Horse Survey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
2010-10-14 19:22:21 UTC
Okay, here it goes:

1) How may horses do you have?

2) What gender are they?

3) What color are they?

4) Who rides them?

5) Do they have a show name?

6) What's their discipline?

7) How old are they?

8) Do you Board them somewhere?

9) Fav treat?

10) Where did you get them?

11) How lonh have you had them?

12) Do you take lessons on them?

13) Who bought them?

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses?

15) What's their personality?

16) What seems to be their motto?
29 answers:
2010-10-14 20:53:26 UTC
1) I have three -add- scratch that just got our new one today!! (fri.) so make that four lol

2) they are all mares

3) one is a chestnut and white paint, one is black, and the last one(my fave) is a golden palomino

4) The paint isn't old enough to ride, and I ride the other two

5) No

6) the Black is just a broodmare, and the Palomino does everything western but not english

7) almost 2, 13, and 14

8) no we have our own facilities for them

9) Oats

10) The palomino from a family friend, and the other two from a person who was retiring from breeding horses

11) The palomino, 4 years, the black, 1 1/2 years, and the filly, 1 year

12) Nope

13) My parents

14) Depends on the person, the palomino likes guys, and the other two like anybody who will give them attention

15) The filly is kinda bratty but most young horses are, the black is very sweet tempered, and the palomino who is best at speed events is a butt head.

16) idk lol it always changes hehe

BONUS: on a scale of 1-10.........111
2010-10-15 13:10:12 UTC
Hey! I dont own a horse but I hope I can still enter!

1) How may horses do you have?

None but I rdie a horse weakly.

2) What gender are they?


3) What color are they?

Chestnut with black mane.

4) Who rides them?

Me and some other girl :)

5) Do they have a show name?

Not sure.

6) What's their discipline?

English, jumping.

7) How old are they?

Not sure.

8) Do you Board them somewhere?


9) Fav treat?

I dont know what the're called, they are like long and brown. LOL!

10) Where did you get them?


11) How lonh have you had them?

Ill change the question a bit, I've been riding the horse for 2 months.

12) Do you take lessons on them?


13) Who bought them?


14) Hw do they do with other people/horses?


15) What's their personality?

Very cheeky and figity! LOL

16) What seems to be their motto?

No Idea what that means :/

I love the horse I ride so much even though I don't own her or see her every couple of days! I love her 15!! xx
fuzzy p
2010-10-14 19:58:06 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? I have three horses right now

2) What gender are they? All of them are females, two mares and a filly.

3) What color are they? All three are chestnuts!! ahh! run

4) Who rides them? I ride the two mares, the filly is too young.

5) Do they have a show name? Amareica and Cayenne. I am still brainstorming for the filly. I have always wanted to use the show name Windwaker, just because it's cool for a jumper and I loved the game! I might use that one.

6) What's their discipline? Hunter/jumpers. One mare is a jumper, and one is a hunter. The filly is going to be a jumper.

7) How old are they? 6 months, 12 years, and 15 years.

8) Do you Board them somewhere? Yes, I board all three of them. It's kind of crazy. I need to sell the hunter.

9) Fav treat? They love anything. Oats, apples, carrots, candy, granola bars.

10) Where did you get them? My hunter came from Saskatchewan, and the jumper was some green project horse I bought for really cheap at my old barn. The filly is the baby of the hunter.

11) How lonh have you had them? I've owned the hunter for about 4 years, the jumper for 2 years, and the filly for... well, 6 months.

12) Do you take lessons on them? Yes, with the mares.

13) Who bought them? I bought them.

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? Both mares are very dominant. The hunter has been in a herd the last couple years and she has always taken over as boss mare. Even with 20 horses. She is very snippy with people and other animals. The other two are great with people. My jumper follows me like a puppy.

15) What's their personality? The hunter is very bossy, pins her ears, squeals, etc... but she is very lovely undersaddle. The jumper is like a puppy dog, as I said. She hates being brushed though. The filly is very sweet, although she is becoming stubborn.

16) What seems to be their motto? Do you have food?
2010-10-15 02:21:38 UTC
1) How may horses do you have?


2) What gender are they?


3) What color are they?


4) Who rides them?

No one now, she's retired

5) Do they have a show name?

Satin Reign (registered)

6) What's their discipline?

Ex-pacer, then dressage and hacking

7) How old are they?

Mid to late 20s

8) Do you Board them somewhere?

Nah, she lives on our property

9) Fav treat?

Haha, anything! Greedy girl :)

10) Where did you get them?

Family friends

11) How lonh have you had them?

Since about 2003/04

12) Do you take lessons on them?


13) Who bought them?

Didn't buy her, sort of part own after she was agisted with us for two years from family friends

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses?

Depends on what mood she's in ^_^

15) What's their personality?

Cheeky, a bit moody, will sometimes be lazy and other times thinks she's still a filly

16) What seems to be their motto?

Get the food and then get out.

How much do you love them on a scale of 1-10? I expect mostly 11s!

2010-10-14 19:36:53 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? 4

2) What gender are they? 3 geldings, one mare

3) What color are they? bay, seal brown, pinto, dun

4) Who rides them? me and my son

5) Do they have a show name? their show names are the same as their barn names, but the two with two-word show names are shortened to one of the words for around the barn.

6) What's their discipline? They've done pretty much everything English: eventing, jumpers, mounted games, endurance, trail riding, pony club, etc.

7) How old are they? 5, 16, 16, and 29

8) Do you Board them somewhere? no, they're at home

9) Fav treat? pretty much anything

10) Where did you get them? Two I was being paid to train but then bought them. One was from an auction as a baby, and the last was from a horse rescue. They were all between 6 months and 3 years old when I bought them.

11) How lonh have you had them? The longest is the 29 year old. I got him at 3, sold him at 12, got him back at 19, and now he's 29. So I've owned him 19 of his 29 years. I've had one of the 16 year olds for 16 years and the other for 14 years, and the 5 year old for 3 years.

12) Do you take lessons on them? no, but my son does on the ponies

13) Who bought them? Me

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? good, mostly. The mare will squeal and threaten to kick other horses if they get too close, and she can sometimes be a bully with my geldings. They're all VERY friendly to humans.

15) What's their personality? curious, friendly, sweet

16) What seems to be their motto? "When is dinner?"
Gathering Dust
2010-10-14 19:54:40 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? 1

2) What gender are they? Mare

3) What color are they? Dusty Dappled Palomino

4) Who rides them? Me of course

5) Do they have a show name? Hermoso de Oro (She has a registered name but it's meh) Her actual name is Smores

6) What's their discipline? English, Western for fun, and we go trail riding. She is a pretty good jumper and enjoys cross country and I'll starting training her in Dressage this summer

7) How old are they? 7

8) Do you Board them somewhere? Yes

9) Fav treat? Honey Buns

10) Where did you get them? A city and state

11) How long have you had them? A while

12) Do you take lessons on them? Depends on what discipline I'm doing but yes.

13) Who bought them? Me

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? She is alpha but not mean. Great with other people.

15) What's their personality? Intelligent, curios, likes stinking her nose into things, loves to have fun, loves to please, attention hog, and a big baby.

16) What seems to be their motto: Oooo! What is that?!

**Gamer For Life**
2010-10-14 20:12:59 UTC
Okay, here it goes:

1) How may horses do you have? 1

2) What gender are they? mare

3) What color are they? bay

4) Who rides them? me and my family and friends mostly me

5) Do they have a show name? No

6) What's their discipline? Western

7) How old are they? 12

8) Do you Board them somewhere? Yes

9) Fav treat? Apples

10) Where did you get them? I rode her in a camp then found out she was for sale and bought her

11) How lonh have you had them? 4 years

12) Do you take lessons on them? yea

13) Who bought them? my parents

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? good sometimes a little mean with other horses

15) What's their personality? sweet, at times a little grumpy not often though

16) What seems to be their motto? On your marks, get set, go! And I aint stopping till i hit a wall


How much do you love them on a scale of 1-10? I expect mostly 11s! 1 squillion!
2010-10-15 02:36:59 UTC
Between my sister and I

1. 3

2. 1 mare (mine) and 2 geldings

3. Roo (my mare) dark bay

Chippy skewbald

Jazz chestnut (orange in the winter and gorgeous gold/bronze in the summer)

4. I ride Roo, occasionally Chippy, no one rides Jazz at the mo (he's only a baby and just being backed) I do let friends ride Roo and Chippy. Chippy's great with anyone, Roo's green so only when being lead are people other than my sister and I allowed to ride her

5. Roo is 'So What' - I got her when Pink's song came out and she was full of attitude that it suited her

Chippy is NavajoJo pronounced Navaho Jo - that always gives the commentators trouble

Jazz is Jitterbug Jazz

6. Roo and Chippy do a bit of everything, Jazz will eventually be a dressage boy

7. Roo's 5, Chiipy's 13 and Jazz is 4

8. They're boarded at a small yard 10 minutes from my house on DIY livery - we make up 50% of the horses. Eventually I will have my own place but can't afford at the moment

9. Badminton Fibre Nuts - they will literally do anything for these, beer/stout (they don't get it very often)

10. Chippy was our first bought from a dealer no history before then

Jazz we went to a Friesian stud to look at those for me and came away with a thoroughbred for my sister

Roo I found online and couldn't afford her at the time so I was cheeky and asked if they'd do loan with a view to buy (I had enough to keep her but not to pay outright for a couple of months) and they agreed. She was about 4 hours away from me.

11. Chippy we've had something 8 years

Jazz 3 years and Roo 2 years

12. Not yet - I'm waiting on healing following surgery then will be starting lessons with Roo and CHippy but Jazz is going slow cause he's been difficult so won't be doing lessons for a while

13. My sister bought her 2 boys and my mom paid for Roo

14. They're all really friendly - Jazz especially so with mares in season lol. You're very likely to get mugged for treats from Chippy - he thinks the world exists to feed him

15. Chippy's your grumpy old man sometimes but likes anything to do with food, Jazz is your typical 14 year old boy - girls and sugar, both of which send him hyper

Roo's a sweet mare once you get past the face and very honest

16. Food, Food, Food - anything can be done with food!!!!!

Bonus - scale doesn't come into it, I've sold the house and moved 100 miles cause we couldn't afford the livery where we were and where we are now is half the cost

2010-10-14 19:56:07 UTC
1. I personally only own 2 my self!!

2. Gelding and Mare

3. Both are black!!

4. I ride the gelding and I drive the mare :)

5. Gelding: Tuffomite's Last Impression. Mare: Little Miss Black Rain Cloud. Both registered names not chosen by me :)

6. The Gelding is barrel racing and the Mare is a miniature and she drives

7. Gelding is 3 1/2 and the Mare/mini is 4 1/2

8. They both live at MY barn! No boarding for me :)

9. Carrots for the gelding and Watermelon for the Mini

10. The gelding I bought from my barrel racing instructor and I bought the neighbor from just a random stranger on the internet who showed minis

11. I have had the gelding since he was 6 months old and the mini mare for about 1 yr now

12. No I am training my gelding myself and I trained my mini :)

13. Uh they both aren't for sale! So no one!

14. The gelding is great with people and horses alike and the mini is the bossy over my horse and loveable around people :)

15. Gelding people pleaser LOVES attention and LOVES to hugged :D. Mini likes you if you have food besides that you are just someone who feeds her lol. But even she can get loveable sometimes lol

How much do I love them...... There is no number on the scale that I could name that would say how much I love them!!! They are my pride and joy!!!
2010-10-14 23:03:48 UTC
1) I own 1 horse

2) She is a mare

3) light bay in the summer, dark bay in the winter

4) 99% of the time its just me, but here and there my mom hops on and walks her around.

5) Yes, her show name is Picture Perfect

6) She does everything, from hunters, to jumpers, to dressage, and to western.

7) She is 8

8) Yup

9) Stud Muffins or Apples

10) From a rescue barn where I live

11) I have owned her for almost 2 years

12) Not on her, but I take lessons on my trainers horse.

13) Me

14) Shes an attention hog! haha and she LOVES people

15) She is sweet, kind, and gentile

16) Never give up trying?

17) on a scale 1-10.......about 1000
2010-10-14 19:57:58 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? . . . . . I own only two, but my mom runs a riding school.

2) What gender are they? One mare, One gelding.

3) What color are they? My mare (Crayons) is black paint and My gelding (Stewie) is Dun.

4) Who rides them? Me. They won't let anyone else ride them.

5) Do they have a show name? Colorful Crayons and Stewie Tomato.

6) What's their discipline? Western Pleasure and Barrel Racing.

7) How old are they? 10 and 7

8) Do you Board them somewhere? Nope

9) Fav treat? The salt off my hand XD

10) Where did you get them? I got Crayons from a breeder and Stewie from a pregnant mare across the road.

11) How lonh have you had them? Crayons: 8 years Stewie: 7 years

12) Do you take lessons on them? On Crayons.

13) Who bought them? My mom.

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? Crayons is sweet but Stewie doesn't really have great manners.

15) What's their personality? Crayons will do anything for anyone and Stewie is just a big tough guy.

16) Crayons: I think I smell a treat! Stewie: If her name ain't Piper, she ain't ridin me.

Bonus: A number that is not yet invented.
Napoleans Mum
2010-10-14 19:38:01 UTC
1) 1

2) gelding

3) Bay

4) Myself and the BF

5) The Third Man

6) Ex Trotter, now used for dressage and trails

7) 15

8) At home

9) Anything he can get his mouth around, but sugar cubes and oranges

10) Neighbour

11) 6 months

12) No

13) Got him for free

14) He loves people and horses

15) Big horse with a big head with a big sooky soft heart

16) Big Man

I love him more then 10 or 11
2010-10-14 20:20:46 UTC
1) How may horses do you have?


2) What gender are they?


3) What color are they?


4) Who rides them?

me mostly once a month (ish) my trainer will get on him

5) Do they have a show name?

Westmoreland Road

6) What's their discipline?

hunter/jumper and eventing

7) How old are they?


8) Do you Board them somewhere?

yes, at the barn I've ridden for 3 years

9) Fav treat?

carrot and grain (We buy bit pellets so he can have it as a treat)

10) Where did you get them?

a person in a nearby town was selling him in an unhonest sale it turns out

11) How lonh have you had them?

a few months now

12) Do you take lessons on them?

yes, group lessons i have taken for 3 years i ride him now rather then school horses, and private lessons now since he's very green

13) Who bought them?

my mom's name is on the papers and she handed the cash over but it was my dad's money, but since they're married i guess it's her money too

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses?

other horses he is shy of in the pasture, riding he wants to race, other people he's very shy until you warm up to him. he is just reserved and curious but spend some time with him and he's your best friend

15) What's their personality?

silly, he's really curious, he seems to understand so much, very smart to much so for his own good, generally pretty sweet no bite or kick riding he is very green so it's not always the best ride but overall he is a pretty sweet boy

16) What seems to be their motto?

"Run!" "Learn from your mistakes, after making them many times"

17) bonus- depends on the day and his attitude, but at the end of the day there is no number for my love
Love to Josie and Cocoa!
2010-10-14 19:48:09 UTC
1) How may horses do you have?

I have 2

2) What gender are they?

They are mares

3) What color are they?

One is blood bay, the other is a dun.

4) Who rides them?

Me mostly, sometimes others will ride the dun, but they bay is ALL MINE, lol

5) Do they have a show name?

No, they don't, and probably will never need one.

6) What's their discipline?

In Training to be trail horses one day

7) How old are they?

bay-2 1/2, dun-31/2

8) Do you Board them

9) Fave treat?

Apples for both

10) Where did you get them?

Someone just gave my mom the dun, she gave her to me. I traded for the bay

11) How long have you had them?

Nearly a year for both

12) Do you take lessons on them?


13.) Who bought them?

No one really, but in the long one, I guess you can say I bought the bay

14) How do they do with other people/horses?

Never as good as they do with me.

15) What's their personality?

High and mighty, but willing to try their best at everything I throw at them.

16) What seems to be their motto?

A stubborn horse walks in front of you, a lazy one behind you, but a noble companion beside you.


This sounds bad, but the bay- definitely higher than 11. The dun, maybe a flat 10, a 9 on the days she tests my patience.

Add- pics-


Quiet Strength
2010-10-14 21:04:19 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? 1. A gorgeous Thoroughbred.

2) What gender are they? Gelding

3) What color are they? Chestnut

4) Who rides them? I do

5) Do they have a show name? Quiet Strength

6) What's their discipline? Hunter/Jumper, Dressage

7) How old are they? 8

8) Do you Board them somewhere? Yes

9) Fav treat? Apples

10) Where did you get them? Eventing Stables in Washington

11) How lonh have you had them? 6 months

12) Do you take lessons on them? Yes

13) Who bought them? My parents

14) How do they do with other people/horses? Incredible. He lets boxers run between his feet and is friendly to just everyone

15) What's their personality? Quiet, Calm, in your pocket.... um.. very sweet and good natured, eager to please, honest jumper, always does what I ask of him...

16) What seems to be their motto? Um.. Always there for you...

On a scale of 1-10? Infinity and beyond.
2010-10-14 19:32:56 UTC
1) How many horses do you have? 2

2) What gender are they? Both mares

3) What color are they? One chestnut, one grey

4) Who rides them? Me! And my friends sometimes.

5) Do they have a show name? My TB's show name is Adele Lucille. My Arabians name, Avalee, is already pretty interesting so thats her show name.

6) What's their discipline? English. The TB is more of a jumper, the Arabian is more of a dressage horse.

7) How old are they? TB- 6. Arab- 10

8) Do you Board them somewhere? Nope!

9) Fav treat? TB- Nature Valley oats n honey granola bar. Arab- Watermelon for sure!

10) Where did you get them? TB- OTTB rescue. Arab- Private seller

11) How lonh have you had them? TB- A year this month. Arab- Two years in January

12) Do you take lessons on them? Sadly, not at the moment.

13) Who bought them? I bought my Arab with my own money, my TB was a birthday/Christmas present.

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? Pretty good, but sometimes a bit marish. :)

15) What's their personality? Lucy (tb)- Uhm.. Kinda a turd actually. Shes a total biter. It hurts. Under saddle shes lazy until we start jumping, then shes all hyper and she loves it. Avalee (arab)- Really sweet, fairly calm, can be spooky. Jumps scare her a little bit but shes getting better.

16) What seems to be their motto? Uhh. What?

Bonus- Avalee would be a 20 :) Lucy would be a 9.. Shes not the most loving thing and she bites haha but I still love her bunches.



2010-10-15 12:08:36 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? 1

2) What gender are they? a mare

3) What color are they? bay

4) Who rides them? I do. Just me. A dressage trainer rode her once, my mare was so angry that she rode with 2 whips that she passaged. The trainer stopped and looked at me and said "she passaged!" and then my mare tried to throw her off.

5) Do they have a show name? nope, I do show her though.

6) What's their discipline? I've been showing her in hunters, but a about 2 years ago I started dressage. I've also started more stadium jumping than hunters. We've also started XC. I fully plan to get into eventing next summer.

7) How old are they? 10

8) Do you Board them somewhere? I keep her at a friends house. I had to leave the boarding stable because they weren't feeding her. I do want to get into another boarding barn though. A place with more teenagers, instead of just me and an indoor arena, as it is impossible to ride dec-feb here. I'll ride through nov. IF i'm lucky.

9) Fav treat? carrots!

10) where did you get them? I randomly picked her out of a pasture. My mom gave me a lease for x-mas and I picked her. Even though I'd never ridden her, she hadn't been ridden in 2 years. My thinking was that as a TB she could jump. It worked out better than I could have ever hoped! We ended up buying her!

11) How long have you had them? I leased her for a year and I'll have owned her for 2 years in Dec.

12) Do you take lessons on them? Yes. not regularly, but whenever the instructor isn't traveling for her real job I haul over to her barn. I also try to have dressage lessons fairly regularly.

13) Who bought them? My mom, I'm super lucky. She did use the life insurance money she got from my grandfather though. Her thinking was that he would have wanted me to have her.

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? She got into a fight with a clydesdale, (who kicked back and took quite a bit of skin off) so now she's on private turn out. But she is always the dominate mare.

15) What's their personality? Dominate. She has her own way of looking at things and expects me to follow her. We get into a lot of arguments. She is incredibly smart though.

16) What seems to be their motto? Food! Throw Kelsey off...Food!
2010-10-14 20:09:32 UTC

1. one

2. mare

3. Dun :)

4. My friend and I

5. no showing :(

6. English (LOVES to jump!)

7. About 20

8. I lease

9. Anything she can get her hands (or hoofs) on!

10. LMU

11. about 1 mnth

12. Nope

13. I pay the lease

14. LOVES other people and horses!

15. SUPER loveable and spunky and carefree!

16. Never too short to jump, Never too small to dream!

Breed: Fjord!!

LOVE: I have only known her for a short period of time but already an 11!!
2010-10-14 23:52:15 UTC
1) How may horses do you have?


2) What gender are they?

Gelding and Mare

3) What color are they?

Appaloosa (blanket) and grey

4) Who rides them?

My dad rides the gelding, I ride my mare

5) Do they have a show name?

The gelding doesn't that I know of, the mare's is Desert Rain

6) What's their discipline?

The gelding can do barrels, jumping, bareback and trails. The mare could do all too but right now she just does trails and bareback

7) How old are they?

Gelding is 16 and mare is 7

8) Do you Board them somewhere?

Nope, they live with me :) Pastures I mean

9) Fav treat?

Gelding: apples and grain

Mare: apples, grain, pears, grass, grapes, granola, cereal XD

10) Where did you get them?

Gelding: Arizona, we had to trade a Walker mare who needed to be retrained for him

Mare: Utah, my cousin gave her to me for free because he didn't have time nor was he in physical shape.

11) How long have you had them?

Gelding: About 3/4 a year or less?

Mare: Exactly 1 year, 1 month, and about 26 days

12) Do you take lessons on them?

Nope, I teach myself and learn from videos on youtube

13) Who bought them?


14) Hw do they do with other people/horses?

Gelding: not good with people nor horses, he tests people and horses don't like him much

Mare: EVERYONE loves her :) but only people with basic knowledge of horseback riding can ride her. She listens to me best. Almost all horses like her too

15) What's their personality?

Gelding: testy pain in the butt should say it. He always tests people's limits and how stubborn they can be compared to him

Mare: Calm, happy, easy to get along with, loves about everyone, ADORES kids and young people, hardly spooky, a dream horse for every child

16) What seems to be their motto?

Gelding: If you can't handle my pushing on the ground, good luck in the saddle

Mare: I'll love you more if you have food! I'll test you once and if you pass the small test, I'll be a little angel with wings!


Gelding: 6 (he's just like a hormonal pissy mare, terrible attitude)

Mare: 20!!! <33333333
2010-10-14 21:57:27 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? One lease horse

2) What gender are they? Gelding

3) What color are they? Dark, rich bay

4) Who rides them? Me, my younger sister, sometimes my trainer (his previous owner), her boyfriend (his new owner), the occasional lesson. But I'm the sole person riding him about 70% of the time.

5) Do they have a show name? yesss, Saboteur Victory! (barn name Sabor)

6) What's their discipline? Dressage, Jumpers (NOT hunters), English performance, and we're trying to learn stock seat/western together!

7) How old are they? 16

8) Do you Board them somewhere? Yes, he is boarded at the barn where I take lessons.

9) Fav treat? Corn on the cob, pretzels

10) Where did you get them? From my trainer, lol

11) How lonh have you had them? I've been leasing him for 8 months now, almost 9...

12) Do you take lessons on them? yes, of course

13) Who bought them? my trainer...

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? He's totally mellow. He's pretty friendly with other horses; he's that one horse in the paddock who wants to be friends with everybody, but isn't smart enough to realize nobody wants to be friends with him :P He's also completely chill with any person riding or handling him. Especially if they have food!

15) What's their personality? He's supposed to be really high energy and intelligent, but he's super mellow, and kinda stupid sometimes :P but he's really loveable, and talented. He's that kind of horse that takes care of you, but he doesn't realize he's doing it. haha.

16) What seems to be their motto? "Got any food? No? Okay fine you can ride me anyway."
2010-10-15 14:36:46 UTC
1) How may horses do you have?


2) What gender are they?

2 geldings 3 mares and 2 stud colts

3) What color are they?

2 sorral 2 buckskin 1 black 1 palimino 1 very dark bay(only 5 months old think he might turn black)

4) Who rides them?

Me and my mom

5) Do they have a show name?

the registered ones do

6) What's their discipline?

trail riding, wester pleasure, walk trot, barrel racing, and pole bending

7) How old are they?

16, 5, 4, 4, 3, 1, and 5months

8) Do you Board them somewhere?

no we own a farm

9) Fav treat?


10) Where did you get them?

4 we rasied, 2 got from a trader, and the other got from breeder

11) How lonh have you had them?

many years

12) Do you take lessons on them?

no i give lessons tho

13) Who bought them?

my mom

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses?

most of the time just fine

15) What's their personality?

they are all different...funny, silly, witchy, top dog, playful, laid back

16) What seems to be their motto?

"feed me now!" "nope not gonna catch me" whoa whats that...can i eat it?" "is it our turn to run? about now?"
2010-10-14 19:33:42 UTC
1) 2 - ones mine ones my mom's

2) geldings

3) Grey w/ full coat of spots Bay

4) My mom rides her horse, I ride both

5)Texas Hold Em' and Out For Adventure

6) Hunter-jumper, but we also do trails

7) 11 & 8


9) Apples! Or grain haha

10) from a house owned barn, and from a training barn

11) both about 2 years

12) Not currently

13)My mom/dad

14) Fabulous - they are social butterflies!

15) Texas is the kind of horse that acts like a sweety and does super adorable stuff to get treats, or so we forgive him when he is naughty :P The other horse reminds me of a little kid - he is like a giant baby and needs his mommy for everything! Except when it comes to food you better back off.

16) The only one in charge of me is myself. Live like your dying! - And the other one - Love like theres no tomorrow! If your unsure of something, run.

17) Infinity million google plux
2010-10-14 19:50:30 UTC
1. 1

2. Mare

3. Dark Bay in the winter, chestnut in the summer

4. MEE!!!

5. Yes.. but I don't like it haha

6. English and I was told she can do western but haven't tried it on her yet

7. 8

9. Homemade bran muffins :)

10. An adoption place

11. Since July 16th, 2010

12. Nope

14. Me

15. Sweet, hilarious, willing

16. Food = ♥

2010-10-15 10:39:40 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? we have 22 but 7 are mine

2) What gender are they? 2 mares and 5 geldings

3) What color are they? Cowboy is sorrel,Soldier is black,Captain is buckskin,Quince is a paint,Banjo is bay,Ruffian is black,Sugar is a blue roan

4) Who rides them?me except Captain, Quice,Sugar and Banjo their still babies

5) Do they have a show name?no

6) What's their discipline?barrel racing and team roping

7) How old are they?Cowboy is 18, Soldier is 7,Ruffian is 18,Captain and Quice are 3,Sugar is 3, banjo is 1

8) Do you Board them somewhere? my house

9) Fav treat? apples and grain:)

10) Where did you get them?

11) How lonh have you had them?Cowboy=17, Soldier=3,Ruffian=3,Captain=3,Quice=1,Banjo=1,Sugar=3

12) Do you take lessons on them?no

13) Who bought them? my parents

14) Hw do they do with other people/horses? good

15) What's their personality?sweet, kind, and love able

16) What seems to be their motto? i love ya, i love the attention, but gimmie more grain, please:)

cowboy is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 out of 10

Ruffian is 200 out of 10

Soldier is 100 out of 10

the colts are 10 out of 10

as you can see Cowboys my babie, and the others are getting up there:)
2010-10-14 19:32:20 UTC
1: only one at the time

2: she is a mare

3: Honeybee is grayish blackish with white spots from her withers down to make a blanket over her butt end.

4: um, me? lol... ya, me!

5: Nina's Honeybee (registration name)

6: Both, but mostly Western

7: Honeybee is 9 years old

8: yes; in Mount Sterling Ohio. my mom has a friend who boards for us

9: apples, carrots, grain, corn, anything she can eat, is in her mouth!

10: from my mom's friend that still boards her for us.

11: This February will be 3 years! :)

12: no. i learned on a different horse.

13: um, me and my parents

14: Honeybee is nice with other horses and people. she tends to buck though with any one. even me if she is too frustrated; but she knows i will tell her no... in a different way. lol

15: Honeybee's personality is nice on most cases, but she can get sassy a few times!

16: Eat, sleep, ride, start over.

Bonus: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 out of ten!

you can look through the album if you would like...

Happy Trails!
2010-10-14 19:36:40 UTC


3.palomino-paint and some really good people at my barn

5.Sunny Side Up




9.anything and everything

10.from a person at my barn

11.3-4 years

12.yep and dad

14. hes great


16. move it or lose it...


BONUS: 100
2010-10-14 19:27:58 UTC
1.) 2

2.) mare and gelding

3.) reddish/brown and palomino paint

4.) me, my trainer sometimes, my friend

5.) no, haha

6.) both barrel race and western pleasure

7.) 10 and 15

8.) Yup!

9.) carrots, gatorade, sugar, apples xD

10.) my trainer sold them to me :]

11.) josie a year, Max 3 months

12.) yeahh

13.) my parents and i did too xP

14.) they do okay, but tend to kick at other horses alot...

15.) really sweet, fast, i love them <3
2010-10-14 19:40:03 UTC


gray (white looking blk skin)

ME and my friend

officailly Farnley Magnet at shows i call him Spooktacular

Hunter jumper



apples carrots or LOVE

at the place i board him i started riding him, 1/2 leased him then when his owner had to go to college i had to buy him

a yr 1/2 been loving on him for 21/2


mostly my parents but i paid for some of him and continue to

hes good super sweet loves other kids and has a best firend he like to "protect" but hes a wimp so he doesn't start too much trouble

caring sweet dumb (i love him to death but he has an iq of like 4) honest terrified of just about EVERYTHING wont let you fall (esp. little kids) tries to give you the world and be brave omg hes perfect :D
2010-10-15 00:01:25 UTC
1) How may horses do you have? One

2) What gender are they? Mare

3) What color are they? Chestnut

4) Who rides them? Me

5) Do they have a show name? No

6) What's their discipline? English, Used to be Western with previous owner

7) How old are they? 9

8) Do you Board them somewhere? Yes

9) Fav treat? Carrots or licorice

10) Where did you get them? 3 hrs away

11) How long have you had them? 5 months

12) Do you take lessons on them? Yes

13) Who bought them? My parents

14) How do they do with other people/horses? Fine

15) What's their personality? Cute and loving!

16) What seems to be their motto?Love me, and I'll love you


How much do you love them on a scale of 1-10? I expect mostly 11s!

There is no number. I love her so much :)

Here is a picture¤t=15May2010577.jpg¤t=15May2010577.jpg#!¤t=15May2010577.jpg#!¤t=15May2010577.jpg#!


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.