1) How may horses do you have?
2) What gender are they?
Gelding and Mare
3) What color are they?
Appaloosa (blanket) and grey
4) Who rides them?
My dad rides the gelding, I ride my mare
5) Do they have a show name?
The gelding doesn't that I know of, the mare's is Desert Rain
6) What's their discipline?
The gelding can do barrels, jumping, bareback and trails. The mare could do all too but right now she just does trails and bareback
7) How old are they?
Gelding is 16 and mare is 7
8) Do you Board them somewhere?
Nope, they live with me :) Pastures I mean
9) Fav treat?
Gelding: apples and grain
Mare: apples, grain, pears, grass, grapes, granola, cereal XD
10) Where did you get them?
Gelding: Arizona, we had to trade a Walker mare who needed to be retrained for him
Mare: Utah, my cousin gave her to me for free because he didn't have time nor was he in physical shape.
11) How long have you had them?
Gelding: About 3/4 a year or less?
Mare: Exactly 1 year, 1 month, and about 26 days
12) Do you take lessons on them?
Nope, I teach myself and learn from videos on youtube
13) Who bought them?
14) Hw do they do with other people/horses?
Gelding: not good with people nor horses, he tests people and horses don't like him much
Mare: EVERYONE loves her :) but only people with basic knowledge of horseback riding can ride her. She listens to me best. Almost all horses like her too
15) What's their personality?
Gelding: testy pain in the butt should say it. He always tests people's limits and how stubborn they can be compared to him
Mare: Calm, happy, easy to get along with, loves about everyone, ADORES kids and young people, hardly spooky, a dream horse for every child
16) What seems to be their motto?
Gelding: If you can't handle my pushing on the ground, good luck in the saddle
Mare: I'll love you more if you have food! I'll test you once and if you pass the small test, I'll be a little angel with wings!
Gelding: 6 (he's just like a hormonal pissy mare, terrible attitude)
Mare: 20!!! <33333333