How do i make my horse go in the water?
2014-08-07 17:34:26 UTC
My horse is an ex-racehorse, he was abused until i got him he is 27.. he WILL NOT go in the ocean and we are on an island so there really isn't a lot of other places to ride except for the pastures which can get boring so i want to ride in the ocean.. is there any ways i can do anything to make my horse go into there and build up his confidence.. any tricks? last time i tried there was 5 other horses there and he spazzed and started climbing rocks with me on him and it was very scary because he wouldn't go forward because there was rocks and on both sides there was either water or there was more rocks and we were already climbing rocks so i had to try to back him out of there and i dont want to have an experience like that again but i also dont want to be the buzzkill that cant go in the water with all of the other horses and go where they go so then we have to turn around and walk along the roads instead of having fun in the water and missing out! so if any of you have any tricks or something i would definitely be willing to try.. P.S. when climbing the rocks we were very careful he didnt get 1 scrape and didnt go lame so dont get all butthurt and freak out about it.. it wasnt my fault and he was totally fine. thanks guys! :)
Six answers:
2014-08-08 04:18:02 UTC
Some abused horses I've owned, there have been things where we've just had to accept that they will not be happy with it.

However, you should probably work out if it's the ocean that's the problem or just water - some horses are afraid of the waves. So if you have a shallow river or a lake you could try to get him in water somewhere without waves.

When you try and get him in the ocean again, do it on his own so he's not stressed by other horses, and do it on a very very calm day. Don't force him into the water if he doesn't want to - the more you force him, the more he'll hate the water. It may take some time but if you keep bringing him back and walking him into the water or as close as he will go, he will probably get used to it.

I've had to train a few horses to go through a river and usually just taking them there again and again and letting them see they can go in it seems to solve the problem. But abused horses can be a bit more sensitive and refuse to learn.
Judy and the Beast
2014-08-08 09:17:07 UTC
I'd say he's 27. Leave him be at this point to enjoy his last year or two with you rather than training him to endure something that bothers him this much. If he were younger..... I'd have a very different answer. But, horses know what the should and should not be doing. He reticence is likely from him thinking the water is too much for him at this point.

If you really are determined, ride circles on the beach area getting closer to the water. This is classic approach and retreat. Don't point him at the water and insist he go. He will lock up on you. Just circle around and around until he accidentally touches a wave once in a while and he will see it's not that bad and gain confidence.
2014-08-07 19:04:59 UTC
Take it gradually. Walk him by the ocean every day with people surrounding the horse and whispering encouragement. Don't get him wet yet. Then pet him with wet hands where he will first feel the water. and murmuring words of encouragement while he is tied up and you are on the outside of the stall in case he freaks. Have a nearby water bucket ready to dip your hands in the sea water again and again, starting from 1 minute, to 2, to 5, to 15 etc. Generally, grow in the time.

Once he's adjusted to that, put the riding equip. on him and continue to stroke him again, and walk him by the ocean and pet him with wet hands.

Once he's adjusted to that, bring him a little closer to the ocean and stroke the wet hands again, then closer and pet him. Then, hold him at a safe distance from the ocean and walk him through a small puddle you made. Do it again and again until he's okay with that.

Little bit brain-dead, but that's what I can muster.

Also keep in mind, he might'v had a traumatizing experience with water, and considering he's 27, he probably won't live much longer, and training him to tolerate water might not be worth it.
2014-08-07 19:16:41 UTC
Horses by nature are curious and stubborn take him out by yourself and let him test the water, don't force it on him, let him check it out, horses don't like having an unknown texture under their feet. I tried an exercise with my gelding where we went over an old mattress, the first couple times he'd sniff it then jump around it, now he'll sniff it then walk across it or just walk across it no problem, so let him warm up to it let him be curious like nature expects him to be, but if he won't tolerate water, he won't and there's nothing you can do.
2014-08-07 23:00:48 UTC
My Mare had a fear of water, i did allot of ground work with her using a tarp.. I read an article in Western Horseman magazine that said a horse sees a plastic tarp on the ground the same way it sees water. once i had her comfortable with the tarp i started small with puddles, the creeks, then for the grand finally a lake. The ocean might be different due to the sand,( a sinking feeling) and the sound of the waves, but for me ground work and a tarp worked wonders. :)
2014-08-07 17:39:47 UTC
I've had horses all my life and I've only had one that couldn't tolerate water.and boy, he REALLY wouldn't tolerate it. I don't think there's anything you can do. You just got THAT horse.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.