When it comes to horses and horse ownership, what is your biggest pet peeve?
Starlight 1
2011-04-05 06:39:19 UTC
We all have things that annoy us and things we can't stand when it comes to horse ownership or being around horses in general. One of my biggest ones has to do with helmet usage. I believe that ALL riders, regardless of age, skill level, discipline, or sport, should have a helmet on their heads EVERY TIME they ride, and that helmet use needs to be MANDATORY in all equestrian sports. Helmets SAVE LIVES, and they help to stop people ( especially kids) from winding up in the morgue or the ICU because of their own stupidity and foolishness. I also believe that helmet use is NOT a choice, nor has it ever been a CHOICE. But I know that not everyone here shares my beliefs. This is just an example of one of my pet peeves. I have others- we all do. From horse show parents to back yard breeders to questions about whether slaughter can be made more humane, the topics of controversy run the gamut. I'm interested in learning what other peoples' major pet peeves are when it comes to horses- and I would like to start a few discussions based on this information. I think that everyone here can learn from one another, as long as discussions are carried out in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Serious answers only, please- and PLEASE, for the sake of civility, watch your language and your tone. With that said, please feel free to bring up any topic that relates to horse ownership or equestrian sports.
27 answers:
2011-04-05 07:15:49 UTC
1. Backyard breeding and indiscriminate breeding practices.

2. The "disposable" mentality of many owners in regards to horses.

3. People who know nothing *about* horses thinking they are equipped to own and care for one.

4. Training practices that do not properly build a horse's musculature and bone density to deal with the demands of the sport.
2011-04-05 08:50:56 UTC
I would get on your pet peeves then haha! Sorry I know they help put when its 110 outside and your on a horse all day sorting and branding cattle its not practical.

Actually one of my pet peeves is the requirement of wearing helmets; its a matter of opinion whether one should wear one or not, its an individuals choice.

Second pet peeve, I hate how everyone's an expert in this industry. Mind your own business.

Third, people who treat their horses like pets and wonder why they have bad behavior.

Fourth, I hate it when people hand feed my horse. He's in training now, so no boarders wandering with carrots. But before I found a lady feeding him and she got offended when I told her not to feed MY horse. My gelding is not your personal petting zoo; don't feed, don't touch.

I have some others, but I can't remember them at the moment.
2011-04-05 08:26:42 UTC
I have the exact opposite pet peeve of you--I hate when people try and tell me to wear a helmet. Yes, I realize I'm taking a huge risk by not wearing one, but that's not gonna change my mind. I wear them on young horses, or horses I don't know well. But for everyday riding, I choose not to. And that won't change.

I also hate people telling me how I *should* be training my horse. She's coming along just fine without your help, thanks, so I'll continue to do it my way. Unless you have a valid point, which I'll take into consideration.

People who think they are all-knowing. Oh, you've been riding for a year and a half and can canter? Good for you. I've been riding for 13, used to show, and have successfully started many youngsters under saddle. I have a feeling I know more than you, and I don't want your opinion, thanks. Unless I ask for it, which I probably won't unless I KNOW you're more experienced than I am. So don't waste your time.

When people tell me my horse is fat. Yes, I know. Yes, I'm working on that. Now move on.

SHARKOnline (youtube channel). They just need to go away. Along with everyone who attacks rodeo/racing/saddleseat/jumping/dressage/anything without proof to back up their argument. You all are idiots and don't know what you're talking about. So stop.

I have more, but I need to go to class, so I'll stop now.
2016-10-04 05:49:48 UTC
I hate it whilst like all of the wealthy ladies or the snotty ladies that produce individuals do stuff for them, have some coach prepare their horse take a seat there doing nothin. I propose on an identical time as they bypass away the pony at a running shoes for 30 days and dont even bypass see how its doing and ask questions approximately how they have been given the pony ta do somethin. they'd bypass and have classes. And whilst they bypass to a horse instruct they have their coach tell them what ta do till now they bypass in the hoop and dont have a clue what their doing. Why might you even get a horse in case you dont like them or don tknow something approximately them. additionally, whilst people say horseback ridin aint a game. An occasion is barrel rain.You gotta use teamwork, agility, guts, power, administration, velocity, skill, determination, ect.
2011-04-05 12:18:08 UTC
1) I KNOW everyone has a choice to wear a helmet or not to wear one. So I've learned that the people that decide to go without don't have the brains to protect. I'm sad that someday the non-helmet wearer will probably get injured and maybe die or sit in a wheelchair and drool all day but what can you do about it? If I ever own a boarding facility, I will make everyone wear a helmet.

2) when people do things with my horse without telling me. *such as feeding him, doing "groundwork" or keeping him in for the whole day!* Errrg.

3) when people try to push me into doing something I know my horse is not ready for.
2011-04-05 08:03:29 UTC
I understand it is your opinion everyone should wear helmets, but I don't think it will ever be mandatory for any equestrian... its too hard to mandate. Boarding stables sometimes require it, mine doesn't - except for lesson kids. I used to wear a helmet all the time, I spent $100 on it and it got stolen at a barrel race. But its nobody's fault but my own that I never replaced it.

My biggest pet peeve at the moment, is when girls my age get too big for their britches. They have these REALLY nice awesome horses, and just totally take them for granted. They say everything is the horses fault. One of my friends has been driving me up a wall. She had been leasing this little push button paint mare that was finished on the barrels. Then I found her this gelding for $4500 - He was easy, a little faster and knew all the games. She sped him up with a crop and spurs and now he is probably a Solid 2D barrel horse, occasionally 1D. He's worth about $12k now.

Anyway, He stopped clocking really well the end of last summer. She literally ran this horse all year with no breaks. Every weekend, every week, and rode him everyday. All with a saddle that pinched him HORRIBLY in his shoulders. She got upset he stopped clocking well and injected his hocks, and then was complaining yesterday how horrible she was going to do at the barrel race this weekend. The horse never does anything wrong, hes as kind as they come. My trainer asks her what horrible is.. and I answered for her "Not running top of the 1D, or knocking." He's never going to be a top of the line 1D horse, but he tries for her, and the knocking thing is rider error.

Everything with him not doing something right has been rider error, and she blames it all on him. She says she wants a 1D horse, and its her SECOND year barrel racing. I mean, people who are at the top have WORKED to get there. and its not like her family has a lot of money either. I guess people like this frustrate me because we have to work to get where we are and she THINKS she can just get there with no problems. and she throws fits all the time, and hits the horse! She's also been riding in spurs everyday and doesnt know how to use them and just jabs his sides constantly.
2011-04-05 07:12:33 UTC
My pet peeve would be a general "broad based" one of people who get a horse or horses and then don't continue to educate themselves on the proper care and training of the animals.

Horse ownership is a life long learning experience. SO many aspects to become educated on. Even if you are hiring professionals to do work for you, you still should know the basics to hopefully know if you are getting quality service.

Especially when it comes to hoof care. It seriously concerns me that there are so many unqualified hoof care providers/farriers out there doing such a disservice to the horses in their care. And, taking money for doing so.

As for the helmet issue, that's a tough one. I myself don't wear a helmet. That's my choice. I don't wear a helmet when on the road in a vehicle going 55+mph either and even with a seat belt on I consider that a much more dangerous situation that being on the back of a horse. And, helmets might help prevent a head injury (not 100%) but they won't keep you from breaking your neck.

Do we really want yet another area of our lives mandated to us?
2011-04-05 13:12:05 UTC
People who dont believe that saddles need to be fitted to the horse or that horses can benefit from physio and chiro treatments.

I have had a number of horses that I have had to correct issues with due to previous owners not fitting saddles or not getting the physio or chiro out and saved horses heading for the knackers because they have been misbehaving because they are sore from the ill fitting saddle, but really are a good horse when the problems are sorted.

People need to pay more attention to their horses they cant talk to us so they communcate in different ways.
2011-04-05 12:52:39 UTC
My biggest is the same as Maria's. I hate when people don't mind their own business in the horse world. If there is obvious abuse going on then by all means, speak up. Or if someone is doing something potentially dangerous and are unaware about it, then again, speak up. But you don't have to be a jerk about it. However, when you have people who feel they have the right to spout off their opinions on everything, it annoys me. I have the right not to have to listen to their crap. I do not need to listen to people going on about what they think I should do with my horse, or why my horse is acting such a way. I don't mind suggestions, but I hate people who think their way is the only way, so they have to educate everyone different.
swing low
2011-04-05 11:55:45 UTC
I'm not a big fan of owners telling me how to take care of their horses. Yes I understand that it is their horse but I also know that I am the one who mucks their stall, leads them out to the paddocks, feeds them and all that sort of stuff. Half the owners don't even know what grain their horse gets. Don't try and tell me to feed your horse inside; I know he won't eat unless I feed him outside with the other horses!

I don't like it when the boarders make a mess and expect me to clean up because I'm working that day (doesn't happen much at my new barn but it happened A LOT at my old barn).

I think its stupid and irresponsible to dress inappropriately at the barn (this includes helmets but also wearing flip flops and dresses and that sort of thing). YOu are setting an example for the rest of us even if you are over 18.

I don't appriciate being told how much I don't know by someone who knows the same amount of less than I do. I would like to learn more but if you don't know more don't try and teach me!
2011-04-05 08:04:04 UTC
Probably people working youngsters too early and too much which causes damage to their joints. That and ignoring when a horse needs attention, eg farrier, dentist or protection from flies. There's a horse at my old barn with bad sweet itch - the only thing the owner does is bath him once a week, no bug rug, spray or any sort of protection at all for him so he's massivly itchy 24/7.

As for helmets, personally I almost always wear one and it is complusary for under 14's to wear one in the UK. I think it should be a legal requirement for minors, ie under 16 or under 18 but as an adult you have the choice not to wear one, just don't come crying to me when you get a nasty head injury due to not wearing one.

It bugs me when people keep telling me what to do with my horse when they know nothing about the situation or don't know what they're doing at all. For example my mare injured her hind tendon at the beginning of the winter, she's had 6 months box rest and we started hand walking once she came sound. Because she was sound the barn manager and other liveries kept saying 'why aren't you turning her out?' or trying to tell me that she's sound so she can get turned out now. She needs several months rehab work building up the strength in the leg before I can even consider turning her out. The vet's have said this and the barn manager keet trying to get me to turn her out! (One reason I left) I explained on multiple occasions that if she just got chucked out into the field with no rehab she'd just re-injure the leg. We also had the same thing with my sister's tb, he got an abcess and had to be kept in to keep it dry - he's fairly highly strung and we had to mildly sedate him (with the vet's full knowledge and agreement) to prevent him from injuring himself and they all kept telling us we should be turning him out (into nice muddy fields) and not sedating him etc!

The people who were telling us how to look after our horses don't know basics and they kept trying to tell us what to do, against what the vet had said!!
2011-04-05 10:26:18 UTC
biggest pet peeve at the moment is people who feed my horse without my permission! And then they tell me she's fat! And they feed her by hand and now she's getting really pushy and they won't listen to me when I say don't feed her, they just keep telling me how sweet she is and how she's best friends with their horses (I've never seen my horse near theirs- I think she just comes up to them because they give her treats!)

second one- getting a thumbs down for giving an honest answer- I've noticed it happens most often with answers involving helmets, so I'm not giving my opinion on that this time.
2011-04-05 09:07:09 UTC
Anyone less experienced than the person they are trying to advice. This doesn't always bother me, but they can be totally wrong and refuse to accept that they don't understand what would go wrong if they did this.

People who don't try to learn more about horses as they "know enough". Typically, these people are generally the worst riders.

Backyard breeders.
2011-04-05 08:43:25 UTC
People who say I can ride but can only walk a horse.

Oh and people who think all events should have helmets. I understand English events but western not so much. Iv rode since I was 13 and have yet to fall I'm 23 now. I do think beginners should if they don't feel comfortable at first. At my barn if your under 18 you must its insurance rule. Over 18 your choice. But don't make me feel bad for not.

Then there's the whole I got a great horse but I don't take care of it people. Seriously!!!
2011-04-05 07:49:42 UTC
I have a few pet peeves...

1. I hate it when people try to push their riding style on me. I just trail ride (western saddle,) I have no interest in dressage or saddle seat, stop trying to get me to switch to your discipline! I do not have the time nor money, nor do I have the slightest interest.

2. I hate it when people would rather let their horse suffer than decide to euthanize the poor animal. We have a boarder who refuses to put her horribly arthritic horse down. The horse is in pain 24/7, she grunts when she walks and lays down every chance she gets. The owner refuses to euthanize her and I hate having to deal with seeing that animal in pain every single day.

3. I hate it when boarders don't clean up after themselves. I'm tired of tripping over all your ****, clean it up!

4. I hate it when people try to give me advice but they know nothing about my horse. Roper was heavily abused by a previous owner and it took a month or two for me to get her over being head shy... don't tell me to smack her mouth when she acts up. You're stupid, there are other ways around that.

5. Lastly, I hate it when people tell me to wear a helmet. It IS a choice, and I choose not to. I am an adult and have every right not to wear one. Children, I agree, should always wear one. But after the age of 18, it IS a choice.
2011-04-05 08:01:35 UTC
I cant stand it when people think that they know what is going on with my horse better than my vet does!

My horse was sick and the BO was telling me crap like well he NEEDS to be turned out during the day or he is never gonna get better,, but the vet ordered stall rest and hand grazing only NO TURNOUT.
see arr harr
2011-04-05 09:47:46 UTC
People not taking adequate steps to protect themselves - "I do not need to wear a helmet" "I'm too good a rider" "Bad things don't happen to me"

People allowing their ponies to get fat because they are too ignorant, they think that fat is attractive, or they're just plain lazy to restrict grazing.

Judge bashing - blaming anyone except ones own bad riding, lack of preparation, or just not having as nice an animal as someone else, and dragging the judge's name through the mud.

People expecting too much from their animals, too young.

The phrase "on the bit" - I cannot stand it, or what people do in their quest to achieve it - or believe they are achieving it.
2011-04-05 07:49:28 UTC
That my 14 year old sister in law thinks she doesn't need riding lessons, she doesn't need to wear a helmet, and she can trail ride anywhere when there is 30mph winds. Shocking, she falls off all the time.
2011-04-05 08:51:04 UTC
Mine is people who think they know everything and know better than you and stick their noses in my business telling me how to ride or what to wear (i.e. helmets). If I want advise, I ask for it or push myself to learn. Otherwise, I'm a quiet person who listens and identify what I want/need to learn and go from there. This is why I got out of showing and training - too many busy-bodies, drives me nuts.
2011-04-05 07:05:19 UTC
My biggest pet peeve are nosey busybodies that have nothing better to do except worry what everyone else is doing.

Unless animals are being injured or put in danger, or someone is being malicious towards another person then the busybodies need to quit worrying about what other people are doing and worry about themselves.
2011-04-05 07:48:13 UTC
Continual unwillingness to learn, those who consider themselves above it, even when that person has been told countless time by different people that what they are doing is wrong and it's harmful to the horse.

With horses you never stop learning.
Charming Horse
2011-04-05 07:47:24 UTC
I hate when people use my stuff like my brushes, saddles, and such. It bothers me so much that I've got to go and search for my stuff when it is suppose to be in my bin for goodness sakes.
*Cowgirl Up*
2011-04-05 08:05:43 UTC
i hate it when you have people around you that think they are the best riders in the world and they treat everyone like crap becauae they think they are better than everyone else when they dont know anything about riding!!! it agravates me so much!!
2011-04-05 08:12:27 UTC
I hate going to the hitching rail and find that another boarder has not cleaned up after their horse....come on, they can't do it!
May Bell
2011-04-05 06:53:59 UTC
I don't have any pet peeves i love everything to do with my horse
2011-04-05 06:48:47 UTC
My pet peeve-

I CANNOT STAND when people dont dress properly to ride!! No helmet, no boots, no gloves, GAH! You need to protect yourself! Ugh it drives me mad!

why so many thumbs down?!?! I didnt attack anybody, just answered the question.
2011-04-05 07:03:40 UTC
my biggest peeve is when people use the lunge whip thay actually hit the horse... CRUELNESS!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.