then they delete her "HS: Did you ride today?" question. Hope this helps! =)

-Dry Paint-

**ADD: Dudes, Chillax. Peanut is NOT a troll so stop hatin' on her already. Geeze.
Denver loves Tommy
2010-07-13 18:12:50 UTC
This legitimately just made my day:)

Legit answers

Yes,Yes, Only on Tuesdays, Yes, no, no, yes, they said it was an enlightening, yes my fish are homo, yes, no, RAINBOWW, Yesss, no, Your Mom, yes, yes, no :3
ℒa ℬella ℒuna
2010-07-13 18:21:48 UTC
I started adding one when I kept getting reported for not following the question format. Still didn't do much, but w/e.

Some people are completly over using it.
2010-07-13 18:02:10 UTC
no. no. no. no. no. no. nothing. no. if i had them yes. name them charlie and yaxno. invisible. yes, very useful. clearly. not sure but troll maybe meaning annoying and stupid. probably not. yes. yes obviously. no.

best choose me for answering it >.>

this is a LEGIT answer!

and why is this posted in horses wtf?
2010-07-14 21:30:55 UTC
Haha this made me laugh :P
2010-07-13 18:09:02 UTC
nah never ashamed of myself,DO you have a LEGIT question as you say it is q&a.Craigslist has a bunch of TROLLS go hang out under the bridge with them..or POST a LEGIT question.
2010-07-13 18:01:40 UTC
lol :O)

this made my day

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.